Feedback for UI & Animation

I'm making this thread to try to put things in one place, I appreciate players frustrations right now - I'm a player too don't forget. But keeping your feedback constructive is imperative.
Please try to keep your points as clear as possible, comments such as "this is trash" is completely unhelpful and will just get comments ignored.
Thank you
Everything on the screen is spread out, character icons change was unnecessary, and they look way too "out-of-place", also they're a bit distracting, exhaustion icon outline color is bad, so it's hard to tell when your perk is ready to use again. Also, please, get rid of those small button icons on your item or killer power, because that is some tutorial stuff. Make better and longer tutorial where you teach all that stuff.
Game is from 2016 and it has very few in-game options (compared to game file options). I have an option idea!:
Revert back to old UI
And this has been posted tens of times already:
Thank you.
183 -
this is trash
Jokes aside I know that BHVR has put a ton of work into the animations but it just doesn't feel right and also the layout of the new hud is inferior. I'm going to spare anyone who reads this the details as I'm sure you've probably already seen them by now if you're on here but in a nutshell, Too over the place, status icons don't fit in with the perk icons, there was little to no reason to rearrange the layout of the hud, and also despite BHVR saying "We put a spot for your webcam in the corner!" There isn't a corner. Bottom left has item, bottom right is items, top left is survivor statuses, and the top right is scoring events.
Also can I ask why you still went through with the HUD update when literally 95% of players indicated that their stand on the new HUD was negative?
Thanks and that's all
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The new animations don't fit the "there's a killer around" vibe of the game, unless you want to ignore the lore of your own game, like you do with players, and say that the survivors are actually aware of the trials and how the entity consumes their fear and hope, and revives them and erases their memory after death.
The UI is honestly not awful, in my (very unpopular) opinion, just worse than the old one. You could have implemented the only real improvement it has, the hook counter/stages, easily in the old one. I don't remember with certainty if anyone from BHVR manifested themselves back when Hexy hosted a tournament, but it had a very similar feature designed for it and it looked pretty good with that UI.
17 -
Dead by daylight's UI was elegant, and seemingly well thought out. Like driving a car, your gauges and important information can be glanced at in a low position, which is out of the way, then your eyes can return to your wide view, so you can scan the environment and make decisions. The new UI throws this away. It forces your eyes towards the center of your screen, a tunnel vision which is uncomfortable and less effective in this kind of setting. Crunching your effective field of view isn't just disorienting, it is anti comfort, which is always a negative in game design. Having to look all over my screen is just overall a worse experience, but not as bad as this feelin of tunneled vision I am experiencing.
Playing at release, the old art styles and animations are a bit of a preference, but its one I share with much of the community. We fell in love with a dark but animated theme. It didn't need to be rigid or overly detailed, it thrived from being simplistic. Thats why it succeeded, in the vein of games like borderlands, being a bit unrealistic in design is comfortable, fun, and lets gameplay stand at the forefront of your focus. Seeing someone leap into a hatch is clear and visually appealing, seeing someone slump into one is realistic, but bland and uninspired.
Overall I understand why these changes would be made. A new style and art direction can keep things fresh, but its been five years. The game has grown, and if you feel this drastic of a change was in order, a sequel seemed perfectly fair given how long its been. Working on a new system, new styles, new themes, instead of trying to fit them into DBD classic seems like a much better way to approach such drastic change
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The old UI isn't a solution, especially at the loss of hook counters. The current one can be made to work with a few adjustments to position, font readability, and scaling.
The ability to adjust placement of elements would be helpful in providing individuals a layout they can find comfortable. If not that, placing the Survivor HUD elements further down closer to the items and add-ons may also help with keeping information close together while maintaining a sense of space as to not feel clustered.
Greater contrast in the coloration of Survivor nametags and portraits can add to readability at a glance. Individual element scaling can also help along with the positioning mentioned above.
I don't presume that any of this would be easy to implement, but I would say these offer a basis to the staff maintaining their new HUD while increasing accessibility.
6 -
I appreciate what they went for with the new HUD, but it's just... a mess. I have to look all over my monitor for information that, before, was all in one, simple, nice and tidy place. I do like the IDEA of having the character portraits, but the execution is... eh. I wish it were a little bit more simplified. As it is now, though, the screen is cluttered, confusing, and even a little distracting when you're in the middle of a chase.
It's especially bad for people who have gotten used to looking in the bottom left corner. Personally, my matches played with the new HUD have been ones where I was constantly looking at the corner and then wasting precious time having to look at the... thing... that is spread across the left side.
14 -
After several matches I do not like the new HUD. I would've played more but due to eye strain causing headaches I had to turn off the game. While additional information like hook states and character portraits are nice additions the overall execution of the HUD is bad.
The information being spread out is inefficient for gathering quick data on what is happening in the match. Maybe it's easier for handheld devices like mobile or switch but on console when you are a distance away from your TV it is not helpful. Before the most important information was in the bottom corner of the screen, you could glance at it quickly to get multiple types of information - teammates, gens, item. Your item/addons were a good size where as now they are comically big compared to rest of UI that is, in my opinion, more important for information. The information being spread out also makes the screen cluttered and removes the any immersive feelings from the game.
Scoring events start at the top corner of the screen, again it is not good placement for something that is quickly popping on the screen. Before when scoring event popped up they were in a good location for your eyes to quickly see what happened. If multiple scoring events happen they also can quickly take up a portion of the now limited screen space.
The red on red for exhaustion or madness state is terrible. You have to really focus to see where it is, again this should be easy to quickly glance at for information.
It causes eye strain/head aches. I could only play several matches before I felt a head ache start to come on. The new HUD has your eyes constantly trying to focus in multiple directions at once, this causes your eyes to strain when you try to focus on other areas. When the HUD was neatly at the bottom the set up did not constantly cause your eyes to try focusing in multiple directions at once. While playing survivor I would actually look away from the screen any time I was doing an interaction to avoid the eye strain I had when trying to focus on skill checks or progress bar but my eyes kept involuntarily being pulled in multiple directions due to the HUD.
