Red ranks = whiny killer mains

I'm on red ranks now and i remembered why I don't like to be there: Tunnelers, sweaty killers with ebony mori, people who facecamps you for "looping them" or "stunning them" or "tbagging" (even that isn't a good reason, I play killer too and i never tunnel a tbagger)... I mean, c'mon killer mains if you gonna cry for stupid reasons then don't play the game. It's so boring to play against dudes like these.
The same can be said about killers going against survivors in red ranks. looping, Flashlights, Toxic Plays. It goes both ways not just one.
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@Global said:
The same can be said about killers going against survivors in red ranks. looping, Flashlights, Toxic Plays. It goes both ways not just one.Yep. I'm new to the game and have absolutely no intent of ever going into the Red Ranks. I played the whole competitive "rank" style of play in Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm. I'm here because I got done with it. That said, if a survivor t-bags me then I will absolutely give them a tour of Facecamp City. Don't like it? Then don't be a goddamn douche and t-bag. Simple as that. Be a douche and if I hook you, I will remove you from the trial.
Matter of fact, I have already done just that in the grey ranks.
I also had a Laurie in a match going out of her way to chase me and flashlight me every chance she got. Oh, you want to try to be a cool kid in the grey ranks and bully the killer because you saw it on some Red Rank stream? Cool. Let's play. I downed her, hooked her, and gave her a tour as well. I even dribbled her to prevent a chance at DS.
I'm in my mid-40s. I play to have fun. If the survivors aren't going out of their way to be a douche, I will not camp, I won't tunnel. Want to rescue them from the hook and get some bloodpoints? Go for it, unless you are dumb enough to hook-rush. I have gens to kick and others to down as well.
I had a match where I was Leatherface and got seriously outplayed. All 5 gens done, and zero hooks. I downed two of them with the chainsaw right at the opened exit doorway. The other two escaped. I could have gotten a 2k from that at the last minute. But they played well. I carried them to the barrier and let them escape. Had no issue doing so.
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@Global said:
The same can be said about killers going against survivors in red ranks. looping, Flashlights, Toxic Plays. It goes both ways not just one.Looping it's part of the game lol you can't complain about it i mean ######### dude. Red ranks plays like reaching rank 1 was the greatest trophy in the world (but no, it's only a trophy on steam). Flashlight helps you for saves. Toxic plays? What do you mean?
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@AdánAR said:
@Global said:
The same can be said about killers going against survivors in red ranks. looping, Flashlights, Toxic Plays. It goes both ways not just one.Looping it's part of the game lol you can't complain about it i mean ######### dude. Red ranks plays like reaching rank 1 was the greatest trophy in the world (but no, it's only a trophy on steam). Flashlight helps you for saves. Toxic plays? What do you mean?
Than why do complain about mori? its in the game Devs even said that camping is an actual strategy? I think you just had a couple bad games and came to the forums to complain.
git gud
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@AdánAR said:
@Global said:
The same can be said about killers going against survivors in red ranks. looping, Flashlights, Toxic Plays. It goes both ways not just one.Looping it's part of the game lol you can't complain about it i mean ######### dude. Red ranks plays like reaching rank 1 was the greatest trophy in the world (but no, it's only a trophy on steam). Flashlight helps you for saves. Toxic plays? What do you mean?
Looping was NEVER an intented game mechanic.
Camping was, Mori was. Yet only the later got nerfed into the ground.5 -
I've been harassed just today for playing stealthy. At Rank 1.3
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Btw. Killers used to be able to rank up without killing. But survivors complained about it, so now they have to kill to pip.
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@Global said:
@AdánAR said:
@Global said:
The same can be said about killers going against survivors in red ranks. looping, Flashlights, Toxic Plays. It goes both ways not just one.Looping it's part of the game lol you can't complain about it i mean ######### dude. Red ranks plays like reaching rank 1 was the greatest trophy in the world (but no, it's only a trophy on steam). Flashlight helps you for saves. Toxic plays? What do you mean?
