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Child's play chapter.
This will be a long post, please read if you have time.
I've been waiting for a long time for opportunity like this to arrive, we finally can make Chucky to work in this game. He is on of the few iconic licenses missing and i hope we will get all of them someday.
The developers, understandably, have talked about how Chucky would be difficult due to his size, but I believe that with the new killer, The Twins, and how Victor is played and how small camera angle is for him, that now is the time to add Chucky to Dead By Daylight. Now let's go to design.
For anyone wandering Chucky would have a lower camera than any killer in the game, and he would be 4.4/110% movement speed killer.
For going over Vaults, you can have him jump and clamber over them.
• Pallets, he can destroy with his hands since the Entity makes them super strong anyway, or he could slide under it and destroy it with his knife.
•With introducing PH we got new hook mechanic, maybe we could do same for Chucky, maybe Chucky can drag you and stab you to the hook or Chucky can posses survivors body, making survivors hang themself. You can wiggle, for possesion if survivor wiggle out you return to your body. -Chuck's hooks could have a handle that he pulls that drops the hook down like a chain and then he pulls the survivor back up.
Chucky's ability:
He could spawn with 5 Chucky dolls around the map, all of them in the sitting position. Chucky has ability to "transfer" his soul to another Chucky doll around the map. Kinda like Demogorgon going through his portals or Freddy's teleport.
The Doll Chucky teleports too stands up, the player is now controlling that doll, and the doll that Chucky was previously in control of, will now be put into the sitting position.
Chucky will also have another ability that allow him to "crouch" similar to GF and the Pig. Instead of being able to move, however, Chucky will be sitting, just like the inactive dolls around the map.
While he is "sitting" Chucky will gain the undectable effect, so survivors can't tell it's the real ine. While he is sitting, he will have lunge ability, akin to Victor, where if he successfully hits a survivor, if they are injured they will simply go down. If they are at full health Chucky latches onto them, where the survivor and Chucky both have skill checks appearing, where Chucky has to hit them to stay on, and the survivor has to hit try to throw Chucky off, the skill checks will increase in difficulty, until one person messes up. If the survivor messes up they will go into the down stare, if Chucky messes up, the survivor goes into the injured state, so they still get hurt, but Chucky gets shaken off and stunned, kinda like being hit with a Decisive strike, allowing the survivor to try and run away.
Playtime's over:
You are obsessed with one survivor. While your obsession is hooked, your red stain goes away.
We're friends 'til the end:
You are obsessed with one survivor. While your obsession is hooked, your terror radius decreases up to 12/16/20%
Hex: Batteries Not Included:
Each hit on a survivor with you basic attack disables one of the inflicted survivor perks up to a maximum 2/3/4. This effect lasts as long as correspondig totem still stands. Upon cleansing this totem, all disabled perks will return the survivors.
Of course numbers can be tweaked.
Survivor: Andy Barclay (adult)
Not it:
After stunning the killer gain 150% movement speed for three seconds. Causes the exhausted status effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
Blinds man buff:
After successfully unhooking the survivor gain a token up to 2/3/4.
Any time that you would alert the killer with loud noice notification, use a token instead and negate the alert and leave no scratch marks for 6 seconds.
No more games:
After taking a protection hit, gain a token, up to 2/3/4 for each token, lower status effect timers durations for 5%
Map: Toy factory.
I feel like they really blew their chance for a Chucky/Tiffany concept with the Twins.
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They were maybe testing how it would work, it wouldn't be the first killers who are very much alike (Leatherface and Billy). But i think it would be better without that specific concept.
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Hillbilly and Leatherface play nothing alike.
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The point i was trying to say is that they both use chainsaws and both have instadowns, i never said they play the same.
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Fair enough. Also, I'm tired and not thinking entirely straight tonight, so I apologize for getting off track.
Your idea has some neat bits to it -- I like the idea of a killer who can teleport to different fixed points (although Demogorgon and Nightmare already do that). Twins strikes me as something that would have been a better fit for Chucky, though. "Little god-damned gremlin that jumps on you" is really specific, and I think that would be too similar to Twins.
