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Is it ban-able if you upload custom music for the chase themes?

I've been working for about 2 years on personal themes for some characters (deathslinger, trapper and wraith) and hence I'm a fan of DBD, I wonder if that could get me banned? The thing is, the music will not be changed from the survivor POV, just from the Killer's when in a chase. All the songs were adjusted the the game's volume levels

Best Answer

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,964
    Answer ✓

    Any changes that's made to the game files can trigger an automatic EAC ban - we cannot unban you if that happens and I am pretty sure that making an adjustment such as this, will trigger that ban. I definitely advise against it.


  • DerZuntor
    DerZuntor Member Posts: 293

    Changing the Game's Files will get you banned. The only exeption being the Icons.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    I do believe this is a bannable offence unfortunately.

  • DrunkenWrench
    DrunkenWrench Member Posts: 26

    Odd, seen players and even popular Twitch Streamers such as Monto alter in-game assets and whilst I don't want to point fingers or anything thems haven't gotten any repercussions from it. I mean, if they could change some sound files in the game, how come I am dandling at the risk of getting suspended just for making makeshift songs that won't affect any other players in the game nor give me any sorts of gameplay advantages 🤔. If one thing's true than genuinely adjusting the game to my own liking is something I'd say taboo by then...

    What a shame if I were to be honest. The game basically feels monotonous enough with the same song and sounds blasting over and over again, and yet the only chance to slightly modify anything gets you banned. I wonder if BHVR will ever address such issues in a more exact detail what's allowed to be changed and what is not. I however suspect that not the devs will ban me, but rather the EAC engine due to it taking such modifications as cheating, which is rather silly and sometimes mildly frustrating when all what one wanted to do was to make the game more fun for themselves