I need some tips (i am kind of burnt out of this game and don't know how to win more effectively)

Hey what's up
I need some tips on how to get good at survivor any tip would be appreciated
(I also just joined this forum)
To give you some backstory on my little love hate relationship on this game was ever since everyone was passing me in the ranks all my friends were teasing me on how I couldn't get passed yellow ranks so I want to kinda get back at them by hitting rank 1
(Ik how to loop and 360 a bunch it's just idk when's the right time to save or do gens aswell as just how to counter a lot of killers)
The perks I run are dead hard ds adrenaline and sometimes borrowed time
I also like saving and doing gens!
The best things i can do is waste the killers time and hit great skill checks more often than not 7 times out of 10 I can hit the great skill checks, ik how to loop and get the pallet stun I also know how to flashlight save and pallet flash (flashlighting killer as they break a pallet)
So in general I just don't know who to swf with who to counter what perks to use as well as what items I need to use
So you learned every mechanical skill in the game and still can't get green rank?
This has to be a bait...
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It's not a bait I swear to you my guy it's either I've gotten really unlucky or I have done something terribly wrong and I'm trying to find that something that's making me not as good as I use to be (the lowest I've gotten too was rank 13 then I just gave up) so rest assured and I said I know how to do them I have not mastered them
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Okay, one of the key things I think most players lack in lower ranks is knowing how many times can you loop a killer before needing to drop a pallet. Making the most of a single position is of utmost importance before having to go to another one, you need to do your best to make the killer lose as much time a possible without wasting resources throughout the map. With this you can get a good amount of boldness points while not being a weight for your teammates.
Another thing is getting objective points, if you want to get a good quantity of bloodpoints, you gotta do gens with teammates, doing co-op generators rewards you with an absurd amount of points in the objective category.
And finally, getting altruistic points, get your teammates out of the hook safely and heal them, pretty simple, just make sure the killer isn't around when doing both of those actions otherwise you gonna screw your teammate and yourself in the process.
Survival category is mostly just escaping the trial.
Earning points is the main focus to getting ranks, you need to at least get 7000 bloodpoints spread throughout at least 2 categories to get a safety pip and not lose ranks. So escaping should not be your focus during the match until you got a good amount of points. Depending on how much points you got during the match, you can get even 2 pips and rank up in only 3 matches if you keep doing well.
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Thank you