Killer on console is nearly unplayable due to the limitations of a controller

I’m not a super good killer by any means, I’m only a green rank and I play on console so my experience is drastically different than a red rank on pc, but playing as a console killer is next to impossible due to the limitations of a controller, especially with the cross-platform system consistently matching me up against survivors on pc. Using a controller makes it harder to chase and hit survivors and causes you to eat up valuable time that could end up losing you the game, especially in game-deciding scenarios. Not to mention killers like huntress and deathslinger are so much worse when using a controller due to the lack of an aim assist (not saying that there should be aim assist for ranged killers because that would hellish to deal with). I’m honestly surprised that bhvr hasn’t already added mouse and keyboard support for console, it would make the game so much easier for console killers and it would kill off any problems caused by using a controller.
The problem is not the controller's, but rather the FPS.
People have ZERO problem being amazing at CoD or Battlefield on Console. The issue is that they are simply given less time to react to new information.
When my game literally freezes when someone uses Dead Hard, even if I predict the Dead Hard, I cannot capitalize on what was a good read because the game is poorly optimized on Console.
I am sympathetic to the Devs plight, many things to do and not enough time to do them, but it is really discouraging and disheartening to see that Console's haven't really gotten that much love, even though it was promised years ago.
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I agree completely. The framerate is the issue on consoles 100% because I did a rank 20-1 challenge (and made it to rank 4 before getting bored lol) and I think got to rank 5 using a ps4 controller, and even used my switch joy-cons for a bit too. Controller isn't really that bad ever since they doubled the sensitivity on it.
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“Nearly unplayable”
Hi, red rank Clown on PS4 here.
I don’t use meta perks.
Doing just fine with a controller thanks.
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I enjoy playing on controller and feel like there's absolutely no way I could perform any better using mouse+keyboard. The only actual issue is low fps (depending on the map. Azarov maps run smooth as butter compared to Hawkins) and ocassional stutters/freezes.
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This is essentially the problem. Game studders while doing the camera spin when beginning a match. Frames drop when you gain Bloodlust, apply Sloppy, Expose a surv, be near a popping gen, the list is long and well known. And Entity damn the indoor maps the game's performance in them is so very very much worse.
When I only play killer a handful of times a week due to these issues, even with Crossplay off to attempt to level the playingfield, that is a sad commentary on where the game is currently at on console.
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Hi console player here! Xbox! I been playing dead by daylight every weekend! Actually been doing very well! Not feeling limited at all! And I play with crossplay on! Okay thanks bye!
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I mean I play in high ranks (3-1) with a controller on console and I do fine with it.
The problem is the frame drops and hit detection.
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Oh so that’s why console killers camp so hard
lts best to limit your controller movements by standing in the one spot.
Now it all makes sense.
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As a Deathslinger main on PS4, I completely disagree. I’ve noticed that PC survivors can spin around faster, but once I know how they’re playing, it’s easy to bait out. I’m the king of the quick scope and no amount of spinning or moonwalking will save these little rat bastards from meeting the pointy end of my spear.
Whether you’re on console or PC doesn’t matter. The Rhinestone Cowboy is coming to getcha.
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The controller is a problem. It’s inaccurate. You can move extremely precise using keyboard buttons, controller is a bit different. I requested a D-Pad function for movement several times (which is odd to ask for as the majority of games have this by default) but it falls on deaf ears.
No word, whether yes or no from anyone of significance...wonder why we bother providing feedback at all.
I play PC also but more rarely. Survivor is easier on console, killer is easier on PC. I understand why we won’t get the same quality of game ok console as PC, but why not basic functions?
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Tbh sounds like someone who isnt used to using controller in general
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You play console? Move the DBD cursor up and down as quickly as possible with joystick. Was it perfectly straight everytime? I’ll save you the trouble, NO. Is it perfectly straight using keyboard buttons? YES.
I rest my case.
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I'll match your non relevant example with another one! Can you draw a perfect circle on the menu with your mouse!? Case closed!
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We don’t move with the mouse on PC lol. Buttons! Buttons should be available for console also. Please bring some factual based knowledge to support your opinions in the future.
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You turn with the mouse dont you? That's literally the only issue I have with controller is turning as fast as pc. I can move straight with no issue. I'm rank 1 killer on ps4. Have you ever played on console as killer or just pc?
