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General Discussions

To people who buy cosmetics or the premium rift.



  • Member Posts: 479

    I’m afraid to admit between cosmetics and rifts I have spent way too much money. I would say around 300€.

    Yes, I know.

  • Member Posts: 278

    I bought a pass for the first time all because of one outfit - that red plaid legion outfit. A lot of my friends kept saying it looks just like me. I made sure to make it to tier 70 first because I found out you could make all the auric cells back. Then for tome 4 I "bought" the pass again and got all my cells back. Don't think I'll be able to with this rift because the game stopped working for me a few updates ago

  • Member Posts: 122

    It's for support mainly.

    In almost every game I play I get some kind of cosmetic because it'll A: make the game more fun in ways & B: it's supporting the company.

    It's always funny to see kids/adults complain on Fortnite skins but they keep playing the game and love it; just stop complaining and either buy stuff if you like the company or don't if you don't. Pretty simple really.

  • Member Posts: 122

    I can kinda agree.

    This recent one I only want the Legion skin which is ironically on the free track so I'm not buying it this time.

    That and the epic amount of troll survivors in low ranks now makes me not want to play anymore. :<

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    Because I enjoy playing as the characters I've customized

  • Member Posts: 651

    I have only purchased cosmetics with shards. I bought the original rift and earned the auric cells back. This last one i didn't get to 70 so i am only sitting on 950 auric cells :(

  • Member Posts: 13

    I have only bought 2 cosmetics one for my killer main and 1 for my survivor main because I liked the look of them. As far as the premium rift ive only bought one and that was cause I had the money left over on a points card and there was nothing I really wanted to spend it on so I said why not.

  • Member Posts: 422

    I've bought and completed all of the rifts, I like to show off my cosmetics and show how long I've been playing. The first rift pass came out in October last year, and I love wearing Meg's pastel coloured man bun from that pass, I almost never see anyone with that hair so I feel unique and it shows people that I've had the game for a while.

  • Member Posts: 871

    I buy the Rift pass every season for the additional cosmetics, so all my characters can look cool and fresh. I buy cosmetic's separately for my mains (Feng, Steve, David, Ghostface, Legion, Clown) because I really enjoy playing those characters. I don't know how much money I put into this game, and I mostly do it knowing my support hopefully pushes the game in a good direction.

  • Member Posts: 335

    I bought the first couple rift passes when they first dropped. Now I either roll my auric cells into the new ones or wait until i hit 70. I spend my auric cells only on discounted characters. I'm still trying to get all the survivors. Generally the cosmetics are meh to me. Sure some look awesome but generally i look for function. So no, i'm not going to wear the bright shiny outfits just to be seen across the map.

  • Member Posts: 199

    Devs are just fixing small issues and bringing new cosmetics rather than fixing some major bugs or unbalanced things in the game. Also community legion cosmetic's idea was its mask. But even the hoodie looks awful after we look at the trailer of it.

  • Member Posts: 74

    I don't think it's any of your business what I spend my money on, frankly.

  • Member Posts: 3

    Tbh I've bought quite a few skins, Im a sucker for aesthetics and I acknowledge that. That being said I'd only get the premium rift if it was the only way to get the elephant skin for the clown, I'm kinda bummed about missing out on that

  • Member Posts: 52

    It's called an entertainment budget. No different than going to the movies pre-COVID, monthly streaming subscriptions, whatever.

    To each their own.

  • Member Posts: 387

    Because I'm a whale, both size-wise and money-wise. I don't mind throwing money at games I like. When I stop liking them I stop throwing money at them.

    I spent into the 10s of thousands on marvel heroes. (I am a huge x-men nerd so I had to have every x-men character and costume they had. It got expensive). I spent a good several thousand on Smite. I have every skin from every chest in smite for the first 3 years. I stopped playing not too long after overwatch came out so I stopped collecting. Oh yeah I have almost every unlock for every character in overwatch too - I would buy packs of loot boxes to make sure I had all the new fancy skins.

    I think I've spent maybe 300 so far on this game, not including game+dlcs. I got a bunch of david skins because David. Plus I needed half naked david to drool over. I got the clown blight skin, I got the rift and paid to unlock everything instantly, that was a good chunk right there. If I'm being REALLY honest, I haven't spent more in this game because i haven't had skins I've really wanted. Bring me a half naked Ace and we might talk.

