Freddy is unfun to play against



  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Jesus ######### christ, here we go again.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    I wish they never released those bad stats, every survivor creep rrolls them out to justify anything they want

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    I didn't know I wasn't allowed to have an opinion anymore without the consensus being that I want "easy killers".

    I don't mind going against any of the top tier killers. A big part of that is having games not last forever. Another part is Freddy's dream snare hitboxes not even matching the visual of them. Another part is Freddy just being able to tp to a 90'd gen and pop it immediately for free without skill involved. Another part of it is Freddy's lunge hitbox not matching his actual lunge.

    Sorry I have a different opinion on what's "fun" to play against.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    So he was fun to play against before?

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    Nobody said you weren't allowed to have an opinion. I personally just asked you a question.

    • Freddy's dream snare hitboxes are the same as trappers trap hitboxes.
    • So, the ability to apply gen pressure bothers you. Okay. Let me ask - what's skillful about looping and holding M1 all game? What's skillful about borrowed time or DS? And it's not for free. If Freddy has pop, he just chased, caught and hooked someone. He earned that pop.
    • ALL the killers have the same lunge range. If you really want to talk about matching how things look, we should go back to only being able to unhook survivors from the front of the hook. Even more, did you know pallets don't actually have to be touching killers for them to actually stun the killer? Don't be so one sided. For balance reason, they all have the same lunge range.

    You do have a different opinion, and that's okay. I'm just of the opinion that judging by what you're saying, you simply don't like a killer that you can't bully and genrush like any other M1 killer.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Freddy has never been fun to play against lol

    I'll admit the new Freddy is a step up, but it's a baby step.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829
    edited January 2020

    I think you missed the part where I said I was fine with going against any other top tier killers.

    I can walk past a dream snare and still trigger it. Either make the visual bigger or reduce the hitbox.

    I'm aware all killers have the same lunge range. It just looks terrible to get hit out of thin air.

    Scrap the pop, even just tping to a 90'd gen for free (because time is reduced based on how many people are asleep and that sleep timer is already really fast) is lame and doesn't require skill. Maybe if clocks didn't ALWAYS spawn on the other end of the map and your timer was paused during chases I'd be okay with it.

  • Calabrum
    Calabrum Member Posts: 102

    Typical, bringing in Spirit for a discussion about Freddy, but fine I'll bite. As If she hasn't been nerfed, (directly/indirectly) hard enough lately. Her lunge bugged, sounds bugged in chase forcing players to use detection perks, removed mindgame at vaults, prayer beads nerfed, other add-ons nerfed, and you even got rid of collision.

    Quit complaining about Spirit and Freddy, and learn how to play against them. Not every killer needs to be gutted just because survivors want to be able to see a killer at all times and loop them for ages.

    Killers are not here for your amusement survivors. They are here to kill you. A fact the devs seem to forget in this "Horror" game "balanced around 2 kills and 2 escapes." So do your simple task of holding M1 on gens and survive. Or die. Or DC; I could care less. It counts as a kill for me either way.

    Considering most survivors has been taking advantage of the killer sound bugs. I see little reason why you can complain about any killer atm when they are trying to compensate for a bug that the devs claim does not exist. (Just like how match making is apparently fine) Btw, when survivor sounds were found to be bugged the devs patched them inside a week. Killers are still waiting and it's going on 2 months with no solution up and coming as far as I know. So yeah, I have no sympathy for survivor mains.

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    It's not for free. It take a few second to fully complete the TP, and it has a long cooldown. It also gives a huge "FREDDY IS COMING" right in front of your eyes. Clocks are MEANT to spawn on the other side of the map. It's called balance.

    It's not Freddy that is OP, it's you having all the tools to combat him fairly, and not knowing/wanting to learn how to use them.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Alright let's ignore his kill rates and how long those games go on for.

    The "FREDDY IS COMING" right in front of my eyes doesn't matter. He just stopped a nearly completed gen while being on the other side of the entire map. And the cooldown is significantly reduced because everyone is always asleep, so that really doesn't matter much.

    But nah, it must be only me right?

  • Calabrum
    Calabrum Member Posts: 102

    So you want every game to be 5 mins? The forever Freddy build is going to be more popular with ruin out of the picture. Get used to it.