And btw it was a joke if you didnt catch it.
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Its got nothing to do with controllers, most games if at the same framerate will be about equal whether controller or keyboard. Its more the framerate.
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I play better on console then PC
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Sorry, sarcasm and I never got along, I’d rather people just speak their mind honestly. I plau both roles, both platforms. Killer is much harder on console, survivor is much easier. Maybe I’m imagining it, but console survivors frequently perform better against me when I’m on console and vice versa, killers have a much harder time against me when Im on console.
I can’t tell you why, I don’t know. But if I’m console killing, I cannot be as precise with certain things as I am on PC. Slinger Shooting (outside quickscope ofc), accurate Nurse blinks, hatchet throws, etc. Neither of which has ever proved an issue on PC. It’s not just the FPS...yes it’s crap...jusy trying to explain that there’s more issues than jusy FPS, but all the posters here are just writing everything off as FPS related their threads.
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Good points. I would wager part of the problem is that they have been preparing for the new consoles over the old ones since that is going to be the norm moving forward. From a business standpoint it just makes sense to optimize for the future. All these lower quality consoles will phase out over time.
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Controller will affect things for sure. I play on PC but I only use a controller. I've gotten to rank 5 killer but then the rank reset came the next day, and I'm a survivor main so I didn't bother trying to get back to where I was. The movements are A LOT slower and you don't have as much control. I tried using a mouse and it makes it so much easier, but it makes me so dizzy and nauseous so I'll take the trade off. I think the low fps on consoles will probably do more damage honestly
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I disagree, as a console player for two years and almost consistently making it into high purple/red ranks each season, this game has little if any limitations on console (besides the frames and graphics differences). I have never gone into matches as killer and felt as if I'd been held back by my controller, the only killer I could see being a possible victim of console "limitations" is Nurse, but other than that killer on console is just fine.
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No worries! Ya I do agree mouse could have its advantages with huntress slinger or nurse but to people who have been using controller and excel with it for years I doubt it's a huge difference.
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Well hello there. I'm a consistent R1 Ps4 Nurse main. I've kept crossplay on since it was added and I still win the majority of my matches.
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I have played with a controller for years on PC way way before crossplay and got to rank 1 as killer and all that many times.
KB+M might give you an edge with accuracy killers like Huntress but at the end of the day you don't need it to play well. 99% of killer is map awareness and time management, not twitch reflexes.
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This has gotten a ton of responses, so let me address some things. Yeah, the frame issues on console are terrible and I should’ve mentioned that in my original comment because that is definitely a big reason why I struggle as killer. I’ve had games on Lerys or games where the survivors bring tons of fog offerings where my frames have dropped to the low 20s. When the frame rate is that low it makes the game actually unplayable, no matter what you do. The mnk thing I feel like is just a preference for me, I know that most people can learn how to play the game with a controller and some even do better with one, but I find myself missing a lot of easy hits due to me not being able to flick on to a survivor that’s 360’ing me. I realize that I was being a bit over dramatic in my initial post with the whole “nearly unplayable” statement, because there are plenty of great console killers who have adapted to the use of a controller and learned how to play around the disadvantages. I’m not a veteran player or anything and part of the reason I don’t do as good as better console killers is because I haven’t really mastered all of the nuances of playing killer just yet. With play time comes experience and the more experience I get will help me improve my playing skills. There’s no doubt that console has horrible FPS issues tho, I hope they fix that with the new generation of consoles because it can make playing both survivor and killer pretty hellish
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*plays green rank on PC with a controller*
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New to consoles? I play on Xbox and have no problem with PC survivors they are not very good at all.
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"Nearly unplayable"
Hi, ps4 nurse main here to disagree 😆
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Frame rate is awful on console, I have a PS4 and the constant stuttering has cost me plenty of games lately. Don't get me wrong, the frame rate was never good to begin with, but it seems worse now. Combine that with a monitor that doesn't have a good refresh rate and I play with lag on top of frame issues. I recently switched to a monitor that takes care of the lag, but hopefully the devs will improve the frames for consoles.
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hi red rank killer with 7.5k kills on xbox here!