Than why do complain about mori? its in the game Devs even said that camping is an actual strategy? I think you just had a couple bad games and came to the forums to complain.
git gud
Yep the same devs who said that if you get frustrated or complain a lot for playing killer, better go play civilization iv. It's an actual strategy and i get that some do it for secure the kill (a idiot strategy, because if you're good you don't need to camp) but c'mon i get camped for idiot reasons and they still cry in the end-game chat about the "gen rush" (part of the game too). At least tomorrow will be rank reset, to go back to green-purple ranks
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@Visionmaker said:
I've been harassed just today for playing stealthy. At Rank 1.I got facecamped by a wraith (for stunning him omegalul) and a spirit (unknow reasons, she just stayed there until someone showed up) and tunneled by a nurse who at the end complained about the gen rush (so pathetic). These killer mains are ridiculous sometimes
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@AdánAR said:
@Visionmaker said:
I've been harassed just today for playing stealthy. At Rank 1.I got facecamped by a wraith (for stunning him omegalul) and a spirit (unknow reasons, she just stayed there until someone showed up) and tunneled by a nurse who at the end complained about the gen rush (so pathetic). These killer mains are ridiculous sometimes
Face camping doesn´t exist anymore.
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@AdánAR said:
@Global said:
The same can be said about killers going against survivors in red ranks. looping, Flashlights, Toxic Plays. It goes both ways not just one.Looping it's part of the game lol you can't complain about it i mean ######### dude. Red ranks plays like reaching rank 1 was the greatest trophy in the world (but no, it's only a trophy on steam). Flashlight helps you for saves. Toxic plays? What do you mean?
If looping is okay then so is "tunneling and camping". If you can have your strategies then the killer can have theirs.
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Both sides have salty crybabies. Don't just pretend it's only killers dude. I got a ######### ton of hatemail today, not a single one from a killer though.2
what if
the game is just has ######### balance?
what if
the game tries to balance unfairness with more unfairness?1 -
Never run into toxic killers myself. Never find myself getting camped or tunneled. Wonder if it's because I'm the only survivor that's not messing with him. A lot of your problems could be solved yourself. Maybe don't teabag the killers. Maybe don't loop a pallet more then a few times before moving onto another spot on the map. Maybe then the killer won't want to face camp you.
If you delay him on a chase for a long time because you looped him to death. Why would anyone in their right mind let you off the hook? If it took 5 minutes to finally get you on the hook and the game lasts 6 minutes. Seems like he should probably make sure you die. Otherwise he ain't ever got a chance of catching you again.
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@GrannyonAcid said:
Never run into toxic killers myself. Never find myself getting camped or tunneled. Wonder if it's because I'm the only survivor that's not messing with him. A lot of your problems could be solved yourself. Maybe don't teabag the killers. Maybe don't loop a pallet more then a few times before moving onto another spot on the map. Maybe then the killer won't want to face camp you.If you delay him on a chase for a long time because you looped him to death. Why would anyone in their right mind let you off the hook? If it took 5 minutes to finally get you on the hook and the game lasts 6 minutes. Seems like he should probably make sure you die. Otherwise he ain't ever got a chance of catching you again.
I'd love to have your luck since rank 1 NA is a cesspool of killers including Billy/Nurse that'll camp on 1st hook with no provocation. I see killers hard camp even Wraiths since the rework are either camping point blank or 5 feet from hook. These are all P3 and Candle Wraiths mind you not some noob wraiths and they obviously know how to play.
They're toxic because they choose to be not because I've done something to them in that game or anyone else. You want to sue looping as an excuse yet it's an accepted gameplay yet killers whine about it when what else are survivors supposed to do?
On certain maps against certain killers stealth isn't going to get you very far, especially with all the tracking perks available. When you get maps with wide open areas well it's pretty much hey there's someone here kill them.
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Well I'm rank 1 on both sides. Used to play mostly all killer. But I was struggling a bit to rank up as killer coming back to the game. I ended up playing more survivor then killer this season. Just because it seemed a lot easier since 8 months ago when I last played. The whole having to kill two players to pip seems to have made killer harder then it used to be.
But anyhow. I should say as a solo survivor... I never get camped or tunneled. When I started to play SWF (With 3 friends that all have like 10 hours in DBD total.) We did start to see more campers. But I can't really blame them for camping. We were rushing hooks and tea bagging and being pretty toxic. So never really blamed them. Just told my friends... You know he's going to face camp you if he catches you. Feel like it's easy to tell when you're pissing off a killer. So probably avoid doing those things if you don't want to get camped/tunneled.
