The promised LGBT characters

Remember this ?
It's been 6 months now, so a total of 2 chapters, and 2 rifts
The total amount of LGBTIA characters in Dead by Daylight is now : zero :D
Not to be that girl, but for something, quoting Mathieu here, "important for him", 6 months, with 4 brand new characters, and the rifts giving lore on a lot of people... Zero is quite a pathetic number for a promised representation. This is even I would say hypocritical, and I'm even ready to bet (and would be happy to lose) that those words could completely be empty and that next June, for Pride month, we would get the same discourse about how representation matters and they could perfectly not have added since then anyone that is queer. Even Nea that is, like, largely the most queer-coded character did not getting anything that would canonize it.
And before you start, no i dont care about your blatant lgbtphobia, and no there is no debate about if there should be queer characters in dead by daylight (which at some point i can understand given it's a video game about murdering people), the point is : they publicly announced introducing sexual/gender diversity in their game aaaaand... nothing, absolutely nothing, and that you want or not that there are lgbt characters in dbd, the point is, they promised something, in a very formal way, and did nothing after, without even giving an explanation or something to say they changed their minds cause "oh no, maybe killing queer people in our video game is not so cool so uh, let's go back to our first plan". which, we'll be all honest, is bad whatever the context, see how halloween event went for example.
That's all, that was a rant, I hope they will prove me wrong, but for now, I just see just a little bit of queerbaiting from your part BHVR, but hopefully soon we get our rep, it's so important to Mathieu after all :)
How do you know it's zero?
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because i read the lore and there's nothing in it yet, neither in the archives, neither in the ptb, neither in the descriptions of the characters
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I just hope they don't make a character who's entire personality centers around the fact they're a gay stereotype.
I'd much rather the writers reveal that an existing character is lgbt in the archives lore at some point.
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I would rather see them take there time and include it the right way than just slapping something LGBTQ+ into a probably already finished story where it does not have a place. They didn’t promise to deliver a queer person as soon as possible. They pretty much just stated they won’t exclude them anymore like they did previously.
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Why do they need to add someone based on sexuality, seems like a pretty pointless thing to add, personality isn't based off sexual preference. I don't demand a straight character. Games aren't meant to be woke. Especially not horrors
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They already stated some time ago that there is at least on LGBT char already in game. At that point they didn’t want to reveal anyone’s sexual preference though so we don’t know who it is and if they ever write a lore entry about them.
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I hope so too, but the way they wrote Felix or Elodie's backstories make me think the contrary (not saying their backstories are bad)
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damn, a lot of you get really mad when you see the words lgbt, it makes you forget how to read what i wrote
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I read what you wrote, but how does sexuality fit into a game about a killer trying to murder 4 survivor's, they haven't added anyone based off sexuality?
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on22 -
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but (aside from the licenced characters) isn't their only one confirmed hetero pairing, the Nurse and Wraith? Even then, I don't even think it was that serious - it was just to get a Phantom of The Opera reference in. Edit: I am wrong, there are far more hetero characters then I remembered.
Representation is important, but... I'm not sure this is the right game for it. This isn't a game about lovely relationships, it's a game about murder and torture. Shipping is fun, but at the end of the day this isn't a fun, romantic setting. I think it's just hard to work sexuality into a game like this without facing issues.
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There are so many requests of the devs these days that ppl need to cut them some slack, they will do it just give them time. Like someone else said I would rather see them do it properly and make it seem like a genuine backstory rather than something solely created to appease people.
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Nurse and Wraith isn’t really a thing in game (there is a cosmetic set that kinda hints at it I think?)
but we have: Nurse (was married to a man), David (had a girlfriend at some point), Legion (Frank and Julie, see their tome) and Felix (has a pregnant wife)
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im about just to correct you but i think Nurse and Wraith are just a ship however, the first let's say "openly heterosexual" character that got introduced was Felix
which doesnt make a lot of sense neither but yeah let's confirm sexualities by making Felix straight i guess
And yes, I agree too, at some degree that DbD is not the best choice for that, but the point is basically pointing out how some promises take reaaaally long time to get fulfilled (and im not talking only about the rep here but in general)
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They have added multiple chars with mentioned heterosexual relationships. Where were you then? Why didn’t you complain about their inclusion?
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on10 -
The cosmetic set is the Phantom of The Opera reference I mentioned, and I think the Dev's confirmed it?