The new HUD blocks FOV. Character portraits block FOV on one side while multiple scoring updates can block the other side. If you adjust the HUD to be smaller to have larger FOV this will cause further eye strain trying to read the smaller icons/writing.
New HUD does not give information on teammates as well as the old one. On the old HUD it was much easier to tell if a teammate was being healed off the ground, being carried to a hook, or how much time they have left on second hook. While I appreciate knowing hook states and what character each player is playing the lack of information I previously received is very disappointing, especially as a solo player.
Please adjust the HUD to be primarily at the bottom of the screen rather than spread out as I think that will help with the eye strain/headaches it is currently causing. Adjust the exhaustion/madness status to one that is easier to quickly read. Also please make it easier to tell when another survivor is being healed from ground, being carried to hook, and how much time they have left on a hook as this information is very important in solo q.
The walking, running, sneaking feel awkward - they don't feel as smooth as they did before. Running it looks and feels like when someone is doing a jog that's just a little bit faster than a walk, like you aren't actually moving that much faster. If injured it looks like my character keeps doing mini lunges like they are trying to do Dead Hard but can't fully do it. Crouching doesn't feel like I'm as hidden as I was before, I feel like I am much easier to see.
I'm not sure if it's the new animations but hits consistently look way off. Maybe the hit boxes changed due to the new animations but every time I was hit it looked like a bad hit with how far away I was from the killer.
***Edit: Since I've seen others mention platform/play time I'm on PS4 and not sure hours but whatever Devotion 10 Level 50 is.
Post edited by bm33 on24 -
New UI:
- Survivor Icon makes it easier to know who has DS.
- Hook counter is helpful generally
- Information is too spread out
- Blocks vision on the left side
- Too bright/immersion breaking, before it was subtle and at the bottom so you could look at it when you needed to
- The red slashes are too bright/flashy, once again...distracting
- Overall it looks cheap and mobile-like
- Too much information, it's like the game is in tutorial mode, I don't need the game to tell me what to do. Once again it's lost it's subtlety
DbD has a particular aesthetic which we have grown accustomed to. The new UI feels clunky, forced, unappealing, and soulless.
I understand you are trying to adapt for new players and improve QoL but this forced transition on veteran players is going to create a rift. I suggest as solution, that you add in the ability for players to choose to use the old layout. This might not be as easy as it sounds but there is no way to get "used" to this new UI. It is a downgrade, through and through.
The best post I've seen so far is here
Lastly, thank you MandyTalk for making a pinned post about this! I really appreciate you noticing how many posts were made about this.
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What he said, which is what everyone has said since the PTB came out. Its not like you don't already have this feedback from hundreds of other posts.
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I'm gonna say this as nicely as i can without being too much of an #########. This new HUD is way too spread out, people loved getting all the information they needed from the bottom left corner of the screen. The new animations no longer allow players to 360 the killer that well anymore and they just look like #########. In my opinion and most of your player bases opinion these changes need to be reverted as soon as possible. Until otherwise i will not be playing your game which i have spent countless fun hours on enjoying - Chaka
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New HUD is horrendous in my opinion. Everything is too spaced out, all over the place, and so large it obstructs the entire environment. Revert back to the old layout, but keep the updated icons and such (the new icons aren't really needed, but hey - devs like fixing what isn't broken I suppose.) Make the blood/timer bar brighter - it's now much more difficult to see and gauge how long survivors left until they take a dirt nap. Fix the issues with hit boxes and with pallets not pulling down. Fix what people have actually been commenting/complaining about... what a novel idea.
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IMHO the score BP events should be moved to the left-hand-side of the screen like before. On the right side they're hard to notice.
The new hud isn't a lost cause but IMHO the placement of the UI elements need to be re-arranged.
Someone made this picture and it describes it well.
UI element 6 (Survivor portraits) need to be moved down so they're right above where the power/item is. (Element 4)
UI element 2 needs to be moved to the left where UI element 6 once was.
UI Element 5 (Total hook count) should be moved where UI element 2 is.
UI Element 1 (Gen count) should be moved on the bottom left hand side somewhere.
15 -
First off, who over does your map design and art work needs to be commended. The new environments and tiles look really cool and pristine. I definitely feel like I am immersed in the actual environment. I can imagine a lot of work went into these different pieces and it shows. I am excited to see what you do in redesigning the other maps.
Second, I do really like the new changes to the Killers and Survivors. I think they make sense for the most part and will help improve game play.
Third, I am extremely grateful that you added a hook counter next to each character. I think this will help both sides a lot. Killers will know who they can take out of the game fast or who they need to hook for barbecue and chili stacks. It will also show them who not to hook for Devour or Pig Traps. Likewise, survivors will know who they need to start protecting more and what their status in the game truly is. In all a really good change.
Fourth, linking the portrait of the player to the number of downs they receive also utilizes the logic from point three. It is a good change.
Now there are some things that I am not a fan off.
First thing is the HUD. I am going to focus on the key aspect though that truly affects both sides. The changing of how the HUD is implemented is my huge concern. I am not sure if it is indeed, but it is actually harder to know certain aspects of the game we are used to. For instance, I can no longer really judge how long a survivor has on the hook until they reach struggle mode. The odd coloring and size of the bar is not good indicator of how long you have left. This could severely damage a survivors ability to determine when the need to go for a save which could lead to the death of their team. It can also hurt the killer who utilizes that to determine whether someone might be going back for a hook save due to dwindling time.
Second thing with the HUD is the lack of ability to know if someone is being picked up/slash healed. Both survivors and killers utilize this to know what plays to do at a certain time. Previously the bar was highlighted when an action was being performed on a downed survivor. Now there is no way of knowing what is going on with them. It does affect both sides as they go through the course of the game.
Third thing with the HUD. There are times on certain maps and in certain settings when the map melds with the bar for counting hooks and the timer bar. This could confuse people and cause them to not know what to do in certain situations. I would look into that to ensure that it can be fixed.
