Feedback on PROPOSAL for Object of Obsession

As shown in the recent Q&A stream, we have a proposed rework for Object of Obsession and we really want to hear the Community's Feedback on this.
Please comment your thoughts, ideas etc onto this thread for us to gain as much information as we can with regard to the above proposal.
Keep it civil please and be as constructive as possible, otherwise your comments will be removed and your feedback then not heard!
{disclaimer - remember this is just a proposal for a change, not a guarantee that it will change or will take this form}
I like it! Currently, the only perk that lets you directly figure out what perks the killer has is Distortion, but that has limited uses. This is for sure a more effective way to fit that niche.
The obsession part of the perk still lets you see the killer, but it makes it a lot less obnoxious than the current Object, which is nice.
This change keeps the theme of the perk nicely while making it less annoying to go against. I'd love it if this went live, to be honest.
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I feel like the obsession only effect should to some extent affect every survivor with obo
For example
80/70/60 second cooldown for the 3 second aura reading when you are not the obsession and 40/35/30 if you are the obsession
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I think I am satisfied with the recent work of the object of obsession by those who contributed, now it is not such a lethal perk to abuse killers who use traps or stealth at all times, 40/35/30 seconds for 3 seconds Now she seems like a balanced survivor perk with no complaints whatsoever.
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I think is Object should be only active while injured every 40/35/30 or it should be timer based (like Corrupt Intervention) 80/100/120seconds at the start of the Trial every 40/35/30 after the timer runs out Object gets disabled.
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I like it. I think the main issue is people arguing over which tier is best, like old discordance. Maybe the perk could have a third effect, like increasing your survival point gains, which can be differentiated over tiers, instead of the timer?
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It becomes an almost unusable perk for its purpose if you are not the obsession, which is basically not up to you. I would take that requirement out, and otherwise it's fine.
Also, where's the Sole Survivor rework to compliment the other two Laurie perks being nerfed?
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I like this idea! Looks good and fun. But it could be a better idea to also add a function for when you're not the obsession since other players also use obsession perks. Because if you're not the obsession and the killer doesn't use any perks that reveal your aura, you end up wasting a perk slot for a perk that doesn't do anything. Am I right? 😮
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Seems fun if you are the obsession, but a bit weak if you are not. I would say maybe make it so non-obsessions have a longer timer for aura reveals, but that's just my opinion.
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For the most part, I'm a fan of it! However, I do think that it could use a small buff that occurs if you're not the obsession other than "Whenever your aura is revealed to the killer, the killer's aura becomes revealed to you." I'd like it if maybe every 80 seconds or so when you're not the obsession you see the killer and they see you for 3 seconds. Otherwise I'm satisfied with this change, and I hope the devs do more of these in future ^^
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It looks fun. It's not the direction I would have preferred, as in keeping its old functionality but restricting it more, but this seems much more balanced and a wonderful intelligence perk, both in knowing the location of the killer, as well as what perks and addons they are running.
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I mean, I play killer more and I'm fine with the way the old ooo was, but if I were to say, cut down the recharge times in half so I can kill them faster as well them being able to send out info more often as well.
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I really like the look of the new Object of Obsession. It's good for teaching new players what perks a killer has. I had a similar concept wrote down for a chapter so I'm happy to see it here. It's also really good for chases if your a good survivor. Every 30 seconds you can see the killer aura for 3 will help a lot with certain tiles.
Well done 👍
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Literally just made an account to say I love this.
I'd actually use OoO if it were like this. How it is now is scary and tunnel-baiting; this would make it a stronger information perk and not as high risk.
For the first part, I'm reading it similarly to how distortion functions; where it can be an information perk on what perks the killer has. That aspect won't be on cooldown based on the details, correct? It'll just be periodically throughout the match your aura will be revealed that has the cooldown?
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It went from an oppressive perk against set up killers to a counter perk to auras which Laurie already had as part of her mechanics(Sole Survivor).
I also just want to point-out how much thematically better this version is for Laurie as a character:
The current version rewarded you for stalking the killer(you can always see the killer's aura but the killer only see yours if you're caught staring)
The new version lets you know when you're being stalked from the shadows which makes more sense for a stalker attack survivor.
