"if we let killers know they are versing swf, they will always quit" Do you see what is wrong here?



  • Justalittlepeeck
    Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101

    Yeah. Even if mories brake the game, they can always be changed. And there's nothing realistic that can be done about 3rd party comms.

  • YumiiXO
    YumiiXO Member Posts: 97

    Yes it is but I really do believe that if the devs just balanced around it things would be fine but it seems as though the devs haven't gotten to it just yet.

  • YumiiXO
    YumiiXO Member Posts: 97

    Among us and Dbd are barely the same. If I was on comms in dbd and told someone where the killer was doesn't mean we instantly win the game. Unlike among us where if someone just tells who the imposter is they just press the button and game is over if voted. It's not similar imo and I think it's unfair to try and compare the games.

  • YumiiXO
    YumiiXO Member Posts: 97

    Yeah basically? It's not a 3rd party application or anything it's literally built into the system is this considered a cheat🤔 maybe just take dbd off console and then it won't be cheating.😔 or you know just balance around swf and everything will be fine.

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    I'm sorry you don't understand my comparison 😊 If SWF actually broke the game, the devs would remove it. I've beat many 4 man's. I've lost to the 4 man's that sweat harder than me. How is this broken? You cannot win every match you play.

  • jerakal
    jerakal Member Posts: 246

    Survivors want every advantage they can get. That's why they defend comms in swf, that's why they defend DS even though it's toxic to the game.

    Sweaty survivors who want to sweat harder. That's all.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Umm your edit was so unecessarry @Aven_Fallen has a point. Swf is stressful but they arent that difficult. If you play a low tier killer then yeah, but at high ranks you gotta play the stronger killers with stronger builds unless you're a great killer. But either way only some.swf are really such a big deal. My usually group involves me being the one who can actually loop while one can't and the other 2 can kinda loop. We dont go all tryhard or anything and we give killa if we get a bad or low rank killer. I mean when swf are toxic they usually screw up and when you pressure a regular swf they break down. I've only been wrecked by swf a few times that I can remember and I don't even think im that good

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    I understood your point, it was poorly typed out. You just failed to justify it. What does that have to do with third party comms...? I said third party comms broke the game not swf.

    I'm not trying to be an ass, I don't quote get your tone.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    But double bloodpoints dont balance anything, because bloodpoints have no relevanz in a match. It might be a compensation, but no solution to balance issues. If it were, ebony mori could easily be balanced by also giving double bloodpoints.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    And why would dodging swf mean an easy 4k?

    If that were the basic case, killers would now get a 4k every time they face solo players. Yet, i play solo survivor, and i escape over 70% of my matches. Seems like i dont understand something. Can you explain?

  • KaarelK
    KaarelK Member Posts: 89

    It wasn't planned. Its like a child you got by banging the maid.

    Playing in swf is not the problem. Playing in swf and using the comms is the problem. You must be new to the game.

    They added swf because players were going through lobbies to find their friends and queue times were so long even though players were constantly joining the looby.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Scroll up to the Q&A #5 where the devs specifically talk about this for 10 minutes and say it was planned.

  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 395

    RIGHT? Like just because I ask if the killer is camping hook doesn't mean the 4 man escape lol

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    No, i dont see it, because i was refering to the 4k-argument. you just prove me, that you dont get 100% 4k vs solos.

    But anyway, what exactly is win for you? The metrics for win differ widely in this game, beginging from a certain amount of blood points, to a 2k for a killer, up to only a 4k for the killer. Thats why i wrote "escape" instead of winning. Because i think we all agree what escaping is as a survivor.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    wtb swf opt-out button


  • StrongWolf85
    StrongWolf85 Member Posts: 86

    that may be but it's not reason to be complacent about a still broken game. I was there at the beginning, it was a nightmare, and back then there was a clear cut win/loose condition. now it's just as much of an unbalanced mess with no clear win condition. Remember it took the director being baited into going to Korea for some PR points only to find it was a trap to prove a point about the game: four killer mains sat him down, roasted him on live tv for how broken DBD was and then stomped him into the ground, absolutely bullying him with every broken mechanic/tactic they could at the time. That was the first time the devs updated something in favor of the killer, it was also a brief moment of humility, something which has long since been forgotten.

