No joke can we add counter-play to the spirit please



  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475
    edited January 2021

    Good luck trying to abuse a main spirit you will be down before reach the pallet bro (I'm NOT talking about mediocre ones).

    • Billy ( lot of fun ).
    • Nurse ( lot of fun ).
    • Bubba ( hilarious even if it's insidious base Bubba god i cry LOL ).
    • Wraith ( lot of fun, trying to outplay with smart chases and bodyblocks from Wraith denied lot of fun ).
    • Demo ( amazing fun chases ).

    Against Spirit ( pre-drop a pallet and hope she is not on the other side already ... if you ever reach that pallet). Vault and hope again.

    What's the point ?

    We want to defend ourselves, mindgame and sometimes get out along with all hours we put in the game and experience.

    Not just GUESS and HOPE.

    Lastly she has all the tools to get you. You have nothing !

  • Survivors want 100% control of the chase like they have vs M1 killers. They want the control to be in their hands, and the killers chances to rely on their mistakes. Any killer that gives the killer player an equal chance and they don't like it. It's pure entitlement.

    Let them nerf Spirit though. Go ahead do it. Survivor queues are bad enough right now, guess what happens when you gut the most popular killer? enjoy your 20 minute queue times survivors.

  • MasterofSFL
    MasterofSFL Member Posts: 125

    Survivors want to not get BTFO'd because they have no options. For whatever reason people (killer mains) don't understand that, yet complain endlessly when they have to deal with nonstop Decisive Strikes, Unbreakable and Flashlight spam. The more reasonable options Survivors have to actually attempt a risky outplay or make an impactful decision based on immediate information, the less complaints and the justifications for these annoying perks there will be.

  • Karen_with_baby
    Karen_with_baby Member Posts: 3

    Check yui kimura perk for not leaving blood or just no mither

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,055

    You really dont need Stridor with Spirit, unless you truly need your hand to be held THAT hard.

  • freddymybae
    freddymybae Member Posts: 613

    maybe use a headset they already kinda nerfed her so i dont get whats the big deal survivors can easily track where you are coming from so gen grabs rarely happen

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    You can tell from her animations being interrupted as well as her hair when she leaves the husk, but very few believe me or even try to see.

    Now knowing this and playing with it, makes it easier to face her aswell as give a muuuch higher chance at winning fakes. I think they should just make this a feature if it's a bug, (btw its been there pretty much since the start) to at least make it more obvious to others not paying attention. This will not nerf her to the ground, but it give the survivors a bit more opportunity.

    "I'm tired of having to suicide on hooks" You are part of her problem.

    Wanna know what will make anything seem op? When at least 1 survivor dcs/suicides because of what they're facing. Yes maam, that will make most of her games seem terrible so thank you to the people who are too afraid to play against her.

  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475

    LMFAO !

    Waste 2 slots to try counterplay a killer ! Nice experience.

  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475
  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475

    I will try to manipulate the sound, I will play the flute around the map.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Sounds like you are waiting at the gen for to long. Spirit counter is about taking action as soon as you are aware of her. Her design gives you huge warning cues which is only negated if you ignore your window. Yes she is good at tracking, especially with certain perks, but it's still a person that can be fooled or outplayed.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    Fun fact, unless the Spirit is running Father's Glasses (iri addon), she can't see your blood while phasing. That makes anti bleeding perks less useful vs Spirit. You'd be better off with Dance With Me, Deception, Poised, Distortion, and maybe even Lightweight because they mess with your scratch marks.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,784

    good think I don't play spirit

    and play a variety of those listed except substitute wraith for blight because hes boring

  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475
    edited January 2021

    That i was talking about. She has all and survivor has lucky which don't need hours into game practicing.

    Yes sometimes i can outplay Spirit but at the same time i feel like "what i did ?"

  • tariousx
    tariousx Member Posts: 156

    So BHVR should change something because you cant learn something? What? That's like saying nerf survivor movement speed because I get looped. You don't need Iron Will to effectively evade her, because that's all your going to do if she really wants to get you. Learn to be more unpredictable, learn to get inside a killers head. But wait that takes practice, like learning how survivors loop and attempt to misdirect the Killer. It takes time, and practice. Not just brain dead run to pallet, drop pallet, teabag, apply flashlight. You are too conditioned to the same strategies, so when you get something different that you refuse to actually learn you cry out.

    The best survivors know they are going to go down, but they make damn sure that you spent ever last extra second the could milk outta you before they do.

  • druggedpug69
    druggedpug69 Member Posts: 155

    Just don't die 4head ez solution

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    Take Lithe, Dance with Me, and Quick and Quiet. Hop over a window and run away, the spirit will have no idea where you are.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    Watch a tournament or two and see what those survivors do against her. They practice for hours on end against Spirit alone. Contrary to popular belief, you can tell when she's phasing by her husk, and it's not the shards. Her left arm has a specific animation when she starts charging.

  • Diet_Boi
    Diet_Boi Member Posts: 69

    Yea, spirit, deathslinger, and pyramid head all have the same boring playstyle of a guessing game. If you put a lot of time into the game you will come to realize all that work and skill you learned doesn't help you if you play against "good" ones. I am a killer main and I think playing as and playing against these killers are very boring. Your knowledge of map layout, windows,pallets won't help you against these killers and it sucks.

  • Liqhtninq
    Liqhtninq Member Posts: 94

    As opposed to the boring playstyle of looping until you drop a pallet and run away to the next loop spot and repeat over and over.

  • Diet_Boi
    Diet_Boi Member Posts: 69

    That is what the game has to offer yes, the source of survival is windows and pallets, I'm mainly talking about the guessing game aspect where you have to make a guess and hope it works instead of using the skill you've obtained over time.

  • Crypticghoul
    Crypticghoul Member Posts: 575
    edited January 2021

    After I played against one on Midwich I checked the vod to see what my actions looked like from the Spirit's point of view. And honestly, excluding Father's Glasses which is crazy broken, I think she would be decently fair if Stridor didn't work during phasing.

    I was playing Kate (who is on the more quiet half of survivors when injured) without Iron Will and you basically had to be deaf to not know exactly where I was at at any given moment during phase due to how loud Stridor was making her.