Share your wholesome DbD moments!



  • Rex_Honeycut
    Rex_Honeycut Member Posts: 102

    Saw an obvious 3 person swf in the lobby so I changed my trapper build to anti swf (save the best for last, sloppy butcher, bbq & corrupt intervention; iri stone & bloody coil). They had some good runners but I took advantage of their "friends before gens" strategy and had all of them on death hook with 3 gens left. The random gets killed so the swf start sandbagging each other and it was absolutely hilarious. Body blocking, hook bombing, t-bagging after a down, you name it. I joined in the fun and let them locker tech me a few times. I killed them and we all had a laugh together afterwards.

    After that night it became a 4 person swf and has been for the last two months.

  • TheFatTopHat
    TheFatTopHat Member Posts: 14

    One time when I was playing Ghostface in order to complete some challenges, my last round I had a 3 kill going and was chasing after the last survivor. I'd already completed the challenge and decided to let the last girl go. We ended up working together to find the hatch. It took us about 15 minutes before we finally found it.

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    Wholesome moments don’t exist in this game.

    The most wholesome experience you’ll get is getting punched by a Meg, sandbagged and then have the pallet be dropped on your downed body while they sprint burst away.

  • wichael_wyers
    wichael_wyers Member Posts: 202

    This sounds ridiculous, but I've been trying pretty hard not to run Ruin or Pop on any of my killers so I can make it to rank 5 (or even 1) and feel like I've earned it for sure. Sadly, the highest rank I've gotten was 6.

    Today I was playing Oni and had gotten this team down with 3 gens left and this purple rank sweetheart said I was good enough to be in the red ranks. That I was genuinely challenging and it's what makes games fun. That I'd definitely make it to red ranks soon ;-;

    I'm sure it'll eventually come around, but that was just reassuring and neat, since lately I've felt like I haven't been consistent as killer. They went out of their way to stay and say that to me like wowie.

  • HommeBizarre
    HommeBizarre Member Posts: 410
    edited November 2020

    When I first began to play DBD, I was scared everytime I heard the TR, and even when I coulnd't hear it x)

    And the most memorable game I have is that time when (back in September 2016) I went inside the Thompson house, decided to come upstair... and I don't know why I've entered a locker (cuz I was a noob)... 5 seconds later the nurse was coming upstairs too...

    I was like omg plz don't find me... it mades laugh so hard

    Nothing really AWESOME, but since I was a new player, it stayed in my mind and I can't forget it

  • eiredrake
    eiredrake Member Posts: 98

    Literally just the last match I played. I like Freddy always have. Before this game was even a twinkle in some dev's eye.

    I had some people who made some really odd decisions that got them hooked early on. But eventually they evened out and started to recover. One guy's shirtless toon had some sort of toolbelt that looked cool. Early in the game he started doing the clicky flashlight bullshit that I freaking hate. I blatantly ignored him and went after someone else.

    So he actually STOPPED doing it. Once he stopped I chased him around too. It surprised me so much I had to write about it. I ended up with a 4k. Afterwards I actually thanked him for not being obnoxious with the flashlight. We chatted a bit and had a pleasant experience.

  • B_Swims08232004
    B_Swims08232004 Member Posts: 12
    edited November 2020

    This was against a ps4 huntress since i'm on ps4 too

    so this is when i first started playing the game back in June 2019 i was very new to this game so i kept hiding in lockers pretty much playing this game how it was meant to be played. I also just bought the stranger things dlc for the game so i was steve i didn't even know how to put perks on and stuff. So i was pretty much useless to the team getting me left behind during that time i had little information about looping but i knew how to do simple pallet looping i gave a huntress a good loop so my other teammates can do the gens. Once i dropped the pallet i didn't know where to go expect a locker. I got in the locker right in front of her during the time she pulled me out the last gen was done and endgame started my teammates opened the gates and left me when the huntress saw that all of them had left she turned around from the hook she was about to hook me on and brought me to the exit gate. I was really surprised when she did that. I had my messages on friends only so i couldn't message them "Thank you"

  • scottyj555
    scottyj555 Member Posts: 24

    * this is something posted just 40 mins ago on my own thread*

    I'm not an incredibly experienced player, play mostly as killer for enjoyment. Play on ps4

    Love a great chase though generally speaking have had good and bad matches. Nothing but respect for the experienced survivors/killers

    Will say, I just experienced a new level of skill with a particular player that whooped my ass like no other and he knew he had me whooped but we played it out. It was like I couldn't stop chasing (I try not to tunnel), I'd get the others but not him. he ran great interference and knew his stuff, in the end after we all made the pts we could he gave himself up, went straight to the basement, I was flabbergasted, while the others ran to the door. Kudos man.

