We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Survivors Need to Stop Complaining About Camping



  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    When the opposition is complaining about your actions, rest assured, it's effective.

    Killers complain about looping, why? It's effective.

    I've never had a survivor thank me for face camping because they have yet to figure it out:

    "Thank you for standing in one spot for most of the game. It's allowed us to get 3 generators repaired unmolested".

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474


    That's a lofty ambition. Fun for everyone, yet someone HAS to "lose". Being camped isn't fun. You're probably correct. Being tunneled isn't fun. Being looped isn't fun. Being stunned isn't fun. Being blinded isn't fun. Being farmed isn't fun.

    I won't disagree that being camped on a hook is probably the least fun a survivor can have. It servers a purpose, it's for the greater good of the group...if the group takes advantage. I've had it happen to me, everyone has, no one here is special. We have all had multiple games, back to back, where, as a survivor, we are found within minutes of the game starting, tunneled and hooked....and that was the games entirety. However, I would argue that it doesn't happen enough to generate such fake outrage.

    Without the "low points", how would we ever appreciate those "high point" clutch moments?

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    You lost me at "...to not be detected..." the amount of killer perks and abilities that give aura sight destroys the thing you list as survivor's #1 goal.

    I do love how you mention that camping could be frustrating for someone who plays more casual. I'm not sure if you realize this or not, but this is a casual game. It is referred to as a "party game" for a reason. There is no balance and therefore cannot be a competitive game. That is where so many players go wrong. They treat the game as a competitive game when it is casual at its core. It is played for fun by most of what is left of its player base.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Camping only punishes altruistic survivors, if you are not altruistic you will escape, literally playing the game will be much much more enjoyable than sitting there doing nothing until someone goes to unhook

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Can confirm. I played with a friend of mine yesterday and we just left each other on the hook because the killer was camping.

  • Bithard
    Bithard Member Posts: 406

    Camping is really boring but as it does work why would people stop it?

    I had a game last night against a spirit and after she hooked the first person the other 2 kept going for the unhook and I believe she was warpinp away then warping back as they kept going down. They should have give up there.

    After several attempts devour hope appears. I have managed to get it down to 1 gen at this point on my own. I get the last gen done as she moris the last survivor and the exit gates are pretty close together.

    I end up getting seen once, hit once and mori'd and that was all I had to do with the killer.

    I wouldn't exactly say it was camping but she wanted people right off the hook. The problem there was not the killer tunneling and waiting for someone to get unhooked. It was the survivors for feeding her. Just leave it if you can't get to them and you will have a better game.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    Survivors need's to stop complaining about everything and git gud in general.. A game can't be balanced around new or amateur people. And if is going to be that way then in low ranks the match should have modifiers that make things easy, so the devs can leave high ranks untouched.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    And when survivors do get good, killers complain loudest. Not balancing for new people applies to both sides. A lot of killers here never considered the the possibility that they might not be good, especially when going up against survivors who are.

    On the OP, I never understood why killers felt the need to cling to their hooks or even cared if someone got unhooked besides using it as a lead to find other survivors. Unhooks mean opportunity for more emblems, points for everyone, especially the killer, and a healthier. more interesting game. Another thing most killers do not know how to do is lose with dignity. They stop being killers and become hostage takers, but you get used to that. I'm often the last one caught just as the gates get powered.

  • Jesp
    Jesp Member Posts: 192

    @Ttwylerr they're not a troll though, I disagree with them on things but that's fine. There's people on this forum that VERY transparently try to incite flaming/pointless arguements and they're not one of them.

    And on the general topic: people can complain about whatever they want to complain about. It's annoying to be camped and tunneled, it's annoying to get the full MoM + instaheal + adrenaline + decisive + borrowed experience, but neither is illegal or automatically makes the player bad at the game.

    Just because people complain about something doesn't mean it's not allowed, and I'd rather people just get it out of their system rather than letting it get bottled up until they go full hypocrite and do "unfun" stuff themselves to get "revenge" or whatever.

  • Jesp
    Jesp Member Posts: 192

    @Ttwylerr they're not a troll though, I disagree with them on things but that's fine. There's people on this forum that VERY transparently try to incite flaming/pointless arguements and they're not one of them.

    And on the general topic: people can complain about whatever they want to complain about. It's annoying to be camped and tunneled, it's annoying to get the full MoM + instaheal + adrenaline + decisive + borrowed experience, but neither is illegal or automatically makes the player bad at the game.

    Just because people complain about something doesn't mean it's not allowed, and I'd rather people just get it out of their system rather than letting it get bottled up until they go full hypocrite and do "unfun" stuff themselves to get "revenge" or whatever.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited May 2019

    And when the killer has made a hook, the game is designed to let players unhook said hooked survivor.

    Killer camping the hook goes against the very design intent of the game and just makes the game miserable for that one poor guy.

    How any killer can even justify this lousy, toxic and unskilled behavior is beyond me.