I feel like all of these things could be fixed if you went back to the original HUD setting with only adding the hook counter next to each character. If that is not a route you want to go, I would suggest addressing the points above so you make it obvious and visible to ensure everyone knows the state of the game. It will affect both sides equally.
Another thing that can affect game play is the music survivors hear when on hooks. The normal music starts and then suddenly stops and puts in new music and then switches back. This is quite jarring and I actually let go of the hook my first time playing because I thought it meant I had already died. Can it just go back to the regular music? If not, can you at least make it one continuous music set so it doesn't cut in and out.
Some random things that are weird, but don't affect overall game play.
The running is kind of odd looking.
When I get downed and also hooked, the camera pans down and it is quite odd looking like a bug. Is this supposed to happen, and if so, can it not?
I don't mind the other parts of the new HUD. It will take getting used too, but not horrible.
2 -
I went into this with an open mind even after reading all the posts about it. I didn have some doubts after seeing the pictures and the video feed.
I don't play a lot of games in 1st person view it tends to make me motion sick, but I really enjoy playing killer. The old UI was uncluttered and being at the bottom of the screen and out of my side periphery, much like Skyrim, I had no issues playing DBD.
The new UI feels too busy and having static icons with a fast moving background on both sides and above, gave me a terrible sense of motion sickness during chase especially when looking back and forth between them.
I didn't try survivor, I suspect much like many other games it won't bother me as much in a more zoomed out third person view, much like MMO's but as it stands killer doesn't feel playable with this set up. Which is a shame as killer is the most fun aspect of DBD for me.
Some additional points,
The new UI is kind of immersion breaking, previously it was unobtrusive with all the info tucked away at the screen bottom, allowing you to stalk and hunt survivors without icons breaking the scene up. The icons were subtle and subdued.
Now there are bright little ticks, circles and counters right in your field of view its kind of jarring. It flies in the face of the dark and gritty aesthic of the game, I don't want to be mean but its kind of ugly as a result.
I don't expect it to be reverted but definitely some chages are needed. Moved to the bottom of the screen again to give unobstructed view and localized for easy information grabbing.
Customizable UI would be great as I typically set up my HUD at the base of the screen to avoid motion sickness issues and headaches.
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The picture quoted here looks like a great way to do the UI I whole heartedly second it.
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The score events are so tiny, you can barely see them (not to mention in such an odd spot, that combined with the size it is very hard to pay attention to esp for someone with bad eyesight). When I went to the options to change the size, it was at the max size. ???
Characters look way too stiff standing. It should look like you're ready to run, not doing a casual stroll.
Things should be in one spot to get your information easier. Nobody wants to mess up what they're doing because they can't read important information.
6 -
To put it bluntly, it's just not good overall.
Starting with the UI/HUD, some changes are definitely welcome such as hook counters and portraits to show who's who, but there are still some issues that I will bullet point.
- Info is too spread, making it feel claustrophobic in a bad way
- Much harder to tell at a glance what state your team mates are in
- Audio seems to have issues when someone becomes the obsession or gets hit/downed
- Much less personality in the design, feels very unoriginal
There is certainly more that can be listed, but this is enough to show that it was a mistake to change it this drastically.
It would have been much more welcomed if you guys kept the layout and overall design of the current HUD while making the new one (The screenshot from the first reply is a perfect example).
As for the animations, I have found everything but the basic standing pose is not too bad. If survivors hunched down more while idle, I imagine people would be happy enough.
5 -
The new animations don't feel right. They chug. They're also ugly to say they're "more realistic" feels like I'm being gaslit because they look awful. How did you make such good strides with the generator animations and add ons to do this?
The new UI is really bad too. Having the information all over the screen is absurd. The UI was the ONE THING that yall had done perfectly. Every single addition to the UI has been great and you all said "Something going right? We must destroy it".
You all knew this though. It's why you didn't have a PTB survey, it's why you ignored all the feedback you received BEFORE this and you chose to ignore it and NOW you're asking for feedback? It's laughable. I have thousands of hours across multiple platforms on this game I've purchased it multiple times and I just don't understand how you continuously do this kinda stuff and then act like it couldn't have been avoided.
10 -
Honestly, I've seen a lot of what I'm feeling here and I just really hope you guys actually listen to your players when we say WE DO NOT WANT THE NEW UI. I understand you guys spent all this time and money into developing this new UI but it's not good for the game, everything is scattered, information is all over the screen instead of in one space. It's not easy to track, the placement of things before was good, and with all things considered, I think having the ability to move the HUD to how we prefer it would be a good option, keep the new style icons but have things placed where they were before. I don't know how difficult or timely this option may be but I feel it would be a good alternative to just shoving this new UI down our throats. Don't drive people away.
7 -
My $0.02.
I do not like the new UI. I have to check all over my screen to check just to get basic info about the match. How many charges are left in my medkit? better check the bottom left corner. How many gens are left? better check the top of the screen. Is the killer coming this way? Better check spine chill in the lower right. Who just got hit? Better check the upper left. Is that guy just injured or is he in deep wounds? better check the TINY 1MM health bar in the upper left. Did I hit that great healing skill check? better check the upper right.
Why was this changed? Who requested this? The previous UI had plenty of room for improvement, but removing it entirely and replacing it with this half-baked mobile game skin is a stunningly poor decision. And speaking of mobile games, WHY DOES YOUR OWN MOBILE GAME HAVE BETTER UI?! On DBD mobile we can move UI elements around, resize them, adjust transparency, all independent of each other. What were you thinking? Again, who was asking for this?
Roll-back the release, bin the new UI, and either bring back the old UI or port the mobile UI to desktop/console. You ABSOLUTELY are able to roll-back the release and revert the change. 1st year CS students know to backup a copy of the current code release before deploying new code to the live env.
12 -
The survivor look like robots.
I don’t think I could be more clear than that. It’s not only about how they look, but more about how it feels.
It now feels clunky, slow, and boring.
The feeling of playing survivor was very unique before, and honestly it should have been untouched to preserve the game’s identity. I am specifically talking about the running and running while injured animations.
