"Just do gens if the killer is facecamping"



  • ill_Boston_lli
    ill_Boston_lli Member Posts: 899

    To be fair you shouldnt get caught so early if you want bp. I atleast run the killer for a gen or two to be facecamped what rank are you?? I only ask because im rank one and killers dont face camp at that rank. I mean they do but only because they purposely want to throw the game to kill me. I find it odd that you get facecamped alot to the point where you had to make a post about it.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,823

    If I'm getting face camped, I usually struggle as long as I can to buy time for everyone else. My reasoning is that the match is already ruined for me either way, but I have a chance to try to un-ruin it for the other three people on my team so the killer doesn't just face camp them all one by one.

    If someone else is getting face camped, I make a reasonable attempt to try to save them but, if we can't make any headway, I give up and start doing gens.

  • Zaonhort
    Zaonhort Member Posts: 101

    Agreed it sucks for the one being hooked but this is a team game if you play survivor, stay on the hook and pray the other survivors do gens, if it's solo queue they may just hide in the bush nearby for 2 minutes hoping for an opportunity that doesn't come.

    Ideally BHVR would do something about camping (at least early game camping). End game I say everything is fair game or even when at least 2-3 gens are done. I say make hooks like cages of atonement, if the killer hangs around too long the survivor is transported to another hook across the map and if this happens don't let the killer see which hook. This mechanic could be abused but as I said if it's only active during the start-mid game it would be okay. Or even if it happened in solo queue only or something.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    As someone who has been here for a few years and has 4k hours, I am considered a veteran. Facecamping is when a killer is facing you, their face directly towards yours, while camping. What you just described is unhook blocking, which hasn't been present for a long time.

    Weird, that is not what your post says above buddy, since you say if a survivor is good enough they will never get caught. As someone who understand bases of game design, which I went to school for and have worked in projects for, this game is designed so the killer will eventually caught you. Only killers who wont are afk, or maybe you're hacking. It doesn't matter how good you are as a survivor, you will get caught in the end.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    No one said I get caught early though. 2 mins on the hook is still BP i could be making. Survivor is already ass to get BP with.

    And yes I do get facecamped a lot because I do consider myself good at chases. I have around 20+ screenshots of myself being facecamped on different times.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I cant tell my team to stay on gens because I'm not in a swf. And even with kindred I can see them not doing gens.

  • mrmean
    mrmean Member Posts: 24

    The easiest way to fix this to me is the reverse the ban on leaving a match. If the killer can do this which by most ppls account ruins the experience and its ok because they forgo bp. It should be fine to leave and forgo bp the same.

  • mrmean
    mrmean Member Posts: 24

    Seems like a good idea. How could it be abused though?

  • Kazim
    Kazim Member Posts: 229
    edited January 2021

    When the killer is facecamping, You or your team should do genrush and leave even leaving the partner to die, as this will teach the killer that playing like this is boring, makes few points and no one will follow his game especially when the killer is bubba.

    If the team tries to rescue maybe they can but if not they are giving the killer points and maybe he can kill everybody making him do it again later with other team.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167


    Not that being camped is fun, but you don't depip from getting camped. When playing survivor don't count on the safety net mechanic of multiple hooks, your first interaction with the killer is the most important. Score your points, avoid the killer, then go for risky actions once you think you've at least safety pipped.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    edited January 2021

    i think hook scoring events should get a couple of additions, for killer and survivor.

    for survivor you should gain BP for going from one hook phase into the other without speeding the process up, and some bonus points for being close to the killer while doing so.


    "Abandoned" - + 2000 Altruism points (applies any time you go from one hook stage into another without speeding up the process)

    "Killer Occupation" - + 5000 Objective Points + 5000 Boldness Points (applies when you die with the killer killer staying within a certain radius towards the hook for a certain amount of time)

    for killers i think you should get bonus BP when survivors suicide on hook, so failed self unhook attempts and failed struggeling should reward bonus points to make somewhat up for people quitting instantly.