  • Scrublo
    Scrublo Member Posts: 45

    Ha yeah it has and the stats released in the past make that clear, you butthurt killer mains just can't deal with semi decent survivors.

  • Grimmy_Bluues
    Grimmy_Bluues Member Posts: 354

    Comms ARE cheating in dbd. If it was intended, they would have implemented voice chat in game. Being in a SWF doesn't make anyone godlike, but it gives a major advantage of information, which is vital in dbd. Many perks become completely unnecessary if you play in a group, while many others become stupidly powerful.

    SWF/comms should never be nerfed or removed, but killers + solo queue should be buffed to compensate.

  • KaarelK
    KaarelK Member Posts: 89
    edited October 2020

    So you're saying they are stupid af ?

    Make a game that can be played mostly as solo. Saying mostly because the lobby hopping, making it impossible to find a match as killer.

    Then they added swf and broke the whole idea of the game and not even trying to fix it while still balancing it like the swf doesnt exist. Then saying it was planned :D What was planned, to ######### up the game ? Then yeah it was for sure planned.

    BTW earth is flat /s

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    SWF is not a problem. Most SWF are groups of idiots who want to mess around in game. The problem is when they set out to abuse game mechanics. But you can not assume every SWF group is this way. And there isn't really a way to deal with them outside of taking that mode out of the game entirely and that would be such a huge misstep.

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    If it was unfair, it would be removed from the game 🤷‍♂️. Really that simple. The insanely good SWF's are not the norm despite what you all on the forums foam at the mouth about. In all my hours of playing this game over the last two or three years, I have gone against one bully SWF and I still managed to 4k em. SWF is not the problem. Playing with friends is fine in this game (if you have friends who play anyway). Hell I find a good SOLO player will outplay and outperform any SWF group. I promise you.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    ah another one of these threads will probably see one next week seriously why do people keep beating the dead horse that is of coms = cheating

  • Justalittlepeeck
    Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101

    I and other people will keep bringing this issue unless a solution is given or devs directly state that playing in SWF with comms grants no advantage to survivors and playing against SWF is equal to playing against solos, which would make all complaints irrelevant. Second option is more unrealistic than Spirit buff, so we're waiting for compensations for playing against parties sucking fun away or direct buffs/nerfs.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    Just give a SWF indicator during lobby time. SWF gives the survivor every aura perk for free, showing the killer who is SWF before the game starts is fair enough. It doesn't nerf SWF and Killers can prepare better or dodge (which isn't an issue because queues are nearly instant for killers).

    And on top of that, remember when Ranks were shown for survivors during lobby? What did they do? They dodged. Guess it isn't fun to be put at a disadvantage.

    Sidenote: Duo-SWF is fine, Trio can be annoying, 4man-SWF is were the balance issue starts if they know what they are doing.

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426

    "hey guys I think [x] should be illegal"

    "uhhhh, If it was bad, then it'd be illegal already"


    There is clearly something simple here. Of this, there is no doubt.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    The bottom line is people who can communicate with each other have an advantage which was not intentionally built into the game nor was the game designed with this in mind (otherwise we wouldn't have so many perks and abilities and game mechanics that assume survivors can't communicate) and is something not all players have equal access to (requires friends who are willing and able to play with you and programs which allow you to communicate, none of which come with the game). This is also something killers have no equivalent of. Survivors who communicate literally have an unfair advantage and there's no combination of words in the English language anyone can put together to deny that fact. But I'll list some counterarguments anyways. I'm sure someone will come at me with something I didn't list but it doesn't really matter there's no legitimate way to justify or disregard the unfair advantage people get from communication.