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    He didn't stop a gen. You stopped working on it. A lot of the time if it was "90%" as you say, you can complete the gen before he even finishes the teleport.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Games don't have to last 5 minutes, but I'd rather them not last 20. Seems like a reasonable request to me.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Yeah maybe if you're in a healthy state. I just feel like he has a little too much and ALL of it just revolves on making the game slow to a crawl. That's why I find him unfun.

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    Besides, if you think Freddy is unfun...after ruin goes, survivors are about to have even less fun, since slugging and tunneling will likely become the new meta.

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    I mean, there are killers where healing is the best strategy (Oni-chan, baby!!). If you decide to stay injured that's a risk on your part.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Survivors will rock a commodious tool box, BT, Unbreakable, exhaustion perk and DS in response.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    If it was 89% he would teleport before you finished it, and it is completely on the other side of the map. PGTW and now it's about 50%.

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    And? He earned the pop. He just hooked someone after a chase with two hits. I don't see the issue. He can't spam this ability either. It has a long cool down. This really does sound more and more like "I don't want to adapt, so I'd rather ask for a nerf instead".

    It balanced, lol

    They already rock all those perks and use the commodious. None of which do anything against slugging in the long term. As for the commodious toolbox, those will likely get the insta-heal treatment soon. As they should.

    It actually does. You said "if you're fully healed". Not being healed is a choice you as the survivor make. It's a risk you take. So, accept the risk, or don't complain about it. lol

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    I don't know if you actually read what I say tbh.

    I said "I just feel like he has a little too much and ALL of it just revolves on making the game slow to a crawl. That's why I find him unfun."

    Also many killers earn a pop but they don't get to just TP to a almost done gen and pop it.

    Once again, the cooldown is significantly reduced because it goes faster when people are in dream state, and most of the game EVERYONE is in dream state because of how fast the timer is.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Freddy just has so much in his kit. Probably the most annoying part is that the timer to get into the dream is so frequent that you're always asleep. Even if you do manage to wake yourself up with the clock and have the extended awake time, if freddy hits you you're immediately asleep again.

    We're talking about a killer that has everything handed to him on a silver platter. If you can't win as freddy, you can't win with any killer.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    I don't think you're capable of seeing another opinion other than your own. I'm just gonna end the conversation here and save my breath.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Just because he hooked someone doesn't mean he deserves to like remove almost half the progress of a gen completely on the other side of the map. And why am I going to sleep without him touching me? His entire kit is overbearing and obnoxious.

    BTW, the clock is always on the opposite of the map. Obnoxious!

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764
    edited January 2020

    Just because you have DS for 60 seconds doesn't mean you deserve to escape even if you weren't being tunneled. Just because you are being chased, doesn't mean you deserve adrenaline when the generators pop. Survivors crutches are overbearing and obnoxious.

    See how that works? I can do it too.

    The sleep bit is within the lore. You get tired in the movies, you experience sleep walking, or "micro naps". It's part of the lore.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    It would be cool if the sleep timer were more related to running and being exhausted. Mindbreaker might finally see play then.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    I agree, he did have a blooming personality in the films.

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    Or players don't know how to play against the hag. Any number of reasons could result in a high kill ratio. Where did you get 75% from?

  • FregglesFred
    FregglesFred Member Posts: 317

    He can teleport. Only to gens, and has dream pallets, or snares. These only work in the dream world, though. Most of the time, chases aren't even in the dream world started.

    Honestly, I think people are just whining because they can't bully a killer that outplays them.

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    To add to your line about snares and dream pallets - small game detects both of them whether you're in the dream world or not.

    You're exactly right though. This shows the lengths entitled survivors will go to in order to complain. Something that is COMPLETELY outplayable, they just don't want to learn how. Better nerf it then, lol

  • Kwanghyun
    Kwanghyun Member Posts: 186

    Freddy crisis is already over and he got nerfed recently. These crybabies are unworthy to reply to. And these are the people who tells you that “JusT aDapT” to the obliviously bad new ruin. Joke.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    Damn youre right, against average survivors he might get a few kills with the ruin nerf, better yet lets just remove all the killers weapons and powers so people who just moan can have "fun". just get good and shut up, im sick of all these killers getting nerfed and i play fing survivor, id like a game that isnt piss easy and a range of killers to go against, i dont wanna see the same killer and perks every damn game.