If you're going to be toxic the killers going to be toxic lol. Don't know why that's hard to understand.
Regardless. Killers being toxic and whiny in post-game chat? It's pretty uncommon. Obviously survivors are a lot more likely to whine and cry.
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@GrannyonAcid said:
Well I'm rank 1 on both sides. Used to play mostly all killer. But I was struggling a bit to rank up as killer coming back to the game. I ended up playing more survivor then killer this season. Just because it seemed a lot easier since 8 months ago when I last played. The whole having to kill two players to pip seems to have made killer harder then it used to be.But anyhow. I should say as a solo survivor... I never get camped or tunneled. When I started to play SWF (With 3 friends that all have like 10 hours in DBD total.) We did start to see more campers. But I can't really blame them for camping. We were rushing hooks and tea bagging and being pretty toxic. So never really blamed them. Just told my friends... You know he's going to face camp you if he catches you. Feel like it's easy to tell when you're pissing off a killer. So probably avoid doing those things if you don't want to get camped/tunneled.
If you're going to be toxic the killers going to be toxic lol. Don't know why that's hard to understand.
Regardless. Killers being toxic and whiny in post-game chat? It's pretty uncommon. Obviously survivors are a lot more likely to whine and cry.
If you're being toxic I can understand the killer being toxic in return but again killers are being toxic at the start with no provocation.
As far as survivors more like to be post game well yeah there's 4 of them compared to 1 killer so of course there'll be more of them possibly. Now the gen rushing please BNP's got nerfed into oblivion and 4 tool boxes bring Franklins and run NOED or something else. You could play Wraith and laugh at them as you outrun them or Nurse or Billy etc.
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@AdánAR said:
I'm on red ranks now and i remembered why I don't like to be there: Tunnelers, sweaty killers with ebony mori, people who facecamps you for "looping them" or "stunning them" or "tbagging" (even that isn't a good reason, I play killer too and i never tunnel a tbagger)... I mean, c'mon killer mains if you gonna cry for stupid reasons then don't play the game. It's so boring to play against dudes like these.How about if I camp you because I caught you at 5 gens and it simply is effective. Moreover, the other 3 survivors are statistically very likely to come swarm the hook anyway. Why would I not set myself up for an easy 4k?
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@GrannyonAcid said:
Never run into toxic killers myself. Never find myself getting camped or tunneled. Wonder if it's because I'm the only survivor that's not messing with him. A lot of your problems could be solved yourself. Maybe don't teabag the killers. Maybe don't loop a pallet more then a few times before moving onto another spot on the map. Maybe then the killer won't want to face camp you.If you delay him on a chase for a long time because you looped him to death. Why would anyone in their right mind let you off the hook? If it took 5 minutes to finally get you on the hook and the game lasts 6 minutes. Seems like he should probably make sure you die. Otherwise he ain't ever got a chance of catching you again.
This person gets it. The killer has to get that first kill ASAP or else he wont have any chance defending the gens. Just make sure you are not the first one chased and you will do more than well.
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AdánAR said:
@Global said:
The same can be said about killers going against survivors in red ranks. looping, Flashlights, Toxic Plays. It goes both ways not just one.Looping it's part of the game lol you can't complain about it i mean ######### dude. Red ranks plays like reaching rank 1 was the greatest trophy in the world (but no, it's only a trophy on steam). Flashlight helps you for saves. Toxic plays? What do you mean?
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@DeadByFlashlight said:
AdánAR said:@Global said:
The same can be said about killers going against survivors in red ranks. looping, Flashlights, Toxic Plays. It goes both ways not just one.
Looping it's part of the game lol you can't complain about it i mean ######### dude. Red ranks plays like reaching rank 1 was the greatest trophy in the world (but no, it's only a trophy on steam). Flashlight helps you for saves. Toxic plays? What do you mean?
Just like tunneling camping and slugging is part of the game. Those strategies help you to kill survivors. Toxic play? What do you mean?
