Survivors Waiting in the Endgame



  • Tboneisyourbro
    Tboneisyourbro Member Posts: 9

    It's even more annoying when they sit at the gates and teabag, point, clicking their flashlights, etc. Like, just move on. I wanna be done because the game sucked and it just makes the experience even worse when you are being a toxic #########.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    "Good survivors can maintain shack a shack chase"

    Yes, but they don't even have to maintain it long to gain value. Just long enough to make the pallet on top hurt.

    "Also you can still see Freddy's stain in dream world"

    See this is crucial, because I thought it was blindness the entire time but it was really a form of oblivious.

    "I highly doubt you consistently go against some really good survivors on average."

    I don't know what to tell you. I can't win any games as Ghostface anymore even though I have by far the most hours on him. I went from stomping C-A tier players to getting creamed by well coordinated D tier survivors. Nothing special, just run straight and drop pallet. Against the best it's impossible because they just bodyblock when they realize I've exposed someone. But yes, I have played a very large number of extremely skilled and/or coordinated survivors lately.

    "You acknowledged you were being taken away from gens and yet you still did?? You made mistakes in the game and it seems like you won't talk about that."

    I patrolled gens during the chase. I smacked a few just to get Oppression active, but of course all the entire team had to do was stay on gens to recover after a few seconds. And this is wrong. I was asking what I could do better. I was trying to get to talk about my mistakes so I don't know how you got the false impression I was avoiding it.

    "Freddy counters bt, so you don't have to worry about that."

    ...What on Earth are you talking about? You suggest I proxy camp, which is running a tight patrol, and that's exactly what I did. That's how I ended up eating a BT body block in the first place. Obviously I do have to worry about it and you can't say you would have done differently since you literally suggested I do what got me into trouble.

    "I have faced teams like that, except I can put them out quickly because I am confident in my skills and minimize any mistakes I make."

    If you make no mistakes and the survivors make no mistakes then the survivors will win every time. I'm not talking about taking on B or even A tier players. I don't mind that at all, but when we're talking S tier loop-vault-pallet runs the entire way then yes there's no doubt that at least two to three generators will be lost no matter what. Proxy camping was also bad advice because it gave them LoS the entire time, which means they could callout all of my movements. Looking back on it I shouldn't have done that.

    The map was McMillans Estate. Normally a very basic and easy map, but I've been losing a lot there lately. I used to think of it as my strongest map.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    "Which btw aren't common in pubs"

    You keep saying this but this is blatantly wrong. You keep disregarding the fact that I'm not playing the same people you are. You literally said that a single juke can ruin any common survivor on shack and that's just not what I'm seeing. You must be playing new people. Every team I go against searches for shack at all costs and they ALL know how to run it. All of them have builds, so none of them are perkless or using tier I or II perks. They're all maxed out. Many of them run items. If there is a flashie, it WILL be suped up with attachments. The advice I'm asking for is not against rookies. I don't know why you keep denying it, but the lowest players I've played today in a few matches were mostly B players or above. Two of them were D tier out of four matches. I don't need help playing with them. It's the S and A tiers and especially the SWFs I need to figure out what to do with.

    And I'm really just asking people not to camp the game and let me go.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    "There is always something to learn."

    I couldn't disagree more. The RNG alone makes certain matches unfavorable. I like the chances but there are some games, against certain survivors in teams, that cannot be won. I remember that McMillan match thinking "okay I know where all the totems are just from instinct, I know where the survivors are most likely at, I know who the altruistic ones are now, I can predict everything about to happen..." and sure enough still end up losing. The biggest mistake I made as a new Freddy was thinking I didn't have a red stain visible, which is huge, but is it enough to swing that entire game? I'm new to Freddy but not to the game. I have 965 hours on my Steam account alone, and the first two years I've played were on PS. I don't know how many more hours that is. Most of them were as killer. This game has nuances but I don't think misjudging my stain was enough to cause the total collapse in the games I've had recently.

    "You reached red rank not long ago"

    I've been rank 3 and 4 before often, but I usually get reset out of it. This is my first time getting to rank 2. I used to be a Ghostface main and before that a Legion main. You're lying through your teeth if you're about to tell me those are easy killers to rank with. Sure, I ranked extra fast as Freddy, but the same teams I'm having trouble with are the same ones everyone has trouble with. Don't pretend you've not faced them.

