Will we have a DS nerf someday ?

Same game 2 DS at 56-58 seconds, not even tunnel, hooked someone else in 2 clips

And i still get punished for that. Can dev for once, nerf something out of survivors kit ?

"you run ruin undying, deserved", try play at rank 1 vs swf without meta perks without mental breaking

Any thoughts ?



  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,688

    While this is true, it is more likely that people have DS instead of Unbreakable. At least when I look at my games, I see more DS than Unbreakables. Sure, some have DS AND Unbreakable, but I rarely see someone just having Unbreakable.

    (Also, she would have been up around at the time you decided to turn back, but thats easy to say on my part, because I had the timer of your video)

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    It's already been heavily nerfed five times. A decisive strike should not be on a timer and it should not be decided by the killer. It was already overnerfed.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    It should have been corrected so dribbling was not possible, as in the new version. If you don't tunnel, the new version is completely voided.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,964

    Don’t like it the timer is to short it should be unlimited duration at all tiers but if you touch a Gen, get healed to full health, cleanse a totem completely, unhook another survivor or the killer hooks another survivor then the perk deactivates.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited January 2021

    unlimited even with losing it upon touching a gen would still be abused so much just to piss off killers especially by some swf that try and figure out how to abuse killers as much as they possibly can through perk combos and voip coordination. some people don't touch gens anyways just because they seem too stupid or too scared to, potatoes would wind up unintentionally trolling the hell out of people sometimes when 2 minutes later they still had ds when found crouching behind something with their thumb up their butt. That would be pure and total hell to deal with in the hands of swf that didn't care about objectives and only wanted to make the killers miserable especially when they could keep pulling themselves and each other up all the time if they got slugged if the killer was onto them about it. The worst thing would be no longer being able to track it, making it totally unpredictable who has it when killers have enough stress already. Even the addicts got a limit where they say fuget and just stop playing if it would happen too much.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    I saw nothing wrong with that video. It's only a one-time use perk. Killers have slowdown perks gallore, if DS slows a killrush killer down, it is serving the purpose of a perk :)

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,964

    I think you read it wrong what I meant was is if you get unhooked DS activates but if you touch a Gen the perk deactivates and you have to get unhooked again to reactivate it

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited January 2021

    no I read it right, I'm saying a lot of potatoes are too scared to even touch generators often and swf that revolve their experience around screwing with the killer and don't care about generators or escape would abuse the hell out of it. Maybe you play the game as intended and haven't played killer much so you think of how people would play the game as intended with it, but there is too much potential for abuse with an essentially infinite ds duration for those that wanna waste the killers' time and don't care about objectives or escaping. They would be able to just sit on a pallet until slugged under it, or near one with power struggle, or in a spot that's unsafe for the killer to avoid flashlight saves from swf etc. so I'd take a pass on that if I was still willing to touch killer.

    Some people would probably up and quit without even trying a single match if they did something like that knowing what could happen if they tried to play like that as killers. It's too frustrating already without an unpredictably lengthened ds duration around that can be abused by swf. As a survivor on the last gen I would just save the ds for the exit gate and not touch the last gen myself lol, so I would be assured to ds and escape or crawl out if slugged. So I give that idea a hard pass since queues would definitely hit guinness record lengths for survivors.

    The game would essentially be dead, since most survivors would have to also quit (since you know most won't switch to killer especially then) to even out the queues to a reasonable length against the tiny amount of killers that would be left after all these other recent nerfs on top of that hugely troll ds change. Some survivors would abuse it in end game like I would, just to get out not to be an ass about it, and some swf would set out solely to crush the killers' spirits and not even care if they win. That's why it will never work. The wrong change to ds is something big enough to be the straw that broke the camel's back at least happening after a long list of annoying killer nerfs already.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    Actually no, the new DS is a buff. The first original DS was worse, yes, because it was on all four survivors and would go off on being downed, and could be saved. But then they changed it so really only one person per team was likely to get a DS, and you could at least juggle that survivor and get them too a hook if you where lucky, so some counterplay. The new one is sixty seconds of near immunity, and is only mitigated by slugging. Which isn't much honestly. And if they have unbreakable its complete invincibility. It lasts for 60 seconds, which is a long time, and you can work on gens, heal, and hop in lockers. Its just a perk thats too powerful and promotes bad play instead of rewarding good play.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,964

    I understand your point where If a survivor has DS and doesn’t do the objective the killer can disable it he just has to hook another survivor and the DS turns off

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited January 2021

    "killers have slow down perks galore" only two I could think of and both had been nerfed, and now the recent 'buff' to one that requires taking up a second perk slot is also about to get the axe for that purpose. lol'd hard. I guess you can count sloppy butcher as a third that is a reliable one. But I just remembered they're changing things around mending,w hich in turn could affect many other perks and combinations of them and we won't see how until it's live I guess. Expect the worst and hope for the best eh. That way you're never disappointed.

