Ebony and Ivory Memento Moris now require the targeted survivor to have been hooked twice



  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,978
    edited December 2020

    I think we have different definitions of useless...by using a mori even after a second hooking you are still saving yourself the flashlight save attempts, pallet stun save attempts, firecracker save attempts, sabo save attempts, plus the survivor won't be able to body block a hook - nor do you lose a strategic hook as no survivor would have died on the hook so no permanent hook loss. That to me sounds far from useless.

    Edited to add - not forgetting DS.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    So they're completely useless now?

    Can I cash in on my Ebony's somewhere? Please?

  • boogieman976
    boogieman976 Member Posts: 35

    Still seeing them used this evening and for once it didn't feel cheap. The killer earned them.

    There are a ton of us players who couldn't care less about being competitive. We play to destress, not add more stress.

  • THey need to fire whoever thought of this. Once again a major game mechanic changed after purchase. Might as well call it Survive by daylight

  • BennytheJet3887
    BennytheJet3887 Member Posts: 3

    This is opinionated, for starters I personally think it’s cool to kill people by my own hand but aside from that you don’t have to risk getting DS’d on your way to the third hook and a lot of Other problems that come with carrying someone to a hook

  • rats00
    rats00 Member Posts: 194

    The issue is that all those situations are very rare unless you are up against a coordinated swf. When I play killer im paired against rank 1-8 survivors frequently despite being rank 14. Unless its a swf most survivors will either flee or buzz around like gnats so they can hook dive with bt and or ds.

    Same with running out of hooks, its a non issue unless you are hard camping/tunneling or are against a coordinated swf.

    Realistically mori's are practically useless, and its not just from a competitive aspect, its just a waste when I could use even the most garbage bp boost item and still come out ahead.

    Which is why they should just get pulled and give us a bump to killer specific ultra rare drops. At the very least knock them down to 3k trash with all the other useless offerings.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    I’m just annoyed because I haven’t got the 4 kills by own hand trophy yet. Came close recently but the last person crawled away and by pure luck found the hatch. Grr. Now it makes an already difficult challenge 400% harder.

  • FabsRinas
    FabsRinas Member Posts: 169

    Alright, now make keys open the hatch ONLY after the killer closes it and triggers end game collapse

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    However, given that the Ebony Mori in particular is demonstrably less useful than before surely they should be reduced in blood points cost in the blood web? Otherwise, it's making the grind even more difficult for Killers.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868
    edited December 2020
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    lets not forget that it is still an Ultra Rare offering - those are ment to hold some serious punch.

    yes, the old one was way too much. but that doesnt mean they had to kill it like they did.

    why not take Otz's idea where the mori will only work once every alive (cuz DCs) Survivor has been hooked at least once?

    the mori would still be powerful, the Killer cant just tunnel one player from the start and survivors could actually play around it, by being extra stealthy as long as they havent been hooked, while being less stealthy once they have (to ensure the killer wont get the 4th guy).

    but the version the Devs made is easily the laziest and worst possible solution they could have found for it - and i wouldnt be complaining now had they done that exact same change multiple years ago with the message "hey guys, we know moris are broken and we're working on something for them. in the meantime, take this ^^" (or sthg similar) - but they did this change NOW, over 3 years since the last time they touched moris and havent said anything regarding an actual change with the aim of making the offering less powerful, yet still usefull.

    it took them 3 YEARS (3.5, actually. 1.5.3, the patch that originally added the hook requirement was on 4th of July 2017) to come up with something and they gave us THAT.

    i am honestly very disappointed in that mori rework.

    its lazy and its way, way too harsh - and its not like there werent hundrets of threats out there that had tons of actually good and fun suggestions for the offering!

  • beldr
    beldr Member Posts: 14

    Well, not 2 hooks, just being on second state.

    So you can mori if the next hook would kill

  • sometimesbored
    sometimesbored Member Posts: 1

    So i disagree i dont see how keys are nearly as op as moris. Its sad that i would go into a game the killer gets me down then my team saves me then i get tunneled than moried thats 5MINS of playtime and wasnt nearly as fun for me. Yet a key with all four alive have to have all the gens done the only persons fault is the killers for not killing them off quicker with three alive they need to do 4. And if its only 1 regardless of key they can escape through hatch before you close it so i dont know why people say if moris get changed keys need them

  • Boodge
    Boodge Member Posts: 19

    Equating keys to moris is an odd choice. Moris are far more game breaking than keys.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    So if tunneling deserves to be punished, does that mean genrushing should too? They are both just parts of the game after all right? Or is this another arbitrary survivors rulebook for killers?