    YES. Thank you, you two.

    Exactly right. I've met a lot of nice people today playing Freddy so I don't mind, but I really like this game and I don't have many games so I really don't like it when people just admit that they're bad and blame people for not wanting to put up with it.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624
  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    It's called being a good sport.

    Killers get all angry when survivors DC. This is exactly the same thing. You are throwing the game. Nobody likes throwers and actually throwing the game is against the rules and is even reportable. The survivors are being jerks about it but so was the killer. Maybe if you didn't throw the game they wouldn't harass you.

    This isn't about stroking egos that's you projecting your issues on this topic.

    Also a lot of killers do the same thing, they will play IF Nurse and slug you all before a single gen is done and will leave everyone on the ground and let them bleed out while doing head nods over your dying corpses.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    They won. There was nothing I could do. I played the whole game and I felt powerless. I'm supposed to pretend I'm having a good time when no sane person would? Games are supposed to be fun. I didn't DC and they got their escape. It was absolutely about ego. They wanted me to stroke their ego. That's the entire reason they sit around at the end of the game, flashie, jump in and out of lockers, T-bag, etc. There's no reason for that and there's no reason you should feel entitled to being humored for being rude.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Your Nurse example has nothing to do with this. This isn't game throwing.

    This is "I've gotten my ass beat soundly and now I just want this to end".

    That isn't even close to the same thing as game throwing.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    He just said to play a worse killer to be forced to learn the fundamentals of the game. Freddy can carry you into red ranks and then you get smacked by people that can play against him. It's honestly good advice.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407

    Legion is one of the easiest killer to rank up. (Not winning) Bc you get so many hits.

    I have on ghostface a 20-winstreak without addons in red rank.

    But its not important that some killer have an easier time with emblems. The point why you reached rank 2 with freddy is that freddy is easier to play. I reach red rank with every killer and you play with crossplay, right, so you shouldnt have it harder on pc.

    So you certainly dont play at my level, so you have way to improve. It doesnt even matter that you maybe got a real unwinnable match. A good killer player doesnt struggle to reach rank 1. He gets it without trying. So you clearly are not good enough and can improve.

    What do i need to do, that you will believe me?

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704
    edited December 2020

    You know you can open the gate yourself right?

    Also, anything can happen during the opening of the gates.

    It can still quickly turn around.

    If had a game where all 4 were still alive on the red forest map when i played wraith.

    Still ended in a 3k

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,822

    I understand feeling ashamed. Maybe less because you didn't do well than because they were bullying you and it was four against one, and that kind of dynamic can make people feel ashamed, because they've been rejected by a group. That's a really unpleasant feeling and it's not something someone should have to experience when they're playing a game for fun.

    We keep saying to open the gate because it's the only practical step you could take to protect yourself, by at least putting a time limit on how long the bullies can chase you. In reality, the better solution would obviously be for people to understand that's it's not okay to treat other players this way.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789

    Survivors, I promise you can leave without the killer watching you

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    That never works for me, I most get the biggest brain survivors because they always remember not to open the gate until I hook someone.

  • TheWisp2006
    TheWisp2006 Member Posts: 32

    You deserve this for playing freddy thank god hes being nerfed

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789

    Keep on nerfing killers... Bubba got an upgrade, but dollars to donuts he'll get nerfed, too.

  • TheWisp2006
    TheWisp2006 Member Posts: 32

    Probably because he can just sit on a hook or doorway and kill all 4 survivors in 1 swing of his ability without addons or perks

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    "Freddy can carry you into red ranks"

    If I were just learning the game I wouldn't be good at Freddy. The only reason I'm good with him is because I have good game sense now. I know where everyone is at down to close proximities so being able to teleport me puts me where I need to be. With BBQ there's not even guesswork involved. I catch a glimpse and it's an autotrack from there. If I didn't play Ghostface I think I would be a terrible Freddy.

    When you say winstreak, what are you counting as a win? Pips or kills? Yes this matters. As Ghostie I pip very often, but rarely feel like I've actually won.

    "So you certainly dont play at my level"

    "What do i need to do, that you will believe me?"

