A Simple Buff to Hex: Huntress Lullaby

I think it's safe to say Huntress Lullaby is one of the worst hex perks in the game. Compare it to Devour Hope: Both require 5 hooks for them to work at full potential, but the difference is one lets you insta-kill survivors and the other only works on RNG skillchecks.
Then, I think a good buff for Huntress Lullaby would be to keep the tokens you currently have once the totem is destroyed. If you, for example, have 3 tokens and the hex totem is destroyed, the effects are still there, but you can't get more tokens. I would also make it so that while the hex is active, the skillcheck location is randomized, something similar to Doctor.
Any thoughts?
Thats not a bad idea considering its a HEX perk with minimal reward
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retention of hex perk effects is a BIIIIIIIIIIG change, and I'm generally against it.
Simple buff:
same effects for 1-4 stacks. Applies to all skill checks.
5 stacks: same reduction in delay as 4 stacks but with a 50% chance to not have any sound at all.
6 stacks: same effects as 5 stacks but with a 20% chance to trigger the skill check noise without any skill check
7 stacks: same effects as 6 stacks but with a 15% increased chance to trigger skill checks.
I would like for the hex to also play for all survivors at all times The Huntress's lullaby once the hex has 5+ stacks, but that's probably not going to happen.
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It will make this perk incredibly frustrating for newer players.
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I'm not sure... Huntress Lullaby + Overcharge/Unnerving + Madness would be so broken if this change was in effect.
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