  • Boodge
    Boodge Member Posts: 19

    Bro, ebony moris were busted before. Literally turned matches into cheese games. Im all for refunding players for the ones they have, but this change is healthy for the state of the gameplay.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    Moris are also a one time use. Keys can be used multiple times. Both used to end the game quicker. Moris won’t do that anymore.

  • RepostRiposte
    RepostRiposte Member Posts: 793

    Can we just get rid of them or turn them into BP offerings cause if I wanted to play Pyramid Head I could just, you know... play Pyramid Head instead of burning 7000 bloodpoints.

  • beldr
    beldr Member Posts: 14

    I agree with that one. If keys used to open the hatch turned into broken keys at least they would equal that problem that Moris have

  • Boodge
    Boodge Member Posts: 19

    Keys only become useful if a game is already close to its end, and rely on rng to find the hatch. I rarely see people use keys on hatches, even when they bring them into matches.

    If a killer brings an ebony mori, they are all but guaranteed to not only use it, but get a cheesed 4k and waste everyones time.

    Also, you have to have an addon attached to a key to use it more than once.

    Keys can be strong, I agree. But equating them to moris is laughable. Moris are faaaaar more busted and op than keys, and require a lot less variables to use.

  • Claudette_Baguette
    Claudette_Baguette Member Posts: 567

    They are NOT useless, they can still counter a survivor's DS if you dont't tunnel at first hook. Also, it can save you lots of time when hooks are far away.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited December 2020

    When do we finally get a sell back system in place for offerings and/or addons?

    I have used hardly any Moris over the years, and now I really won't need them, the extra BP for the ever extensive grind would be much more useful. Oh and selling all the bad addons for Nurse and Billy would be great to, even more BP!

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    By don’t tunnel, you mean “hope you can keep track of sixty seconds in your head and remember which survivors have been hooked in the constant pressure cooker that is killer gameplay and not accidentally pick how survivor that somehow still has DS?”

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Only took them afew years that is very fast work for this game. Keys will take a bit more time perhaps a year? But it's good I never use keys because killer will counter it with a mori, but now finally I can start using my houndreds of keys that I have.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    If this is true, IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME. Being hooked and mori'd early in a match and being unable to do anything sucked ass, and was miserable for that player. Now I'm sure killers will find a way around it. Hook, tunnel, hook, tunnel, mori will be next, or just face camp. Either way, while the killer is wasting time doing that, gens will be popping. Killers may finally have to use skill and put forth some effort..... what a shame..... before yall throw crap my way I am red rank survivor and green rank killer.

  • judge_fist
    judge_fist Member Posts: 114

    That's debatable when encountering high level squads with a lower tier killer. Just like keys though if the squads bad the keys only really useful to one player.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    Let's be real exactly how many survivors bring in keys? Very few, and often it's bad survivors who don't know how to play the game.

  • f1uffykins
    f1uffykins Member Posts: 77

    I find it funny that most people are saying "hooking everyone first is more fair" when in reality if there is a good SWF group they will make sure the 4th guy doesn't get found so you can't get in the epic mori, double hooking and mori is honestly fair because it makes farming hooks by survivors and killers less of a punishment for the poor person on hook. I've been farmed by bubba a crap ton by somone getting me off while bubba revs his chainsaw and ends with me not even being able to play the game. Finally keys are not nerfed because they need to rework not only how keys work but how the hatch work. And that takes more time then rewriting a script on how many hooks trigger a mori

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050


    I have no problems with the way both keys and moris are (or were) working. Neither one play a factor in the vast majority of games I am in. If some lucky soul manages to find the trap door before the killer and escape, so what? If a killer manages to pull off a mori or two, so what? It mixes things up a bit. Nobody should be entitled to getting their 4 kills in or surviving to a second hooking. And honestly, the way that matchmaking is new killers need any advantage they can get against advanced survivors. It isn’t uncommon to see a rank 15 killer up against rank 2 survivors.