    I'm thinking I'll make a SWF and we play.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    "anything can happen"

    That's just wrong. They made a fool of me when I was going full force for the entire match. They were all healthy by the end game. One of them DS'd me already and I know at least one had BT. That was going to be a losing round no matter what. It was over. The game, looking back on it, was decided by the last generator.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Always expect everyone to have ds when there is a obsession present.

    About bt.

    You are freddy and can destroy bt.

    Make sure you hit them before they unhook and there will be no bt.

    For bt to work they need to be awake, any survivor with bt who is in the dreamworld has no bt.

    Again If you get annoyed by them for not leaving the match, just open the gates yourself.

    Doesn't say they leave immediately but they will before the timer runs out.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    "Make sure you hit them before they unhook and there will be no bt."

    They healed the rest of the time. Everyone who made an unhook was at full health. The BT didn't even need to body block but they did. This isn't even advice, it's just "be faster". I was already pretty close.

    My new solution is just to play Demogorgon and give the survivors a good time instead of trying to win.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407
    edited December 2020

    Winstreak is 4 kills or 3 kills with hatch.

    You with a swf would be a interesting match, but that wouldnt prove any point. I know that survivor are stronger. I as survivor x4 would beat me as a killer and i would say im a better killer then survivor.

    The point is that you can get better. Nothing is proven when you beat me, bc teams in pubs are at average far worse than a tryharding 1000 hour swf. You dont need to be able to beat this teams to reach rank 1.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    Just force survivors out of the gate, it really isn’t that hard.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    How is it not advice?

    Just because you won't accept it as such doesn't mean it isn't.

    You see a survivor running to a hook for a rescue right?

    Intercept them and hit them before the get the unhook.

    So what if the unhooked person escapes, at least you get a hook trade because the person who did the unhook don't have a change to get away.

    And if they manage to dead hard away when you swing, you will still hit the unhooked person who will get down Immediately because no bt.

    Keep him on the ground but stay on top of him.

    His mates will try to revive and you get to hit them, they run away to heal just as the others you hit.

    By the time they are all healed up you can allready hook the downed survivor as his ds timer has ran out.

    Now if you do or don't see it as advice, that is up to you.

    I just give you examples on what you can do in the current situation.

    You complained about the situation and I gave you a couple of solutions.

    Now if you can't accept that then why make a post about it?

    I'm not trying to be toxic or anything, but that's just how it is.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    It is what it is and it's not going to change. It's just a good time to go to the bathroom or pour yourself a drink.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    I had this happen to me the other day.. I was playing the Twins and got stomped on Haddonfield "Yay stairs". The survivors decided to sit at the exit gate and heal up for point. I walked away and grabbed Viktor, downed one and was able to get them hooked.

    tldr; The EGC started, they could have all escaped but because they were bm'ing I ended up getting a 2K. They then came into my stream, claiming I was "camping" and proceeded to harass and bully me. I just laughed it off but its like "You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes".. but you dont get to sit there and cry about it after being caught.

  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234

    That's why I always grab a tea when they don't want to leave or watch a video on Youtube. If they really want to waste their time I will make sure to enjoy mine.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904


    Did I dive in to heavy?

    I've been reviewing student papers and grants all week and if I have to read one more piece of arrogant idiotic text I'm gonna snap.

  • Chaotyx
    Chaotyx Member Posts: 31

    Easy solution: next killer has a perk that is the ability to kill survivors by your hand inside the exit gates, and only inside exit gates.

    Happened to me on a Myers we trounced and I teabagged waiting for my hit to leave, and instead got hoisted and eviscerated - I laughed my ass off because I totally deserved it. He had tombstone but didn't hit anyone while in T3 so I was clueless. Funniest thing I've had happen to me.

    Lot less enticing to stick around if there's a chance you'll get murdingly-urdered

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    You said I don't play at your level. No better way to learn then to witness. How are you going to brag about being at a much higher level and winning 20 straight 4ks and then chicken out of a challenge?


  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    All I will say mate is that giving up early isn't going to help you get any better at this game.

  • LunaWater
    LunaWater Member Posts: 42

    It's not early lmao. He said after all the gens are done and they're ready to leave.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    I didn't give up early. The game is over. There's one injured person, three fully healed, all on comms so they can just bodyblock and trade hits. At least one had DS so the others do too, and at least one had BT. This is a no-win scenario. I'm not going to magically start getting insta-downs on Freddy without NOED, and even then it would be a stretch.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    He said endgame which could be all gens done and no doors open.

