Remove aura reading from BBQ. It's ridiculous at this stage in the game's life.

I always hear the argument about how BBQ is used MAINLY for extra BP but this is a fallacy. Killer mains want dev's / survivors to believe this but the real reason is, they love wall hacks and praying on noob survivors.

The game is already tough enough on new players, why should every survivor have to waste time always hiding in a locker before a killer hooks someone? This is stupid and counter-intuitive to the way the game should be played... which is any way you want, everyone has developed a PTSD of sorts every time a killer hooks a survivor and it's dumb, it forces the player base to play a certain way and I'm tired of it.

While a killer is hooking and carrying another survivor this is one of the only chances survivors get to recover and counter play... but we're always forced in to lockers while someone is being hooked from half way across the map... this idea is ridiculous nonsense at this point... this perk literally makes no sense at all btw from a lore / game mechanic standpoint, just saying.

If killers want to use BBQ for BP, it should be used for that and only that... this wall hack crutch perk need to go... The killers have eyes, they can use them, and if they can't, they should just play another game. You might as well just allow 3rd party wall hacks to be used because as far as I'm concerned, this perk is no different.



  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    To add onto these already four good reasons, you can run in one direction and 4 seconds later run in the other.

  • Rizer
    Rizer Member Posts: 95

    Everyone saying to just deal with BBQ... can go deal with DS as well... it's simple to avoid yet it got nerfed... BBQ is a wall hack perk and more often than not swings an entire game... hiding behind gens doesn't do anything against a killer who isn't blind.

    Remove the aura reading, it's cheap and stupid.

  • Rizer
    Rizer Member Posts: 95
    edited February 2021

    I love how you guys just dismiss the fact that it pinpoints survivors exact locations by saying "it's 4 seconds of aura reading".... like... #########? Are you guys eating paint chips or something?

    You realize that survivors leave scratch marks right? So if a killer just heads in that general direction all they have to do is go... no scratch marks? Okay survivor is HERE.


    Oh look, scratch marks, there they are... :/

    Like it's not rocket science.

  • Rizer
    Rizer Member Posts: 95

    Except it rewards kills for doing what they're supposed to do... which is hooking survivors... they do what they need to do then get rewarded by seeing other survivors which allows them to easily hit another objective without any effort...

  • DangerFace
    DangerFace Member Posts: 6

    Really? survivors have 13 second chance perks (i know i exaggerate) but you want to nerf BBQ? Try playing killer some times, its harder than you think to find people some times. This perk isn't abused like many of the survivor perks.

  • Rizer
    Rizer Member Posts: 95

    Oh yeah, say the same thing about mettle of man or BT then... LOL

    Both perks based on going out of your way to help others and instead of getting rewarded you get punished now because killers complained so much about it.

    Yeah nah, you just like cheating, that's all there is to it... and yeah I play killer and BBQ helps way more than it should.

    You have red gens, those are you objectives, start patrolling them and stop relying on some stupid crutch perk wall hack garbage that literally gives away survivors EXACT locations.

  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    So here's a fun fact for anyone planning on defending BBQ on this thread. You see, in TF2, there is a weapon for Spy called the Diamondback which gave guaranteed crits for every backstab or fully sapped building the Spy performs. In other words, it rewards players for succeeding at what they're supposed to do. Well guess what, some people in that community hated the thing. It goes to show that if an effect is strong enough, there will always be people who hate it no matter how healthy the requirement for said effect is

    But here's the thing, it's 4 seconds of aura reading on survivors who are probably far away, after a hook. Even Pop has a stronger effect than BBQ.

  • Rizer
    Rizer Member Posts: 95

    That's not the case at all... you're just cherry picking. Yes sometimes the survivors are far away enough and it's not worth going after them but there's always someone closer and just outside of the radius where it can trigger... you obviously don't play enough survivor to understand how broken this perk is.

  • Rizer
    Rizer Member Posts: 95

    Again, just a cherry picker... in fact it could very well do the opposite... you're only seeing this one way because it benefits killer mains.

    If the killer doesn't see any one using BBQ, they assume that the hook is being swarmed and stay around camping the hook. :/

    You realize this right? I love that you're defending a skill you know absolutely nothing about... you're just using it to favor your argument. It's a garbage perk and needs to be nerfed... use it for the extra points, you don't need wall hacks.

  • Rizer
    Rizer Member Posts: 95

    You literally have no argument. :) git gud at social skills.

