Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Hit Validation Feedback



  • Member Posts: 1,972

    Terrible experience on PS5 as Survivor. I've even seen killers with the red ping icon and none of their hits are rejected, every strike hits despite delay and distance. I usually get 20-30ms ping but the last two days have been 40ms for some reason.

  • Member Posts: 60

    I'm consistently getting hit through windows even when fast vaulting

  • Member Posts: 251

    I know you are doing your job to ask a feedback about this feature here but honestly, during the 10 first days after the definitive release of HVS, there have been tons and tons of players complaining about it on twitter (and on this forum aswell) with video evidence etc...

    When the feature didn't work well for 1 killer (Huntress or Oni), Developpers removed it to fix it, but now that it affects 100% of the survivors, they won't remove it anymore, weird choice, but well, we won't argue about it right ?

    So my feedback is that the feature does absolutely nothing, it is badly calibrated. Hit validation still looks like it is killer sided. High pingers (Russian especially on EU server) still gives bullshit hits from 3 meters away, through pallets and at windows.

    Same for Huntress hatchets...

    Some players have made videos on reddit where they have used a proxy to get 250ms ping, of course they have played killer and the hits were registering as seen on their side, i'm wondering how that looked on the survivors screen, surely they got hit from 5 meters away.

    The feature is terrible, calibrate it to be 100% server hit validation WITHOUT lag compensation.

    It's not our problem if some players have 150 ms ping, it's their problem, they have to found a way to fix it on their side (better Inet provider, upgrade their equipment etc...).

  • Member Posts: 1,030

    Unfair hits still happen when I'm playing survivor with 50-100 ping, but they feel a lot less common. Before the hit validation I have been having this issue around every other match while now its around every fifth match. Dead Hard is still the same though, half the time it works and the other half I end up on the ground exhausted... and against Victor it never works.

  • Member Posts: 283

    hatchets still feel like they were implemented badly as a joke. the twins lunging attack to jump survivor backs is just as clunky.

  • Member Posts: 68

    The biggest problem to me is getting exhausted on the ground with Dead Hard. There should be some kind of rollback system for when the game realises you have used Dead Hard and are exhausted and got hit. This isn't a small bug either, as whether your Dead Hard actually works properly or not can determine a game. Right now using Dead Hard skillfully (i.e. on reaction) is punished heavily when skillful use of an ability should be rewarded. Even players with good ping end up getting exhausted from the ground, there are countless annals of video evidence.

  • Member Posts: 186

    i m pc player.Cross play player came to our game.Guess how it does hit.During the game everyone got hit after the pallet down animation finished and started walking.We also got damage even after walking for at least 2 seconds after jumping through windows.(After the killer jumped out of the hut window, imagine yourself injured at the door).Also, nothing changed in the game since the last activation of hit validation.

  • Member Posts: 251
    edited January 2021

    2 pages of players saying it's broken. Tons of tweets stating the same feedback, many videos to show proofs and you know what ? It is still here :).

    Yes, only survivors are impacted by the hit validation. As a killer there is clearly no difference.

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,590

    Dead Hard has nothing to do with Hit Validation - there's more issues with DH than just that and this will be addressed at a later date.

  • Member Posts: 313

    Hit validation does not work well cross-platform

  • Member Posts: 858
    edited January 2021

    I have brand new networking equips, <6mos old, with optimized settings and my ping is somewhere around 70-90 in the middle of the day - could it be my playstation 4? Maybe, the NIC in it is 8 years old. However, I don't have these issues with other games. ALSO, my ping was 50-70 at any time of day two months ago (that was with an asus rt ac68u). Now it's always 70-90 when playing dbd, even with all the new gear. I don't know if this is all related, but the way the game is now it plays like a lag switching host on the old p2p servers.

    Anyways, I played a few hours on the last day of the rift, with a 70-90ms ping. At least once per match when hitting a survivor, the SFX for a hit would play, but the surv would teleport nearby and run away as if I didn't hit them. Something that happened countless times: I'd swing at survivors and even though it looked like I was on top of them, my hit didn't land.

    One hit I landed had an insane result: I lunged early to get someone camping a pallet; on my screen I hit them, but instead I heard the pallet-drop, and I teleported about 16m away as they ran off as if they hadn't been hit. As if the pallet dropping on me squeezed me out of a tube and shot me across the map. Was kinda funny, but damn.

  • Member Posts: 251
    edited January 2021

    It's not like it has been 1 year with the dead hard bug right ?

    And about hit validation, 2 things :

    • why aren't the high pingers (>60ms) kicked from the lobby ?
    • why does the killer still have the priority for the hits ?