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It's totally okay, i know you didn't have wrong intentions.
Yeah they both do that, Freddy teleports to a gen, Demo to another teleport, the thitwith Chucky's teleport is that it could be tactical, because he wouldn't have TR for few seconds. Yeah the Victor already has that jump.. Maybe they could do it similar with different animation? So many possibilities man :)
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It would be good if chucky was like that in the game as you say, but I'm curious how would his addons and his mori be? based on your concept.
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Well, some would be based on his red light (because it would be bigger than the normal light) and how loud he is, other would be based on his power, having more dolls around the map, undetectable status effect lasting longer etc etc... Still haven't thought about his Mori, but that wouldn't be hard to think of, based on how many people he killed.
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Idk, there should be something to discourage hook camping. Like, he only gets undetectable if there are no hooked survs in his TR.
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He look, no matter what you do, there will always be players who will camp, that's unavoidable. Bubba is great example, they buffed him, he doesn't need to camp anymore, but people will do it, they will camp with Wraith who is very weak at camping.. How i would do it is that he can't put dolls close to the hook and can't lose his terror radius if he is in 10-15m meters of the hook.
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Interesting! I'd love a Child's Play chapter!
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Me too :) what do you think, will they add him?
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I would instantly buy a child's play chapter. And any skin they release from it
No matter what his power would be or how strong.
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Same.. he is my favorite horror movie icon, only he could replace Leatherface.
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A strangulation from behind... for chucky thing is the lakeshore strangler.
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I feel like Chucky would be interesting to see but I am afraid he will be similar to The Twins and have powers similar to other killers to Freddy and that to make him not as unique as he could be. He would be cool to see, I just hope that if the devs do it they make him as unique as possible.
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I mean, he must be unique in order to work, i think they could and will do something entirely different from any other killer. It wouldn't be the first time they do something like that.
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It would be much better if it was a possessed doll instead of some similar concept with the twins, if they took out a child's play dlc, not only would chucky come but for example tifanny or charles lee ray. I would love it to be chucky alone, after all the main antagonist is just a doll. Besides, he is much bigger than Victor compared to his size and his head.
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I agree, I would love if just was alone, but if it's the only way they can make it work by making it similar to the Twins, I would take it.
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It's a good concept, I would change friends to the end to an aura ossession perk that reveals everyone because in the movie the one who knows Chucky's alive puts everyone in danger, which could synergize with a power concept for Chucky's power.
So one survivor can be told who Chucky really is when downed, this person becomes Chucky's obsession automatically, After the survivor is hooked twice Chucky can do the Chant and take that person's body ,it's actually from the movie's. But overall Chucky may just be to weak especially.and the twins kind of that proof,and if they would have released a Chucky sized killer if they wanted to do "The Chucky"they could have so maybe he's just to small.
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That idea isn't bad.
I don't think it will be concept like the Twins, i think he could be alone, he is bigger than Victor, also they can make him louder, make his red light bigger etc etc..
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Yeah that's true,they could do it that way.It probably be less time consuming if Chucky didn't get crushed in the manner of Victor.
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I imagine him with a speed of 4.4m and with a knife to attack, although he also jumps at the survivors and begins to attack them thus biting his neck, like chucky and andy fought in the basement of his adoptive father , a classic. I'm dying to see chucky enter the game thanks to the possibility of victor, before when I was a child I was traumatized with that doll, if it enters it would be great to face the nightmare of your childhood.
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Yeah, he would need to be slower because he is small and has strong ability.
Me too, i always wanted him in the game, now we have strong reasons to have him, in top of that he is icon.
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Yes, it would be a super good idea, @Healthore77992 always talks about Chucky, while I talk about Jason.
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Thanks, sure
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Some tweaks could be made for perks but I think concept is good
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I really like this idea tbh, one of the most original ones I've seen in a while that could work.
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Yeah, we need some good indoor maps. That's exactly what i thought, he has a lot of versions of himself.