Leatherface Bubba Cannibal Toooooo OP - Needs a Nerf

Please Please Pleaaaaase PLEASE nerf leatherface. He is way toooooo OP. No killer should be able to down an entire team in one attack, especially when they're camping the hook. He has way too much mobility when he does his chainsaw run and it's lasts for way to long. Even if you are able to make him miss, he'll just be able to use his chainsaw attack again within 3 secs, not giving you any time to escape. At least with Hillbilly he can't turn that well during his chainsaw sprint, unless he has addons, and he can't down an entire team, which makes Hillbilly fair. But Leatherface is ridiculous and I have the videos to prove it. PLEASE NERF HIM!


  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    I still haven’t found an acceptable counter to Leatherface. Yesterday was the first time in probably months that I was able to avoid his saw and that was by running around tiny tree on the edge of the coldwind farms map. He slices through pallets like butter so I can’t get any distance from him that way, and if I jump through a window his saw either still gets me or he hits me with the hammer. Supposedly you can outwit him by getting him to hit things, but even weaving in and out of tight passages doesn’t ever slow him down. There just never seems to be anything I can do against him except try my best to evade detection, which is also next to impossible if he’s using whispers. I’m just finding him absolutely frustrating to deal with, and that isn’t including the many A-Hole campers that use this killer.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    He's strong in a chase, thats all. And you can still soft counter him with pallets and windows.

    You know how you counter strong chasers? Split up and do gens.

  • Afius
    Afius Member Posts: 563

    Yes the counter to the cannibal is always having a window nearby and leave your teammates on the hook or just hope he sucks.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    "thats all" - (basement) camping Bubba would like a word with you.

  • horrortale_sans
    horrortale_sans Member Posts: 651

    if it an insidious basement bubba then the greedy Survivor that tried to take the chest deserved it

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Its not hard to figure out the location of the basement and just stay away from that area. A quick sprint past the shack on most maps at game start and you'll immediately know. And that implying that it isnt already a death sentence against killers like Hag or Trapper.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    I put basement in parenthesis, meaning that’s just one certain scenario of camping I’m talking about, while primarily addressing all camping. Bubba doesn’t need basement to camp hooks, obviously.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    Has anyone tried facing Leatherface on console? He might be fine on pc, but on console he went from strong to almost always a hatch game.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    He isn’t fine on PC either, lol. He’s a problematic killer since his release. Way too easy.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    LEatherface certainly wasn't easy in his original form.

    That said I guess the newer form is quite strong for how easy he is to actually use. But its not a real big problem to be fair. He's not Freddy tier where any brainless moron can stack slowdown perks or NOED and win simply through attrition. Freddy makes me want to stop playing for the week. Leatherface doesnt really.

  • TheDeadlySpecter
    TheDeadlySpecter Member Posts: 8

    Camping in general needs to be fixed with any killer. I see this too often with green purple, and red rank killers that just want to get the kill. If they camp each person on the team, they can easily do so before all 5 gens are finished, unless your team is extremely coordinated, which isn't likely in solo queue, or even duo queue. The devs could easily deter this by causing the blood timer on hook to stop if the killer is within a certain radius of the hook. If the killer is camping, that survivor will never die on hook, so the killer will be forced to go and look for the other survivors. Camping killers just don't make the game fun for the person that has to sit on the hook and is forced to die because no one can save him. As a result, that person eventually loses interest in the game and stops playing it. Killer mains, stop trying to justify cheap actions, like camping and tunneling.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I completely agree with the OP and have been saying this since my first match against the cannibal. He is extremely overpowered and I never have fun playing against them. There is no build up of power or conditions to be met with the chainsaw. They literally press a button and if you're in that hit area you're going down. That is WAY too much power for a killer. Look at devour hope for example. Conditions have to be met for that totems instant down power to be able to be used. The cannibal basically starts every match with a 3 token devour hope attached to his chainsaw. Not fun. Not fair. This killer needs a major change along with his perks too which I also feel are ridiculously overpowered and unfun to play against.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    Leatherface punishes survivors mispositioning or not understanding distance and thus is really good against survivors who don't think about it. The key to him, like Hillbilly, is to always be near something that will break his chainsaw dash before it goes off. He can't m1 you while he's revving it, and if he does M1 you, you're wasting his time because he didn't instadown you. Meanwhile, while he has to go on a 2hit chase instead of a 1hit chase, your team is on the generators.

  • MidnightStalk
    MidnightStalk Member Posts: 15

    I agree. There is absolutely no counter to him, and he is the most overpowered killer in the game. Not to mention, the most stupidest and the most unfair ability.

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