  • bimaeast
    bimaeast Member Posts: 7

    Good no more one hook mori.

  • bimaeast
    bimaeast Member Posts: 7

    Yes I agree . Most killers who one hook mori depend on them to win. Without them they don't have a chance . It will help those killers get better at the game . I mean here lately all I run into is tunneling camping red rings . That does not make you good at this game. It makes u a scrub killer that has to tunnel to win . It is rare for me to run into good legit killers

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    Agreed. Keys should be left alone though. Think about it. Keys are situational, and require some effort to be effective. Survive long enough to be the last survivor, or have the proper gen/survivor ratio. Also take into account of the killer closing the hatch and hopefully being able to reopen it without getting caught.

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    So like...why would that even be used? When you can just hook them and kill them anyways, so that's like hooking someone twice to voluntarily loose the extra points and loose the ability to pip.

    That's like having the find the hatch twice to leave out the gates the 3rd time.

    So mori's are useless, and keys are still free escapes. Cool.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891
    edited December 2020

    So, you wanted to spitefully prove the point that things like moris and iri heads are unbalanced and OP? How astoundingly stupid.


    Personally I dig this change, as a killer I never use moris because I hate cutting myself short on points & as a survivor I was getting sick of playing against moris. I'm red rank & play with a friend and we had silly matching names for a day--and we literally ran into 9 ebony moris in just a few hours of playing. So fun and interactive.

  • Xayrlen
    Xayrlen Member Posts: 329

    At least keys require you to complete almost all gens, or become last one alive to use them. Unlike old moris, that took no skill or made killers tunnel the survivor to activate it (which is the same as having 0 skill).

    Man, these killers nowadays, aiming for yeasy 4k's.

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    Mori's are free wins, keys are free escapes, mori's can win a game, keys will win you the game, both have requirments of doing at least one thing to get the mori, or to get the hatch spawn.

    Keys are tit for tat, but instead you can get your free escape from a box, imagine finding a mori in a Locker.

  • Ttwylerr
    Ttwylerr Member Posts: 106

    All I have to say to killers saying how Moris are useless now you see how survivors feel when they nerfed toolboxes.

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    Because if every one person does their damn job ONCE, it only takes one death to let 3 leave.

    And that's not an offerings that's an item that is free to use and actually has add-ons to keep it from breaking on death and even when you jump in the hatch and is a lower rarity than an actual mori.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    Second hook? You think so. Watch the facecamping that will happen until second phase, the actual requirement, then Mori on that first unhook. This was a great way to incentivize more facecamping, and right behind the twins being slug/camping machines as well. Sigh.

  • discocat
    discocat Member Posts: 14

    About time. Moris are game breakers. Especially the ebony which is what I play against most often. I have been killed by moris far more than I have used a key to escape. Moris had an easier prerequisite to meet than keys. It is more even now and they don’t even have to adjust the keys.

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    Or are you being the exact same thing that you're trying to call out? Childish? Yeah SWF did save the game from extinction, but in terms of balance its extremely unbalanced and unfair. So do you just hate killers, or are you being childish and ignoring what is actually a problem.

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    Well truly what you need for a key escape of at least 3 is, at least 1 survivor does 1 gen, and one dies. All a key does at the end with 4 people is guarantees 4 escape. Because now the killer has to fond hatch to stop it or patrol doors to stop it, not much of a winning play there.

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    But also I can tell you why, killers especially will tunnel the ######### out of a survivor to get rid of a key because all a key does it reward survivors to playing terribly, just like a mori.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    Survivors have to do their objectives to be able to use a key. It doesn't reward them for playing badly.

  • SlumSensei
    SlumSensei Member Posts: 6

    You will if you know how to stop survivors. Quit complaining like you're butt or something

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,933

    I hope I never see them again... I NEVER used them as killer. They were OP and I don't have any respect for anyone that used them. Now lets nerf keys! I don't use those either.

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    I might actually use them now. I won't feel bad using them and it might come in handy during egc. Maybe i won't have to eat a ds and watch the survivor teabag through the gates.