Feedback on PROPOSAL for Object of Obsession



  • lupo_grigio
    lupo_grigio Member Posts: 126

    this new idea is great, there's nothing to change there, just patch it in as fast as possible

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    First of all I'm really glad, that we can all contribute to their thoughts! Thank you!

    I really like the Object change. It still provides a lot of information to the Survivor(s) while being less offensive against the killer.

    If I understood it correctly, I would be able to see the Killer's aura if he sees you with a perk or add-on that provides aura reading (f.e. BBQ, Vanity Mirror, Nurse's, Undying, Renjiro's Bloody Glove etc.) if the conditions are met. I guess a EWII Mirror Myers will only trigger Object if he's stalking you. But will f.e. trigger Amanda's Letter as soon as you get in 12m range or when she looks at you or is it disabled because of Undetectable (which is what I guess and hope)?

    I also like the periodic aura reading every 30s since it gives room for a lot of mindgaming for both sides during a chase. Something the current Object lacks. If it comes with a little animation when it is on cooldown (like Premonition) and maybe gives a little sound cue when it triggers (like Alert) it would be great. So that we don't get surprised or don't have to look at the icon all the time when using it.

    I also really like that this version of OoO treats all killers equally. No longer is the killer screwed by Oblivious or a small TR on loops!

    Nevertheless this comes with some problems:

    • No control. You can't control when the aura reading happens. It automatically screws you over if you are the last person. A solution would be to just give object the cooldown you proposed (40/35/30s) but leave it to the control of the player to use it for 3 seconds.
    • What if you are not/no longer the Obsession and the killer has no aura reading perks? Then this perk would be completely useless, since you can't benefit from the Obsession part anymore and the killer has nothing to trigger Object. Solution: Add "If you are not the Obsession the cooldown is 2x as long as normal." This way it is still useful. Also Object should make you the Obsession 100%, regardless if there are other Obsession perks like MoM in use.
    • Sole Survivor would need a change too, since the 24m per dead survivor would be not in sync with object anymore since that would be global now.

    This was trickier than I thought, since I didn't know where to put the differences between the tiers, keeping it in sync with Object AND make it usable without it. This is my idea:


    As more and more of your friends fall to the Killer, you shroud yourself from his view.

    For the first dead or sacrificed Survivor the Killer's aura reading ability is reduced by 50%. All other dead or sacrificed Survivors grant additional 25% up to a total of 100%.

    Increases the chance to be the Obsession.

    This means when 1/2/3 Survivors are dead, BBQ would only last for 2/1/0s (instead of 4s) or that Nurse's would only reveal that survivor in a 14/7/0m radius (instead of 28).

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    Yeah I just don't think survivor perks should be 1 to 1 with killers, it is 1v4 after all.

    I'd take this version over the live one any day. Just a simple cooldown or something would help, maybe even a token system like a reverse distortion. Just an unlimited aura counter on potentially all 4 survivors is a lot.

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314

    Oh yes I agree it's far from perfect, but maybe more will come with it

  • HuDawg
    HuDawg Member Posts: 312

    A nerf to ds was enough we dont need another nerf to ooo

  • Nossy
    Nossy Member Posts: 118

    I get that DS is a nerf, and tho I think it make the perk work as intended in the first place, I never complained about it cause it was not this strong after all, especially for solos, and if you play fair as killer, you will almost never have to eat it anyways.

    But OoO is mostly a buff (and even a massive buff to my pov), I don't understand how people seems to mostly be fine with it in this thread whereas in another feedback thread "Use for the proposed OoO", where its mostly survivors who answer, they already see the great potential of it and that it will be a must have/meta perk that will counter or completly ruin 20ish killer's perk and 15ish add-on.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,710

    I like these proposed changes a lot. It stays true to the original vision of the perk while also limiting the amount of intel that can be gained from it. I like how it's intel gathering abilities are expanded in a way, since it seems like it can be used to figure out what perks the killer is using. I think this change will be very healthy for the game and I hope you go through with it.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    What do you mean by notification? A missed skillcheck? A fast vault? Doctor/Freddy/Infectious scream bobbles?

