the mindset of some killers need to change really.



  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    Only person complaining here is u. U can use whatever perks u want.

    Nobody cares.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    Object is the only really broken perk.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Your points 2, 4 and 6 stem from a POV that you are facing bad Survivors. I don´t mind them using Object, either, since they fail to use it properly and are affected by the alleged downsides. Thank you for your well-thought contribution though, but it seems we´re looking at it from different angles and maybe have different experiences facing the strong object teams.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,770

    tbh if im solo id do that because killer is less stressful.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815

    I wouldn't say it stems from facing bad survivors; you'd need to be an unrealistically strong player in a very strong squad to take advantage of those sorts of things to the point where OoO would be OP. If MMR goes live again and I suddenly start facing players that can actually pull this off I will happily eat my words!

  • Alex_Splicer
    Alex_Splicer Member Posts: 122

    I don't really think about you not bringing a certain perk.

    I just don't want that one team where there's the guy/girl being rude with OoO and when you ignore them only to have their team mates hiding so hard I want to cry.

    I never get a proper game anymore - I used to be a red rank Xbox killer and ever since crossplay I've been trolled non-stop.

    I don't like survivor mentality of " killers have no feelings" so they make really boring hide and do gens games.

    I had to take a break, now I'm rank 17 and I'll feel really bad for those few games with newbies - not my fault though.

  • ReadyASH
    ReadyASH Member Posts: 5

    Lemme just throw my hat in quickly, I mostly main killer, but guess what? I don't care what perks you use, the only thing I want is for, at the end of a match, if you managed to get to the end, don't sit there and wait to be toxic and rub the escape in my face, take your f**king W and get out the trial, I don't want to have to chase your sorry behind out of the gate so I can get to going on to the next lobby, ffs.

  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234

    You are totally right. But...why do you even care so much about the opinion of entitled people? Just let them trash talk in the endgame chat and move on. Who cares if they want to tell you how you should play the game?

    If I would invest my energy in every survivor that pulls out the precious survivor rule book after the game, I would probably crash my head into my screen someday. These people are not really worth the attention because they will not change. Most of them are only playing one side and are having therefore a limited and biased view on the game.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794
  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    I'm a killer main and I don't think the perks can't be run, I think the toxic bs that survivors have when running them needs to go. The perks themselves are whatever.

  • the_new
    the_new Member Posts: 175
    edited October 2020

    the mindset of some survivors need to change

    -4 man swf

    -clicky clicky

    -"don't run hex undying and ruin its so boring"

    -"im going to run into the locker so the killer has to use my ds"

    -"zzzzzzzzz that killer is so boring"


    -"unbreakable and ds is fine"

    -"nerf Freddy and doctor"

    -"insta down perks are so broken" "OoO is fine"

    "keys are balanced"

    its the same thing

  • YotedToast
    YotedToast Member Posts: 1

    Sounds like rage posting. No one is telling you not to run anything. No one cares that much. You're just crying bc you lost a match without meta perks apparently. But by all means keep blaming your interpretation of general killer mentality. You could also run whatever you want and enjoy the game instead.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Imagine how the devs must feel, after people asked over and over that they should implement dedicated servers.

    Then they get them aaaaaaand now complaints about how bad everything server related is.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    To be fair what was asked for and what we got aren't exactly comparable in terms of quality.

    Same goes for breakable walls which when asked for were more for killer's to alter the maps in their favor with things like short cuts.

    What we got was 50/50 of infinite loops enabling walls or walls that should never be broken by the killer which is a far cry from what was actually asked for.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Why was it not comparable in terms of quality?

    What did people expect, when the devs explained several times, that the game is NOT designed around dedicated servers but p2p?

    You can´t strap wings to a submarine and then complain that it doesn´t fly as well as a plane.

  • Justalittlepeeck
    Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101

    My mentality is simple - do whatever you want, unless it's BMing and don't blame for doing whatever I want.

    Sure I can get salty when survivor gets carried by DS in EGC or key, but I'd never say "they are not allowed to use that", since they are using allowed things and it's dev's fault for allowing something like this.