  • Rizer
    Rizer Member Posts: 95

    Yeah you guys could work around DS as well but you choose not to, so I mean, same difference. LOL And DS got nerfed, so you don't need your wall hacks, git gud and use your eyes and intuition... stop relying on cheats to win.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Whatever you say Champ. :) That's me... I don't know nuthing about nuthing.

  • Shaaei
    Shaaei Member Posts: 18

    As a survivor, I dont think I've ever thought to myself that BBQ is overpowered in any way. Its easy to recognize and easy to avoid.

    As a killer I would probably use BBQ without auras just for the sake of farming bloodpoints. I can see early on, starting off as a killer it can be a bit of a crutch but realistically, there are better ways to track survivors than BBQ. Discordance, Tinkers, Thrilling, etc. BBQ in no way needs any kind of nerf.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    it's info and extremely limited info with counterplay how tf is that broken

    oh you were just on the edge of it's active aura reading and the killer is on you? just last long in a chase all it did was reveal you for 5 seconds.

    I think you just need to get better at the game if the killer simply knowing where a survivor is makes it broken, i suppose discordance is also broken then since it has basically the whole map on lock down and tells you where 2+ survivors are along with the gen that will get done if you don't stop it.

    there are better info perks out there bbq is used commonly because even with it's strict info it technically is the most consistent info perk but it is not the strongest just consistent. What's funny is it wouldn't be as consistent if survivors just used it's counters.

  • Rizer
    Rizer Member Posts: 95

    Never said it was OP, it's just a stupid crutch perk that gives killers too much info in a game where they're supposed to hunt survivors and use their senses... it's just EZ mode and unnecessary. Go play a Barbie game if you want a casual experience.

  • Rizer
    Rizer Member Posts: 95

    I think you should just start looking at this logically in that it's basically cheating... it gives the killer way too much info and again, if you had a brain, you'd see how easy it makes it for killers to locate survivors.

    No aura = survivors are close

    aura = oh look there they are.

    Go to aura's location, scratch marks?

    If Yes - Follow them

    If No - Survivors probably didn't move at all or are in a nearby locker

    Too EZ. Remove the aura... it's garbage.

  • Rizer
    Rizer Member Posts: 95

    Then you don't play enough survivor to understand how stupid it actually is... it happens all the time... killers bee line right to the next survivor then you're playing a game of hook farming instead of actually playing the game as intended.

  • Rizer
    Rizer Member Posts: 95

    no thanks I'd rather not play the game someone elses way... try again.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    These are the distances in meters in dbd 40 meters is obviously bigger than the biggest example of 32 meters and that is in the radius of the hook.

  • Rizer
    Rizer Member Posts: 95
  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Not true at all, it is not a crutch perk. The killer is supposed to find survivors to kill them, it merely helps them do it faster with the luxury of bloodpoints. It is probably the most counterable tracking perk as well for reasons many people have described that you keep ignoring. Play one of the strongest killers in the game without any tracking perks and then come tell us it is a crutch perk.

    Just how many hours do you have on this game? Probably not very many, how could you possibly know more than us, the people who have played this game for over a thousand hours and more?

    You also ignored the part where I asked you to show us your gameplay of survivor to help us see your perspective of the perk. Hell, try playing killer with it and show us that gameplay as well to help us understand how the perk is a crutch since it is safe to assume you have about 500 hours or less on the game. But I know you won't do this.

  • babylevi
    babylevi Member Posts: 2

    I understand your frustration. Yes you can “get good.” But There’s a reason why 90% of killers use that perk. It’s so good. There’s ways to counter it but it forces survivor to play somewhat differently and that’s not counting the fact that when you play solo que, your teammates are straight dogsht

  • Rizer
    Rizer Member Posts: 95

    I have roughly 4000 hours in this game over time, I've been here since the beta. I mostly play survivor but I've been Rank 1 killer at different stages in the games life when there wasn't so many options and yes, BBQ helped me get there easily... also I mained Myers to reach Rank 1 killer and never played anyone else... I wasn't the nurse or hillbilly... I played Myers and Trapper but Trapper was highly counterable at higher levels so I just stuck with Myers for his cheap ass 1 shot downs... and that was when pallets were in abundance on most maps... now the pallets are cut in half and I find killer so stupid and boring it's not even a challenge to me anymore.

    I main survivor and roughly 92% of my hours are on survivor side and yeah, it's gotten worse over time. I mean granted the game's changed drastically and survivor mains have found literal loop holes in the games design to make it easier on them. As time goes on people are deciphering more information on walls and tile formations, so there's a specific way to run a killer through them efficiently.