    Dedicated server = better ping and consistency for everyone = hits 100% server sided as in every other games, so why is it not the case with DbD ?

  • Member Posts: 608

    After having just played a Peruvian on the Virginia server (40ms) I can safely say that hit validation don't do anything against killers that have high ms. The only fix is giving the regions that don't have a server their OWN server.

  • Member Posts: 539

    3 feet away from windows and pc playerss hitting me like am 2 inch away from them. Great game now its on cross play... thats sarcasm.

  • Member Posts: 858

    Ever since the Rift closed my issues have improved. Granted I haven't played in a week, but things seem to be better lately on console.

  • Member Posts: 360

    Yeah I often get hits like that. It seemed to happen almost all the time when I was playing on the PTB (however I'm not sure if hit validation is on the PTB or not so that could be why). I've also had experiences with a couple Huntresses hitting me when I'm round a corner or behind a tree.

  • Member Posts: 360

    That's what often happens to me when I go up against Huntresses. Very frustrating at times.

  • Member Posts: 293

    i can tell sometimes i don't hit when i should have, it sometimes happens on the killer side as well, but it's harder to notice

  • Member Posts: 127

    I have noticed 0 change.

    I might if I was paying more attention but Russian Log thrower Huntress would be where I'd see the difference and I haven't played survivor recently nor huntress so idk.

  • Member Posts: 539

    When is pc going to be made in line with the ps4?Us ps4 users can't keep doing this and losing because of how much of a difference in pc vs ps4.

    Just before I wrote this, 1 player died on hook on purpose, I then died on hook on purpose. Then I'm joking you not just as I wrote this, a 3rd person died on hook on purpose.

    This game sucks on crossplay.

  • Member Posts: 858

    Nevermind, things have not gotten better for me. At around 7:30am PST my ping jumps up to 80-100, sometimes to 150 for a few seconds.

    I've done more jitter/ping tests and I usually end up with a ping of 10-20ms to most services from my router, and jitter is under 30ms. However, to dbd servers it's 60-70ms from my router, and 80-100 on my PS4 when in-game.

    I randomly teleport to spots that are a few meters away from where my character appears to be, and sometimes find myself swinging at nothing when playing killer - the survivor will be 3-6m farther than it appeared on my screen.

    Something that was new for me today; while playing on midwich the audio started cutting out along with the random stuttering/teleporting.

    I don't want to deal with this anymore.

  • Member Posts: 858

    Because those people with high ping are likely not to blame for their high ping. From the tests I've done the ping issues are coming from BHVRs end. I shouldn't be prevented from playing a game just because I'm not close enough to their server; they should be investing the money to have enough servers so that everyone can play. Especially if they're taking money from those people for their game.

  • Member Posts: 207

    My ping is consistently 30-40ms. As killer, I face survivors with anywhere between 60ms and 300ms. Hits literally go through them at an increasing rate - especially the ones with higher ping.

    Meanwhile, when I play survivor, my ping is still 30-40ms and I get hit from miles away by killers.

    I'm seeing more and more opponents from other regions, as well - I'm EU and I see a lot of players from NA or even Australia, according to their Steam profiles at least. VPNs, I assume? This feels like an exploit and it's making the game a chore to play on both sides.

    This hit validation does not work. Or rather, it favours high ping, and people are abusing it.

  • Member Posts: 80

    Hit validation is a lie for sure and people all proving it to be true...

  • Member Posts: 80

    and still the most stupidest thing is blight when you charge and hit that hitbox just simply dumb

  • Member Posts: 34

    I am having lots of trouble with denyed catches. The killer goes for the grabbing hand animation and suddenly stops. That happens often with The Nurse. With The Nurse, a denyed catch is too a lost hit and of course a lost chase.

  • Member Posts: 539

    Again. I put crossyplay on and the PC runs through my chain saw hit and my character hits a wall.

    This game blows on cross play.

  • Member Posts: 539
    edited January 2021

    I turned cross play on and that's a big no again. It's going back off again. Miss, miss, miss, miss. miss, miss, miss. PS4 to PC is absolute BS.

    I played DC Universe Online and I thought that game was the worst game for being unbalanced until I played Dead By Daylight.

    You've now taken over my number 1 spot on the worst unbalanced game in my life.

  • Member Posts: 2,317

    It works but not as well when using abilities, as huntress the most common event is getting hit behind a wall

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    Less than 60ms gets kicked??

    70-90 is normal for Xbox1 and PS4, and I imagine Switch and anyone using Wi-Fi are even higher. No one would get a match ever.