With the difference that tunneling and camping are much easier to counter than looping.
Survivor gameplay: easy to pull off, hard to counter. It's why DbD is a casuals fest.
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@AdánAR said:
I'm on red ranks now and i remembered why I don't like to be there: Tunnelers, sweaty killers with ebony mori, people who facecamps you for "tbagging"Don't be a little toxic kid, and don't Tbag? You are like those guys in America:
- But you were killing his family
6 -
Come on guys, why bother to respond to this kid’s threads? Nothing more than a toxic and bias Survivor Main looking to bait Killers on the forums. Ya’ll should know better by now.2
@SovererignKing said:
Come on guys, why bother to respond to this kid’s threads? Nothing more than a toxic and bias Survivor Main looking to bait Killers on the forums. Ya’ll should know better by now.We all participate in this baiting culture, why else would we visit the forum, to have a meaningful conversation about actual suggestions that can make it into the game? Please dont make yourself ridiculous.... the devs dont even read this mess
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I read the title and my mind jumps immediately to this thought: Isn't everyone whiny there?
Seriously, every time, when i make my way towards red ranks, the chat is more and more used to whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, no matter what role they played.
And, since there's more Survivors in a match than Killers, well, you can guess who whines more in my experience.1 -
Tsulan said:
@AdánAR said:
@Global said:
The same can be said about killers going against survivors in red ranks. looping, Flashlights, Toxic Plays. It goes both ways not just one.Looping it's part of the game lol you can't complain about it i mean ######### dude. Red ranks plays like reaching rank 1 was the greatest trophy in the world (but no, it's only a trophy on steam). Flashlight helps you for saves. Toxic plays? What do you mean?
Looping was NEVER an intented game mechanic.
Camping was, Mori was. Yet only the later got nerfed into the ground.1 -
RSB said:
@AdánAR said:
I'm on red ranks now and i remembered why I don't like to be there: Tunnelers, sweaty killers with ebony mori, people who facecamps you for "tbagging"Don't be a little toxic kid, and don't Tbag? You are like those guys in America:
- But you were killing his family
I agree we need to nerf these sweaty bastards into the ground, I say get rid of self care all together along with DS and it’s balanced , you shouldn’t be able to heal while in a chase1 -
@not_RSB said:
Tsulan said:@AdánAR said:
@Global said:
The same can be said about killers going against survivors in red ranks. looping, Flashlights, Toxic Plays. It goes both ways not just one.
Looping it's part of the game lol you can't complain about it i mean ######### dude. Red ranks plays like reaching rank 1 was the greatest trophy in the world (but no, it's only a trophy on steam). Flashlight helps you for saves. Toxic plays? What do you mean?
Looping was NEVER an intented game mechanic.
Camping was, Mori was. Yet only the later got nerfed into the ground.
I think looping should expose the survivor and decrease their movement speed for every loop, bring back insta mori the first down as well , these damn survivors are so entitled and think they are the only ones in the game
Nice try, vietfox.
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RSB said:
@not_RSB said:
Tsulan said:@AdánAR said:
@Global said:
The same can be said about killers going against survivors in red ranks. looping, Flashlights, Toxic Plays. It goes both ways not just one.
Looping it's part of the game lol you can't complain about it i mean ######### dude. Red ranks plays like reaching rank 1 was the greatest trophy in the world (but no, it's only a trophy on steam). Flashlight helps you for saves. Toxic plays? What do you mean?
Looping was NEVER an intented game mechanic.
Camping was, Mori was. Yet only the later got nerfed into the ground.
I think looping should expose the survivor and decrease their movement speed for every loop, bring back insta mori the first down as well , these damn survivors are so entitled and think they are the only ones in the game
Nice try, vietfox.
2 -
not_RSB said:RSB said:
@not_RSB said:
Tsulan said:@AdánAR said:
@Global said:
The same can be said about killers going against survivors in red ranks. looping, Flashlights, Toxic Plays. It goes both ways not just one.
Looping it's part of the game lol you can't complain about it i mean ######### dude. Red ranks plays like reaching rank 1 was the greatest trophy in the world (but no, it's only a trophy on steam). Flashlight helps you for saves. Toxic plays? What do you mean?