    People can say "but not all swf use comms" maybe so, but that doesn't mean none of them do. Some bombs are duds but I'm not going to grab one like a teddy bear just because it might not explode

    People can say "but when I talk to my friends we mostly just goof around" and? there are plenty who do much more than goof around. Even so, any communication is an advantage you otherwise wouldn't have, and I say the same as the last point; just because you don't doesn't mean others don't

    People can say "so you just want easy wins against uncoordinated solos?" well, I guess if you want to openly admit comms make people way better, go ahead

    People can say "but it IS intended just look at this or this or this" no. It's not. It's absolutely not. I don't care what kind of discord crap you can point to or "X dev used comms while doing X" or whatever else. If communication was intended we wouldn't have so many things built around the idea that survivors can't communicate. And I dunno maybe there'd be some kind of communication in the game? Basically it's either assume communication is not intended OR assume numerous perks, a few powers, and some other game mechanics were intended to be ######### and borderline useless/irrelevant, AND that people are supposed to download programs unaffiliated with the game AND that people on Switch and wherever else that don't have access to it can get shafted. I'm going with the former because that makes more sense and I still have a little bit of faith left in the developers

    I wish they'd just do what Identity V does. Basically they have predetermined messages you can say next to your status icon like "help me" or "I'm coming" or "I'm being chased" or "the hunter has changed targets" and contextual messages based on actions like "healing X%" and same for other actions. This would allow people to communicate quickly and effectively without needing a mic, social skills, cooperation with others, friends, speaking the same language, external programs, or interrupting/impeding gameplay by typing. It could be tied to number keys or something like a ping wheel. Then the game can be balanced around it and we can put this age old problem to rest. Honestly I see almost no flaws with this solution and it's the best one I can think of. Sure comms would still give a small advantage over this but small enough that I think people could live with it, plus if this idea was in place killer would be buffed to compensate so it'd balance out anyways. I think it'd be super easy to implement and I'm kind of surprised the devs haven't thought of this super simple thing yet

  • Slunkster
    Slunkster Member Posts: 83

    What kind of backward mentality is it to think that SWF = sweaty survivors?

    And here I thought I used come to hang out with people and ######### around in game. I should tell my group that picking a hook to die in and leading the killer that didn't get a kill until then to get us while some of us escape is toxic, or that waiting at the exit gate to let the killer hit us one last time for him to get point is toxic and sweaty.

    Antagonising the other side of the game only make you look stupid and only echoes well with other blindly frustrated players who can't see reality for what it is =P

  • Justalittlepeeck
    Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101

    Please, more "=p" to show how you don't care or whatever.

    Voice comms give direct advantage to survivors and it doesn't matter how do you intend or end up using it. According to your logic "if they aren't sweating, why are you complaining", I can download cheats and ######### around with speedhack and other bullshit like that and that would be fine as long as I don't try to win. I would just happen to be winning, no sweating.

  • jisp3r
    jisp3r Member Posts: 317

    DBD is a casual game... It was the only ps4 game where I made many new friends and I love playing with them. Do you want to take that away? Because putting a warning for swfs will render infinite queue times for them and there will be only solo queue...

    I play killer too and I don't choose lobbies. I just quit when I get yellow ping or worse. You can't win every trial and if you want to get better, don't stress with toxicity. Also look at videos and advices from more experienced players.

    Finally, there will always be someone better than you. Accept it.

  • Slunkster
    Slunkster Member Posts: 83
    edited October 2020

    I don't think anything to show that someone is in a SWF or even how many people are in one and with whom would be negative, it would give you an idea of who is more likely to work with whom.

    The fact that some poor broken soul is going to DC because he is to scared to play against SWF when most matches are played against at least a 2man SWF anyway already is just saddening.

    As for the queue time, they'll quickly go to the forum crying that everyone is playing SWF and they need a solo only queue about a day after a SWF indicator would be added because people playing as SWF is def the cause of them not having matches, not the fact they Dodge every single match.

    Those people want to create problem where they are none just for the sake of not having to play better.

    I don't see them complaining about high refresh rate monitor and having unlocked FPS for the game, or my directional 7.1 headset allowing me to track survivor's sound more easily, nor that the accuracy of the detector on this or that guy's mouse making them more accurate, people with fiber optic Internet getting such a low ping and let's not forget the worst of all, people with top of the line hardware having an amazing and smooth game experience ! Those are all "unfair" advantages that people have by using better hardware or software outside of the game.