    Ya know when you're beat.

    #bluebird on pc, and others like that, respect to you, had a blast. This game can be so much fun.

  • Foohy
    Foohy Member Posts: 26

    Just had a match where we were destroyed by an Oni and I was in the last two survivors, and he figured out the other guy was literally just hiding all game not helping anyone, so he downed me and got me back on my feet by dropping me repeatedly.

    So the hunt began, I saw his aura earlier and went looking for him in that area. We were looking for a couple of minutes and it started to look grim, so I gestured him towards the hatch and showed a hook so he can kill me and close the hatch on this scumbag, but he gestured a no and we kept on looking.

    We eventually found him and he smashed his ass to the ground and farmed him on hook, and let me have the hatch.

    The best killer I have ever faced, gameplay wise as well.

    Love u bro.

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    New one having my tea yes triple hatch ditch me with a legion who had noed who then gave me the gate escape

  • Tubby_Squirrel
    Tubby_Squirrel Member Posts: 245
    edited November 2020

    I was out-played af as Huntress, and I got a luckly shot at the end on a guy who would have had a guy dead on first hook at the very end of the game, because his team escaped with out him. This guy was their best distracter and saver so I carried him to the hook, and stalled in front of it for a few seconds to let him escape instead of taking the absolutely undeserved K. I didn't want him to 'know' I was sparing him tho so I had to make it convincing like 'Oh no! The noob killer can't get in front of the hook! Curses! You wiggled free!'

    Thats the only time I've intentionally let a survivor go.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Some person added me while I wrecked their squad as nurse to tell me I was a good nurse. I usually get a lot of salt.

  • Liam282
    Liam282 Member Posts: 219

    Because I can.

  • eff
    eff Member Posts: 154

    Played ghostface today and two survivors suicided with 5 gens. I pitied the last two because they were nice and tried to actually play, so I guided them to gens while having free hits and letting them wiggle away. They decided that one of them will die and another one will escape (they were friends soo). We had a nice after game chat as well :)

    There is a whole pile of toxic jerks in this game, but it's moments like this that make me wanna stay here.

  • The all but one in my recent thread that motivated me to give Blight another shot was pretty wholesome; the other commenter aside.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I had every trophy in the game except for the Left Behind trophy. No matter what I did I could never get this trophy. One time I actually did what it wanted but because someone DC'ed earlier in the game it didn't count.

    Decided to go into solo q and try and get the trophy by dedicating a full build to it. Got a Ghostface, 1 gen left and I was on the hook. The 2nd last survivor sacrificed herself to save me just as I was about to die. She was death hook. The killer started chasing me after hooking her.

    I found the hatch before he could catch up and decided to point at it and then work on the gen. He grabbed me off and set me on the hatch. I crawled away and he realised what I was doing. He let me finish the gen and escape for the trophy.

    Even though he knew I could've escaped he didn't need to be nice to me. I know plenty of people would've just been like "you should've just taken the hatch" and kill me.

  • JoeyBob
    JoeyBob Member Posts: 477

    Slugging 4 survivors as Leatherface and then letting them bleed out.

  • scottyj555
    scottyj555 Member Posts: 24

    Had a chance to do that with the dr had one hooked and 3 down. I didn't feel like waiting hah. Hookedem

  • Zani22
    Zani22 Member Posts: 444

    Semi wholesome not much I could really do considering this is ward main build inf and well nearest hook was 5 miles so uh yeah this happend then crawled out to a hook

    Hooked her. Showed my chainsaw one last time left her to enjoy the entity.

  • sqmuxl
    sqmuxl Member Posts: 52

    whenever ghostface first came out, literally this one ghostface just saw me and t-bagged then we all had a dance party, they let us escape

  • ProwlingDead
    ProwlingDead Member Posts: 23

    I had this the other day, the nurse destroyed us, but at one point actually made me jump so I congratulated them in the lobby. It's a game, as long as they are playing "fair" and well, then they deserve kudos.

  • ProwlingDead
    ProwlingDead Member Posts: 23

    Yesterday had a match where I hooked a survivor within 40 seconds or so, he didn't like that and disconnected, Chased around the other survivors, and realized they kept crouching and pointing, so i'm like ok lassie whats up girl.. they take me to an AFK survivor that has crows.. took him out and we all just stood there for a minute staring at each other, Bill picks up Dwight and I drop him again and he heals him, Rinse repeat, and ended up farming the rest of the match... Traded a hook for an escape at end, ended up with more points than just taking out the two with two dead players.