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This proposed change is nothing short of amazing. Here´s why:
The main problems with the current Object of Obsession are
1)Too much value for little risk if used in a team
2)Far too strong against stealth Killers and especially Trapper
3)Encourages unhealthy gameplay on both sides - Object is often used to annoy and BM Killers, Killers in turn often Tunnel and camp the Object to combat these issues
4)No viable counterplay options for Killers, except being a top tier KIller like Spirit which are the only ones that can capitalise on the alleged downside
With the proposed changes, Object becomes more valuable for solo players. The base, non-obsession effect should be of great use to combat a number of Killer meta perks, most notably BBQ, Nurses Calling, Undying, Retribution, I´m all Ears. If used by a team, it´s great to quickly determine aura reading perks on the Killer side and adapt accordingly, making it still a great choice for SWF.
If the user happens to be the obsession, they still get very good aura reading, the strength of which is now much more reasonable ( there is no aura reading perk nearly as strong in this regard as current Object, none is even remotely close). This removes the oppression it embodies towards Trapper and stealth reliant Killers, as well as removing the obligation to tunnel (or as some people do, ignore) the Object, both of which reduce the toxicity on either side.
Thank you for coming up with such an elegant, balanced solution for something many people percieve as one of the most urgent issues that need to be addressed. I hope the feedback you recieve on this inclines you to include the community more frequently. I hope everyone behaves, fingers crossed.
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since it seems like this is the desired place to give feedback and since I don't want to write everything I've written over again (and copy-pasting all of the text seems rude), I'm simply linking what I've already written.
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It would be nice if it also worked the other way around, to enhance the link. "Every time the killer's aura is revealed to you, yours is also revealed to the killer". Or that could be a killer perk.
I do not like the idea of passive aura read every 30s. It disables stealthy gameplay.
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This is so much better than current perk! Very good. This is my feedback.
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Now it is a good perk for solo queue, ofc I like it!
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I think it's very good and very balanced! Would totally be down for it
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I’m a fan!
Current OoO is often used in SWF scenarios to bully the killer and breeds unhealthy gameplay because in turn it causes most Killers to camp/tunnel the OoO out of the game.
This one seems effective and fits thematically what OoO is going for. I could also see myself running this version of OoO since I’m a solo player and it could have some uses in that department.
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It looks really good on paper. I honestly haven’t sat down to think of every scenario but off the top of my head the pros and cons for both killer and survivor seem rather fair
Mix of pros and cons:
- prevents hard countering a Trapper setting traps or potentially calling out the location of a killer on the object users terms
- takes away the absolute control a survivor has of choosing when it’s convenient for them to use it which balances out the killer maintaining the “power role”
- The killer is able to recognize that a survivor is using object of obsession if the current obsessions aura is being revealed which opens up situations where the killer can decide if they want to intentionally accept a potential decisive strike from another survivor removing the intermittent aura proc or continue to keep the 30-40 seconds of aura on that specific survivor and plan around it
- If the obsession happens to switch throughout the trial they lose the ability to see the survivors aura every 30-40 seconds
- Survivors could plan ahead and hop in a locker every 30-40 seconds to prevent their aura from being revealed
- Object can be used to verify a variety of killer perks and even act as a makeshift Kindred if the killer is using BBQ for example
- Survivors can discover the killers perks over time such as a Nurses Calling or I’m all ears.. an example of this benefiting the survivor would be something a nurse, huntress, or Pyramid Head using I’m all ears.. if object were to proc auras against a killer like PH after fast vaulting then the object user has a small window to view the killers positioning and potential next move
- Very situational but 3 seconds of aura reading suddenly becoming available for a killer could be extremely useful on certain tiles and with certain killers.. even doctor for example could benefit from a convenient aura proc at the 30-40 second point.
- 3 seconds isn’t a huge amount of time so a preoccupied killer can miss out on the obsessions aura information many times throughout a match so a survivor may not need to worry that their location will be noticed by a killer nearly as much as you might expect
- Bitter Murmur isn’t that common but can be a minor trump card for a killer. Object notifying you of a relatively underused perk like that could give the survivor a bit of a leg up (these situations all follow the same line of object turning into a very powerful scouting perk)
I’ll end it there for now.
ps. New Object on paper has a chance to be considered fair and viable for tournament use. Just maybe.