Looping was NEVER an intented game mechanic.
Camping was, Mori was. Yet only the later got nerfed into the ground.
I think looping should expose the survivor and decrease their movement speed for every loop, bring back insta mori the first down as well , these damn survivors are so entitled and think they are the only ones in the game
Nice try, vietfox.
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@not_RSB said:
not_RSB said:
RSB said:@not_RSB said:
Tsulan said:
@AdánAR said:
@Global said:
The same can be said about killers going against survivors in red ranks. looping, Flashlights, Toxic Plays. It goes both ways not just one. Looping it's part of the game lol you can't complain about it i mean ######### dude. Red ranks plays like reaching rank 1 was the greatest trophy in the world (but no, it's only a trophy on steam). Flashlight helps you for saves. Toxic plays? What do you mean? Looping was NEVER an intented game mechanic. Camping was, Mori was. Yet only the later got nerfed into the ground.
I think looping should expose the survivor and decrease their movement speed for every loop, bring back insta mori the first down as well , these damn survivors are so entitled and think they are the only ones in the game
Nice try, vietfox.
vietfox? No but nice try , I’m actually on your side believe it or not and we’ve played together before , you’re actually pretty good at the game I’m gonna vote all your comments to awesome to show my support , I seriously doubt vietfox would show you any support I just think there needs to be more killer mains on here and I saw the bars on your name and saw a few other people change their name to show support for barred members unjustly so I was doing the same , sorry bud I’ll change my name if you’d like
Actually I just tried to change it and I cant dang I didn’t realize that’s how it worked I’m fairly new sorry @RSB
So what's your real name? And when have we played?
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@RSB said:
@not_RSB said:
not_RSB said:
RSB said:@not_RSB said:
Tsulan said:
@AdánAR said:
@Global said:
The same can be said about killers going against survivors in red ranks. looping, Flashlights, Toxic Plays. It goes both ways not just one. Looping it's part of the game lol you can't complain about it i mean ######### dude. Red ranks plays like reaching rank 1 was the greatest trophy in the world (but no, it's only a trophy on steam). Flashlight helps you for saves. Toxic plays? What do you mean? Looping was NEVER an intented game mechanic. Camping was, Mori was. Yet only the later got nerfed into the ground.
I think looping should expose the survivor and decrease their movement speed for every loop, bring back insta mori the first down as well , these damn survivors are so entitled and think they are the only ones in the game
Nice try, vietfox.
vietfox? No but nice try , I’m actually on your side believe it or not and we’ve played together before , you’re actually pretty good at the game I’m gonna vote all your comments to awesome to show my support , I seriously doubt vietfox would show you any support I just think there needs to be more killer mains on here and I saw the bars on your name and saw a few other people change their name to show support for barred members unjustly so I was doing the same , sorry bud I’ll change my name if you’d like
Actually I just tried to change it and I cant dang I didn’t realize that’s how it worked I’m fairly new sorry @RSB
So what's your real name? And when have we played?
So... how is this multiple personality thing working out for you?
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@Tsulan said:
@RSB said:
@not_RSB said:
not_RSB said:
RSB said:@not_RSB said:
Tsulan said:
@AdánAR said:
@Global said:
The same can be said about killers going against survivors in red ranks. looping, Flashlights, Toxic Plays. It goes both ways not just one. Looping it's part of the game lol you can't complain about it i mean ######### dude. Red ranks plays like reaching rank 1 was the greatest trophy in the world (but no, it's only a trophy on steam). Flashlight helps you for saves. Toxic plays? What do you mean? Looping was NEVER an intented game mechanic. Camping was, Mori was. Yet only the later got nerfed into the ground.
I think looping should expose the survivor and decrease their movement speed for every loop, bring back insta mori the first down as well , these damn survivors are so entitled and think they are the only ones in the game
Nice try, vietfox.
vietfox? No but nice try , I’m actually on your side believe it or not and we’ve played together before , you’re actually pretty good at the game I’m gonna vote all your comments to awesome to show my support , I seriously doubt vietfox would show you any support I just think there needs to be more killer mains on here and I saw the bars on your name and saw a few other people change their name to show support for barred members unjustly so I was doing the same , sorry bud I’ll change my name if you’d like
Actually I just tried to change it and I cant dang I didn’t realize that’s how it worked I’m fairly new sorry @RSB
So what's your real name? And when have we played?