    Oh and if they ever add any characters from any of the original nightmare on elm streets, those will be day 1 purchases, I don't care if it's freakin dwight as Will from nightmare on elm street 3 screaming "I am the wizard master!", I will own all of them.

    (Side note - do not do what I did. I was a DINK, both of us made exceptional amounts of money and I had lots to spend. Only spend what you can afford!!!!)

  • Member Posts: 114

    I buy cosmetics and the rift pass (if I like a good amount of skins in it and get to a high rift level) to support the game and look good in the process. I've been playing DbD since shortly around the end of year one been in love with it ever since despite all of its issues. I love how unique the game is and they have been putting in consistent work to try and make the game better(I also understand it's nearly impossible to truly balance an asymmetrical game so I don't let it ruin my fun) I support it and want to continue playing my favorite game. If you played in the early days you know this game has been in a much worse state than it is now (I have had to take breaks that's for sure) If to support that means forking over dough to look cool while I run killers in circles or am slaughtering survivors I'm absolutely fine with it. Dbd in all its flaws is still one of the absolute funest games out their imo. I love asymmetrical games since I first played Evolve. The fans and the dev's gave up on it and burned it to nothing within just a few years of release. As long as the dev's keep trying to improve the game I will keep showing BHVR love and support.

  • Member Posts: 575

    I buy an outfit here and there -- as in every month or two. At 500+ hours and counting while still having a ton of fun as the main game I play, I don't see why not support the developers and buy some cosmetics to look cool.

  • Member Posts: 42

    I wanna play as a ######### minotaur. Nuff' said

  • Member Posts: 4,467
    edited November 2020

    I liked the Rifts up until now and I had more time to play.

    I'm very selective with my store-bought outfits. They have to be really good or on sale (like 500 cells or below) for me to buy them. I'm not blindly spending $10 for every outfit I see.

    I think I've spent maybe $70 in total (which I now think was probably a mistake).

  • Member Posts: 3,666

    Eh, many people have money to spare, cant blame them for using it on things they like.

  • Member Posts: 32

    Why is this even a thread?

  • Member Posts: 195

    I only buy the premium because when you get to the end you earn your money back in auric cells so I can get each pass for only having to pay using really money once

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    To the people making fun of us who like to buy cosmetics and/or the rift: please provide us with your banking statements for the past 6 months. I want to make sure you're not spending money on anything frivolous whatsoever.

  • Member Posts: 51

    Ive spent 700 between dlc and cosmetics

  • Member Posts: 1,262

    I'm a cosmetics ho. Have been since hats in Ragnarok Online. I like pretty and/or cool things.


  • Member Posts: 13

    Tbh I would pay any price just to look different than others. Its sad, but I hate having equipped the default skin. On the other side, I really hate when other survivors have some ultra-expensive skin what the killer can see from the other side of the map... Like some bright color clothing. Thats why I buy only dark cosmetics :3

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    I've always actually liked the progression and especially challenges (archives in DBD) part of the "Battle Pass" model. And I usually either complete them or get pretty close.

    And for cosmetics... I just like playing dress-up in games, think I'll blame Team Fortress 2 for that one 😄. But at the same time I'm pretty picky, so I haven't actually purchased a lot of outfits at all. But if something makes me go "Ooh, that's cool" I'll probably get it.

  • Member Posts: 623

    I just like having cosmetics from the Rift. The only other times I bought cosmetics were either:

    A) A sale for a cosmetic I liked came up

    B) I was gifted cash

    or C) I want all of Nea's cosmetics because she's my main

  • Member Posts: 636

    All the rifts. Never spent a dime on any skin because I just want the p3 skins.

    But I do because I genuinely enjoy the game and want to support the devs. I figure the hundreds of hours I've spent in game thus far kinda balances out the $40 I've spent on rifts pretty well.

  • Member Posts: 326

    The original ghostface outfit is worth more than ANY survivor skin

  • Member Posts: 1,262

    And in the case of the original, it makes you some what harder to see. Darker black + no floaty stringy things. For stealth purposes there's a lot of good cosmetics, especially survivor sided.

  • Member Posts: 326

    Yeah there is, it happens to me lol. And ive complimented killer cosmetics before too but its benefits me

  • Member Posts: 26

    Cus jane has a nice ass

  • Member Posts: 28

    Ive only bought one rift and it has paid for every other rift ive completed prob 4 or 5 in total so say 5 rifts 10$

  • Member Posts: 477

    You don't lose auric cells on the premium rift so it doesn't cost anything.

