Guys, what is this game of 2 mins and 26 seconds?

Super fun game!
Edit: Would you like to see what happened? Here's the twitch stream:
Its called DbD, where the way superior side is claiming to be underpowered.
That was just some form of depip squad you went against.
People will claim you didnt apply "pressure on the gens" or some other bs. Don´t listen to them.
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Maybe blackout their names? It's against the ToS of the forum even without blaming or shaming.
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I could, but I am not harassing anyone, but this game is nonsense, no one will be insulted, this is the fault of the game, not those players.
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I'm not 100% sure but I think you may have faced a SWF team. It happens to the best of us.
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Looks like a fun match!!!! How dare you think that is not fair????!?!.
Jokes aside, probably going for a world record since that is actually the 1st place record and I mean time wise.
16 -
Gen speeds are fine, apply pressure /s
On a serious note, quite insane that 2-3 Survivors can finish 5 gens in less than 2,5 minutes. WoW.
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The title is a bit ironic XD, I have 4400 hours ... and I was humiliated by these things ... I know they are a premade.
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This. You could've optimized that chase in the beginning, but that's still not how fast gens should go. BNP might've gotten a nerf but if you know how to use them as SWF, you are nearly unstoppable if you also have some form of looping skills.
This game is not *Insert Team Name Here* sided, a match is if you want it to.
5 -
GeN rUsH dOeS nOt eXiSt
YoU sHoUld hAvE aPpLied MoRe pReSsUre
FrEdDy iS oP. hOw dId yOu lose tHaT gAmE?
RUin - UnDying aRe aLso oP aNd cArRy bAd kIlErs
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They could have done it faster with no mither+resilience instead of DS+SB though, propably shaving off another 20-30 seconds. Propably depends on the gen spawn, since the Sprint Bursto also shaves time off there.
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i like this comment XD
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I would be interested to see the unedited version though - it skipped from having someone on the hook and someone down in a corner to having the hooked person escape and the downed person at full health.
Even in saying that, these matches where teams just focus the gens and not make save and come prepared with toolboxes like that, are pretty rare - it's not every match, that's not to say it's not going to happen at all, but it's rare. And I've seen matches just as quick where the killer has stomped all 4 survivors, again rare but it happens.
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The difference being that a 60 second 4 man down is the expression of a tremendous skill difference between the Killer and the Survivors, and cases like showcased by this video highlight a design flaw of the game. There is no chance this man could have won that match regardless of how well he played, but if Survivors play well the possibility of them all being downed in this timeframe is nonexistant.
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The argument "It doesnt happen every game" is simply not valid (anymore) in terms of the games balance. The game is 5 years old now, and people are complaining about this for 4? years.
When people refuse to genrush you, its their decision to not. Not even the old omega Nurse could have stopped this... not even old moris could have stopped this. When the games balance evolves around people playing bad on purpose, it MUST be in a very bad spot. And the Emblem system can´t hide that fact aswell.
And remember, the game was still too long considering you played 1 of the best killers and there were no potential keys and so on... The Trapper needs 2:30 minutes to collect 5 Traps and start playing.
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A normal day in dbd
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Should we ballance around tournament squads with combined 30.000 hours who bring BNP?
I dont think so, but we should talk about BNP and if they are still op.
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that doesnt mean anything, the last gen was done already before the cut...
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Sb yeah for the gen spread considering they knew where they were going, DS so killer has to respect 4 DS's but yeah, probably if one or two brought resilience it would've been done faster but currently 2:26.300ish ms was WR as of 2 days ago Idk about right now.
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And now everyone will pretend like this is the norm and they ALWAYS go against these kind of teams. This is a tournament squad going for a record (at least Deebee is a tournament player, if I remember correctly). The chances that you run into them again with the same loadout are around 0. Chances to find a team like that with that loadout are not that much bigger.
But can we post the records of Kills and pretend those are happening all the time please? I mean, Tofu had a Billy-game where he got a 4K in 2 minutes. Can we pretend that this is happening on a regular basis?
But as I know this forum, only one side winning super-fast is a problem and should not be possible, but if the Killer does that, this is fine. :>
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Inb4 survivor mains try to justify this game...
aww too late they already have
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Hey now, you quit talking sense. We don’t do that here. This is the norm and I play against these teams every game!!1one
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Hmmmm, there is nothing more to see after the 5 repaired generators, I cannot fight this, it is impossible.
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How is it possible tofu to kill 4 survivors in 2 minutes? You know why? Because they are BAD players, that's why players who don't know how to play the game, they don't know how to hold out a killer long enough and they fall in ... 5 seconds.
19 -
That is indeed a genrush squad, contrary to what is usually complained about in these forums. This one is a legit example. In 2k hours, I've never run into one quite as extreme though. The chances of facing one like this are still probably next to nil.
No need to have a knee-jerk reaction. The problem and the fix are quite straightforward. The elephant in the room is the commodius+bnp. It probably wouldn't have been possible to do something like this, even with built to last and streetwise.
They should make BNP consume the toolbox again and the commodius needs a nerf on the speed buff, considering its distinguishing feature is that it has most charges than any other toolbox.
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Am I the only one who's more genuinely surprised to only see 1 DS in that line up.
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You pretend like this can´t be pulled of by casual survivors... I have seen similar with 4 randoms in solo q.