So... how is this multiple personality thing working out for you?
Quite good.
1 -
RSB said:
@not_RSB said:
not_RSB said:
RSB said:@not_RSB said:
Tsulan said:
@AdánAR said:
@Global said:
The same can be said about killers going against survivors in red ranks. looping, Flashlights, Toxic Plays. It goes both ways not just one. Looping it's part of the game lol you can't complain about it i mean ######### dude. Red ranks plays like reaching rank 1 was the greatest trophy in the world (but no, it's only a trophy on steam). Flashlight helps you for saves. Toxic plays? What do you mean? Looping was NEVER an intented game mechanic. Camping was, Mori was. Yet only the later got nerfed into the ground.
I think looping should expose the survivor and decrease their movement speed for every loop, bring back insta mori the first down as well , these damn survivors are so entitled and think they are the only ones in the game
Nice try, vietfox.
vietfox? No but nice try , I’m actually on your side believe it or not and we’ve played together before , you’re actually pretty good at the game I’m gonna vote all your comments to awesome to show my support , I seriously doubt vietfox would show you any support I just think there needs to be more killer mains on here and I saw the bars on your name and saw a few other people change their name to show support for barred members unjustly so I was doing the same , sorry bud I’ll change my name if you’d like
Actually I just tried to change it and I cant dang I didn’t realize that’s how it worked I’m fairly new sorry @RSB
So what's your real name? And when have we played?
0 -
RSB said:
@Tsulan said:
@RSB said:
@not_RSB said:
not_RSB said:
RSB said:@not_RSB said:
Tsulan said:
@AdánAR said:
@Global said:
The same can be said about killers going against survivors in red ranks. looping, Flashlights, Toxic Plays. It goes both ways not just one. Looping it's part of the game lol you can't complain about it i mean ######### dude. Red ranks plays like reaching rank 1 was the greatest trophy in the world (but no, it's only a trophy on steam). Flashlight helps you for saves. Toxic plays? What do you mean? Looping was NEVER an intented game mechanic. Camping was, Mori was. Yet only the later got nerfed into the ground.
I think looping should expose the survivor and decrease their movement speed for every loop, bring back insta mori the first down as well , these damn survivors are so entitled and think they are the only ones in the game
Nice try, vietfox.
vietfox? No but nice try , I’m actually on your side believe it or not and we’ve played together before , you’re actually pretty good at the game I’m gonna vote all your comments to awesome to show my support , I seriously doubt vietfox would show you any support I just think there needs to be more killer mains on here and I saw the bars on your name and saw a few other people change their name to show support for barred members unjustly so I was doing the same , sorry bud I’ll change my name if you’d like
Actually I just tried to change it and I cant dang I didn’t realize that’s how it worked I’m fairly new sorry @RSB
So what's your real name? And when have we played?
So... how is this multiple personality thing working out for you?
Quite good.
0 -
I've had that before in one game I was using a killer I dont use so asked politely to get a hag teleport hit to finish it and I said I wouldn't fam then the survivor got more salty then a salt mine because they assumed id let them go not my fault there friend didn't pm them I gave the signal of I've got my daily heal up and il go chase others and yet I'm a noob and a bad guy because they assumed a free game or getting called a noob (at rank 5btw) because I knew they had ds so dribbled them so they wouldn't get a get out of jail free card or I was pming people saying hope you have a GG and a guy called me a c because I didn't know they had used streamers heck they accused me of camping when the others was near the shack and basement I saw the marks of course I'm gonna check in case they ran down and hid because I'm nearby0
High rankers are the saltiest because they think they're so good they can't stand when they lose. Soooo entitled.