    However when some survivor starts perkshaming me or telling that "you're bad bc you need x,y and z to win" then I wouldn't forget to remind them of every single thing they brought or used to still get stomped despite the fact how strong these things are.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    dear lord does OP reveal themselves to be a survivor main and perhaps exclusive player, this entire post is pure irony really

  • Raz_
    Raz_ Member Posts: 296

    Yes i am a entitled, toxic survivor main.

    just look at the ranks and you will see what side i play more. cheers

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    It's not just the mindset of killer players that need to change it's everyone...

    1) Toxicity- comes in all shapes and sizes but as players of this game we need to realize if and/or when to take a break (rather it be 5 minutes, a day, a week, a month or longer

    2) Feedback- we can express ourselves to the devs (respectably) in a multitude of ways... our issues will be heard and taken into account for future changes (we have to give the devs time to gather everything and make the change they see fit)

    3) Assumptions vs. Intent- this game was made around limited information... yea they added more ways to get it but... anyway us players can't express intent (in game) and can't assume one thing is happening

    4) Player Mindset- is up to the individual as to how they play the game...

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    I agree, Killers mains should change their mindset and they should also play Survivor at least to 30% of their games so they can have an open mind about whats ok and whats not and whats unbalanced and whats you are not that good of a Killer so dont expect to 4K people much better than you.

    Also the whole "I switched to Survivor and is sooooo easy, I escape 100% at rank1 on Solo queue always" reeks of flat out lie.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060
    edited October 2020

    Use whatever the ######### you want and if the otherside compalin tell them to git gud

    This goes both ways btw

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378
    edited October 2020

    Then what on earth is up with that post of yours?

    All >PLAYERS< complain (rightfully so) about the survivor meta, keys, mori's, tunneling, camping and that they should not be a thing.

    What on earth is going on in that little head of yours to frame it like its one side that is the problem/complaining? seriously.

    heck was it not the sammination joke that survivors were the one with a "killer rulebook" ?

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    No survivor bad and killer is victim. That is the true killer main mindset.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    but wraith can turn invisible and survivors can't that op

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited October 2020

    I don't care what Perks Survivors use; that is none of my business. Just because a few vocal whiners vent on this Forum doesn't mean most Killers are upset or even care what you choose to use. You do you.

  • Wingmonster
    Wingmonster Member Posts: 27

    Nah I'm still tunneling lol

  • dvsmoi6
    dvsmoi6 Member Posts: 8

    So because a killer complains then that gives you the right to cry and blame him for the abusus you endured with all your other exboyfriends huh.... is that what your doing here

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    I think people can use whatever they want? I personally don't use NOED or moris. I feel like they cheapen a win. The most I use is devour hope for instadowns and that's very rarely. Survivors can also use whatever they want. Doesn't mean I won't talk about how they're broken in some regards.

  • DoubleOhMark
    DoubleOhMark Member Posts: 11

    Bro, preach.

    I don't mind if teammates aren't great, hell we all potato sometimes, but when they actively sabotage the game by contributing nothing except the unsafest of unhooks and wearing out the grass in a far corner then it severely hampers the experience.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    Devour is a great perk for when I'm feeling spicy.

    You rarely get more than one or two insta-downs before it's cleansed, but the moment where you insta-down your first survivor and all of your opponents soil themselves is pretty precious.

  • FreezingFire
    FreezingFire Member Posts: 18

    I play killer a lot and I'm fine with survivors that bring in anything. If it's not a game exploit, it's fair game. I enjoy the challenge of going up against stronger survivors. Killers and survivors just gotta adapt. For example, I used to get flash lighted a lot (when I recently started) when picking someone up, so I eventually learned to look at a walk or scare them away before picking up a survivor. Basic stuff. Whatever the situation is, you just gotta adapt.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246
    edited October 2020

    Entitlement is rampant on both sides. Productive sweat is fine during regular matches. Some things are more boring than others coughRuinUndyingTinkerercough but it's silly to fault people for running good perks on either side.

    If either side had better options for a more diverse meta, we'd be in a little better shape. But as it stands, survivors bring more health states and killers extend objective times because that's what is most effective and most other perks are memes by comparison if you're trying to win.

    Poised MIGHT help me in a specific situation, but Adrenaline saves healing time and gives me a nasty speed burst. Why on earth would I take Poised?

    Coulrophobia MIGHT be clutch with Sloppy. Or I can run Corrupt/Haunted/Devour/Ruin and wipe the team within 2 gens. Why on earth would I run Coulrophobia?