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it seems okay but I think the every 3 seconds should either happen between 45 seconds to 60 seconds or happen only outside the terror radius
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Personally, I strongly dislike the suggested changes, there's two reasons for this.
Firstly, OoO is a solo perk that can be used to initiate chases by aggroing the killer, which is fantastic when you want the killer to find you to be chased. It also has synergy with Sole Survivor for the solo survivors who want to use stealth to evade the killer, the proposed changes kills this perk for solo players.
The second reason why I'm strongly opposed to the changes is because the perk is only an issue in SWF as it allows a team with mics to know where the killer is at all times, but the SWF team already has voip so a 4 man team has access to this information already, OoO just enhances the knowledge unless it's a stealth killer, meaning that OoO was the only perk that gave reliable info to a solo player to help them survive but at a trade off being the killer can see you, making it a high risk/reward perk that SWF unfortunately is able to abuse.
Point being, solo players are getting shafted again because of SWF, and a good perk is being neutered instead of balanced around SWF.
My Proposed Changes
I'd start by reducing the range of OoO so a survivor can't see the killer across the map anymore, thus solving its major problem when regarding SWF, AKA the free information to a squad. The other step I'd take is to remove the mechanic that disables the perk inside the killers terror radius and allow it to see stealth killers. This is done so OoO becomes a short range chase perk. This allows the perk to be closer to how it was originally intended, a chase perk that lets the survivor see the killer and the killer see the survivor without a SWF being able to abuse it.
The last change I'd make is to Sole Survivor, I would add a secondary ability for when a survivor dies it increases the range of all aura reading abilities (including Object of Obsession). By doing this, OoO would be back to full strength for the last survivor but never at the start of a match. Thus, solving the SWF problem while not harming the solo player experience whatsoever.
The changes I'd make to OoO limits its range to the size of the killers terror radius but it is no longer disabled within the Killers terror radius or to stealth killers. As for Sole Survivor it can now increase the range of OoO when people die. Examples below:
Object of Obsession:
"A supernatural bond links you to the Killer.
If you are looking in the Killer's direction, your link will reveal your Auras to each other.
As the Killer's Obsession, this effect applies to a maximum range of 8/16/24 metres. Otherwise, it applies to a maximum range of 8/12/16 metres.
Increases the odds of being the Obsession.
The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time."
Sole Survivor:
"As more of your friends fall to the Killer, you become shrouded in isolation and the Killer's Aura-reading abilities towards you are disrupted.
Your Aura cannot be read by the Killer within a maximum range of 20/22/24 metres for each killed or sacrificed Survivor.
Increases your Aura reading abilities by 4/8/12 metres for each killed or sacrificed Survivor.
Increases the odds of being the Obsession.
The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time."
These proposed changes removes the ability for SWF to abuse OoO and allows for solo players to essentially keep the old OoO should they be the last person alive while running Sole Survivor (a perk SWF don't use)
Post edited by Avarice10 on4 -
Make it a reversed BBQ and Chili. When someone gets hooked, you can see the killer for 4 seconds and he can't see you unless he has an aura reading perk like BBQ and Chili. It works at any range. It would levigate the hate towards BBQ while also providing a survivor a good perk that can let the person know if the killer is heading their way. Instead of BPs, you get unlimited aura range for 4 seconds like BBQ and Chili. What do you guys think? Would help to know if the killer is coming your way so you can dip. Would combo with Sole Survivor and Distortion so you get all benefit with no real consequence. Might have to remove my post in General since I didn't see this until after it was posted @MandyTalk
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I think the rework is great. The main problem with old OOO is that the killer had no real ability to counterplay it, and it was too controllable by SWF to just constantly get info on killers.
The new OOO still lets someone 'shotcall' for SWF, but its less stable and the killer can time it too, so they can actively play around it now, which is awesome: You can try to do things like bluff chases or commits or double back to place a trap after walking past the spot you were going to put it.