    There's a reason why survivors DC, and the reason is you OP.

    As for "a good survivor adapts and overcomes" you play Survivor right? How exactly are you supposed to adapt or overcome being first to hook then camped all game long? You do not have the ability to do anything meaningful to overcome the situation. You are completely at the mercy of your teammates and the killer.

    There is no counterplay. Unless you want to run Vigo's Salty Lips every game, and pack Slippery Meat and Up the Ante, and even that isn't counter play it's just dumb luck, and isn't sustainable, and isn't even consistent.

  • duderelaxman
    duderelaxman Member Posts: 4

    Haven’t seen much camping lately, by which I mean face camping. Plenty of proximity camping which is almost as annoying. I can’t think of anything more annoying as a ‘cloak and camp’ wraith though. How bad do you have to be to adopt that game style..

  • So I kinda agree on a few things first of all yes survivors should be smart and know what they're facing but as a killer main camping is really stupid when I see someone getting camped my three teammates gen-rush and get out and your left with a single kill. Now, it's not bad to check up on the surviver every now and then but sitting there waiting for him/her to die isnt smart at all even when im the camped person I simply tell them to get gens done and GTFO he gets his de pit they get theyre iri badges in everything besides the benevolent badge WHICH can still get you a 2pit if the rest are red

  • meshel
    meshel Member Posts: 4

    Those are valid and the only issue I have with a killer that plays like that is you already get an advantage with certain perks that show you the exact location of the survivor. I understand your point if you don't have that perk. However with that perk why camp you already have the advantage then I see killers like that get mad when the survivor Disconnects. Which I dont personally practice camping as killer or DC as survivor but then you can argue that a killer shouldn't get mad at DC either then. The game is set up to give killer advantages between long wiggle and hooks close together and the perks like seeing survivors location. And agree looping isnt camping but why camp I have the upper hand as killer with perks hooks everything. That's why I dont camp I want to show my talent and it's more fun not camping and if I did camp seeing how game is in my favor as killer i wouldn't get mad if they dc. DC however does irritate me in a clean game. But thing makes me maddest in the games is survivors that think you'll obey them when they point or run to you thinking you wont hit them. And killers that enable them, unless everyone dc but 1thats the only time I let that survivor win I feel bad they had immature teammates. And if they dont try to help their team I seek those ones out with vengeance then I focus on hooking that one over and over till their out lol. I like honor in my games fyi if I'm your killer.

  • aussieuk91
    aussieuk91 Member Posts: 1

    To me if a killer is camping, there not very good at playing killer! I play only as survivor because i prefer the thrill of it! Plenty of times in the game a killer is able to get 4k without the need to camp! Theres nothing worse when playing and a killer camps not giving the people playing a fair chance at the game! Its ######### sportmanship and sorelosing when you csmp because you know its the only way you will get any kills!

    just face it your ######### at playing killer! Maybe try sticking to survivor!

  • Megu01
    Megu01 Member Posts: 1

    Ikr. They just want to take full advantage of survivors. The game is already more on survivor side and I wish they nerf it cuz you can't hook all 4 survivors unless noob lobby. I play both roles almost 50/50 fyi.

    Camping is just a strategy and yes if you wanna call it no skill feel free to stay and if you are irritated by the fact then don't cry on me if it was thing they didn't intend to include they could have removed it.

    Tldr; Talking trash won't help. Either don't play the game or just accept the fact camping exists. It's not your cod.

  • Duvdoren
    Duvdoren Member Posts: 4

    This is legitimately the worst take I have ever heard. Patrolling isn't too bad but it's still a bit eh, I wanna focus on a camp.

    There is very little counter-play to a camper, especially if they play an instant down killer. As a survivor it comes to two choices.

    1. coordinate a save with your teammates taking some hits or
    2. ignore that guy and do gens

    The issues with these is that survivors in solo queue cannot communicate at all. There's no game chat. if you wanted to go for a save, you can't coordinate that well enough unless you got lucky with everyone being on the same page. You also can't tell your teammates to ignore the camp, and so they will end up dying too fast and that ruins the amount of gens you can do in what you think is the strategy to adapt to. It may seem like it isn't that overpowered when you play against SWF and that's because they are in a voice chat. The VAST majority of players are in either a solo queue or are playing with one other friend. It's just not viable to consistently counter-play a camp.

    Also, on the point that it reduces the fun. That was the dumbest point you made. The BIGGEST part of playing survivor is the team factor. You aren't supposed to play selfishly. The fun gets reduced because you feel bad for the person who is being camped and literally didn't get a proper chance to play the game. Your fun is reduced because instead of playing cooperatively with your team, you instead have to play like a selfish try hard and rush gens in order to get anything out of that game. Fun can come from challenges, but you have to succeed in those challenges to get the hit of dopamine. You aren't succeeding when the best thing you can do is the opposite of what you're playing the game for.