The game needs balaning around everybody tries their best to win. Im ok with the gen speed. Bring back the old Nurse to give the killer the potential to reach the same efficiency as the survivors. It´s not ok that killers are artificially hindered in their skill cap while survivors can pull of something like this.
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aplicar presión
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It kinda is. I replied similarly to Mandy.
When a Killer gets a 2 minute 4K it means the Survivors are bad and the Killer is insanely good, period. When Survivors play well, they can not get all downed and Sacrificed in that timeframe.
There is no counter to this kind of genrush though regardless of the Killers skill, given the Survivors are not insanely bad. When the Killer plays well, it does not make any difference.
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Thats what i´m talking about, when i say that Undying Ruin isn´t even that good. Survivors that just push gens will not even notice its there.
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First things first: This scenario never happens in solo rounds, absolutly never. It almost never happens against SWF either. I had 1 game similar to that so far. And i play this game for many hours now.
Second: The game can not be ballanced around that, because you and almost everyone else would hate it. Ballance around the top 0,0001% or OP killer/op items/op addons would make you uninstall the game in less then a day, because you wont even survivor a single match anymore (or get a single kill) unless you bring in the broken stuff... Would be a very bad way to ballance a game.
And bringing back the old nurse is a very bad suggestion aswell. You do realise that good Nurse players still role 200+ 4Ks in a row... right? She is potentially still op as hell.
And last but not least: Killers are not hindered at all, they destroy survivors all the time. Killers win more often then survivors, on any rank by the way. Even on the very very top, where it is supposed to be easy for survivor, killer still hold the ground and get most of the time a decent outcome.
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Yes, but this game is a complete outliner. This will not be happening on a regular basis, never. And BHVR should also not have to deal with such extreme situations, there are far more important things to do when it comes to balancing IMO.
They can look into the BNP, even tho I would not say it is that strong, given the fact it is an Iridescent Add On (it just is the strongest Add On because Toolboxes got nerfed into the ground), but thats about it.
I dont really care for that type of games, I have over 5k hours and have not seen one game like this. And if that is happening, yeah, whatever. OP also has over 4000 hours and this is the first time happening, so I guess it is rare enough to not really have too much weight.
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The only thing sweatier than these survivors is a killer running Freddy with ruin, undying, and franklins
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What happened in the time skip?
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Yes, no doubt this is not a regular game and clearly an outlier. I have a little under 2k hrs and have seen matches like this less than ten times.
I still think this kind of match should be addressed in some way. As long as they can hit the skill checks and have a few BP to spare, almost any team that isn´t new to the game can replicate at least similar results with maybe a minute or two added on to that.
I´m always in favor of addressing the broken outliers since it will contribute to a more balanced game overall, hence why I want Spirit and Freddy nerfed, Wraith and Trapper buffed, Keys and Object nerfed and maps to be more balanced to give a few examples.
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Well now we have a direct comparision on what is stronger.
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Doesn't really matter whether you think you are blaming or shaming them or not. There are people who will look at that and simply add them to the list of people they will simply leave the Lobby when they see these names. :) That is why the DEV refuse to tell us when we are facing a SWF because they know a lot of people would simply not take the match assuming something "like this."
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It's just to guarantee an obsession to force the killer to not tunnel or risk getting hit by DS.
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That is a tournment team, way far away from the usual teams you will ever verse. Yes this team shows how broken dbd can be but saying that every single team you will verse will be even near being that one is like saying that every killer i vs is either battleguy or fingerguns.
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The true power of DS is killer thinking everyone has it.
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This game is not even balanced around situations that are way less "extreme". Killers are not balanced around 4 people doing gens and are competent at looping at the same time. Do you think adding 30 seconds or 1 minute (no toolboxes etc.) extra would change the game entirely?
Balancing this game means that both sides have a chance to win at any point. You are saying that extremely good killers shouldnt have a chance against extremely good survivors by the games design. Why not? If the killer is not that good he should lose. If he is better he should win. Where is the problem?
The reality is, bad survivors can still beat a better killer by the games design. Even in solo q you can run chest perks and start joking around and still win.
Omega nurses were also a "rare" occasion and people pretended to see them everywhere. And those ultra nurses lost many times to SWF´s. The result was a hard nerf that never happend to SWF in the same way.
Games like this are daily buisness for killer players, and not the 0,1% rare occasion.
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It's interesting how much influence certain perks can have on your playstyle
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I beg to differ. It happens FREQUENTLY to me. I fight these kind of matches often. The difference is I don't complain about them and just kind of say MEH to myself and write down the names. I won't take matches from that list anymore. I have better uses for my time. It could be that I'm a Red Rank Killer. But I see a SWF not unlike the one discussed here at least once or twice a LONG day of playing. I see SWF that are a step or two below this (but still very tough) every day and at least every 3rd or 4th match.
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Met them before ;)
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It really is. The behavior drastically changes, once one side knows the perks of the other one.
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that would have been a genrush squad.
it is quite obvious that their only objective throughout the entire trial was to speedrun generators.
let me guess: you didnt spot a single cleansed totem, opened chest or saw anyone heal up all game?
lets hope the Devs are gonna address this problem at some point...
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"death squads don't exist"
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the gens were done before the edit so that's irrelevant, the game was over and then he skipped to after a couple had already escaped