The main issue is that the levels have a Discordance style inverse scaling: In many ways level 1 is stronger than level 3 if you want it just to read auras when killers read your aura. As such, I think the leveling should change to something else and the frequency be a flat 30 seconds. Perhaps "You read their aura for an additional 0-1-2 seconds" so you get a little more information than the killer during the pulses.
I also think all future evaluation for this, and any other 'controllable information' perk, should be done with almost exclusively SWF, as the power of info gathering perks that affect the killer are MUCH stronger in that environment and are an extreme risk to game health due to information perks effectively applying to all survivors in a SWF group.
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It doesn't seem to keep in the spirit of typical perk designs...usually there is something that people have to do to get the benefit of the perk,,,,so like hook someone and you can pop a gen....or take a protection hit and get bonus bloodpoints. I'm not seeing work put in here....the only stipulation seems to be that you are the obsession. what if it was more like, if you fail a skill check or a survivor isn't saved, or when you are interrupted, or you assist or distract....then your aura is revealed to the killer in those cases. On the flip side, maybe as long as one survivor is in the dying state you get see the killer. No matter what is decided, I think it should keep the spirit and balance you guys typically implement with perks.
Post edited by coley_219 on0 -
Honestly, this perk change is great and makes it a tool for solo que and not just SWFs. The only concern would be how it works with Mettle of Man, since once it works you can technically get something like the old OoO, I don't mind it since it's honestly one of the harder perk combo's to pull off with a good reward.
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I do not like the new OOO.
First, it removes all sort of skillful play on the part of the Survivor. There are many ways to use OOO and some of them require skill to pull off, like using it in a stealth build.
Turning it into a perk that just automatically fires off every 30 seconds removes all skill from it. It just happens. Unless you are the type to get into a locker every 30 seconds (I know Dwight is already getting a hardon for this perk) basically this perk is just going to keep going off forever until someone else DS's the killer, and that removes all manner of skillful decision making when managing the killer's knowledge of your whereabouts.
Worse, the new version cedes all control to the killer. The killer is the one that determines which aura reading perks he has and basically now that the perk activates whenever your aura is revealed, now the power to activate the perk comes from the killer rather than from you. I get that after scouting the killer's perks (like figuring out he has Nurse's calling for instance) gives you the card to heal while in TR to see where the killer is, but overall it just feels bad that you are losing most of your control over the perk. This just feels too much like a gifthorse for the killer, which should never be the case for a perk. A perk is supposed to be an advantage for you, not for your opponent.
This also just makes it plain unsuitable for Stealth builds, which weren't even the problem. OOO is problematic due to SWF comm abuse; its usage as a stealth perk in Solo Q has never been an issue, but this change completely guts the non-problematic usage while still allowing for SWF abuse.
My recommendation:
* Take the current iteration but keep the "you must be looking at the killer to reveal aura" for the 30 second reveal. This way stealth player can still make use of the perk and have control of when it activates. It'll still be significantly weaker than the current version and will still remove the problem of SWF abuse.
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Why do people still think OOO is strong against Stealth Killers? It isn't. OOO was nerfed a long time ago so you can't see stealth killers with it.
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I must quote and stress this, as it is very important.
OOO as written right now does not work with Sole Survivor. If Sole Survivor hides your aura then OOO will never trigger. So basically you just turned Laurie into a crappy survivor whose perks don't even work with each other. Since you are nerfing both OOO and DS that makes Laurie a pile of junk, just like Ash.
Would like to see a buff to Sole Survivor at least. Maybe increase the range per dead teammate to 30m instead of 24m, so that it's useful at least even with just one teammate dead. And please let Sole Survivor work with OOO if you're going that far. It makes no sense for two of her perks not to work with each other.
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EDIT: Oops, I'll post other feedback here later. What I had said here before, was based on a misunderstood read of part of this perk's functionality. Nothing to see here!
Post edited by Rydog on0 -
It´s because unlike spine chill, object always tells you which direction they are coming from. It also gives away that it is an undetectable Killer at the start.
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Overall I think the new OoO will be better for the game. The current version of OoO is obnoxious and very overbearing against certain killers. The new one will be a lot less obnoxious and gives the Survivors an unlimited way of figuring out which aura perks the Killer is running which is pretty neat. I'd never run the current OoO cause I'd feel scummy but I think I probably will try running the new one.
