Ebony and Ivory Memento Moris now require the targeted survivor to have been hooked twice



  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,100

    And keys are going to get changed in the future. The biggest strength of keys is getting multiple people to escape which can only happen if the survivors get enough gens done for the number of survivors currently in the trial. You can also slug the key user as they are unable to use keys while slugged too.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104





  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    lol people are just gonna tunnel harder now.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    Oh yeah it's dumb how they haven't changed keys at the same time, aka the free escape mechanic that's right behind mori's in terms of BS.

    Now all you have is franklins, and if they swap to it at 6 seconds?

    You also can't loot a Mori out of a chest.

    But it's kinda expected in a game that babies the survivors so hard most of the time. At least there's still a ton of other BS killers have left.

    Hotfix Mori's but Iri heads have been in the game for years now......

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014
    edited December 2020

    I'll defend the Devs here on the key situation:

    Keys are much harder to balance than Mori's. I still think they went the wrong direction with Mori's. One hook everyone, then kill to your heart's content. I'm sure they could build a counter similar to BBQ's. Maybe they will in the future, and this is just a temporary fix. (They can't disable them. People may still have Daily's that require you to kill someone with your own hand.) But with Keys, I'm not sure there's any good temporary fix that doesn't prevent people from completing certain challenges.

    I'm just as sick of keys as everyone else. Yesterday I had a game where I had three people with RBT's on their head. All of them were active. And they all had a key and escaped through the hatch. They were probably an SWF given that they all just happened upon the hatch at the same time to open it. With RBT's still on their head. Granted, all Gens were done so I probably can't complain TOO much. But it still sucks.

    I want Keys fixed as much as anyone else. I don't use them myself, and I hate going against them as killer. The temporary fix they should do IMO:

    -When a survivor with a key is killed, that key is removed from the game along with them. (If they have the Weaved Ring add-on, they keep the key. Otherwise, the key is deleted)

    -Reduce the chances of Keys spawning in chests

    -Make keys more visible in the survivors hands both in lobby, and in game.

  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    Still a guaranteed win just a lot more tunnels now lol idky every survivor is hyped since it just means more tunnels

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited December 2020

    A lot of killers are gonna go with them, and my queues as survivor were becoming long again already lmfao. They should have implemented AI killers before doing this. The ones that still play that aren't sweaty and didn't make dbd's killers their part time job are just gonna start going afk, or eating the dc penalty the first or second sweaty match of the night probably. So on top of sitting in queues pushing 20+ minutes again by next week, you'll also be bored in the matches on top of the lobby. This is like watching people cheer for communism, they don't understand that they are cheering for a bad future for themselves. inb4 ban

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Well now i will probably start using mori's now, i can finally see the cool kill animations without survivors dcing on loading screen

    I can't shake the feeling they just nerfed mori's as a apology for the latest buggy patch though

    They have been talking about mori changes for quite a while and it really sounded they were going to do more then just increase the number of required hooks by one.

    I feel like they will be changed more in the future

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Honestly just make them baseline now. At least common add-ons and offerings actually have an effect, even if it’s a small one. Moris are now just a cool animation at the end of a Survivor’s life.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,097

    I'm wicked amused that the mods are merging the mori threads with one that says to give that bhvr employee a raise. 😂 😂 😂

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Definitely a good change. But keys are the same as expected

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054

    Item lock needs to come, unless keys are change significantly. Even if people do last second switch to a key. I just go full blast tryhard and end it right there and then for them, but it doesn't help when the last 2 or 3 people can get a free out of jail card, because they 3 gen'd themselves. It hasn't happened a lot to me, but it has happened in mostly 3 gen situations.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,639

    They knew it before as well. Same like Killers new that Mori-Changes will come eventually. I have neither seen a raise in Keys nor in Moris since that Q&A. And its not because Moris are rare, because they arent.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I don't think it was the best fix. They should have tied it to total Hooks, i.e. the first Mori doesn't unlock until Hook-4, but can be used against anyone who has been hooked or not. Then add one Mori for each additional Hook. Working it this way only encourages tunneling. But we shall see; I hope I'm wrong.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I think you’re being a bit melodramatic to be honest, I don’t see that many killers actually running moris. I also don’t really care if queue times get bad for survivors, as I play both roles I’ll just switch to killer for instant games.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    Same, never used moris that much before as they were way to OP. People would often just DC during loading screen when a secret offering would show up. I have over 130 ebony on my Hillbilly

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054

    You are correct on that one. Most killers don't bring mori's even against a swf. You don't need 1 hook mori's if you know what you are doing, and that's a fact. I know to some people it's hard to grasp, but it's the truth.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    It's not the most imaginative change, no. I don't get why the most basic changes need to be a process spanning multiple years either.

  • Bumbus
    Bumbus Member Posts: 600

    Moris are finally fixed... Good.

    Although no key changes... This is disappointing. I guess that means they won't be changed ever.

