Scoring Needs A Rework From The Ground Up.

Ive always thought the scoring in this game was broken as hell and it produces some very unjust results in many games I've seen over my 1 year career on this game, but the game I've just had take the total piss.
A hook camping, tunnelling clown who killed one person and scored 20k total points, while 4 randoms managed to take a couple trades and get us out alive with all gens done got screwed. Two of us escapees got 25k, so more than the killer each and got out alive, one of them being me who sat on a hook half the game being camped, yet still got out with 25k and I still de-pip?
I dont really care at this point, ive long since stopped caring about ranks or anything in particular on this game but I thought this game was worth a mention because of how truly awful the gameplay was for us survivors and how we managed to overcome the ######### killer tactics to escape and the game still stiffed us.
Its no wonder this community is dwindling and fast when you're constantly being screwed over by the game.
Yes. It's interesting that even if the killer camps or tunnel, they still get points, but survivors barely get anything for doing objectives.
It seems that only unhooking and healing give anything at the end of the game. Even side stuff like chests or totems only give you so much points, such a small cap.
I hate that I need to play 5 games and escape to get what I can get in 1 or 2 games doing bad as killer.
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You know its bad when the killer goes afk, everyone does the objective and escapes and you all derank for not having enough interaction with the killer. Had that many times before too.
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I stopped caring about pipping a while ago. It’s not well designed at all as either side.
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Haha just had a bubba score more points than the clown when he managed to chainsaw the 3 of us trying to get the 4th off hook. Game over in 3 mins and he got more points hahaha
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A killer that camped all round wouldn't get 25k. It's impossible.
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Well 90-95% of the game he was hanging around whoever was on hook. Its the only reason the rest got gens done so fast.
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You were obviously doing more than just camping the hook.
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Majority of the scoring was probably from coop points. The survivors were a good team and worked well together. I dont know why you're trying to tell me what my own eyes saw was a lie 🤣
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Agreed. People get punished for how bad others play which if youre being tunnelled or camped there's nothing you can do.
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Because mechanically, and mathmatically you're lying. Which is why I gave you a link to the emblem system. Damn does it look bad that to throw out your blatant lie, all you have to do is 1 google search.
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Well if I'd recorded the game I'd happily post it but I didnt. I dont come on here to moan for the fun of it you know. Im telling you what happened and what I saw. Whether you want to call it mathematically possible or not is down to you. I find it odd too that he scored so much from such a little game but it ######### happened. Theres no need to be a ######### about it.