    "Futile Struggle" - + 500 Sacrifice Points (applies when the survivor stops struggeling on hook)

    "Fruitless Escape" - +200 Sacrifice Points (applies any time the survivor makes an escape attempt that does not free them)

    those are just some ideas, we could add more / move the numbers around ofc, but i generally think such point score events would be a good addition.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Even though I play more Killer (60/40), I find Noed is fine. I still find Camping to Noed is super cheap.

    If survivors arent swf, 1-2 survivors would waste at least 30sec stay near a hook to attempt unhook. And after the hooked gets to 2nd stage hook, only 1 Gen done. And 2nd stage hook timer isnt enough to finish all the Gen.

    Then Killer process to 1 hit down another Survivor and continue to camp. 2k fair game with Zero effort.

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334

    I can understand the BP but why the hell do you care about de-pipping? Rank is meaningless and will be even more meaningless once MMR is the sole source of our matchmaking.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Not sure what game you're playing, but if you get facecamped after just being chased you will depip.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    The same way you care about BP. Why do you care? once you level a survivor you don't need more BP.

    Because I like to pip, and depiping for something that i cant do anything against is bs

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598

    It's bad design that this is possible in the game. Unfortunately, there have been many people provide potential solutions, however, they always have a flaw that is abusable by survivor. If any solution is put in the game and is abusable - it WILL be abused. Take a look at the hook proximity timer they tested. Survivors could run the killer around the hooked survivor and have two players complete all the generators with time to spare to save the hooked survivor too.

    That said, a simple solution would be to compensate the camped survivor which would incentivise the killer to not camp because they're going to lose the game as well as have their target be fully rewarded.

  • ShadowRain
    ShadowRain Member Posts: 607

    Just don’t get caught.. if you do you deserve to die.

  • ShadowRain
    ShadowRain Member Posts: 607
    edited January 2021

    A killers job is to kill you by any means necessary.. they don’t care about the survivor rulebook.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I see someone spends too much time on reddit and learned a new word. Is like when children learn a new curse word and keep repeating it, in this community "rulebook" is like those same swear words.

  • Curveballer
    Curveballer Member Posts: 27

    The game is around for 4 year and the dev have no solution against it? that's ridiculous! there are several here in the thread. give the swf bps for every gen that's finished while he is hanging and for everyone who escaped afterwards, don't switch the state while the killer ist around 5 meters, etc

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    The issue I have with that is that I am not in a SWF. Why would a SWF get more points for doing gens while me, the solo player, is hanging on the hook for like 2 mins?

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314

    Because to the games way of recording effort, you didn't do anything. You shouldn't be rewarded for being camped. It sucks, but why on earth would you get a reward lol?

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Why would a killer be rewarded with a kill by just standing still?

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314

    Well, the killer doesn't if the team forgets about you and finishes the game. Which is what should be done.

    And killers aren't rewarded for hook camping unless silly survivors take the bait. Often depip with low BP earnings as well.

    Is it right? Well, it's not fun. But the killer isn't here for your fun or your rules. They either admitted they can't compete or they just don't care to. (This is exaggerated by tome challenges, dailies, or just plain being annoying)

    I get facecamped all the time. I get smacked on hooks. I get trap spammed all around hooks (which is a bigger problem)... and I just deal with it. Because like it or not... the counter is to occupy their time for your teams gain.

    Now the killer also robs the team of map pressure which in turn robs them of points as well... but hey... do you expect change anytime soon with the tiny amount of bug fixes and content we get?

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090
  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    Doing gens is the counter, but it's not a solution.

    Camping is a problem in this game but it's like nobody wants to admit it.

    We've all given suggestions over the years to fix this but they fall on deaf ears. I used to try suggesting it before, if Killer is within range of the hooked survivor the sacrifice timer slows down or stops entirely if in face camp.

    People said it's too abusable. Perhaps.

    But the games mechanics are broken and make for camping and tunneling, and it's just a miserable experience for the person being camped and tunneled.

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314

    Hey, if you aren't going to actually respond to any of what I said.. then just don't reply to me lol.

    You commented

    "Why would a killer be rewarded with a kill by just standing still?"

