We can't really be mad at the devs for not nerfing keys alongside moris
And yet the mori idea was not that great. Infact it was so simple and lazy its impressive in just how little effort they put into the thought. The simple and lazy solution for keys then is to make them close the hatch after a survivor goes through them. Pink keys will allow the hatch to be opened again with another key. But purple keys permanently close the hatch for the rest of the trial and cannot be reopened.
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Killers who moaned about the Mori nerf brought it on themselves. How many games have you played where the killer brings an Ebony Mori and tunneled and moried straight off hook? If it wasn't so prevelent then it wouldn't of been an issue. I play killer and survivor and I never took a ebony Mori (before the change) because I never required four kills that badly. Moris are still usebale and have cool animations and now they are more balanced. With regards to keys, I myself take a key sometimes but it's rare I'd rather just play and get blood points instead of worrying about getting tunneled for a key.
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How about just remove them, the same way they did with moris?
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I like the Ebony Mori change as it was too OP before. Keys, however, are fine. I know most of you all won't agree because you're probably been beaten by them recently, but here's my reason why. In order for a key to be used, there has to be 1 more gen done per survivor. Now, we all know this, but what that means is survivors still have to play a normal trial until the Endgame to have the hatch appear and bring the key into play. As a killer, you have more than a fair chance at preventing that from happening.The key, IMO, only has about a 40% success rate and think about this, if 4 survivors are at the Endgame, 1 is at least getting out, what difference would it make if they open the door or use the hatch? Should exit gates be eliminated too? You'll surely say "no, that's part of the game and the goal". Well, so are hatch escapes. But hatch escapes with keys are not unfair. If there's a survivor or 2 left and they escape through the hatch with a key, you just got bested. Take the 2k or 3k and play another trial. Killers can't 4k all the time and survivors won't escape all the time. But keys are not the problem.
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Yes, i would power the gates instantly when there is only 1 survivor left.
As it is now, keys ARE substancially stronger than moris. The aura reading of the keys would still be a strong feature.
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They could improve the addons and increase the duration.
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The lazy part. Other online games get much more patches / balances in a shorter time.
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Make hatch only spawn when there is one survivor left or all generators are done.
Problem solved. Didn't even change the achievement
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I agree with everything you say but they make money from DLC. They don't get paid for balancing the game. I agree they should cut back on new content and focus a bit more on game health but money is the reason they are doing it this way.
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@Yords the developers made a simple choice to address a problematic killer offering, while what is considered the other side of the coin by many... has remained untouched.
A large portion of the community already has the idea the developers are survivor biased, yet still decided to implement only one of the changes while they already stated both need to change. Regardless of ease of the change, the offering has been in the game for a very long time and could have just as easily been postponed to launch along side key updates. The developers should consider the bigger picture afterall.
I have not once used an ebony mori, yet have seen an increase in keys being used by survivors. It is clear a nerf is coming and people are going to use it more frequently. They might have well plastered a billboard with nerf inc. Killers however received no notice and by doing so survivors did not have to deal with an influx of mori use. The developers are simply asking for displeased customers when making a choice like this.
You cannot tell people not to be angry, while there was a clear PR message being sent by their actions. Is the change bad, no. Yet from a community management perspective it was a horrible decision and people will be angry because of it. Like it isn't like they addressed it within a single development cycle and leaving it untouched for a longer period would have caused additional heat. Nobody was aware they were planning it to begin with.
I personally don't care, yet just looking objectively I believe BHVR should have been aware of how their customers would view the nerf and they missed out on a good PR move and made it into a bad one. Just imagine how the community would have responded, for the majority, if those two changes came in the same patch out of the blue. Neither side gets a heads up and voila we fixed the game shortening things for both sides at once!
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Personally I'm of the mind--if they did simple changes--that Dull Keys should only open for one, and Red Keys can open for all. And that hatch should spawn when all generators are complete or there is one survivor left. The whole point of hatch is so that the game ends sooner while also giving both the killer and survivor something to do, either during a chase or when neither can find each other.
If they were to do a complete overhaul I'd like keys to just be removed from everyone's inventories, or replaced with a new item that works as an aura reader or some other kind of doodad.
The concept: In any one game, chests would have a percentage to find a single key that could potentially unlock the hatch at the end of the match, and could be increased via plunderer's, luck offerings, etc so it'd have to be pretty low to make these worthwhile. Once that key was found it's on the field and cannot be deleted, but that doesn't mean the killer can't force someone to drop it. If the key isn't found, then no one could open another chest and find it, it simply wouldn't be possible unless another condition was met, which would give the Killer something else to patrol other than the two doors during the EGC.
When the Killer closes hatch and there is only one survivor remaining, all chests that have been opened are closed, and only one chest(chosen randomly) has the key, the rest have brown items or are empty entirely. The survivor has to go open the right chest and may choose to escape via hatch. This will allow them to pursue hatch archives, or hatch achievements without completely gutting the concept of hatch and its purpose in allowing final survivors to pursue an alternate objective, especially when the exit gates happen to spawn stupidly close together.