    I'll be honest, I haven't studied this phenomenon and I doubt I ever will, I have no time for such things as I work a full time job unlike most children that play this game all day every day. So yeah you guys probably DO have more hours than me. I also don't play SWF, I always solo queue and it's a GD nightmare most games. I've been Rank 1 for about a week the past 6 months but for some unknown reason, killers are just running train on solo queues and 9/10 they're all running BBQ because it helps that much.

    Every once in a while I jump in a match as Myers, mind you I'm only rank 16 because of constant resets and my lack of interest in the killer side so I just roflstomp lowbies, but BBQ plays a huge factor... I can 4K most low rank teams in less than 5 minutes, most of the time they never even get a gen off and it's all due to BBQ because the information is just there. I've taken out some SWF teams with minimal effort, and I could tell they weren't the level of rank the game said they were... they were much higher but playing at low ranks with the purpose to troll low rank inexperienced killers.

    I'm just sick of every good survivor perk getting nerfed in to the ground while killers still have stealth crutch perks active giving them a huge advantage that no one seems to want to address... A bad killer with BBQ is still more effective than a good killer without it. High ranking killers run train on anyone that gets caught in BBQ's cross hair which makes it insanely unbalanced. I just feel it's time to address this issue and make the perk a point only perk and stop giving killers such a great amount of information.

    I'll give you an example of another perk on the survivor side that's equally as broken, and it's Bond.... Bond is so under rated. It gives survivors SO much information but of course you guys know this already, you're pros, so I'm not going to explain why it's incredible. Bond also turns the tide of a match of a selfish survivor.... Whenever I run it, I usually have a way higher chance at making it out when playing with terrible team mates... which is generally the case 9/10 in solo queue... it's a huge advantage.

    Either way whatever, argue it all you want and say it's counterable, there's other survivor perks that are technically counterable as well like DS but that got destroyed, yet again, by killers complaining that they have to keep track of who they've tunneled... LOL...

    I mean it's not hard to realize someone has DS when they're tea bagging you and running in your face trying to sacrifice themselves to save someone else... but there it is... nerfed perk.

    I'm just sick of having to go find a locker 10 seconds before someone gets hooked and then waste another 5 seconds sitting in a locker every GD time someone get's downed... it's bloody annoying as piss.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
    edited February 2021

    I highly doubt that you have 4000 hours in this game. You have been around since the beginning of the game and you think that BBQ is a crutch perk and that the aura reading needs to be removed? BBQ is a good perk that is both balanced, yet strong and one of the few meta perks that a killer can use to find survivor and also gain BP. Removing the aura reading part would make this perk an old version of WGLF and lessen the number of good perks for killers to use by one.

    In low ranks, anyone can get a 4k regardless of BBQ. It is because the survivors are just really bad or inexperienced.

    Have you forgotten the killer meta perks have gotten nerfed as well? Take undying for example.

    The current DS is also not counterable btw. For example, "just not tunneling" a survivor is not a counter since it is in favor of the survivor. Slugging them is still not a counter since you miss out on a hook state and is countered by the survivor if they use unbreakable. Eating a DS early is also not a counter either since you can't just hook and tank a DS hit early on for many reasons (map, skill of the player, skill of the survivors, and SWF groups). DS was nerfed because it provided guaranteed protection for a full minute and a full minute in a match in DBD is a lot of time. If you have time to heal, work on a gen, unhook survivors, and do bones you are not being tunneled and the current DS allows you to keep DS during that time.

    If you are sick of hiding in a locker each time someone is hooked then stop. Most people at high ranks already don't do this unless they are vulnerable and the killer won't come over to you specifically, the killer has 2 other survivors to deal wih and might not neccessarily come after you. You aren't going to die if you are shown by BBQ and it is seriously not a crutch perk. If BBQ is a crutch perk, then wouldnt bond be as well since it always reveals the auras of your team at any time you are 36 meters close to them? A killer can do just as good as they would playing without BBQ than playing without it.

    Post edited by Yords on
  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270
    edited February 2021

    Oh no the survivor aura's are nowhere near the hook whelp time to face camp instead of using the info I got -literally no one that plays seriously or farms bp

    Also thumbs up to the last post and any others who see how the perk discourages camping

  • Rizer
    Rizer Member Posts: 95

    Oh, I wasn't talking to you sugar plum but thanks for reading... and if you didn't read it... thanks anyway. :)

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    Couldn't say it better myself