  • Just_a_Mid_Boss
    Just_a_Mid_Boss Member Posts: 10

    I only play killer and usually just help survivors get their blood points because even if I fail and play lazily I come out with 11-15k BP while they usually run 8k TRYING. I usually end my games with me at 11-15k, their lowest at 11-13k and the highest at 28k.

    I also feel bad because once in a very very long while I might start as Pyramid Head and decide I have to play AS hin because he is my favorite. I usually slowly walk dragging my blade, during these times I want it to be realistic.. No one survives. Then I feel worse seeing their add on and offerings wasted.

    Mostly, I do not want to discourage new players from playing the game and give them a little gift of BP, achievments, etc.

  • scottyj555
    scottyj555 Member Posts: 24

    Ran shape on rotten fields. They started off well got 2 quick gens. Then the blood started flying. Hooked 3 of 4 to death hook. Seemed like I ran the whole map in tier 3 without the add on. leaving the good ole obsession (save the best) and kept picking him up and dropping him. Once he was able to come to he faced me, I turned since we were by the door. He followed. Couldn't open the door yet and neither of us knew where the hatch was since it wasnt in the middle. Not talking ######### but It was a dominated match.

    I literally acted as if I was working the gen (last gen) and seen him to the door. Respectfully before he beat feat he turned and there were no tea bags. More like a legit bow. I did the same gave a couple spins. Finished the match with a big ole kool aid smile.

    Fix cross platform chat damnit :)

  • SamsungSidney
    SamsungSidney Member Posts: 34

    Not sure how I pulled this off but I did 👀

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Having a conga line of survivors crouching behind me playing pig...

    Or wraith

    I turn to see them all... HAHAHAHAH

  • AnnaEliza365
    AnnaEliza365 Member Posts: 141

    I played the magpie build where I took a bunch of items to the basement, lured the killer down, and presented the items as offerings. The Michael gave me a get out of jail free card.

  • Komi
    Komi Member Posts: 364

    Had several fun rounds as clown today, but this stood out as the friendliest I've experienced in a while. Hope I can have more fun matches such as this.

  • NateyBoi
    NateyBoi Member Posts: 315

    I was playing myers and I didn't kill anybody.. At the exit, the survivors were teabagging so I decided to just walk away. They came running to me letting me watch them die to the endgame, so they practically died for me.

  • Neophyte
    Neophyte Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2020

    Right now in my recent memory i have nothing positive to say. I've made a tally of how matches went for the past 2 weeks. 64% of all my matches involved toxic, camping killers who would face camp, or patrol the hook within the 16m distance from start to end. "just punish the killers by doing gens!" they say. We try but inevitable one or two people are killed and face camped to death during the matches, meanwhile the killers still end up with 20k points, and don't lose pips. No incentive for killers to do their damn job properly when they can do the bare minimum and still get their pips and BP. So no i have nothing positive to say about this game.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    Being stuck in the ground as Charlotte and having to dc since the survivors won't leave :)

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,700

    Please try to stay on topic, thank you.

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    Plus we hardly know what's going on in BHVR, because they hardly ever communicate with us!

    The most they've ever told us in a QnA is "don't worry guys, we're looking into it."

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    After vacation, I started playing survivor in low ranks. Super rusty at it.

    One match was against a Hag. The hag seemed to be struggling right from the get-go.

    I found a lit totem, and started to cleanse. Thrill of the Hunt popped up, and I left it alone so the Hag could get some bloodpoint bonuses.

    I was willing to gamble that the hex it might have been protecting wasn't being used or if there was even a second hex in play (I run thrill of the hunt as my only hex for points often enough, but I'm crazy like that lol) . No signs of ruin, after all.

    Not sure if the Hag player even knew, but that's just how I roll.

    Had another match, vs a Huntress. One guy DCed immediately (and I found out about the 600 abandoned bonus) and the match kinda went on as normal. I had to get stuns done for the archive, and got those. Kinda felt bad. It wasn't easy, mind you.

    Game progressed, gates got opened. The other 2 and I got to the gate. We spent time healing eachother, and the huntress just seemed to get some extra points and was going to let us go.

    Kinda felt nostalgic since I do this sort of thing, too, and Huntress is a fav killer of mine. Felt bad after the 2 stuns, too.

    Countdown was going, I was trying to point for the other 2 to leave so I could let myself get sacrificed. They kept healing me, and I couldn't hardly emote as I was letting myself get hit.

    Time ran short, they bolted much to my relief. I went over to the huntress pretty much begging to be hooked, but was thrown out anyhow.

