What do you guys think about the Object Of Obsession and Decisive Strike changes?



  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Yeah it’s a great start. Not very happy with the future killer changes though. Would rather they fix nurse then nerf her and nerf spirit since then they can put everyone else up to their standards but that’s just my opinion

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    First of all I'm really thankful of the Devs that we can all contribute to their thoughts! Thank you!

    I really like the Object change. It still provides a lot of information to the Survivor(s) while being less offensive against the killer.

    If I understood it correctly, you would be able to see the Killer's aura if he sees you with a perk or add-on that provides aura reading (f.e. BBQ, Vanity Mirror, Nurse's, Undying, Renjiro's Bloody Glove, Amanda's Letter etc.) if the conditions are met. I guess a EWII Mirror Myers will only trigger Object if he's stalking you. But will f.e. trigger Amanda's Letter as soon as you get in 12m range or when she looks at you? From what I can tell the first version would provide the most options for Survivors whereas the latter version would be fair.

    I also like the periodic aura reading every 30s since it gives room for a lot of mindgaming for both sides. Something the current Object lacks. If it comes with a little animation when it is on cooldown (like Premonition) and maybe gives a little sound cue when it triggers (like Alert) it would be great. So that we don't get surprised or don't have to look at the icon all the time when using it.

    I also really like that this version of OoO treats all killers equally. No longer is the killer screwed by Oblivious or a small TR on loops!

    But this idea has a big problem:

    As @Trashmaster mentioned above, Sole Survivor would need a change too, since the 24m per dead survivor would be not in sync with object anymore since that would be global now.

    This was trickier than I thought, since I didn't know where to put the differences between the tiers, keeping it in sync with Object AND make it usable without it. This is my idea:

    As more and more of your friends fall to the Killer, you shroud yourself from his view.

    For the first dead or sacrificed Survivor the Killer's aura reading ability is reduced by 50%. All other dead or sacrificed Survivors grant additional 25% up to a total of 100%.

    Increases the chance to be the Obsession.

    This means when 1/2/3 Survivors are dead, BBQ would only last for 2/1/0s (instead of 4s) or that Nurse's would only reveal that survivor in a 14/7/0m radius (instead of 28).

    I also like the DS changes. Good that you kept the locker so it still provides combinations like Head On or Inner Strength. The restrictions would let you think twice if you want to finish that Gen next to the killer seconds after you got unhooked. Also hook rushing with DS and BT would be thankfully out of question with this.

  • boogieman976
    boogieman976 Member Posts: 35

    I love the direction these are going. I will say that the description of healing in the DS text needs to clarify that you can be healed by others, you just can't be the one doing the healing. Speaking of this, does recovering from dying through the use of Unbreakable/No Mither count as a "healing" action in this specific case? Kinda think it should so that it eliminates the cocky invincible plays.

    As far as the proposed OoO changes, I love it as is.

  • boogieman976
    boogieman976 Member Posts: 35

    Judging by a tweet from Peanits, you can be healed by others, you just can't be the one doing the healing action.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    Actually, theres im all ears. With the new OoO you can see them as well meaning they cant mindgame or outplay you as easily once you vault

  • IronWill
    IronWill Member Posts: 244

    I think the game will see a huge shift in the playerbase, which means more people will either swap to killer (like I will most likely do cause solo survivor is already a pain in the ass as it is right now) or they will just leave the game.

    I am also sure we will see a HUGE increase of tunneling. Killer sees someone gets unhooked? Lets go back, wait a second till they tap a gen or start healing - down and hook em again - gg ez.

    It will be like during old Ruin days when killer queue took up to 15+ minutes cause after a while no one will want to play survivor again cause a 2 minutes mach of getting tunneled with a 5k BPs reward is anything but fun.

  • NeonFlowerPower
    NeonFlowerPower Member Posts: 135

    Killers are gunna be hella mad when they find out it is actually stronger with this change because it will be more beneficial for the survivor over the killer.

  • Pig_Is_Pog
    Pig_Is_Pog Member Posts: 222

    i’m all ears is pretty rare to see, you don’t see it very much

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    There is also Nurse's Calling, Undying, wall hack Oni/Plague, Fake Pallets, Nemesis, Blight/Bubba add-ons or Vanity Mirror as well as the Shard add-ons (honestly no one really uses these).

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    I don't use it because I always feel bad if I do.

    But I think it could be well used during a chase since there would be no TR restrictions anymore, am I right?

    But the cost would be that you lose control over it.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    With the DS change so nerfed, if a killer is stunned with the DS, it means that the killer is abusing his power and I believe he should be stunned with the second DS as well.

  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614
    edited February 2021

    One think they may want to consider with DS is getting someone on the ground from dying to injured state not counting as healing. I have a feeling this will bring problems. Otherwise it looks just fine. Now I hope killers will abuse it as much as they can so the kill rates which were already high will be even higher and who knows one day we may actualy see real anticamp changes