    These hardly trigger during a match since the killer doesn't get notifications from a survivor during a chase.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    We would all love to see it in the game. There will be those people that hate it like those current decisive fanatics but they’re the minority. The majority of this community would welcome this change with open arms. It’s one of the most fair perks i have ever seen. It even rivals the fairness of fixated finally getting the fix it needed for injured survivors.

  • I think it sounds great. It really helps to cut down on the toxicity that this perk enables, those survivors that use it to taunt the killer all game and pass on info to their swf group throughout the entire trial. It's also more fair not being in the survivors control.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773
    edited February 2021

    Kindred unfortunately would make that perk seem worthless. However, if we used your effect but instead had it activate like, when the killer downs a survivor. To keep it obsessive, change it to if you are the obsession and get knocked down, reveal the aura to all other survivors.

    Edit: Forgot to mention this was just a further way to help with the solo gap, it can give info on what the killer is doing once they decide to slug.

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    I think like every perk there should be something to activate it, something the survivor must do. It's a good rework though. And this is amazing please share our support to the devs. We want to give our input and we want to help you guys. It's great seeing the constructive criticism. This could lead to avoiding unwanted or unnecessary changes.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Now imagine you would get aura reading on LT walls everytime you'll vault a window. Bye bye mindgaming the LT wall. Same goes for the shack.

    Not a good idea.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    It's a good nerf for swf, because they don't get easy info anymore.

    At the same time it's a buff for solo survivors. It will reflect bbq and nurses calling auras, which is important info for solo survivors.

  • kynac
    kynac Member Posts: 6

    To be honest, I think OoO has been pretty good, and I personally don't think it needs much of a debuff, it might need a small buff. This nerf could also be a buff in the sense of barbeque, but who knows.

  • GoobyNugget
    GoobyNugget Member Posts: 698

    It's pretty good, it isn't as good as old OoO, but it still can reveal sooooo many killer perks, which is a trade im willing to do.

    just please, no more 4 man OoO key swf's please.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,964

    Just want to say thanks to everyone on this thread for being so constructive with their feedback, it's really helpful and it's great to see <3

  • REL1_C
    REL1_C Member Posts: 619

    The new OoO is quite nice, it could be a slight buff but also a huge nerf. As a solo, this perk will be usable. It's a buff to solos but a nerf to swf, it's more "balanced".

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    I like this proposed change, it makes OoO way more useful for solo q. I haven't touch OoO since I did the Laurie Adept achievement, this change would have me consider rotating it into the perks I use.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    I love the changes as they're given - makes OoO a perk scouting perk in addition to a killer scouting perk, without giving the constant information that made it impossible to play against in a SWF setting. Plenty of utility and still strong without being game-breakingly strong. Genuinely one of the best reworks to a perk I've seen in a long time, full approval here.

  • ClaudioFrosty
    ClaudioFrosty Member Posts: 12

    I personally love it, the whole idea of the perk is making its user feel vulnerable with the Killer knowing where they are at all times. This just works so well.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    I like it, but the part where it says if the killer sees you, you see them, kinda makes Distortion a bit less useful. I mean it'll still hide your aura, but lots of people use it to know if the killer has Barbecue or other aura reading perks.. if you have the new Object equipped you can just look around the map and if you see the killer randomly, it's either because A) the timer is up for object (which I assume will show in the HUD as perks usually do when on cooldown), or B) because they have some type of aura reading, and if you know the perks/add-ons and what the killer was doing at that time, it's easy to guess what they had to be able to see you.

    But that part aside, I like the idea, especially seeing how people were using it as a permanent GPS on the killer's whereabouts. Imagine if the killer had a similar perk that showed survivors auras 24/7, it would have been changed forever ago.

  • Sirris
    Sirris Member Posts: 43

    This is a blessing for killer mains. The perk ruins stealth killers, trap setting killers, and is generally just used to abuse and taunt. It also helps survivors if going against a talented Nurse, Spirit or even PH since OoO literally just gives them a free chase to get the ball rolling.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815

    It's basically another version of Distortion that has the potential to do work against really strong aura-based add-ons, like Plague's ultra rare, but that also has the potential to murder you if you light up at the a bad time. I'd probably never run it over Distortion for that reason, but I think it's a good change.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815

    How can you justify nerfing OoO being bad for solo queue? Nerfing something that is OP in SWF reduces the gap between SWF and solo, which is a good thing. Plus, OoO was already a bad perk in solo queue even when paired with Sole Survivor, so I struggle to see how nerfing this is bad for solo queue at all. This combo had all of the usual downsides of OoO (namely the potential to get you killed) but without the massive benefits in SWF that come with everyone on your team knowing where the killer is.