8 -
I’m gonna say it as simple as I can.
The movement is extremely bad for console players. Looping is near impossible for console players. Aiming with a killer is extremely hard as a console player. This update is a nightmare for a console player. I appreciate the creativity and all but no thanks. This game is based on a community, ask the community and when it responds, deliver. Thank you.
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The new seems a bit off. The points earned isn’t much to notice. The same with the mending and dying state bar being too small, please enlarge. The icons are small to even stand out, examples are hex icons, emblems, and status effects. Enlarge this also. Running both healthy and injured needs fixing along with crouching. They are both wonky!
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I had to make an account just to add to this feed back. Not to only post negativity, but adding my voice to the many others. the update to the UI has made it much harder to gather info at a glance. The character portraits look less clean, I understand what it was going for but I feel there are better ways to have accomplished the same thing. Spectators now have a large black bar that impaires part of your vision of the game. Please revert to the Old UI or at least reorganize this new version to be more concise.
9 -
Good Evening,
I’m hoping that players and devs will take notice to what I feel are common opinions amongst a large majority of the DBD community after the most recent patch update (4.5.0). It will be a mix of both positive and negative feedback.
The Positives:
- New smoother, aesthetically pleasing, and receptive skill check
- New flashlight animation change (added back the illumination upon successful blinding)
- Crouching while shining the flashlight
- New hatch entering animation
- New healing animation when picking up a downed survivor
- New Gideon Meat Packing visual updates (I haven’t played on Asylum yet)
- New score effects and status alert (moved to the right side of the screen for easier reference)
The Negatives:
- Why It’s Bad = valuable map sight is blocked in a crucial area of the screen. The bottom left of the screen now has a larger item and add-on visual, which is not crucial to have. Furthermore, the status widgets are more difficult to read the player names, and ESPECIALLY to judge the hook timers. Increasing the size of the widget just takes up more crucial map sight. I do like the new animations and graphics on the widgets, but most definitely not the placement and hook timer bar.
- Why It’s Bad = Again, more valuable and crucial map sight is obstructed. When you think of the status widgets, objectives, score events and status effects, items, it forces your eyes to criss-cross in all different directions... which survivors can’t afford to do when they have to be mindful of their surroundings and the killer.
- Why It’s The Death Of This Game = the past survivor locomotion had nothing wrong with it. Why fix what’s not broken? Besides that, the new turning locomotion is extremely stiff, less sensitive/sharp, and much easier for the killer to track movement (multiple killer main streamers have confirmed this: i.e. Otzdarva). The posing for survivors while standing now resembles a bodybuilder’s T pose (which is not very stealthy), and the injured running animation looks like a half-Naruto run (sorry for the jab lol). With DS receiving an exploitative nerf in the coming weeks, survivors can’t afford to have their locomotion nerfed in such a disadvantageous fashion. Lastly, if the easier to track movement wasn’t enough, the nail in the coffin is that it seems like every killer has a Freddy lunge now. The hit boxes extend out so much further, that it is extremely tough to anticípate when to bait as a survivor.
Conclusive Initial Reaction to the Patch Today
- After I played two matches, I didn’t even feel like playing another one because the survivor movements were so hindered, and the hitbox registration was so odd and frustrating. P.S. The POV upon being downed and hooked was also extremely low to the ground and skewed in an odd fashion.
While my negatives were a mix of fair points and a little bit of emotional frustration... I hope this review, the opinions, and suggestions are helpful in shifting the game towards the direction that Behavior is aiming to grow in. A happy community means more investment in the game. And more investment in the game leads to more money for Behavior, but more importantly... more enjoyment and support from it’s community. If it is any consolation... yes I do play killer as well around the red ranks (although I’m not that great :) )
Sincerely With Health and Well Wishes,
Certified Ace Main (1000+ hours of gameplay)
12 -
I am going to attempt to add to the great things many have already said before me.
- The character portraits are a nice and welcome update, but their placement and style cause frustration:
- The portraits placement take up a decent portion of the screen, which limits FOV, breaks immersion and can prevent players from gaining valuable information quickly
- The portraits themselves stick out like a sore thumb, and I have to echo what has been said about using the adept icon in place of color images.
- The health states of survivors feels like a downgrade from the silhouette/outlines of the old UI and HUD. The old silhouette/icons were simple and quick to assess, the new statuses are not as intuitive
- Something I find particularly egregious is how small the Hook status and Bleed out bars are. Again, the old UI had a relatively thick red bar that was simple to quickly read.
- DOUBLY IMPORTANT: In the old UI made it so easy to quickly look in one spot and scan the health/hook/bleed statuses since it was so compact yet informative, you could easily just glance at it. The new UI is more spread out and doesn't flow from survivor state to survivor state as easily as the old UI did
- The hook counters are nice, but why can't the killer have the same information as survivors? The circle seems intentionally vague and breaks the Killer FOV
- The "Gens remaining" at the top of the screen is redundant, and once again, limits the FOV and breaks immersion.
- The objective does not switch from game to game, so writing it all out and moving away from the bottom left is not only unnecessary, but redundant and creates clutter
- All of these things that have been mentioned also stray from the simple fact that gen, item and health states were easily accessible in the same corner of the screen in the old UI. Now that they are spread out they make information gathering awkward and frustrating compared to the well designed Old UI.
I'm sure I've missed something so please reply if you think of something else.
13 - The character portraits are a nice and welcome update, but their placement and style cause frustration:
The killer's total hook count tries to be a halfway point between no hook information and full hook information (either of which is fine IMO). Killers still need to count individual survivors' hooks in their head, making this icon little more than a distraction on the screen that flashes at you.
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I'm just going to say why don't you guys just give us a setting to put the ui where we want. i feel like I'm going to break my neck looking at The top left all the time. so that way I can put the ui back at the bottom left and keep my party chat overlay on top left .... and the status effect icons are so tiny why?
Post edited by a2jr27 on9 -
It was suggested I move this over here, so excuse the massive size!