  • UnholyMagpye
    UnholyMagpye Member Posts: 9

    I don't care what survivors use to be honest, as long as they aren't teabagging me or wasting my time standing at the gate to just taunt me then I'm dandy.

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    I play both sides...I get annoyed at things that both sides do. I usually just start the next game and take my bad games as they come. Yes I still post on here out of frustration sometimes, but I don't know that all killers act the way you say they do.

  • TheeclumsyNinja
    TheeclumsyNinja Member Posts: 283

    An enraged entitled survivor?... that doesnt happen lol you’re the first, congrats. Hopefully you’ll be the only one.... oh wait you mean they’re everywhere? WHAT?! Theres an entitled survivor rule book?....huh

  • vKishiBatv
    vKishiBatv Member Posts: 20

    I play both sides and all I can add to this conversation is NOED can eat lemons.. There are FAR better perks to use than a totem that can be ripped..

  • JackieShana
    JackieShana Member Posts: 16

    killers bad they are hiting me how cruel doctor op plz nerf 😭😭😭

  • LowSpecGamersMatter
    LowSpecGamersMatter Member Posts: 485

    there are 4 times more survivors in this community, its obvious you see more survivor complains in this messy game

  • ReadyASH
    ReadyASH Member Posts: 5

    Buddy, anyone can throw that arguement right back at you.

  • ReadyASH
    ReadyASH Member Posts: 5

    This is EXACTLY what I was talking about in a previous comment, at the end of a match don't just wait for me to appear at the gate or just sit at the hatch, take your f**king W and leave so we don't waste each others time. I don't care about what perks you run if I kill you then I kill you, if you escape then have a cookie, feel a little proud, and go on to the next trial.

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    Well I agree with most of your post but like don't lump it on the killers side. Take your half of the blame to. Both survivors and killer players can act exactly like this. Heck more survivors do purely because you get four survivors pair game. And there are more survivor players in general. So therefore logically there would be more toxic survivors. But either way it's crap on both sides. Stop. It.

    Killers can use noed. Killers can use mori's. Okay?

    Survivors can use ds and unbreakable they can use a key or mount ormond offerings. Or OoO.

    Yeah these perks and offerings are not balanced but it's just a game. Your better suited directing your annoyance at the devs. Their the ones allowing this gameplay and quality of the game to slip. EVEN THOUGH they include four methods of obtaining money were literally fortnite of all games only has two being the battle pass and skins. AND arguably has better quality skins and more battle pass stuff then dbd. Yet they charge the same. Seriously like #########.

  • spiritnurse
    spiritnurse Member Posts: 8

    If I can reach rank 1 survivor SOLOQ without using DS, Unbreakable, Dead Hard, etc...

    Then the people who use those perks but still complain about losing because killers bring strong things

    Have micro pp.

  • spiritnurse
    spiritnurse Member Posts: 8

    Exactly. I mostly run meme perks because that's how I enjoy the game. Who cares about sweating my ass off. The only perk I insist on running is Windows of Opportunity so that I know which areas have no more pallets left because of potato teammates. Recently I've been doing the Small Game/Inner Strength/Soul Guard build because of the Ruin/Undying meta. Which is pretty nice because I can cleanse the hex totems pretty quickly and don't have to rely on teammates for healing.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Part of the problem is the key/hatch system, but I would be frustrated too if the entire survivor team fumbles but one still escapes. Keep in mind that they can't really see who does how much on gens, so they don't really know if you earned that escape.

  • Thatgurl_again
    Thatgurl_again Member Posts: 287

    The thing is that survivors dont get an excuse for what they run. Killers are egotistical and think survivors need to obey them. If survivors run something killers deem as unfair they start calling them sweaty and toxic.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    These kinds of generalisations don´t help anyone and contribute to the toxicity this community is plagued by. "Killers" means players since many people play both sides. Every argument complaining about Killers bringing x or Survivors bringing y boils down to exactly the same.

  • Thatgurl_again
    Thatgurl_again Member Posts: 287

    X players handle things to the heart and feel entitled to things more than y players. The difference is how its handled.

  • Creepa99
    Creepa99 Member Posts: 80

    This is false. I play both and when I play Surv I play solo and I can win easily. Killer is much more difficult and stressful.