    I'll just lobby dodge every key now out of principle.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    That's not how I would have done it, but this is one of those times where I am okay that they Warsong Commander'd it into the ground.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    There are a lot of unintended consequences. The Achievements, Rifts, and Dailies that "might" say kill all Survivors by your own hand just got ridiculously hard. :) There really is no point in bringing them whatsoever. It is a classic over-correction. They will simply be the things I let the Entity eat on blood webs, a total waste of a Red slot.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,761

    Thank god. Finally.

    And yes I think keys need to be nerfed too. Ideally they would be done at or around the same time, but it also makes sense that the devs wanted to see how this change would play out on its own before adding in another big change

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    I'm very interested to see how the Mori nerf will affect the kill rates. We might see them drop fairly significantly, which could lead to better game balance in the longrun. Though I think it'd help if more people played killer.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    using a term like 'melodramatic' just makes you seem like a shill to me, and I will ignore you from now on

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,703

    This is a good thing, because basically no other offerings have a strong effect on the result of a match in progress. You can earn lots of BPs, thicken/lessen mist, slightly space out or pack in hooks, influence hatch and basement spawn points, increase luck (which can be useful, but basically only in Lips / Up the Ante / Slippery Meat stacks), change the number of chests that spawn, influence spawn location, and now, you can kill survivors after second hook in order to dodge DS/UB, hook sabotage / bodyblocking, etc. and avoid destroying a hook when you remove a survivor from the game. I think this is absolutely in the same strength tier as the other offerings that exist.

    I'm leaving map offerings a bit separate, since while those can certainly influence survival odds by picking a killer-sided or survivor-sided map, a map that suits your killer / perks, etc., they don't influence the outcome of a match in progress whatsoever. In other words, they can be somewhat strong, but not because they have anything to do with how the match plays out.

    This Mori change is actually the exact change I've been hoping for for quite a while. Glad they went with it!

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,882

    Oh shut up they already announced that keys are getting changed just because keys didn’t get nerfed first does not mean there biased just be more patient

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,882

    Well they did what they wanted to do I’m happy Mori’s got nerfed they were so stupid. I find it funny how everyone wanted mori’s to be nerfed like this and when we actually get it everyone is throwing a temper tantrum.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    I actually never wanted Mori's to be nerfed like this. I would rather they be taken out of the game as they serve no purpose now. I mean the animations are cool but in a competitive environment very few people are going to use them.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    They gutted ruin like a month before they adjusted tool boxes.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,703
    edited December 2020

    Keys and Moris are entirely different and the balance of one is not in any way tied to the balance of the other. There is therefore no reason for them to necessarily be changed at the same time. This reminds me of the Pop nerf where people were complaining about DS not getting nerfed too. I can guarantee you BHVR isn't thinking about this in terms of sides, à la "Oh we just nerfed a killer offering, so let's nerf something on the survivor side too". They're just trying to balance their game.

    I am sure they will not leave keys in their current state forever. Until then, patience; just evaluate this change for what it is, because they certainly can't balance the game in one Z patch.

  • SadLegion
    SadLegion Member Posts: 222
    edited December 2020

    A good change. Sadly it doesnt come paired with key changes as well.

    Btw since people gonna think that its not that evil of an offering anymore and probably stop DCing on loading screen, you can still play really dirty and wait for rescue on a second hook for an instant kill, avoiding DS. Hehe thats gonna earn some salt messages for sure. Its gonna be even more frustrating to die like that now, because before moris were considered overpowered(and its smart to not get pissed when you lose to OP stuff in game) and now they are not :)))

  • RamblinRango
    RamblinRango Member Posts: 389

    You're describing basic gameplay to someone with 17,000 posts lol calm down

    "Now you can kill survivors after 2nd hook to blah blah blah" Buddy that's literally what moris did before, except one hook. You're right, killer NO LONGER have an offering that can seriously influence the progress of a match. Glad you see the problem.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,378

    I hardly use moris but this change is a little too harsh and not only that, kinda encourages soft camping the way I see it!

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    no, thats not exactly the point of offerings.

    offerings are suppost to have a drastic impact over the game, which is why they get consumed afterwards (a one time only use).

    you can select the realm you want to play on, change the thickness of the fog (which, tbf, was a lot more gamechanging back in the day), increase / decrease the amount of chests, force a beneficial basement / hatch spawn or just simply boost the points you get.

    Moris are ment to be a powerful killer offering, one that is ment to cut their objective down by a certain amount. im not trying to defend the old versions, those were broken af and desperately needed to be changed - but they just absolutely gutted them.

    not only is it absolutely not understandable why this simple of a change could not have been done years earlier, but its also a change that shows that they dont really have any idea what they are doing (which after this last chapter honestly doesnt rly come as a surprise to me).

    a similarly simple fix that would have also allowed them to stay a powerful offering would have been to shift the requirement to "having every survivor hooked once" - it would even have gotten rid of a problem that the current change didnt get rid off, which is the killer hardtunneling someone for their mori to work.

    it would ALSO have added some actual counterplay to them, as, as long as one survivor stayed hidden well, the killer would be unable to ever use their mori.

    their change however just ended up being the "i have no idea what to do with that so lets just increase the numbers by 1 and hope for the best" change.

  • KateDunson
    KateDunson Member Posts: 714

    Finally dbd is a better game, hopefully this change will reduce the amount of campers tunnelers