    I responded.

    That's what you need to keep on topic with.

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314

    This is where you are wrong. Many admit it's a problem and even the devs have come forward to support it. Not only that, have heavily surveyed hooks on stream before. Now face camping? That's different.

    Your suggestion, which has been said by many players... Is terrible. It is far too abusable. The timer should NOT stop or slow down. It's been explained a thousand times so I will spare my weak paraphrasing.

    The only thing they "could" do is to have BP penalties within a small range of the hook that also affect one of the medals. But that range can not be far... because a killer shouldn't be punished for hooking someone in a basement and getting looped above them in a main building or kill shack. Even with this change, they will not be able to stop a killer from face camping because many who do it, do not care about that. And if they do, will find a way outside of that range.

    What about Hag for example. A killer sadly allowed to proxy hooks? That would have to be adjusted as well. Where traps disable around the unhooked. Nurses blink back to hooks. Demos teleport back to hooks. So are we talking "camping" or specifically staring in your eyes. Because while the "face campers" can possibly be penalized a bit, those killers that can "return instantly" to hooks can still avoid punishment.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    BP penalties and medals isn't an issue. Or even vaguely a deterrent.

    You see people slugging and camping and other things which will cost them pips and blood points. They do it gleefully because they don't give a flying fart about bloodpoints and medals.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    The devs have probably seen 1000 half decent solutions to camping, and are just like "nah it's unfixable, nothing we can do about it"

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Actually what I need to keep on topic with is the thread, which I myself made. Read it and then comment again.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    This. People who facecamp dont care about points or pipping.

  • xXCAM3R0NXx
    xXCAM3R0NXx Member Posts: 387

    Everyone eventually makes mistakes during a chase, and eventually you get caught..unless the killer is insanely new and or bad, but if we're on about any sort of experienced killer then that is unlikely.

    When you get face camped, do you blame yourself for not running fast enough? Or do you blame the killer and say he's 'mad' or say he's 'trash'

    It's easy to say 'just get better' but when you're put in situation it's a diff opinion.

  • xXCAM3R0NXx
    xXCAM3R0NXx Member Posts: 387

    Unfortunately there is nothing you can do but think positively, think about how many BP he's gonna get, how many pips, how much fun he's having...everyone gets bored of something they repeat constantly, and soon enough they'll realise face camping isn't useful anymore to them

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334
    edited January 2021

    I don't care about BP. I've been sitting at 1M for like a month. All the characters I care about are already leveled up.

    I said I can understand why others care about BP because not everyone has everyone they want leveled up yet, and some people like to have as many items they can on a character.

    Pipping on the other hand is meaningless and is nothing but a number. Especially after MMR is fully integrated, it won't even be used for matchmaking. So I don't see a reason anyone would or should care about rank. Any reason that makes sense anyway. And no, I don't think "because I like to pip" makes sense. It should actually be removed from the game entirely in my opinion. That would at least solve your issue about not pipping.

  • Curveballer
    Curveballer Member Posts: 27

    it's a team game as swf so when your team lives because you died you should get something for that

  • rats00
    rats00 Member Posts: 194
    edited January 2021

    While requiring refining this is the better argument. Rewards in game are almost always the best answer since its, well, a game. The stance of "Do it and I'll spank you!" that a lot of people take only results in two things, good players quitting for being punished for bad reason, troll players continuing to not care because they are troll players.

    I like the idea of Survivors getting boldness points for being face camped. Something like after 5-10 seconds of the killer within 16-24 meters of the hook should count as double boldness, retroactively paying out for the first 4-9 seconds once triggered.

    30+seconds in this radius while hooked is 2.5k altruisim and a safety pip, 5k for 60+ seconds.

    For killer, the problem with suiciding on hook is that I kind of don't want that to be possible anymore. My spin would be that instead of safe and unsafe unhooks safe unhooks are just unhooks and reward double current points. Unsafe unhooks are a reward for the killer at the current safe unhook amount, and survivors are not rewarded for them at all.

