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The Meyers insta-mori add-ons need to go



  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    I wouldn't call it OP necessarily; most of the time I only get two kills or less with an infinite tombstone Myers, and that's in large part because the survivors only have gens to do in the meantime. It can result in some pretty amazing moment tho, both as killer and survivor.

    I had a game recently where a David kept jumping in lockers to avoid being mori'd during the hatch EGC while I kept having him wiggle off to give myself another go at it, and about 3 seconds before the end, he started clicking his flashlight while standing near a locker, but I rounded the jungle gym wall from an unexpected direction and shanked him from behind. It was very entertaining.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,078

    We did get 3 gens done. But the 'counter' to his level 3 you described is a joke. In order to avoid getting insta-moried, you let him instadown you from a locker? Do you see the problem here?

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,078

    If something isn't perfect then the smartest thing to do is juggle around ideas that may or may not work to improve it. These ideas often come in the form of complaining. That's just life, man.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559
    1. you've (as a group of survivors) let Myers gain an overwhelming power.
    2. You have a sure chance to mitigate its devastation by hopping in a locker when he's near.
    3. You complain about the situation you got yourself into through either A. not looking around attentively enough or B. not treating Myers as a serious threat early enough in the game.

    So, yes, I'm sure many people see the problem: you're blaming the killer and the add-ons for problems other survivors and yourself have created, and you pooh pooh the last saving grace you are given to not be killed upon being found.

    Catch 22s like these are all well and good, but catch 22s around generator completion (eg. Pop, Ruin, Trails of Torment, etc. combos) are not. This is because generators are mechanically different from chases and survival techniques.

  • Larz02Barz
    Larz02Barz Member Posts: 95

    Seriously another complaint about add ons and for Myers really you gotta be really sad to want him changed get over it I get killed like that all the time amd I just tell the man gg I don't complain about it why bc they try to make stuff like this close to whatever movie or game they come from and I find it fun to play against tombstone Myers gets my blood going

  • Hamburgerlar
    Hamburgerlar Member Posts: 58

    I think by the time you get here three of the games practically over. Quite often all

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,078

    But that's the problem right there. I have to abandon solo play, an entire game mode, just to have fun at the game? That's called a broken system, which could have been fixed by MMR btw.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,078

    I also want those core problems changed. But that won't happen. It just won't, not with these devs. So I'm taking what I can.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559
  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,078

    No, no. Y'all have me convinced. I'm gonna abuse whatever broken ######### this game has and be toxic about it if I can, because it's "part of the game"! If I hate these Meyers add-ons so much, I'll just use them myself and stop complaining, because now it's something that benefits me.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559


    this is me when I get annoyed and decide to use iridescent head Huntress and a mori XD

  • MrLimonka
    MrLimonka Member Posts: 545

    Welp, if Myers gets to tier 3, regardless if he has the addon or not, he can insta-down you.

    The difference is without the addon getting to tier 3 is easy. With the addon, he has to waste tons of time without any pressure whatsoever, and then you can nullify the addon's effects by just jumping in a locker.

    And I agree that this is very unfun to go against, but it's not OP at all. Purple tombstone, on the other hand, is.

  • jerakal
    jerakal Member Posts: 246

    You'll be relieved to know that you will encounter meyers using that addon less than 1% of the time.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    It dosent take a long time to get tier 3 with the tombstone piece...

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    It's a free mori lol how is that not op? The only reason it's probably one of the weakest rare add ons is bc imo Myers is the weakest killer in the game.

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    I've run up against 3 or 4 infinite tier 3 tombstone myers. Almost every game I played against them they got looped and didn't get more than a kill or two because it took them 84 years to hit tier 3. If it's just tombstone with memorial, hide or loop. Throw pallets early. I know everyone's milage will vary when it comes to facing different killers/builds, but myers is a very easy killer to evade even with infinite tier 3 built in Mori shenanigans.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,078

    Usage rate isn't parallel to power level. I hardly ever see iri head Huntress but guess how many complaints that one gets?

  • Caleaha
    Caleaha Member Posts: 90

    Well what rank is Tombstine? I know it's not red. And that is what makes it freaking ridiculous!

    Like seriously, how fun is it to be a survivor and get offed instantly when you haven't even done anything other than try to evade him? Then you get killed off.