  • Member Posts: 127

    I hit a meg and she went down, I went to pick her up and she glitched up and was still running, so I do it again, she drops down, I drop down, hit connects, she goes down...She glitches up, keeps running and now by this point I'm very

    A N N O Y E D

    So I hit her one more time and I'm like "I swear to god if she gets back up ONE more time, I'm gonna lose it, stay down!" Fortunately the game decided this only now made sense and she went and stayed down.

  • Member Posts: 73
    edited January 2021

    Sprint burst. Pls sometimes it's just sick :D

    Post edited by charliebrown9061 on
  • Member Posts: 20

    Much better on both sides tbh!

    but i can still stun killers some times even tho they downed me. (wastes a pallet that could help later on or help me get free at that moment with the help of a teammate )

  • Member Posts: 36

    it didnt change too much. sometimes hits r bad as it was before. sometimes they r good.

    but the "good" hits became better than before. so its either bad as usual or better than before

  • Member Posts: 105

    If it was working properly we would be seeing clips online from killers having thier weapon swing through survivors or getting hits without the survivor taking damage and tons of raging about it.

    I haven't seen a single clip like that since it's been turned on .

    Even if they do manage to get it to work and work fairly until they fix auto-aim/aim dressing , we won't know exactly why hits arent connecting

  • Member Posts: 12

    The hit box is still garbage, why do you still get hit on the other side of the pallet when vaulting over, really doesnt make any sense, cuz nobody can reach that far, doesnt matter how big their weapon is they all should have the same hitbox and not be able to swing the full distance of a pallet

  • Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2021

    I set the times but it didn't happen :S (I wrote down the time under them)

    a pinged streamer who got in front of me today (Has a video streamer based drop)

    02.20.50 already his ping is not stable and turns red

    (02.28.09)Immediately after 1 second the survivor teleporting wasn't actually there,If he did damage, his damage would be valid,By the way, take a good look, the person with the ping is still intact. He's still playing his game very smoothly.

    (02.30.09)From time to time she teleports to the killer.

    Couldn't see the hit in Freddy game(because there are so many drops on the broadcast)

    But look at what happened to him in the next game :D

    02.41.05 Look at what happened on time (This damage should have been prevented by hit validation, right.Not prevented,because not working)

    Post edited by ProveKa on
  • Member Posts: 1,972

    Whatever the developers did isn't going far enough. They need to crank up the validation perimeters. Yes it's slightly better than before, I'm not getting hit from 50 m away anymore but I'm still getting hit from 15 m away. It's still a problem, it's frustrating, it doesn't feel fair and it doesn't look right. They need to be more strict about hit validation and ping enforcement. I've gone against killers that are getting the most generous hits ever, and then you watch their stream after the match and you see they have the red ping icon in the top left corner at 250 ms yet all of their hits connect.

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Survivors get hit from a distance and killers have grabs taken away after 90% the animation plays.

  • Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2021

    As you can see.Teleports back on the screen of the surviving killer.Dedicated server kicks in and successfully completes the hit validation task(nothing)

    Edit:There is no problem with the video, the streamers internet is bad

  • Member Posts: 7

    It plain and simply does not work. I get servers with horrible ping to begin with, but I've noticed survivors (including myself) getting hit 2 meters away from windows, after the killer got stunned from a pallet or after the killer has been 360ed quite successfully.

  • Member Posts: 234
    edited February 2021

    My ping is always in the 30-40's and I still get hits from Mars with VPN killers.

  • Member Posts: 93

    RIP Hit Validaton 9th February, 2021 ...

    Killer is officially OP

  • Member Posts: 11

    The user "bongrips4wraith" on Twitter posted a video showing the desync on 2 players with 30 ping. Something is wrong, I've been feeling it all day.

    Not sure if this relates, but Doctor's animations were also desynched in 2 matches I played against one, kinda like when PH was changed, and I've played as Deathslinger and people told me to stop VPNing even tho I have 30 ping and everything was normal on my screen.

  • Member Posts: 31

    Hits are extremely disconnected and not synced up, killers are getting hits they really should not be able to. It's been on everyone's games and in many streamer's games. Watch the fog whisperers for examples.

  • Member Posts: 2

    This is horrible, I love this game but somehow your new update only Ducked ** the hitbox more and it's so frustrating. I love everything else BUT PLEASE FIX THE MESSED UP HITBOX.

    If I can figure out how to share the lastest video I've taken where Michael & the wraith both hitboxes were completely off and it makes playing this game less fun as a survivor. Please fix your game this is heartbreaking that you guys are only making what's important worse.

  • Member Posts: 29

    It is so much worse, I’ve been hit from far away about almost every hit so far, please revert back to the other server validation, this is horrible

  • Member Posts: 47

    I was on 42ms of ping, this happened 1 week ago

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