  • SaltyRainbow
    SaltyRainbow Member Posts: 87

    i had a chill billy as killer.

    he played pretty good and i was the last survivor.

    i was hiding behind a tree and threw a pebble. he went for the pebble but spotted me in the corner of his eyes. so he came and starred at me.

    i pointed at the pebble, he left me and i got the hatch^^

    those chill guys are rare and i love them, even when everyone dies^^

  • Moisette
    Moisette Member Posts: 127

    I've had quite a few Killers that let me leave either through the exit gate or the hatch. I always find that really nice and always thank them.

    I had a match last week where a Huntress let me and the other survivor do gens and leave. I was going to tell her "Thank you Mama Huntress x3" but I'm extremely awkward and shy so I just said gg and a thank you.

    I had a match maybe a month ago where this Ghostface was hunting us down and I went into the Thompson House to open a chest and do a gen. Well, Ghostface came creeping up there and I saw him so I stopped searching and teabagged over to him and I was saying "No! I'm opening this chest! You go away! Shoo!" in real life. He started teabagging back and apparently we bonded over that and left me alone. He ended up downing the Meg on my team and I ran up to heal her, but I teabagged once like "May I heal her?" and he teabagged once back so I took that as a yes. He let us leave in the end. I was trying to get him to hook me, but he refused. It really made me happy - one of the happier times I've had in this game xD

    I also had a match where Leatherface chased me for a long time and I ended up running past a Nea who was just standing out in the open and I yelled "NEA, DO SOMETHING!!" playfully. I ended up getting downed and hooked and the Nea came over like she was going to unhook me, but teabagged instead. Then she got chainsawed from behind and downed and I was like "NEA, NOOOO!!" We all died, but I was laughing so hard I cried.

    I also play Pig occasionally just to get snoot boops. I had a match one time where everyone booped the snoot so I let them do gens and leave. One gave me their toolbox and I gestured for them to take it because I didn't want them to lose their item. In the chat they told me I was the sweetest oink and that made me happy. And another time when I was playing as Pig, I had a Claudette follow me the whole match after she booped my snoot.

    Another time, I was playing as The Legion and was wearing the Robbie The Rabbit skin and I was playing because of a daily ritual. I finished the ritual and no one was toxic to me, so I was just fine letting everyone leave. They ended up trapping me in a corner and refused to leave until I slashed them xD

  • Katana314
    Katana314 Member Posts: 9

    One time in early ranks; I knew the game pretty well from many survivor matches, but had to progress through the really simple ranks. Some early survivors try to fast-enter lockers in the hopes that I won't figure it out (scratch marks, noise, etc). One time when such a person (who had already been hooked) did this, I walked into the room, and then veeerrrry slowwwly rotated to face the locker. Then I just kept going.

    Of course, that mindgame is going to change with Distraction.

  • Greatamygdala
    Greatamygdala Member Posts: 292
    edited December 2020

    Got someone tilted for using Hex devour hope but I'm legitimately surprised a survivor went and argued for me which was great. Weird how this guy hid the entire game and not taking aggro when his team was wounded. Immersed players be like.

    *Edit also I only just now noticed I was running blood warden ######### haha

  • CloakedInKoalas
    CloakedInKoalas Member Posts: 15

    So I've been playing DBD about a month. I main Killer, but I'm not very good (rank 15). I'm trying to improve and recently bought, among several others, The Plague. In one game, I played against a team of Survivors who absolutely stomped me. I had a lot of fun trying and failing to catch them on loops and hit them with my vomit. By the end of the game, I only managed to kill one. They GG'd at the end of the game, then to my surprise, found and joined my stream. In my Chat, we talked about how much fun we had and they gave me a few pointers on how to improve as The Plague. It was a super wholesome moment that I won't forget. :)

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    This is where I'll put my 'Wholesome DbD moment'.....If I had one.

  • Tweety007
    Tweety007 Member Posts: 7

    Something very similar happened to me too a long time ago.

    We were on Macmillan and the killer was The Pig. She slugged all of us and put a bear trap on each , then she began being friendly and she let us repair a generator.

    As the bear traps activated she body-blocked ONE of the boxes and let the rest free and ,basically if we were lucky for the key not to be in the blocked one , she would let us escape.

    Me and another survivor were unlucky and died , but the other 2 escaped.

    At the end of the match , in the chat , she wrote the quote that Jigsaw says to Amanda when she escapes in Saw 1, it was really cool :D !

  • Shiartu
    Shiartu Member Posts: 45

    This is the funniest experience I have had. I played Huntress against 4 survivors, they just duck-walked around the map for 30 minutes.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    A nice killer let me go the other day because I was the only person still playing the game, while my other three fully healed teammates hid and waited for everyone else to finish the last gen for them. It was nice. If you're reading this, Killer, ilu.