  • DeathBeam
    DeathBeam Member Posts: 259

    Honestly at this rate, there will be no top tier killers because many of these survivors do not want to adapt but want killer powers and addons nerfed instead.

  • Victor_hensley
    Victor_hensley Member Posts: 800

    Due to your compleat lack of even trying to learn the game and instead crying at the devs, which is the reason why the game is dying, I have absolutely 0 empathy and respect for you.

  • RngGenerator
    RngGenerator Member Posts: 25

    People here are moaning that they go to sleep too easily without realising that if the time to fall asleep was longer freddy would be a lot worse, the fake pallets are an add on so you can only use them if for one game if you have the specific add on, snares are kind of similar to trapper traps but you don't waste as much time putting them down. Yes freddy is in a good spot right now and I don't see what's wrong with that. If you don't like going against a certain killer, tough #########. We all dislike playing against certain killers and instead of moaning about it on the forums we learn how to play against them, no matter how annoying they might be.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Freddy Counters;

    • Stay awake, his entire kit relies on you being asleep.
    • All of his abilities come with sound, and visual notifications, stay aware.
    • Watch where he places Snares/Pallets, and avoid those areas. Trip them when he is far away so he has to waste projection to even come get you.
    • Do not run across the map for a Clock, only get it if it's convenient near you. Don't fail a skill check to wake up, that notifies him of the gen you are on, and will probably project to it immediately. Some teams can utilize failing skill checks, failing one skill check wakes up everyone currently on a generator, so some fail a check near the end of a generator, or when they know Freddy's Projection is on cool down/ in chase / carrying a survivor.
    • Waking Up is best done after a survivor is unhooked, then you just circulate staying awake at that point.
    • Respect the Killer - No teabagging, pointing, or gesturing to taunt him. No clicky clicky the flashlight, or notification spamming. No saying "gg ez" in end game screen or "zzz", saying the game was boring to play against. Say "GG WP", "Thank-you for the trial", "may the trials be ever in your favor", and/or "Good luck next round".
  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662


  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    Yea and after Freddy nerf. " You know what guys? Plague is really unfun to play against, i mean all she does is puke on you and break you then you cough giving away your location, should i cleanse, should i not? its just so unfun. Devs please nerf!!"

  • cetruzzo
    cetruzzo Member Posts: 323

    Nerf Freddy and pig

  • krzak95
    krzak95 Member Posts: 11

    I reading the forum often and you are a guy that screaming for nerfs-billy,freddy,ruin maybe instead writing and crying here,go play more games and learn to play this game.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Thanks for the toxicity in the reply.

    I’ve only recently joined and only called for a Billy nerf but I’m guessing because I’m not 100% defending killer I’m somehow a survivor main who wants everything nerfed?

    If you actually read what I put about Freddy you would read that I don’t actually have much of a problem with him, aside from one specific build which is just boring. His powers are fine.

    Likewise I said Ruin was dull and that there needs to be a better solution however I never called for a nerf. Hell the nerf was already announced before I even joined.

    Please next time you want to accuse me of being biased actually read what I put.

  • remoirel
    remoirel Member Posts: 231

    they overloaded his kit with his rework, but i doubt he'll get nerfed any time soon

    Community won't be able to handle it anyway, majority thinks killers too hard as it is.

  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    Your post it unfun to read, devs should nerf it by removing your ability to create forum threads.

  • MidnightStalk
    MidnightStalk Member Posts: 15

    i agree. he needs to be nerfed asap

  • Patiencehero
    Patiencehero Member Posts: 54
    edited January 2021

    Sure there will. It'll be a killer that gets buffed when queue times gets too long, or (more likely) another licensed killer to get those sweet "3 months of viability" bucks.

  • bluedusef
    bluedusef Member Posts: 288

    Yeah im not surprised this thread was full of biased killer mains who didnt read the comment properly. they clearly said unfun, that it dosent take like any skill to use freddy( which it dosent), and turned the thread into something else about how its not impossible to escape, its easy to beat freddy LOL.

    you can tell who only plays killer......

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,639
    edited January 2021

    I agree. I am really tired of killers getting gutted for no reason.

    Post edited by GeneralV on