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Its better than current OoO, without a doubt. The obsession effect is much more balanced imo.
I think the first general effect needs a tweak or to be changed.
The killers aura being revealed absolutely anytime the killer can see the survivors is a bit much, especially unlimited use with no restrictions or drawbacks. It'd work against way too much and give way too much info for 1 survivor perk imo.
Something like the Oni add-on would essentially let survivors see the Oni all the time while injured. People are already thinking of pairing the perk with MoM. BBQ now shows the survivors which direction you're heading in.
If new OoO becomes widely used, every killer aura perk/add-on will, in practice, be heavily nerfed as a result.
Maybe a different effect such as always being able to see the obsessions aura would be better as that has a much less likelihood to be volatile since its not revealing the killer. If you are the obsession you get to see the killer instead as a trade for not being able to see a teammate, and use the current purposed iteration for that aspect. Alternatively we could also limit the first effect in some way to not be so powerful such as a cooldown or something.
Or maybe it'll be fine. All in all I'd be ok with this version going live and adjusting from there if need be.
Post edited by MrPenguin on2 -
I love it and it seems like a very good change. It also doesn't destroy it completely since it still works, just differently. It is more of a high-risk high-reward perk now. I really think that this was an amazing change. I really appreciate how they showed us a work in progress and asked for feedback before making the decision final.
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I think this is much better than what it is currently. Timed is better than at all times and when you turn your camera, it kills stealth killers.
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Very good. Much healthier for the game compared to the current Object Of Obsession.
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RIP: My "I'm All Ears" builds.
I love the idea of the proposed perk changes though! It's well designed and I can't think of a way for SWFs to abuse it.
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If an undying totem is in a loop does this mean that both sides could see each other?
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Yes but it comes with its risks. Sure, eveey aura reading add on now reveals the killer, but again... he can see you. And its rng based that you get in a game with that.
Sure the perk is still strong and a nuisance in some ways... but my god is it better. And maybe more tweaks will be added
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Honestly I prefer the way OoO works rn (even if it can be a pain) cause at leat its not working inside the TR... With this changes, OoO will become meta cause most killer run at least BBQ, and this will make using perks like NC, Bitter murmur, I'm all ears, etc.. and Add on like middle finger, mirror shard and scratched/vanity mirror, etc... a nightmare cause it will not only counter them but make a killer perk/add on turning into a survivor perk.
Exemple : One of my classic build on myers is Tinkerer, Pop, NC, I'm all ears, now imagine I face 1 or multiple survivors with this proposed new OoO, Its like the survivors have 6 perks, his own (counting OoO, wich give him the power to see me 3s every 30s) + being able to see me from 28m everytime they heal or being heal + being able to see me by speed vaulting every 40s for 6s...
Also you can say goodbye to meme build like BK Myers...
More than this, new Undying (wich I think is more a slight buff/balanced change) will become the worst perk ever and will be abused by good survivors. Rignt now, OoO will let you see the killers between an average of 32m to 74/64m (being the obsession or not), but now if they apply change like this, survivors just have to found a dull totem and they will be able to see the killer indefinitly in the WHOLE MAP (so 0m to infinite).
Hope they think of this and made some tweaks before releasing it (like not working inside TR).
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Hello just a though i wanted to give a little feedback into the game, I play both sides killer and survivor based, im seeing a big issuses with slugging. To me this is holding the game as hostage, now hear me out.
As a survivor on the floor you are helpless and you can't do anything you either et help or bleed out, survivors could go a whole game with doing the generators but having a good chase with the killer aswell but at the end if the killer slugs 3 and chases the 4th ultimately survivors have lost the game because the 4th would end up switching places.
I know survivors have the unbreakable perk but this is a perk very much based on the what if factor, what if the killer doesn't slug well then you have a useless perk taking up a perk slot. My proposal is build in the uunbreakable perk into the survivors, make it so survivors can get them selves up but of course balance it out for us killer and make their recovery bar a little longer maybe, let me know your thoughts I'd be intrested to hear, thanks.