    I'd be cool with the proposed change to Sole Survivor, though - it does need some sort of secondary effect and that seems like a logical one to give it. My only worry would be it stepping on Open Handed's toes.

  • NeonFlowerPower
    NeonFlowerPower Member Posts: 135

    To those thinking this is a nerf... you're wrong. This is a great buff to object as now I can look at the killer every x amount of seconds and when aura perks proc and the killer more than likely won't get any information from it. Great change for survivors! :)

  • Yehzue
    Yehzue Member Posts: 60

    I really like it and would love to have it replace current object. The new version removes the ability to abuse seeing the killer when playing in swf.

  • 7longbingbong
    7longbingbong Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2021

    I think that if this proposed change goes through it should still be amended a bit like:

    "A supernatural bond links you to the Killer.

    While Object of Obsession is active, whenever your aura is revealed to the Killer, the Killer's aura becomes revealed to you. If you are the Obsession, your aura is revealed to the Killer for 3 seconds once every 40/35/30 seconds.

    Object of Obsession deactivates while in the Dying or Hooked states, or while in a Cage of Atonement.

    Increases the odds of being chosen as the Obsession."

    If the perk still works while a survivor's hooked then it still gives them information for free intermittently and I don't think that's a good thing. While in a cage, PH could go and camp the cage if he wants, and if he doesn't then it's still giving up free information just like the hooks. I have mixed feelings about it working in the dying state, but if the killer sees the aura of someone who was slugged and crawled away then the perk could get rid of any chance of getting sweet tenacity value and make OoO players relatively safe targets to slug.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    This suggestion seems pointless. It shows you the killers aura when they can see yours? 90% of the time the killer sees your aura it's from BBQ. If the killer is hooking someone you can kinda tell where they are already...

    Or am I missing something with this proposed change?

  • FindingOutWhy
    FindingOutWhy Member Posts: 3

    Good change though I would consider making the time between aura reveals as the obsession a bit longer. Thirty seconds is super short.

  • TheBigBingus
    TheBigBingus Member Posts: 97

    Not the biggest fan of the aura reveal every 30 seconds, survivors shouldn't be getting that much free information. increase the timer to 60 or 45 seconds and I think it would be a bit more balanced.

  • xSymantha
    xSymantha Member Posts: 58
    edited February 2021

    I really like the proposed change; I have never used OoO before and have no desire to try it's current state/previous ones. However, I think this version of OoO would become one of the perks I use more often than others. Interesting concept, and it sounds fair to me (from the perspectives of how I play Killer and how I play Survivor).

    I would also like to say, I really do appreciate that the devs are sharing proposed changes with us and are listening to our feedback, comments, and perspectives of it, instead of changing it, receiving feedback of it and changing it a long period of time after. I think it's a great step in the right direction and opens up more communication between us players, and the devs, so thank you, Behaviour!

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    I think it shouldn't trigger in a chase. That could make it too hard for the survivor to lose the killer.

  • Azael
    Azael Member Posts: 15

    This is a great change, it is still a useful perk, but no longer gives the survivor info whenever they want it. Still almost as good as it used to be, just less annoying

  • Azael
    Azael Member Posts: 15

    I really don't like the idea you proposed for OoO. This change would be far more beneficial for the survivors than the killer, if during a chase a survivor can always see the killer, even if the killer can see them too, all mind games are essentially useless. That survivor would be able to run the killer endlessly, especially if they were already a skilled survivor. A survivor in chase who always knows where the killer is doesn't have to worry about mind games or anything and can just react instantly to any moves the killer might make, and this would be incredibly broken. I think the changes BHVR suggested are great, and would balance the perk really well, keeping it strong but making it significantly less annoying. You said that OoO is useful for solo queue survivors trying to get chased, but I don't think that's a valid argument. In general survivors should be playing to escape, not just to get chased. Besides, if you really need to get chased that bad you can just vault spam a window or something.