    As for it being casual? Everything about it is competitive, both team can't win, it is a competition to who will win, the score system, ranks, even the negative or positive end game message are here to show that wining is the way to go.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    I dont think its the situation of----> nerf SWF = game dies.. . They could something to acknowledge SWF and it'd be better if they did...

  • Slunkster
    Slunkster Member Posts: 83
    edited October 2020

    It wouldn't be any better, people complaining about SWF don't care about SWF per say, what they care about is the increase challenge when they rather have an easy win by facing uncoordinated teams with no clue about what they are doing. Give them an indicator, which i could not care less about w they'll just jump to the next thing they think is responsible for them not getting better at the game.

    No matter what the dev say, this is a competitive game, if the killer win, the survivor lose and vice versa, it's one team against the other.

    From the end game scoring to the end game message from the entity, the rank system, it is and always will be competitive. Going in a march to play casually doesn't change that you have to compete against the other side of the game to make any substantial progress, even assuming one buy all DLCs, they would still need BP to unlock any skill they'd want to use since unlocking it all threw the shrine would be too long and random to start with.

    The fact that some or even a huge amount of people go in matches to have fun with friends won't change the fact they go into something that is now competitive at its core.

    PS : I go in matches to have fun and usually have a lot of it, be it for a win or loss.

    What i do get mad about is rarely if ever the killer, it's usually the dumb team mates who usually do more works toward getting you sacrificed than the killer, this is one of the main reason that I rather play with friends than solo. Everyone has a fair chance and I play with like minded people who will not shy away from giving the killer a kill if they deserve it.

  • elpoh
    elpoh Member Posts: 222

    swf should be sw1f

    and kyf should give the 25% of the bloodpoints you make on it

    so... people can play sfw fair matches with 1 friend

    or play with multiple of them but getting less bloodpoints without annoying a random killer

  • Slunkster
    Slunkster Member Posts: 83
    edited October 2020

    Why give BP to KyF when every perk is unlocked there and you have free addons/item? Doesn't make any sense to me. You can't go midway, if swf on voice com is OP because of free info, 2 people having the advantage is still too much by that reasoning.

    I said it before, the random killer is more often than not annoyed of not stomping the opposition, SWF or not, they WILL complain about any unfair advantages they can imagine to compensate for them not getting any better at the game.

    If you lose against a strong SWF you will de rank until you get to a pool of players closer to your actual skill level, that's the whole point of the barebone matchmaking the game has.

  • Justalittlepeeck
    Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101

    >If you lose against a strong SWF you will de rank until you get to a pool of players closer to your actual skill level, that's the whole point of the barebone matchmaking the game has.

    SWF gives an advantage which the game is not designed around. Losing to survivors with comms doesn't mean you are bad. It means that you lost again cheaters.

    I once played ~10 games against the same team (more than 3k hours each, using meta, no offerings) on blood lodge (map used on DbD tournaments due to huge consistency and somewhat balance) where 5 games were with comms and 5 without. When they were playing with comms, I barely won 2 (3k and 4k) and lost 3 others (1k, 0k, 1k) and when they were playing without comms I 3-4k`ed in all of these games (hatch escapes still happened). From game's point of view nothing changed, I just suddenly played worse or better. But we all knew survivors just enabled or disabled the 3rd party programme that gave them unfair advantage.

    >that's literally cheating, voice come gives an advantage but as stupid as it is, you can still win against 4 man swf. Speed hack? How is the killer going to catch you? Think before trying to compare anything. I can see where your backward opinion comes from but it doesn't mean that you can compare TEMPERING with the game with communication.

    Different grades of cheating, different grades of tempering with the game. But in the end, both voice comms or speedhacking is involving usage of a third party programme to gain advantage the game was not designed around. You can say whatever you want or find any excuses to justify voice comms, but you still are a cheater. Deal with it.

This discussion has been closed.