    As well to replace the struggle mechanic because I rarely see anyone say anything positive about it. Rather what I would want is the survivor to get a mechanic where when hooked they can slow the timer down by holding down space, but can't be unhooked during or for 2-3 seconds after. That way if the survivor KNOWS that being unhooked is going to kill them, they don't have to be, it saves time, scores them more boldness points if they are being camped, and turns face camping into a 1k maybe 2k into a 1k maybe 0k.

    I also like the idea of a perk called "Yeah, see that's why I did that" for survivors if someone gets downed in an incredibly close range of them(Edit: While in the holding can't be rescued stance). Something like bonus time or maybe a free unhook chance if the other survivor gets hooked themselves.

    There are honestly tons of changes big and small that can improve the hook states in the game that don't require punishment, it's nice to see the argument surface once in awhile. Thank you :)

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    That's not what the comment said tho. It said the people who arent getting facecamped should get more BP. So, again, why should I care to stay on hook? I'm not the one getting BP, they are

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167


    Again, that's only if you didn't do anything else and that's a result of failing to escape the chase. I can understand the depip if it happens in the first min, but that still means that you failed to hide and then failed to escape the chase. Some killers get the down faster but all of them are avoidable without perks.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I could be running the killer for 5 gens and end up with only around 8k BP because that's the max of BP that category gives you.

  • Retromind
    Retromind Member Posts: 156

    In this case the only objectively valuable thing you are losing is your time. Pips mean absolutely nothing because even the most mediocre performance is rewarded with a pip. If I get in a situation where I am being face camped I accept the reality and waste killer's time by staying alive on the hook as long as possible in hopes the team has assessed the situation and are trying their best to fix all gens and gtfo hurting the killer even more. Nothing brings me more joy than seeing a 1 hook 1k and knowing the camper got his ''entity displeased''. Drop a ''gg'' for your team and move on.

    If you value your time, just don't struggle once stage 2 hits. Optionally try to escape and die on hook immediately.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    I never camp or tunnel, and I never gen rush or BM the killer (Unless they started it!!!!!!!) because I want everyone to have fun. When people do things to get the game over and done with, I get bored. Gen rushing doesn't give us many points, and when I see them all working on separate gens and letting me reach second stage you BET I am gonna be salty and wait to save them off hook too lol! Same goes for camping and tunneling-- You can get 1 death out of it, but there's little effort in doing so and is soooo bland. I like chases on both sides, so I don't quite get the strategy of it.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167


    You just reinforced my statement. Running one long chase doesn't matter when talking about not making bp before a hook camp. That's only points for one chase and nothing else.

  • ill_Boston_lli
    ill_Boston_lli Member Posts: 899

    Yeah...... But there are plenty of other games to be had. Let em camp if that is what they desire. What i did when i was continually camped is eventually i woulf go in and purposely be chased so i would get better each time and learn the routing and all that and go conditioned to predicting the killers movements. That way I would last longer and pip up. If you are being camped alot it is obvious that you are not at red ranks, This ######### doesnt happen consistently unless the killer is throwing because they lost or they literally know you and dont like you. At the end of the day you will be in the next trial in no time and that is what it is. I would also hold on as long as i can in second phase just for the BP not my team. Cause not only am i getting points for struggle but my team is punishing the ish out of the dbag trying to ruin my expoerience. The only way the killer will enjoy the face camp is if you react with salt or rage quit or ######### on first hook . So like i said just get yourself better and better at chase and these jerks wont be able to camp you,

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Hm do you realize that even the best person at chases will eventually be caught? if your team mates arent doing gens, you'll eventually be out of pallets, and the killer is faster than you so he/she will catch up.

    Also there are still killers who face camp at red ranks, the same way there are survivors who go down in 2 seconds at red ranks.

    Why would I waste my time for what? 300 bp from struggling? I cant get anything with 300 BP.

  • Hex_Salt
    Hex_Salt Member Posts: 443

    Its rubbish I know , its why I run kindred in most builds to punish the campers. Only consolation i get is the killer getting 1 kill (me) in exchange for losing the game. But your right depipping because of a camper isn't nice