And you are totally right. I'm just the big dumb, and forgot about all of those.
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Leatherface is transgender.
Also, do I have to remind you that the devs announced a Freddy and a DS rework and It took them around 2 years to get there? I can see taking a little longer with a character but, 2 ######### years for a perk? Which btw they didnt even get right.
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That’s not dumb, it’s is actually super irrelevant. But I think people who want to see anything sexuality related excluded should not start at LGBT+ but also with heterosexuality. But no one ever complained about that..
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That's fair. Others have already pointed out to me that there were more than I thought, I'm just the big dumb and forgot about them. I'll edit my post in a bit to make that clear.
That's another fair point. The Dev's do take VERY long to deliver on promises, but we don't know how long these things to make. Blight's character was revealed way back in 2018.
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it's okay i can definitely see you didnt come with bad faith unlike some
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Honestly, I wouldn’t bother with them. They showed how ignorant they are in my thread that got closed yesterday. They wouldn’t complain about a characters backstory including that they’re in a heterosexual relationship, because in their eyes, that’s ‘normal’.
But as soon as it’s explicitly mentioned that somebody identifies as part of the LGBT community it’s ‘woke’ and it’s being ‘forced’ on people. It’s absolutely ridiculous. If sexuality doesn’t matter to these people because it’s only ‘horror’ and ‘video games’, then why does it matter to them if somebody wants an LGBT character? Doesn’t add up, does it? Just say you’re a bigot and leave. 🙃
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just to tell, im going to not reply anymore, so yeah, continue talking if you want to that was just a rant
i hope y'all are right and the devs will not pull that "what promise ?" card and they are actively working on creating a good queer lore for a character and not just forgot two days after saying it was so important
to those who "dont care about sexuality" then where were you to complain about Felix having a wife, David having a girlfriend, Nurse and Wraith ship, etc I just think it shows stuff.
Anyway, i hope i dont die of old age before it happens (Object of Obsession rework definitely will not happen before i die tho)
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So all of the lore, without reservation, specifically states that every single character is straight?
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wow, the first deathslinger profile pic i saw with a good take, gg
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there's your weird visual novel just without the visual and a lot more novel :)
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To show that the developers care they should add a Pride charm, as creating the character might still take some time. It is a small but relevant gesture and should be relatively simple to do.
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lmao i knew there were fanfics, but damn, so many of them ? it's very funny to me, people are dorks, i love it (i wrote some fanfics myself im not insulting them i genuinely appreciate the creativity)
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this is just ao3 dont get me started on or wattpad or reddit or anything
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yeah, that would be nice indeed
but i doubt they would add it outside of pride month, it would be bad to not put it during the time that's the most profitable for them :)
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People actually care about the lore? News to me.
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Gay is two percent, so expect the 50th survivor to be gay for equal representations
trans is far less than 1%, so expect the 10000th survivor to be trans for equal representation.
thats all.
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Eh, I just have a very chill approach to most things, or at least I try to. I understand this is a very important subject to many people, I just think it's going to be very hard to incorporate LGBT+ into a game about violence. I just hope whenever it happens they make them actual characters and not "flamboyant stereotype #78"
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As a gay man, I would KILL (no pun intended) to play a sassy gay dude. I'm not kidding. I'd even be up for voicing him. I would compare it to the Fabulous Chiron skin in Smite.
As it is, when I play Freddy, I play gay Freddy already so I'm down for whatever they want to do. I'm old, so seeing representation of any sort is STILL a shock to me. I never thought as a kid, that there'd ever be conversations around LGBT characters in video games at all, so this is major major progress. All of it.
ETA - one thing I will say to the devs - please, before you do a LGBT killer, do an LGBT survivor first. Please don't fall into the gay villain trope. Please.
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So.. how many red haired people are there? Should we take Meg out of the game and re-add her once the numbers fit?
also the entity does not choose randomly but people with potential for its intent. And there are many LGBT+ people that have gone through hell and came out still hopeful (for survivor side) or some even twisted/full of hatred and anger (for killer side).
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I think this is the first time I’ve seen you post on here, but I just have to say that I love you. Reading your post made me laugh so much. We need more like you. 👑
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As a gay man. I don't care who is or isn't gay, I mean even if they were all straight that would be fine for me, it's not like character sexual preference matters me at all unless it's with a backstory. It's like the creator of Celeste came saying that the main character is trans, I am like. "So what?". Many companies are making money about how "inclusives" they are and not for the sake of diversity, like saying "look, the first character who is... X" and then people go bragging about it. Sexual preference doesn't matter in a game, except if it's a dating game or such but other than that a character sexual preference is not something relevant on a game.