I took a long break from DBD, only to come back and see the change to the UI. To say I was surprised at the change to what was generally considered an organized UI layout would be an understatement. Of course, at the time I saw it, it was still exclusive to the PTB.
Welp. It's here now.
So, let's take a look at it and break it down; why it fails to convey information in a consumable manner, how it ruins gameplay and how it is deterring to new and old players alike. I'm currently taking a Visual Design analysis course in college that focuses on how certain aspects of a UI, site layout, or applications are chosen and used, and I'd like to take a crack at this one. Just a heads up that this is going to be a looongggg post, so you might want to grab a drink or two.
With as much talk as there is about this layout, I'm sure we've all seen it before. But, if you happen to have not, here it is:
What you're looking at is the new layout for gameplay, and what many would consider a visual disaster. As you can see, information is spread out and spaced throughout the screen, requiring you to divert your attention to various different corners of the screen and get a glimpse of the information, all the while sacrificing your ability to focus on the center of the screen- aka, where all of the vital game action is taking place.
But WHY is it a UI failure? And would it be considered as such in a game other than DbD?
If this was an RPG, then this UI would be far less atrocious. RPGs typically feature a layout quite similar to this one, as many often spread their information across the screen to better organize their multiple currencies, settings, options, and inventories.
The problem is that Dead by Daylight is not an RPG. It's a horror game, one where quick reaction time and important visual cues take up the majority of the gameplay and dictate how that particular session will run. What this UI does is scatter this information in a format that harms the players, as it takes away from the momentum and the precious seconds you have to make a decision. We shouldn't have to look in 4 different places to take in information that was previously available to us in 2, ESPECIALLY in a game where we're probably being chased and should be focusing our attention on the center of the screen to avoid being caught.
When it comes to designing a layout for a game, one needs to consider what the players will be doing during their gameplay session, and how to make information accessible and easily consumed. You WILL be running from the enemy in DbD, and you will be on a time crunch. Unless you're a Blendette waiting for the hatch, you don't have the luxury of taking your sweet, sweet time and glancing around every inch of your screen to just be informed about gameplay matters. You think quickly. You take in information. You make a decision. You commit. To be able to make those decisions, you need information that is just as quickly accessible; and the prior UI fulfilled this role by having everything neatly packed into two corners that do not obstruct the remainder of the screen and can easily be glanced at, even if the killer was right behind you. With one look, you knew everything- how many gens were done, the status of your fellow players, and your item charges.
It is this lack of awareness when it came to designing the UI that makes it a failure in the context of Dead by Daylight and its gameplay. This UI does everything in its power to be inconvenient to a player who is booking it and trying to look behind them to ensure their survival. Nearly every corner of the screen is obstructed in some way, detracting from important visual information and making it all the more difficult to think on the spot and make informed decisions.
When playing a game, it needs to be taken into consideration that there will be a lot of things going on at once, and this can be confusing for the unprepared. To balance this, many developers make their UI smaller or centralized, to ensure that it doesn't add to the confusion.
So what happens when the UI DOES contribute to this confusion, and actively becomes an obstacle to gameplay?
Well, you get visual disorientation or overstimulation.
As a survivor in Dead by Daylight, you need to be quick on your feet and actively avoiding danger. You cannot be doing this efficiently when you're distracted and making sloppy mistakes as a result of being hampered by a UI that is obstructing your vision. This applies to killers as well; one wrong move and you've lost the survivor you were chasing, or you've wasted precious time on a loop because you were distracted by the visual layout.
"But I'm not someone who's easily distracted!"
Perhaps you aren't; but when your heart is pounding and you're thinking of every possible way to escape, considering possible vaults, looking for palettes, etc., it's easy to get tripped up by information irrelevant to your circumstances. And one mistake is all you need to be on the hook.
Another thing I want to touch on is empty space.
When it comes to design, a very important principle that needs to be considered is the principle of "empty space", or a place to rest the eyes. This even applies to decorating a room, as having posters or portraits in every area can be visually distracting and cause headaches. In games, this principle is INCREDIBLY important, because granting the player space where they can expect less visual information and think more clearly allows for more informed decision making or simply escape the various things happening on the screen, should they so choose. Having too much clutter will absolutely give people a headache.
In the new UI, there is one singular space where a player can look too should their eyes need a small break, and that is the top right corner of the screen. Every other area is covered. What makes this worse is that the top right of the screen is often where players will look to peek corners and keep an eye out for the killer, or vice versa. While it's good that it isn't an obstructed place, it is developmentally a poor choice because the one area a player can go to rest their eyes is one of the highest areas of visual traffic in a chase.
One of the saving graces of getting into this game back when I first started playing was simply how easy it was to get all the information I needed in a match.
Needed to see how many gens were done? A quick glance and I knew immediately, along with also seeing how everyone else was doing. Effortless. Two pieces of incredibly relevant information sat side by side and even benefitted each other. If you happened to not be paying attention to the gens but got the notification a survivor was down, your glance to see who got the hit not only gave you the answer but now you also know how many gens are done and can plan accordingly. The same goes for the opposite as well.
But now, you need to look everywhere and go on a hunt just to find something that would have previously taken you a second.
Need to see who's down and out? Sure, just look at the top left corner of the screen, away from everything important, just to have to look down and scour through the names. And to be completely honest, the icons for the survivors were just fine- easy to take in and conveyed the message well. We honestly didn't need more visual information to take in, and maybe it's just me, but the mystery and fun of seeing who you were playing with was one of the smaller but just as impactful appeals.
The icons are distracting and do nothing but add more to an already cluttered screen. But then you have to look across the entire screen to see your perks. Previously, they were just fine, as they complimented the layout well. Now they're so far removed from everything else it's a hassle to check on them AND everything else.
So what am I getting at here?
Well, imagine you're a new player, and you just got into your first game. You're probably going to have a slower reaction time and might not make the best decisions, and you'll no doubt be taking information in at a slower pace. It's like driving a car for the first time.
But any new player is going to have one hell of a time trying to navigate this UI. With their already poor reaction time and lack of game awareness, the learning curve for them is going to be exponentially harder in a game that already infuriates many.