  • Member Posts: 64

    Because bunny feng, because I had extra money, because I play a lot, because I play with friends and cosmetics make it more fun. I have stopped buying cosmetics as of late because I got skins for the survivors I wanted already.

  • Member Posts: 158

    I wanted robotnik david. Also, I literally play every day and have tons of fun. Giving BHVR an extra $10 for the pass was a nice way to have more goals and support the game.

    I've only ever bought cosmetics during sales. Same logic though. I play a lot, I can kick in a few bucks to keep the lights on.

  • Member Posts: 24

    i mainly purchase hairstyles for characters i main, or characters that have disgusting og hair (claudette, laurie, etc)

    i only bought the jewel of the party rift pass cause that skin was amazing

    unless the skin isnt as cute as bunny feng min, then im getting it for free

  • Member Posts: 105

    To look cool / cute, considering the mileage I've gotten out of this game I'm willing to spend some money on it now and again. For rift I typically wait until I know I can reach tier 70 and get my money back, though admittedly I'm not that interested by the end of this current one and can't play as much anyway so might buy it a bit early.

    With skins I only buy specific pieces unless there is a deal on auric cells price and I really want it, which has only happened once (Shirtless David). My favourite I have bought is Jeff's scarlet swarm manbun, I never use any of his other headpieces now! If I can earn a cosmetic for shards I will, rather than spending premium currency.

  • Member Posts: 63

    I think this game is neat and I want to support something I like by getting something cool in game.

  • Member Posts: 20

    you know if you buy 1 rift pass and always complete them that you get all your auric cells back? do you only need to pay 10 bucks once to get all the cosmetics they come out with in the rift forever pretty much. That seems pretty damn fair to me. If you don't play it enough to finish the rifts, then maybe it isn't worth it to you if you don't care for cosmetics. I think it's fun to switch it up every once in a while and would never buy the cosmetics in the store. Those I could see as complete rip off. The rift pass system is extremely fair though, and I don't get complaining about it. I wish they also had rank rewards at the end of the month with more extreme rank resets so you had to earn them.

  • Member Posts: 248

    I'm a bit of a completionist and I've liked the content contained in the Rifts so far. Not much else to say.

  • Member Posts: 2

    Because I actually like the game, I've already spent aroun $200 on the game, despite it's current state, I really love the game and I'm willing to spend money on it

  • Member Posts: 20

    I buy stuff for several reasons. One if I like them I'll buy them plain and simple. Main reason this indie company one lives the fans and continues to breath life into this game for fans with new updates constantly as well as free stuff. I buy to help support them and to thank them. Sadly the I have never in my life see a game where so many people whine and complain about everything lol. Not even just here but if they lose they send nasty messages if they win they send nasty messages people want everything needed then complain everything is nerfed etc. Play the game and have fun. If you don't like don't play and leave the people alone who are enjoying it. Stop disconnecting because you lose and to end the answer to your question don't buy stuff then some of us enjoy the game and show support by doing so as well as we play enough that we earn enough to get free stuff too which they don't have to do. Ugh such ungrateful cry babies and toxic fandoms now lol

  • Member Posts: 1

    For me, I've only bought skins for Cheryl, Claudette (might have misspelled her name) and Felix.

    I thought she looked adorable in her nurse outfit and couldn't resist purchasing it :). (Same goes for her police officer look)

    Claudette had a skin with a stylish hair piece and I knew she'd look cute in it~

    As for Felix...I have a thing for mustaches and his skin with the jeans and jacket made him an 100 in my book 💞... Couldn't resist that purchase either, haha.

    I have probably spent over $25 or $30.

    Not very proud of spending my money that way and some part of me does regret getting those skins, but like someone mentioned on here, they bring some sort joy to my dumbass when I play :')

  • Member Posts: 43

    I play the game so much rn that the rift is a net gain since I earn the cells back.

    I also am quite new to the game (a few months) so it has the "shiny new toy" aspect of it I guess.

    Also why wouldn't I buy hospital gown Mikey? :)

  • Member Posts: 32

    Usually for killers I buy because I think they look cool, and for survivors I usually only buy to make their clothes darker/harder to see

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