    As long as they aren't right next to the doors you still have a chance. If their on comms they will be super altruistic which you can bait easily. If the doors are open and they are near it then fair enough but you should try to the very end. Your not going to get a 4k but you could still get 1/2 kills.

    If they are all following you to a corner then they know you've given up. If you do this again deliberately go to a corner as far away from the doors as possible so you have a chance of getting a kill.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    I know what you mean by abusing altruism but I don't think there was any chance. If I could only get two hooks for five gens, there's no way I was going to get one downed at the gate. The gate that was closest to me had a jungle gym with a pallet in it, so it broke my spirit when I realized I'd have to chase four people through this, get palleted, and maybe I'll manage to injure one.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407

    No, we can do it. I liie a challenge. It just wouldnt prove the point. What has your survivor level to do with your killer level? What would it prove when you beat me as a survivor?

    Survivors are technically stronger as most killer (stronger then ghostface), but most survivor at red rank are not good player.

    When you win you prove that you are better then most of the red rank teams. No surprise. You are a swf with over 1000h who will try their best to win.

    When i win i prove nothing. I still know nothing about your skill as killer.

    Technically i proved that im better bc i reached rank 1 and you not. But lets get more in detail. Do you play with crossplay? Which region?

    I know for sure that in Europe with crossplay its easy to reach rank 1. For example Otzdarva plays in this region, too, and he tries 50win-streaks with killer. So its prove that its not hard to reach rank 1.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    "When you win"

    So you obviously have no confidence that you can win yet you talked up such a big game about yourself. The goal is for you to prove that your method is solid. If it's as good as you said, then you should have no problem getting at least 3ks every single match. If you're as good as you said then there should be no reason you've already assumed that you will lose. I'm a rank 8 survivor, my brother I think is rank 14 right now. Surely you can stop us into the dirt?

    My steam name is "Kotos42". We can talk more there.

  • hatchnoise
    hatchnoise Member Posts: 8

    I agree that this is super annoying and when I’m playing killer and this happens to me I just farm bps by breaking things and using my power, but sometimes it’s worth it to check out the gate. If I’m playing survivor and I see the killer close behind I stand at the edge of the gates and let them get an extra down for some extra points before I leave.

    You can also just run to the door to force them out, or if you’re playing a killer like Spirit, Nurse, or a stealth killer without a radius, sometimes you can even get a down and a hook out of t-bagging survivors.

    Ultimately, we’re all just trying to have fun while playing this game and I wish everyone kept the other player’s feelings in mind.

    Hope things get better!

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407
    edited December 2020

    You dont understand it. But whatever lets just do the match

    I just dont want you to think that im here to brag. I wanted you to not give up and get better and now it seems like im some idiot who think hes high and mighty.

    I cant find your name + bc im on ps4 we cant talk.

    Edit: i saw your other post. So you know you can improve. Thats good, then this discussion was wasted time, but whatever.

    Post edited by TicTac on
  • Stealth
    Stealth Member Posts: 123

    I had a game like that yesterday as demogorgon. I got 2 pretty fast downs at the start yet 3 gens popped within 45 secs of each other. I couldn't believe how fast it was and I cut chases short with some good shreds. I tried to save footage of it but the video file was corrupt. I would have liked to show it because it was just unbelievable how fast they were despite me doing well in chases.

  • Xayrlen
    Xayrlen Member Posts: 329

    They just want a good ol slap from you. It's a tradition to stay in gates so the killer would approach and slap every survivor a few times.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    Same thing happened to me several months back. Same exact situation except for me it was Spirit with rancor and I happened to be the obsession. Like you I also laughed hysterically and never forgot about it.

  • VicThor
    VicThor Member Posts: 347

    So the killer can’t give up? Is it compulsory to entertain survivors?

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    I actually see this more as people poking at an afk killer wondering whats going on. If you want them to leave just be a little active and they'll leave

  • TheWisp2006
    TheWisp2006 Member Posts: 32

    It's mostly the bubba that face camp that need to be addressed like he is weakened near a hook or a perk needs to be added to counter it.