  • Another_LegionMain
    Another_LegionMain Member Posts: 399

    I like it.

  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 615

    It's the only good thing you've proposed in the entirety of 2021, other than the Decisive Strike nerf.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,099

    I would say that this is an amazing idea and should be in the game!

  • Eve13
    Eve13 Member Posts: 375

    I like the suggestion much and I would like to try out this kind of change. I want to look how it's playable and then give further feedback. I'm looking forward to this!

  • genjibenji
    genjibenji Member Posts: 3

    The concept seems a lot healthier than the last version. Most people seemed worried about the numbers, which I imagine could easily be tweaked later. Good job on this one

  • dontpanic503
    dontpanic503 Member Posts: 58

    Overall, I really like this. Even if not the obsession, it can help you figure out what perks the killer is running so you can adjust your gameplay accordingly. My only comment would be to maybe put a minimum radius on the timed aura reveal. If the reveal happens when you are really close by, but hiding behind something, the killer will see that you're right there and get a basically free hit. Not thinking a super big minimum radius, just something like 12-16 meters. Enough time to realize "crap the killer can see me" and high-tail it out of there. Maybe the risk is part of the gameplay you're going for, but that's my only suggestion. Otherwise, really positive on this change.

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482
    edited February 2021

    I disagree, killers have access to add ons and perks that destroy mind games for the survivors, such as undetectable, or aura reading add ons like Myers Scratched Mirror, yes Myers is limited to tier 1 but they typically run a Lerry's map offering as well. So if we're against any perks or add ons that destroy mind games or stealth then the Killers perks and add ons really need to be changed. There shouldn't be any double standards here.

    I think survivors should have a perk that is designed for chases that works within the killers TR to help counter anti mind game perks/add ons the killers have. Keeping its ranged limited to the killers Terror Radius, allows the killer to respond almost immediately to the survivor, by keeping the range limited to the killers TR, the only new info it would give to the survivor is where the killer is coming from when they would normally be aware of the killer. I also don't think it'd be OP because there's lots of unsafe pallets in the maps, where you can see the killer and they can see you, and even where the huntress/deathslinger can shoot you. What the new OoO would allow for is the ability to have vision of the killer when using jungle gyms that have hard walls you can't see through, however unlike the scratcheed mirror, the killer can see you as well, thus meaning you cannot attempt to mind game them either.

    It'd be a useful perk for chases tbh.

    Post edited by Avarice10 on
  • SquillDBD
    SquillDBD Member Posts: 163

    I don't like how it makes an already nearly useless killer perk completely useless (I'm All Ears). Maybe make it not active during chase or something.

  • disgruntled32
    disgruntled32 Member Posts: 31

    This is my opinion on OoO, I believe that it should maintain as is. With only one survivor having it versus a possibility of a SWF running it. There are counters to it( I.E Running Third Seal) to prevent that from occurring.

  • HelterSeltzer
    HelterSeltzer Member Posts: 68
    edited February 2021

    That first effect, is brilliant! If the killer has and aura reading perk, it is fair, I think. The aura reveal every 30 seconds, I am not sure about that. I guess it's for when the killer doesn't have aura perks... maybe 40 secs? An absolute bad idea [and one that can make people angry] is completely powering through Undetectable to counter Wraith or Meyers. Why did I write that? Just to put an idea that can make the perk absurd

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482

    That's true, Third Seal hard counter OoO. So it's not entirely true for killers to say OoO has no counters in SWF.

    Hex Third Seal may need a rework so it's no longer a Hex if we're going to keep the original OoO. Then the Devs can tell killers OoO now has an official counter, which balances the game out. A perk to counter a perk is balanced tbh.

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    I'm super fan of that proposal. Currently, Object of Obsession is totally out of control when played in Survive With Friends, it gives too much information (but hey, when you use it in solo queue, the perk is fine, the problem lives in the SWF case).

    If OoO would be like that, SWF won't have the constant information they had with it, but sometimes they'll have it, and one guy would try to get the killer's attention. AND you'll know when he can see your aura, I just love so much that thing, and I'll probably run it as a survivor !

    Super interesting proposal, you should do that more often, it will save you some resources, and if you listen the community, you'll have a solid and thankful player base ;)

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