    Or worse, you e dine a few things, figure hey, buddy has been hooked twice, I'll go and relieve some pressure so he can have a chance to unhook and heal. And maybe get a generator started. And you get killed off. Like what?!

    After that game, if I hear it's a Myers on headset, good luck! I ain't gonna take him off your tail. Dude freaking hung up 2 of my team mates but got me, then proceeded to kill off all of the survivors.

    It needs a nerfing. And it should be made red. It's more powerful than the red morie you don't need to fill any requirements rather than stand there and stare.

  • BabyLegion
    BabyLegion Member Posts: 5

    According to wikipedia and the developers Myers' will to kill is so great that the entity itself is unable to control it, and to know that this is true there are 2 adoons of it which are the 2 red ones tier 3 infinite and insta-mori , I understand you, can’t take insta-mori anymore but they can’t remove or nerf the adoons, because that feature wouldn’t make any more sense.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,078

    I hate when people use the lore to justify balance decisions.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    I don't know about that last line. I'm pretty sure the Feng that was repeatedly farmed by a Claudette in one of my games was pretty happy when I stalked off the Feng so I could tombstone the Claudette when she farmed her for the second hook.

    It was a fun game, and the remaining survivors thanked me for the match afterward.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Also, usage rate should be related to power level, but the devs really messed that one up when they didn't separate perks from the bloodweb and instead flooded the economy, devaluing the bloodpoint and all the add-ons and offerings on the bloodwebs, resulting in piles upon piles of add-ons of all tiers that will never come close to being used up on most survivors and most killers.

    It's a real issue, and no one seems to think it is.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992
    edited October 2020

    Something is very wrong with add-ons that let you remove a survivor from the trial, whom you may have never so much as injured prior. Heck, they may have even only granted you the last millisecond of stalk needed to enter Tier III. The tombstone add-ons need to be nerfed so that every survivor needs to be hooked at least once prior to allowing you to enter Tier III. In return, I'd be ok with lowering the amount of stalking needed and/or removing the stalk limit allowable from one survivor.

  • PatWesker
    PatWesker Member Posts: 252

    Yes it is balanced, not only by more time stalking, but also with a movement speed decreased (too much according to me)

    In my opinion, J tombstone is almost useless since you need to stalk A LOT, but it is almost impossible to reach a survivor.

    I even myself asked on the forums for a buff of it, otherwise it is useless.

    According to tombstone piece, it is well balanced: no movement speed decrease, need a lot more time stalking, and decreases a lot of evil within when killing a survivor with it.

    In my opinion, all add ons set of myers should be reworked, cuz every michael main use only like... 5 add ons cuz they are the only useful ones. I mean, who cares about "slightly increasing movement speed while stalking"?

    It makes myers a killer we play a bunch of games, then you need to farm more add ons before playing back with him. I have in my set like 115 Tacky Earrings and Jewelry that I will NEVER use, and I'm not the only one to think that.

    And I'm sorry dude but like I said, this is not that unfair because it is balanced with a more time stalking need. If you suspect a Myers to run a tombstone piece, just hide in a locker, it is better to get hooked than be just moried.

    And, like I said, if a Myers runs a J tombstone, it is very easy to run from him since he is soo ffff slow, and the time he gets to reach to you on EW3, his EW will be over. So no, it is not unfair at all.

  • zodbones
    zodbones Member Posts: 13

    tombstone add on needs to change

    Not only is it a pretty BS add on that rewards playing the killer poorly, it also screws both sides out of blood points.

  • ThePolice
    ThePolice Member Posts: 801

    If your team fed him stalk then you didn’t play perfectly..

  • DarthRevan21
    DarthRevan21 Member Posts: 73

    Bruh if anything more killers should have addons like tombstone or TS piece like Myers.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,920

    agreed, but BHVR will not like it because that means they have to force Achievement services to change their systems.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    No, no they don't. The Myer's Mori add-ons are part of what make him unique and grant him a special kind of style and substance. He isn't alone in having a Mori ability outside of an offering. PH also has a method to do this. There is also Devour Hope (A Hex Perk) which can allow for it too. Myers has been able to do these things for a LONG time and it hasn't broken then game, nor made him overpowered. He is considered middle tier if not lower. Every once in awhile threads like this one show up when someone gets Salty.