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@GrannyonAcid said:
Well I'm rank 1 on both sides. Used to play mostly all killer. But I was struggling a bit to rank up as killer coming back to the game. I ended up playing more survivor then killer this season. Just because it seemed a lot easier since 8 months ago when I last played. The whole having to kill two players to pip seems to have made killer harder then it used to be.But anyhow. I should say as a solo survivor... I never get camped or tunneled. When I started to play SWF (With 3 friends that all have like 10 hours in DBD total.) We did start to see more campers. But I can't really blame them for camping. We were rushing hooks and tea bagging and being pretty toxic. So never really blamed them. Just told my friends... You know he's going to face camp you if he catches you. Feel like it's easy to tell when you're pissing off a killer. So probably avoid doing those things if you don't want to get camped/tunneled.
If you're going to be toxic the killers going to be toxic lol. Don't know why that's hard to understand.
Regardless. Killers being toxic and whiny in post-game chat? It's pretty uncommon. Obviously survivors are a lot more likely to whine and cry.
I do none of those things and get camped and tunnelled. I've seen other survivors do none of those things and get camped and tunnelled. Maybe some killers just camp and tunnel whoever they like, some will only do it to those they see as toxic. Maybe you've just been extremely lucky?
There is salt on both sides, I've seen killers and survivors be salty in end-game chat. Unfortunately when a survivor it toxic to a killer and escapes the killers is more likely to become toxic towards the following survivors. And if a killer is toxic towards a survivor for no perceiver reason it can make that survivor become more toxic or use more meta perks making the following killers react in kind.
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This content has been removed.
Naiad said:
@GrannyonAcid said:
Well I'm rank 1 on both sides. Used to play mostly all killer. But I was struggling a bit to rank up as killer coming back to the game. I ended up playing more survivor then killer this season. Just because it seemed a lot easier since 8 months ago when I last played. The whole having to kill two players to pip seems to have made killer harder then it used to be.But anyhow. I should say as a solo survivor... I never get camped or tunneled. When I started to play SWF (With 3 friends that all have like 10 hours in DBD total.) We did start to see more campers. But I can't really blame them for camping. We were rushing hooks and tea bagging and being pretty toxic. So never really blamed them. Just told my friends... You know he's going to face camp you if he catches you. Feel like it's easy to tell when you're pissing off a killer. So probably avoid doing those things if you don't want to get camped/tunneled.
If you're going to be toxic the killers going to be toxic lol. Don't know why that's hard to understand.
Regardless. Killers being toxic and whiny in post-game chat? It's pretty uncommon. Obviously survivors are a lot more likely to whine and cry.
I do none of those things and get camped and tunnelled. I've seen other survivors do none of those things and get camped and tunnelled. Maybe some killers just camp and tunnel whoever they like, some will only do it to those they see as toxic. Maybe you've just been extremely lucky?
There is salt on both sides, I've seen killers and survivors be salty in end-game chat. Unfortunately when a survivor it toxic to a killer and escapes the killers is more likely to become toxic towards the following survivors. And if a killer is toxic towards a survivor for no perceiver reason it can make that survivor become more toxic or use more meta perks making the following killers react in kind.
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Maybe its just me, but i ignore the flashlight guy and have a decent game.
Dont really have fun facecamping at all, tunneling whatever killer is supposed to kill not let you go and find someone else. If your survivor team unhooks you and im nearby or you dont leave the area when unhooked, i guess your getting "tunnelled".
As a survivor, i get facecamped, i struggle it out and move on, it really doesnt happen that often.
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@AdánAR said:
@Global said:
@AdánAR said:
@Global said:
The same can be said about killers going against survivors in red ranks. looping, Flashlights, Toxic Plays. It goes both ways not just one.Looping it's part of the game lol you can't complain about it i mean ######### dude. Red ranks plays like reaching rank 1 was the greatest trophy in the world (but no, it's only a trophy on steam). Flashlight helps you for saves. Toxic plays? What do you mean?
Than why do complain about mori? its in the game Devs even said that camping is an actual strategy? I think you just had a couple bad games and came to the forums to complain.
git gud
Yep the same devs who said that if you get frustrated or complain a lot for playing killer, better go play civilization iv. It's an actual strategy and i get that some do it for secure the kill (a idiot strategy, because if you're good you don't need to camp) but c'mon i get camped for idiot reasons and they still cry in the end-game chat about the "gen rush" (part of the game too). At least tomorrow will be rank reset, to go back to green-purple ranks
I don't know if it's an "idiot strategy". I've played many games as killer where I left the hook and almost immediately downed and hooked other survivors, but the other survivors were then able to complete gens and escape. It is bad strategy to just always leave the hook.
