Toxic Survivors keep ruining my survivor games

Kurisataru Member Posts: 460
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I like to play survivor, but honestly even when I play survivor I get TOXIC teammates sandbagging, bodyblocking, making noise notifications trying their hardest to get me killed for literally no good reasons. Sometimes I get survivors who I kill as killer who then try to do the same stuff if I end up on their team as survivor. These entitled players know they can get away with this stuff and it's so annoying. Most people hate soloQ because they find it hard to escape, I don't hate it at all for that reason because I just do what I can to pip. I hate soloQ sometimes because the amount of times I get teammates who sandbag me and try to get me killed for either hiding from BBQ, refusing to heal them when I'm trying to rush a critical gen, cleansing a totem or searching a chest they wanted, killing them as killer in a previous game, or them thinking I purposely ran the killer into them while they were hiding.

It would be great if the report button for survivors worked in another way. Maybe if they get a certain number of reports within a certain amount of time, it will lock them out of playing survivor for a while so they can either humble themselves by playing killer more, or think about how to watch their behavior and prevent being blocked from survivor again.


  • CremelloJoJo
    CremelloJoJo Member Posts: 76

    I really want to agree with this because I've had similar experiences, especially along the lines of having killed someone and then getting said dead survivor on my team...therefor getting sandbagged as a means of revenge.

    But ban systems can be highly abused, I feel like if something like this was implemented, anyone could report anyone for the slightest inconvenience. I've known people to freak out when random survivors bring the killer to them while in a chase, it's not always intentional, not everyone runs Bond (I do for this reason, so I can leg it away from loops I know a teammate is working on a gen in, or if someone's running the killer to ME)

    It's a huge grey area, just like the DC ban system - the game cannot decipher a crash from a rage quit because a lot of people rage quit by closing the app, a crash or internet taking a dump pretty much does the same thing...while I agree with you, I really don't think it'd work sadly, too many genuine people would end up receiving unnecessary bans.

  • eiredrake
    eiredrake Member Posts: 98

    Yeah the toxic types piss me off too but I don't think there's all that much that can be done. A lot of it is up to interpretation, which means it's going to vary from one person to the next what pisses them off. Personally I hate flashlights. I'm not looking to get them banned and I know they're game legal and useful to players. But they aggravate me because they take away my agency for a few seconds. Other killers won't get irritated by it and thats their business.

    But like spammers? Those ######### who keep jumping over the same pallet over and over or clicking flashlights? Or those idiots who teabag repeatedly or hang out in unreachable areas. Or body block you from hooks exploiting the fact that you can't freaking see them? Or immediately unhook without letting me get clear and then whine about camping?

    You die by default. I'll mori you the first chance I get. Screw you, die in a fire. You're doing it solely to irritate me so why should I not do everything in my power to make your game a short and miserable experience. I really don't care about my rank I'm in the game to have fun, so if you're going to make my game miserable I'll give it back to you in spades.

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    Yeah that's why I was thinking it should count votes from multiple matches not just one, in an effort to prevent it from being abused. Because honestly, I could care less if someone is sandbagging me for trolling purposes cause I'll just play along and turn it into a sandbag game with them and I've had hilarious matches like that. But when the people come into the post game chat telling me why they sandbagged me and why they tried to lure the killer to me and keep me from getting the hatch, etc; and they tell me it's some dumb reason like thinking I wasn't doing gens because they got hooked and saw me come out the locker hiding from bbq, revenge for being killed, or because I didnt heal them while I'm rushing a generator before the killer can down someone and pop it and what not. I'm like. This is entitlement and ignorance at it's finest and I think that the Devs need to do something about it because Dbd is literally the most toxic game I've played in a long time despite not having as much hackers in the game as most other ones full of toxicity. And it's MAINLY THE SURVIVORS. Most of them don't even want to git gud at the game and fully educate themselves on both roles and how perks and mechanics work but want everything to be balanced around their ignorance. It needs to stop, this meme needs to die, they need consequences for these types of actions now.

  • Mr_Mann
    Mr_Mann Member Posts: 5

    I had an idiot body block me right in the beginning of a match to the point I had crows. Well, you guessed it, the killer got me and she ran off.

    someone please tell me why anyone would do that? Of course she died too but we could have stood a chance if she wasn’t so stupid.

    please DEV’s do something!

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