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I am surprised that in lore - both rift and new characters - they have yet to just be like "her girlfriend..." or "his boyfriend..." like they did randomly with David. I feel like at this point when they finally do it's going to be during Pride month.
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I agree. It's nothing more than a box to tick. Most of the time it's a throwaway line that's completely irrelevant just to appease people. If they add an LGBTQ character then cool. If they don't then cool. Does it matter? Absolutely not because I'm sure most people spend their time on this game in matches and not on the lore pages.
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I'm double posting, I know, but I'd just like to point out that these numbers are slightly off.
gay/lesbian individuals are approximately 4.5% as of last check in 2017. Trans was roughly .6% (which is not "far less" than 1%).
And to put those into perspective, the US population is 328Million. Trans individuals make up roughly 1,968,000. OVER A MILLION PEOPLE.
gay/lesbian is 14,760,000.
You're looking at 15million+ people. This is not a small number, so please don't use the percentages as some sort of justification for leaving various demographics out of the game.
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Totally fine with them adding in (or revealing) survivors of whatever orientation; it's not really something that concerns or bothers me. Plus Ace already dresses like a watered-down Freddy Mercury...
I admittedly do prefer just leaving all characters ambiguous so that anyone and everyone can project themselves into them, but I can understand how this might not fly as explicit inclusivity in this vein.
Regardless of what BHVR does confirm about any character though, I'm sticking with my Fog Multiverse Theory (where infinite versions of every character exist in all possible orientations, persuasions, and attitudes).
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I just hope it will be not during pride month. I can just imagine people complaining then they only do it for the money (which the people already do.. so.. doesn’t really matter..)
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Look at Nea and tell me she's not a lesbian. You can't do it, can ya?!?
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I could see it but I don't think sexuality should be in the game at all heterosexual or homosexual. It does not tie in with the game that well. The survivors are focused on surviving and killers on killing. It feels like it would be too much of a stretch to have any feeling towards other characters at all.
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This is only about lore and we already have heterosexuality there. This doesn’t change anything about the game at all.
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Okay yeah I can see it.
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That’s all that people want. You shouldn’t have to straight up say, well THIS survivor is gay. Be subtle with it. I identify as asexual, but that doesn’t define who I am as a person. And nobody is trying to claim that it does. It’s all about feeling included.
Yeah, this is just a video game. But if a male character can have a girlfriend, why can’t he also have a boyfriend? As soon as you start bringing relationships into stuff, you’ve opened a door. So at that stage, there’s no reason to not have LGBT characters, ya know? Regardless of what other people shout about, representation IS and will ALWAYS be important. Regardless of the format.
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Aww thank you! <3 I appreciate that! I'm BrienDoesIt in game so if you ever see me, feel free to say hi! Well unless I'm Freddy, just say "HAY GURL!" cuz that's what I'll do when I see you XD
The only time I see Nea as this is in Samination's videos. "Yes it is the Neaty that forces our hand. A ding ding ding. A ding ding." Gay Wraith gives me life, I'm not gonna lie.
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I wish they didn't say the survivors sexuality because to me don't matter they be what I want them to be.
also when comes to sexuality there this big gray area being in this realm for years I mean one survivor could be straight he could start have feeling for male survivor same with gay survivor could start have feel for the opposite sex or they Bi survivor guess it wouldn't matter.
sexuality sometime changes in real life overtime so you think in video game it would to so in the end it don't matter.
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This sounds like a healthy attitude towards this topic.
people who are asking for LGBT+ inclusion mostly want LGBT+ topics managed just like heterosexual relationships have been mentioned before, doesn’t need to be a hard confirmation.
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Most likely what we get now was already in the works by the time they released it.
I can't quote directly, but i think they mentioned a regular chapter starts being made about a year before it comes out.
I don't think they'd want to change their stories halfway through.
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thank you well I'm bi it helps
I mean who cares if Felix has a wife or David has a girlfriend they wife/girlfriend are not in the realm with them far I know Felix and David could start having feeling for each other.😜
but some reason I always had this thing about David and Dwight😍
but really thing change in life nothing set in stone we could have a LGBT+ character added some day but in the end may not matter look where these survivors are.