Just like that, a new player is deterred from the game.
Because who wants to learn a game that seems to be made to work against you?
Older players have decided to take the hit and leave as well, as the UI is nothing but a new and completely unnecessary obstacle to playing a game that already angers and frustrates its player base.
We've taken a look at the UI as a whole and how it fails to convey relevant information in a game like DbD, but I want to take a glance at each change in particular and see how they work in conjunction with each other.
Firstly, the perk wheel.
The perk wheel remains where it has always been, in the bottom right corner of the screen. This is a good thing, as this most certainly did not need changing. So if the fact it remains in the same place is good, why do I still consider this another reason why the UI is bad?
While the placement was not originally bad, the failure of this UI design as a whole is amplified by the fact that since everything is now separated, information is no longer as easily accessible. I would consider the perk wheel a victim of these, rather than a perpetrator. As I said before, it is so far removed from everything else that it in and of itself becomes an obstacle, because it is now a hassle to look at simply because everything ELSE is a hassle to look at. However, since the perk wheel is not a bad design choice and remains the same, that is all I will say about it.
Next, let's look at the items.
Why are your item charges so isolated from everything else? Items are certainly important, but the simplicity of the icons and the strange placement of them make that entire corner feel imbalanced and awkward, especially since something more visually relevant could be taking up that space, such as the survivor layout. You shouldn't have to make the trip to the bottom corner of the screen just to look at one thing. The items fit perfectly in the old UI and didn't take up space, but were still easily viewable. Now they're just needlessly taking up more space and contributing to the problem.
The survivor line is horrendous.
I already spoke about the icons, but there is absolutely no reason they should have moved, and be put into a vertical format, no less. Vertical formats slow down the consumption of information in games like this, as they are obstacles to quick viewing due to their requirement to "scan" the information by looking down the row. In the previous horizontal layout, one need not look for long to gt the gist of the survivor status. The white icons were simple and easily blocked out, but conveyed information just fine. And since you were looking left and right anyway since all of the information was on the bottom, it was easy to take it all in. The way the new UI leads your eye around the screen may have been beneficial to an art piece, but to a video game? Absolutely not. The names of the survivors also sticking out and infiltrating the rest of the space is also a poor choice, though it is admittedly better than if they had gone with the vertical design and put the names below the icons. Again, all of which could have been avoided if a better design choice was made.
Lastly, generators.
Why exactly are they so isolated as well? What was the reason for moving the MAIN OBJECTIVE away from literally all other information? I will give it to the devs, the generator count is one of the easier things to look out for in this layout, but the distance between it and everything else is quite unnecessary and destroys all potential synergy in the UI layout.
The result of these strange and odd placements is a UI that surrounds the player in suffocatingly inaccessible information that creates a feeling of claustrophobia. You can't escape the clutter, but you can't use it efficiently either.
I only want for this game to succeed, and while I doubt many will have gone through the trouble of reading this, if a dev happens to stumble upon this thread and read this, I want there to at least be a section of proposed changes, rather than a huge wall of text that is mostly complaints.
If the UI is to stay, at least move the generator section down into the bottom middle of the screen.
Doing this would help fix the strange feeling of distance between the primary objective and any other game information by at least making it easier to take in the perks, the gens, and the item all at once. Granted, it most certainly won't fix the clutter, however, it will at least make it easier to scan the bottom of the screen and will also open up some free space to the player and give them another place to rest their eyes.
Keep everything, but return to the old survivor layout.
Can you tell I feel strongly about this?
If you're so dead set on keeping the generators in the top and the item in the bottom corner, then at least return the survivor layout to a horizontal format. Hell, I don't care if you leave the icons. Just make them more accessible. You could then put the items on the top of the row, similar to the old layout, and boom! Suddenly information is WAY more accessible and the UI is not nearly as daunting.
Return to the original, or add a toggle option.
This UI feels like we're playing a mobile game. All it's missing are some ads and a thumbstick.
Very few people advocated for this change, and a wide majority are against this UI design. It certainly won't hurt if the design simply reverted to the original, or better yet- why not have a toggle option, where one could choose which one they preferred?
Both sides can be satisfied in that regard. Players who enjoy the original UI can toggle the "Legacy UI", and those who enjoy the newer layout can toggle the "Default UI". Money and time won't have been lost on designing a new UI, and it will no longer force older players away who do not wish to play with it.
The new UI is certainly interesting, but nothing but detrimental to the game genre it was placed in. It discourages quick thinking, holds information literally above the player's head, and creates a box of inaccessibility from which the player cannot escape from.
I'm in shock at the design choices made and how they're meant to reflect the gameplay of the game, however, I also understand the difficulty of creating a game and a UI for that property. UI design is hard. Visual design is hard, and multiple things must be taken into consideration for a UI to work. I can only hope that moving forward, better decisions are made in regards to player accessibility.
If anyone wishes to contest any of the points I made, suggest their own changes, or simply state how they feel, please go ahead. I'd love to hear how everyone else is dealing with the UI and if any suggestions to this post are to be made. I'm also interested in hearing if anyone is actually a proponent for this change, and what they feel succeeds in this new design.
TDLR; The new design obstructs the game and makes information inaccessible and difficult to consume, resulting in disorientation, player dissatisfaction and vital gameplay mistakes. The UI is an obstacle to gameplay that harms the health of the game and was a completely unnecessary change.
41 -
Hit boxes were ok before, now they're terrible, stuff that shouldn't be hitting is hitting, the new HUD throws you off regular patterns of where you look, putting perks and players on opposite sides of the screen doesn't help any making it harder to focus on the actually game itsself. Animations are ok, but the hitboxes that come with them aren't worth it at all.
1 -
ts a lot of visual noise spread around the screen, the updated skill check wheel and button prompts look fantastic. but yeah the overall in game hub is too spread out. my item doesn't need its own quadrant on the bottom left, i need the info in one place that's readable and doesn't pull me out of the game when i'm looking for game info. it really feels like a tech demo. also did they add breast phys.? i got ravaged buy him along with two others and i noticed janes and kates bust bounce while running in the post game lobby.