    I will say constant mending builds were truly boring af to deal with when combined with ruin though, not about difficulty so much as how tedious it is. I did dc against those sometimes and take the 5 minute penalty since it was sometimes over more quickly than 10 minutes of that stuff lol. That actually was a very annoying combination, even though you could beat it, it took what felt like forever. and was honestly boring even from my perspective

  • jamally093
    jamally093 Member Posts: 1,783

    I remember back when DS had to activate by wiggle progress or automatically when getting picked up but they changed that due to juggling but one time i tried using enduring because DS stuns the killers and enduring lowers the recovering time so i feel like one of the things they should do is have enduring work also on DS the only other thing i could think of for a nerf is that the obsession has to automatically use DS when being picked up or just have the timer on DS lowered

  • Mugombo
    Mugombo Member Posts: 509

    A killer that is good at the game so kills really quickly?

    ######### knows but it’s no worse than the term genrush, which is the same thing for a survivor

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744
    edited January 2021

    Realistically Nope it'll never happen would cause Lauries DLC to not be worth buying and Behavior likes money but id say a rework will happen again for the 17th time who knows maybe they'll get it right this time

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited January 2021

    oh ok you were right then about my missing something, didn't catch the part about the killer having the ability to disable it. I still can see swf figuring out how to troll with it though, but I guess if it's their first dc of the day they can just quit and afterward in matche slike those just sit in a corner until they get bored finish the gens and leave.

  • Souplet
    Souplet Member Posts: 345

    Op here

    Ive read all comments and i can see many people that agrees with me (except some delusionnal that want infinite duration of ds, yeah cos thats a great idea)

    I already feel that player killer is too stressful when it should be the other way around. Killers keep getting nerfed when survivors remains untouched.

    Like, at red rank, you find 1 survivor, you chase him, m1 him, going to another loop, m1 himù again, pick up and hook while minding your surroundings in case of flashlight or pallet save, hook him, going to another gen when... POP POP POP 3 gens done

    1 hook, 2-3 gens, happens to me like A LOT. And then we have to deal with this stupid DS timer, BT, unbreakable....

    Its just too much. No wonder why survivor queues are 10 min when killers have 15 seconds.

  • kaoraku
    kaoraku Member Posts: 277

    He is just trolling clearly the whole thread, no real argument from his side.

    I think DS seriously need rework (it is not necessary would be a nerf), cause I see too many times abusing it. It is absolutely the minimum that if you get healed, it's gone. And yeah, also if you start to work on anything (except healing yourself) it's also should deactivates.

  • jamally093
    jamally093 Member Posts: 1,783

    Okay well listen i've played both killer and survivor and i find that survivors seem to complain a lot more on things that just need minor tweaks and then complain saying it's changed to much like for me when Blight came out I tried him and found that he was really hard to steer then when i faced him found that when he used lethal rush that his hits were a bit tough and really hard to dodge I would complain a bit i admit it but killers seem to gain nerf after nerf the only nerf for killer i find should really happen is change NOED back to having a timer (yes before Hag NOED had a timer on it) and for survivors instead of changing perks no one uses (slippery meat) change perks that seem to be a bit common DS is the main one at least bring back the enduring rule or just lower the timer DS has but that won't work because survivors being the babies they are will complain that "well DS was fine the way it is this game is to killer sided"

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    It’s literally been buffed. Before you could slap on enduring and call it a day, or juggle them to the hook. The new DS is way better.

    And the old DS is somewhat back in the game through power struggle.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,964

    I think you didn’t read what I said. I said DS should be unlimited duration but if the survivor touch’s a Gen, gets healed to full health, completely cleanses a totem, unhooks another survivor or if the killer hooks another survivor the perk deactivates.