Killer is VERY playable on console its the fps that makes it ridiculous sometimes, if there was any killer that isn't good for console i would just say blight mainly because fps can be low in a rush sometimes.
even ranged killers and nurse is playable you just have to get good. I will say that if you want to play killer seriously than having your sensitivity as high as you can take is required to deal with jukes.
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you have 0 idea what you are talking about. im literally a rank 1 on pc using a ps4 control. I used to play ps4 before switching to pc, kbm provides little to no competitive advantage. its personal preference tbh. i know some people will say "but muhhh mouse gives me more aiming precision" again personal preference WASD is 10x worse than moving eith an analog.
Also the only advantage that comes with PC is the high framerate. I play at 120 fps while console is locked at 30. That advantage is 100 percent not going anywhere. "next gen" consoles are probably gonna be capped at 60 fps if not its staying the same 💀
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Frames are 100000000% the reason why console sucks for this game. I can’t dead hard as a survivor without getting my teeth pumped by lag, then I dash a quarter of a full dead hard. And half the time it gives me exhaustion but no invulnerability and I go down. As a killer I wish bloodlust wasn’t real cause whenever it activates I get a huge lag spike, survivors dead Harding causes a spike, gens getting finished, survivors using sprint burst. This wasn’t at all an issue 8-12 months ago, but now there are massive lag spikes constantly? Like I don’t understand why it’s now becoming a problem
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Considering the pandemic, I would imagine that most people's financial situation is not the greatest. So the new Comsole's probably won't be AS popular.
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The controller has never really been an issue for me (Xbox here) but this auto aim trash has been the absolute worst thing that could happen to my experience as killer
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Cod and battlefield have had years of adding slight aim assist and fine tuning to aiming so its not clunky. And is NOT near that. Huntress on console is hard, not because frames but because I cant have a whole wrist flick of movement that I can control but I have to flick my analog which lacks precision. This has been proven time and time again which is why analog extenders exist
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But as huntress it is. You guys have a point but the aim in dbd is not as fine tuned for everyone as cod
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I'd like to see you back that claim up
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I don’t need to back anything up? I’m a great Deathslinger player and that’s all there is to it. If you don’t believe that, well that’s YOUR problem and not mine. So I’ll leave you alone with that. 🌚
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Controllers work just fine for killer I’m able to consistently average 2 kill per match on console just and on some maps my framer ate is smooth best exsample I can give is any of the old Macmillan maps I haven’t played them since they were updated so I could be a tad out of touch
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I agree on the fact of having dbd support keyboard and mouse but have it like what fortnite does. Like when you plug in a keyboard and mouse on fortnite it instantly puts you in pc servers. This way it would make it fair for the players who have cross platform off
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DBD also has a form of aim assist.
If the FPS was equal, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between PC and Console Huntress players.
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Um. I just want to see how good a top tier deathslinger is. So sorry for the misunderstanding
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That's wrong though, aim assist is in m1 not aiming with ranged weapons. And also the fps does not decide how much accuracy a analog
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So, you'll have the same accuracy at 5 FPS as 120?
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I play all killers relatively well in PC using a controller bacause I prefer to game comfortably instead of hunched over m+kb. What really makes killer hard on console is the poor optimization.
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You can just plug in your mouse and keyboard. That works too
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The games needs to be optimize for console for better frames, but controller are fine. I constantly hit red ranks as killer on xbox with cross play enabled. Controllers hinder like....2 killers? Nurse, and possibly blight.
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Thats not an accurate comparison. And if I have a smooth framerate it doedoeSnt matter because ANALOGS DONT HAVE THE SAME PRECISION!!! Do you understand yet? I am ONLY talking about huntress right now. Who needs good frames to get kills I do fine as a console player, and frames never screwed me over as huntress. Although my limited sensitivity and control of aim has.
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They did an optimization patch before at least once. The thing is they don't optimize enough for new or future content. If you can just get one of the newer consoles and it SHOULD be better.. Hopefully for the sake of the console players. I stopped playing there a year ago and have never looked back. My PS pro Li's a glorified video streaming machine for when I'm in bed now
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I definitely think DbD should include more basic controller options such as acceleration ramp and things like dual zone so you don’t have to sacrifice accuracy to keep up with sharp survivor movements etc.
These are common features in lots of other console games.
I really feel DbD would benefit from a person or team dedicated to console QoL, optimisation and format specific issues; as these small things that would make a huge difference get lost among everything else.