They fixed my Girls boobs yeeeeeeeee
0 -
If we are absolutely stuck with this UI (which I hope not) why does as a spectator we have a giant ass bar at the top? And not only that but when we click an arrow we have to click back on the center to hear the game audio again? Just use the old spectator view! Sure move it to the top if it's blocking some ######### but remove the bar please.
2 -
Please keep the feedback informative. Remember that the mods who run this forum are not necessarily the same people making the decisions we're upset about.
Was feedback ignored on these forums? Yes
Are they making an effort to sticky and consolidate our feedback now? Yes, so let's try to work with them rather than against.
As ######### as the situation is, no dev is going to purposefully make their game worse.
8 -
For new UI, I point wrong Korean translation as well
If you want show how many gens left,
You have to use "남음" not "남은".
In korea, we don't use adjective only like '남은'.
So it should be changed to '남음' or '남은 발전기'.
3 -
And also the new running animation is wack when in a foot race the runner leans forward and why is there less hand movement it looks like my character constipated and trying to find the closes restroom and its harder to spin if you really wanna keep this add more pallet or something I can counter with sense I can't 360 anymore also can you stop with the breakable doors either that or have it to where survivors can break them too to many dead ends
3 -
Honestly, I didn't even notice the new animations, because I was so frustrated with the new UI. It seems to take the same amount of information, and make it take up twice as much space, while being just difficult enough that you only read about half of what is actually present.
A huge part of the problem, and the reason why most people dislike it, is because it's so spread out. Before, you looked in one place to get an understanding of the state of the game. But now, in order to get the same level of understanding, you have to look in 3 different spots. I was playing my first (and only) match with the new UI as doctor, and I ended up part way through match just saying "not worth it" and completely ignoring the UI, just focussing on chases and nothing else. For most of the match, I had no idea how many gens were left, who was wounded/dead/healthy, how many hooks had been done (which honestly, is so useless I would say to just remove it for killers. Full info, or none. Hell, just a simple number would be more useful. I spent so long just looking and counting the numbers on the dial to actually learn how many hooks had been done.), etc.
The more information that can be condensed into a tight area, the better. The more spread out that information is, the worse off the UI is. FPS games don't put your ammo count in the top right, your health in the top left, etc, all that information is condensed into one corner, sometimes with other information placed in a couple other spots, but usually that information is the ones that you would focus on less. And notably, FPS games, there's a natural ebb and flow to the gameplay, specifically when pulling from an engagement, or respawning, where you can take a moment to glance at that less-needed information. This game, there is no ebb and flow, it is constant, especially for killers, who never have a second to stand still. For survivors, there's somewhat of an ebb and flow, but regardless, the UI should be designed for the most intense portions of the game, and it should be consistent to boot. Also, it's very jarring to have color portraits suddenly go to black and white images. Why not make silhouettes for each survivor?
I love this game, and I'm not saying this as a threat, but a simple sad truth: I'm done playing, at the very least until the UI has been changed to a more acceptable state. I would take the old version any day of the week, though I would prefer it with the enhancements that have been made.
I've seen others post their info, so I may as well also:
1566 hours, red ranks for both killer and survivor, with no particular mains. Damn, I've put a lot of time into this game, it's dawning on me. 65 full days, more than 2 nonstop months of playing this game. Well then.
4 -
The new UI is really distracting to the eyes and when looking around for the killer, it's hard to focus on them when all the icons and everything are surrounded all around the screen, to change or make this better add
- A feature that allows us to turn off the UI HUD back to its original version
- To rearrange everything to the same position as before to minimise confusion and distractions on the screen to ensure that you can focus on the killer instead of everything surrounding the screen
- Remake the original HUD but add the new features that was implemented before like who the survivor is and the number of hooks still left on that specific survivor
Keep in my mind we did not ask for the HUD changes, it was not necessary to change them.
Regarding the new survivor animations
The survivor animations are very chunky and it's very hard to move in a smooth like fashion, with the old animations it was smooth and easy to move quickly. With the new ones however it feels like you're running in cement, you simply do not seem fast from your pov, if anything it feels alot slower therfore I must add that simple looping is very bad too, when the killer mind games and you turn to go the other way, you are stuck briefly for a second and that could guarantee the killer to catch up a bit to you and down and with the way hit boxes are that's been happening alot frequently since the new update has come out.
Please do not get me wrong, you have done alot of amazing things for dbd in the past, with the cosmetics, charms etc. But this update my far has to be the worst I'm afraid, I've played dbd for 4+ years and of all the updates I've come across this has well and truly displeased and making me seriously question my time played on this amazing game you have created
Please listen to mine and everyone feedback on the situation we don't want the game to die. Please take all of our feedback into consideration.
Thank you
7 -
i'll keep my feedback solution oriented:
- reorient the onscreen information how it used to be while keeping the improvements like the hook counter and changing the character portraits to the adept achievement icons, that way it feels like we're still going in a new, better direction rather than 100% reverting.
- either tweak the animation sets to behave like actual humans, modifying the strangely upright meerkat-like idle stance, quickening the pace of the running animation so it aligns with about the same visual speed as it used to, de-hunching the injured animations so survivors look hurt, not constipated.
- my preference, create new animations tailored to each survivor (using lobby idle animations as a baseline for how they hold themselves), released in waves like the map reworks as time goes on and while using the old animations as a stand-in. i know this probably won't be the attractive option cuz it requires a lot more work, but killers have lobby animations, ingame custom movement, power animations, breakable wall animations, and elaborate mori animations (which look amazing honestly) while survivors get a pre-packacked set of male or female generic animations that don't reflect their character for the same price.
- maybe expand the window of time between the PTB and live so yall can take PTB feedback onboard and substantially update the build before releasing, that way we feel heard the first time.
6 -
Yes,this ui makes the game look like a cheap mobile app,and the new character moves are very inflexible,The worst thing is that the killer can cut the survivor at a long distance,this is really the worst experience I have played DBD in so many years,I think The game designer seems to be designing this update with his feet,If you don't want to let DBD go bankrupt, please modify it as soon as possible, and I won't play it before then.