  • Souplet
    Souplet Member Posts: 345

    Trust me it would still be abused by toxic swf community

    Can't wait to play the game where i hook everyone then they arer just invulnerable messing around with me.

    Yesterday i had to play vs 2 toxics that stayed hidden for legit 15 minutes doing ABSOLUTELY nothing, taking me hostage in the game. Do you really think a change like this won't be abused ?

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    A killer sweating profusely to finish the objective as quickly as possible.

    If a killer is able to down someone, return and tunnel the previous person all within a minute, that killer can be slowed down without remorse. No different than killers loaded down to the gills with PGTW, Tinkerer, Ruin, Undying, and completely stalling the game.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,964

    That would never happen if you hook all 4 survivors one has to at least escape to get DS activated but if they don’t progress the game they take the game hostage you can report that and honestly if they don’t fix a Gen they can’t win the game that’s the point your invincible forever until they start doing objectives but if they don’t do objectives go after someone else if you killed all 4 and one unhooked themselves then let that person unhook cause if he does he loses his DS

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  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    I mean, you don't let survivors repair gens. If they are good and know how to play, there is little you can actually do on most killers. The devs even said they expect multiple gens to pop during your first chase. How can you prevent something that is supposed to happen?

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    That's an interesting theory. I think Bloodlust is more than enough of a hand hold on its own, already. You literally fail to hit the survivor for like 15 seconds and you become faster for it, every 15 secs. Or you abuse that by refusing to destroy pallets. And well, then we have perks like Nurse's Calling, BBQ, Ruin+Undying, Spirit's Fury, Infectious Fright. I could go on, but I figure you got the point. Those are all perks, to different degrees, that do the work the killer should be doing himself, in his stead. You don't have to kick gens, because they do so themselves, you don't have to put much effort into finding survivors, because Nurse's and BBQ find them for you. Infectious requires you to be downing them, at least, so you are doing something. Yeah, SWF is majorly busted, or solos are not really like they should be, and there is some work to be done on survivors as well, of course. But going from one side to the completely oppsite, saying that only survivors have got things that make the game much easier? That has to be a joke. And to be fair, as much as I can get frustrated because of DS myself, at times, the OP just proved, with his post and video-proof, that many killers just call it upon themselves. If you know you're not good enough to react to a 5 sec stun and can't come back from eating it and REMOVING it from the match, you slug. Or if you don't want to take the risk, anyway. If you go after the same survivor after he has just been unhooked, you can't really come here and cry "Boo-hoo, DS OP". It's like saying that you know you are allergic to almonds, but you go around eating Almond-Joys... Devs wouldn't have put names (and soon ICONS) of those survivors into the HUD, if they didn't want killers to use them as info as well. So you see that xXDark-ShAdoWzXx was just unhooked and is now injured. You run into him and down him. If you know enough about the game, you'll slug him at that point. If you don't, and get a DS for it, it was on you. And to be fair, with the amount of killers who just straight out tunnel you to death or chase you forever, sometimes I feel like DS should be made even stronger, or token and chase based (the more you get chased, the more tokens and uses you get for it). But yeah, I get the feeling of it being not so healthy for killers who don't tunnel (as few as they might be) or those who ACT like they didn't. But until Bloodlust and tunneling are a thing, DS needs to stay. As much as BT needs to stay until we don't have camping anymore.

    Both sides have got their noob things and their healthy things. But a survivor can't prevent you from playing or moving, for instance, while killers can.

  • Just because it wasn't fun for you doesn't mean it's not fun for survivors. 4 out of 5 people in that game found the perk fun/useful, sorry bud but you're outvoted.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,688

    They did not force him to go for the unhooked person, eh? But yeah, its the Lauries fault, I forgot the logic on this Forum for a moment.

    CANxOFxCORN Member Posts: 204

    I "proposed" a change. It will never happen, but still prevents tunneling, a matter of fact I would suggest it encourages not to tunnel. https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/218375/decisive-strike-what-it-is-vs-what-it-should-be#latest

  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    DS Is needed to deal with Tunneling/camping Killers. Sure it shouldn't work when they go in a Locker, or it shouldn't work when all 5 Gens are done, but it is important. I even think with less then 3 Gens done, it should trigger twice if possible. Because Tunneling is pathetic and we need this more tools to deal with tunneling/camping killers.

    If killers didn't Tunnel/camp, DS would lose SO much value it wouldn't even be used.