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I can't understand all the people saying they agree with the change and I won't bother to. It's a nerf to a perk that doesn't need a nerf cause it's a high risk high reward perk to begin with. If a "rank 20" player runs it, he simply gonna die in first 5 mins. If a skilled player runs it, the "entitled killer main" should avoid tunneling him cause he's mad lmao. The perk is fine as it is and I don't mind survivors using it against me when I play scratch mirror Myers, Ghostface or Pig, and at the same time I don't care if they know where I placed my trap as a Trapper. The rework makes the perk useless for everyone that runs it and isn't the Obsession, and fundamentally makes the perk worse than distortion. It should be left alone and devs should focus on changing/ removing other perks from the game. Should I remind you that NOED is still a thing? I suppose since you still haven't removed it. The general direction the game is taking is further and further away from it's community and the things that matter to its playerbase, and that proposal undoubtedly proves it.
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I liked this idea for future perks, but in the case of the "object of obsession" the change I would make was: the perk would have a time limit as long as it used (45 seconds for example) that would consume one second when looking at the aura of the killer , however, if the killer had "undetectable" the perk would not spend his time using it, this would make players use the perk wisely and not all the time.
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I agree, the new OoO seems so balanced now, I'm excited that the devs finally understand perks "In this game" that shouldn't exist. I also like the fact "Like soul guard" that if the killer isn't running any "Aura reading" perks then the perk wouldn't work. It's a gamble perk and I love it....Great design DEVS.
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I would make it that the killer can see you I they look at you and you can see them if you look at them. That would fit with the name. The killer sees you If he looks your way and you do too. Perk would still be strong but the killer being able to see you if he looks your way makes it weaker. I'll do a thingy
Tier one
After 3/2/1 seconds looking in the direction of the killer the killer is revealed to you for 10 seconds. If you reveal the killer the killer is unable to use object. Survivors get a audio que when revealed.
When the killer looks in your direction for 1 second your revealed to killer for 10 seconds. The survivor is unable to use object till recharge. The killer also gets a audio que if they are revealed
Recharge is 30 seconds
Overall I'm happy with the nerf. As someone who uses OoO I know how OP it is and this is the step in the right direction.
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Its not a nerf. Its a rework for a perk that has multiple very problematic use cases. Seeing where Trapper puts every single trap is way too good. Knowing where the Killer is at will (unless stealth) is also way too good. The fact that that information can be passed to your 3 teammates makes it even more broken.
Also upper floor of Midwich. If you have current OoO and the Killer doesn't have hyper mobility, you can just loop him around the giant square in the middle and he basically can't get you.
Edit: Also whining about NOED? Really? Firstly, NOED isn't that bad and Secondly, NOED has a very important purpose that it is fulfilling quite well. Which is more than I can say for current OoO.
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It’s a great idea! It’s not a massive problem for setup and stealth Killers as a Survivor can’t constantly provide updates on them or their traps (this was a problem for all Killers, but it hurt some more than others).
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I think that the rework is heading in the right direction, but might need some fiddling.
Currently, what gets to Killers about OoO is its use in SWF groups. A solo survivor running OoO is not much of a threat, but a survivor acting as a SWF's dedicated 'spotter' and constantly notifying their team of who the Killer is and what they are doing on coms is a massive advantage for the team.
This change addresses that problem, but it also brings up a new one - a SWF with an OoO or two will now be able to identify exactly what aura reading perks a Killer is using. This is still providing a massive amount of information - perhaps not as much as original OoO but an experienced team could effectively 'turn-off' all a Killers aura-reading perks - and aura reading perks are pretty common.
This is probably not going to affect more experienced killers who have learned to track via crows or map awareness, but it is going to affect newer Killers who are still learning those skill and are relying more on Aura Reading - especially Killers like Huntress, Nurse and Hillbilly who already have a pretty steep learning curve and where the ability to track Survivors is a big part of playing them effectively.
My tentative suggestion would be to perhaps put a cooldown on the mutual aura reading effect - the first part of the perk. This means if a Killer is running multiple aura reading abilities, there is less chance they will all be revealed as soon as the trigger. I'm not sure if this is a good suggestion, but I am more concerned here with raising the issue of swapping one powerful, possibly game breaking effect for another.
I still think some work is needed on OoO and I reading what people have said it would be nice if the perk had some way to interact with Sole Survivor or Distortion.