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@AdánAR said:
@Global said:
The same can be said about killers going against survivors in red ranks. looping, Flashlights, Toxic Plays. It goes both ways not just one.Looping it's part of the game lol you can't complain about it i mean ######### dude. Red ranks plays like reaching rank 1 was the greatest trophy in the world (but no, it's only a trophy on steam). Flashlight helps you for saves. Toxic plays? What do you mean?
With these comments it's quite clear you hardly play killer at all or at any meaningful rank. You would not think the way you do if played killer at rank 1 regularly. Your judgement is clouded from lack of experience.
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Camping, tunneling, and mori'ing is part of the game lol you can't complain about it i mean ######### dude.
@AdánAR said:
I'm on red ranks now and i remembered why I don't like to be there: Tunnelers, sweaty killers with ebony mori, people who facecamps you for "looping them" or "stunning them" or "tbagging"As for tbagging... you can dish out BM but can't handle being BM'd back?
Sounds like a typical survivor main.0 -
red ranks = whiny survivor mains who only know how to loop and instantly die when they have no loops anymore cause they don't know how to juke xD
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@not_RSB said:
RSB said:@not_RSB said:
Tsulan said:
@AdánAR said:
@Global said:
The same can be said about killers going against survivors in red ranks. looping, Flashlights, Toxic Plays. It goes both ways not just one. Looping it's part of the game lol you can't complain about it i mean ######### dude. Red ranks plays like reaching rank 1 was the greatest trophy in the world (but no, it's only a trophy on steam). Flashlight helps you for saves. Toxic plays? What do you mean? Looping was NEVER an intented game mechanic. Camping was, Mori was. Yet only the later got nerfed into the ground.
I think looping should expose the survivor and decrease their movement speed for every loop, bring back insta mori the first down as well , these damn survivors are so entitled and think they are the only ones in the game
Nice try, vietfox.
vietfox? No but nice try , I’m actually on your side believe it or not and we’ve played together before , you’re actually pretty good at the game I’m gonna vote all your comments to awesome to show my support , I seriously doubt vietfox would show you any support I just think there needs to be more killer mains on here and I saw the bars on your name and saw a few other people change their name to show support for barred members unjustly so I was doing the same , sorry bud I’ll change my name if you’d like
You do ''sound'' like Vielfox with your bad sarcasm and the other stuff like being offended when someone says something about survivors...
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Visionmaker said:I've been harassed just today for playing stealthy. At Rank 1.1
Kilmeran said:
@Global said:
The same can be said about killers going against survivors in red ranks. looping, Flashlights, Toxic Plays. It goes both ways not just one.Yep. I'm new to the game and have absolutely no intent of ever going into the Red Ranks. I played the whole competitive "rank" style of play in Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm. I'm here because I got done with it. That said, if a survivor t-bags me then I will absolutely give them a tour of Facecamp City. Don't like it? Then don't be a goddamn douche and t-bag. Simple as that. Be a douche and if I hook you, I will remove you from the trial.
Matter of fact, I have already done just that in the grey ranks.
I also had a Laurie in a match going out of her way to chase me and flashlight me every chance she got. Oh, you want to try to be a cool kid in the grey ranks and bully the killer because you saw it on some Red Rank stream? Cool. Let's play. I downed her, hooked her, and gave her a tour as well. I even dribbled her to prevent a chance at DS.
I'm in my mid-40s. I play to have fun. If the survivors aren't going out of their way to be a douche, I will not camp, I won't tunnel. Want to rescue them from the hook and get some bloodpoints? Go for it, unless you are dumb enough to hook-rush. I have gens to kick and others to down as well.
I had a match where I was Leatherface and got seriously outplayed. All 5 gens done, and zero hooks. I downed two of them with the chainsaw right at the opened exit doorway. The other two escaped. I could have gotten a 2k from that at the last minute. But they played well. I carried them to the barrier and let them escape. Had no issue doing so.
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alright then, following scenario:
i play freddy. meg gets downed --> meg DCs
and i am the whiny one??0