2 -
Here's my feedback on the update
- Standing looks too upright. It doesn't feel natural at all (If someone is supposed to be scared, afraid, that won't be the correct body position. It does not give any vibe).
- When injured you run taking very small steps, and have practically no movement. Survs keep running too upright.
- Crawling, crouching or jumping through the hatch are the only passable ones. And they still look cranky.
If the devs were trying to make realistic and fluid animations... They tried, but not accomplished. It's also impossible to do 360's now, I dont know if that was done on purpose or not, but it quite kills the fun on the game. Its easier to track survs movements (and yeah, I play both killer and surv. And its a funny and interesting challenge to play against survs that know how to do them)
- Everything looks so scattered. Its not pleasant to the eye to have so many options on different places.
- Its far from intuitive.
- Teammates status are small, TOO small. Bars status are impossible to see. You cant even tell if their status is red or orange.
- We're not able to know anymore if a down teammate is being healed by another as the bar doesnt glow.
- 3D portraits look out of game. It's not a bad idea to add them, but the archives/rift ones could have look way better.
I've wanted to test the new update with a few games, but I was unable to play more than 3, as this looks like a complete new and broken game.
It feels really bad that these changes were rejected by players on the PTB but they still put them on the game. Those were not needed changes at all. DbD always had a lot of bugs and issues we could deal with and wait till they fixed them. But truly, no one asked for these changes and all I see is people being frustrated with them. I've never seen so many displeased people towards an update. Me included.
To me it feels they won't listen to their community at all, they don't care on what everyone is saying, they will keep these animations and UI. Sad.
7 -
One Pump Willie here, 2800 hours plus.
When the last generator is powered, at the top, it says: "Stop survivors from escaping". Bruh. Ive been trying to do that me whole life, please take that extraneous text off my screen. As if a killer needs to know they needed to kill the survivors. You guys just tried way too hard this patch and overcomplicated so many things.
A hud is supposed to be simple and elegant. Not distracting and covering up as much as possible. If i wanted to know my obsession I'd hit escape to see their name. I like the ability to make the hud smaller, but in doing so it makes skill checks smaller. Skill checks shouldn't be included in the hud, thats an important part of the game people NEED to see in order to hit. The images of survivors make it sooo hard to focus and see who is injured, and the timer of the hook is sooo small now.
The old layout was fine. And why let survivors see how many hook states each person has but not the killer? If anything the killer should have that information. The hook counter for killer is extraneous. The old animations were fine. When a survivor was injured they used to limp; I like that. Now they look like a clunky version of charolettes walk. When a survivor stops running suddenly with momentum, their arms fling out forward, very strange animation, who cant control their arms irl? When downed they now look like they tripped over a lego. Hits dont connect the way they used to and people get downed through pallets.
I like the map updates, but too much trash was added making it hard to move, and often you get stuck on debris. The killers also look a lot nicer, and I love how the glass in spirit is reflective now. The clown buff is also sick, as is the wraith buff. The perk changes were all good. There were a lot of great additions in this patch- minus the hud and the new survivor animations. Please consider reverting to the old hud and animations. Thanks for listening.
5 -
I don't want to rehash what everyone has said. I am largely in agreement with the negative comments about the UI. The fact that it was thrust on everyone with no customization options, no way to go legacy mode, etc. even after all the feedback received feels like a slap in the face. The PTB seems to be more about building hype than actually taking feedback and utilizing it. That being said, one thing I don't see mentioned very often is how I completely disagree with the statement that giving killers individual player hook counters will encourage tunneling.
- Giving killers a total hook counter incentivizes me to hook as much as possible and not care who the hook was on since the game is saying "it doesn't matter who its on, you just want to get 12 hooks". So in reality, giving this has the exact opposite effect that not giving the individual hook counters was supposed to provide.
- I don't need to see individual hook counters if I am intending to tunnel a survivor to death. I know who I just hooked. But if I do want to spread my hooks out, then having individual hook counters lets me see who I have hooked and who I haven't so I can spread my hooks out and get a better overall score.
As for the UI in general, I'll echo what others say and suggest the spacing is a nuisance to deal with. Put everything back in one corner. Other games have spread out UIs like WoW and such, but generally all of the critical information is consolidated in one major area of the screen. Secondary things can be off to the sides or away, like a quest log or map that I obviously wouldn't need during a raid in WoW. In DBD that would be the rough equivalent of the BP indicators which is arguably not critical information. But gens, players, perks, ability CDs, etc. All of that information should be consolidated.
Please listen to us BHVR. We are tired of being ignored over and over and eventually our voices won't matter anymore because people will vote with their wallet and stop buying the game or paying for cosmetics and such, and the game will lose its playerbase. People vote with their feet, so to speak. The people who love the game and want to see it be successful are here telling you, stop the ego. We know you think you know what's best for your game. We beg to differ, and we hope you'll start to take your community seriously. Sure, some people are toxic. I get that. But there are very honest, caring people here trying to help you be a success. Listen to them.
6 -
1. It is hard to distinguish injured survivor and they don't look like "They're Running".
They look like they are walking.
2. Survivors stand so straightly. It is horror game. They should be terrified. So they have to fold to care killers.
Do you think it looks like 'scared survivors?'
I think she can bit killers .
3. First survivors who opened hatch don't show escape animation now. Just disappeared.
4. Some of Kill motion of old killer should be changed.
Especially, wraith's kill motion is so wired. It looks like they just hit air not survivors. And also it is so boring motion.
It looks like mother hit baby's butt.
I think wraith's killing motion have to be remake.
Also in shape's kill motion, knife doesn't look like it stab person. I think if you can add bleeding , it may look natural.
Post edited by youngjun on8 -
Also, I am really upset the glitch where you can hit escape and let go of m1, and keep repairing, is gone. As someone with carpal tunnel from gaming too much, I would love an option to toggle gen repairs, so I don’t have to kill my hand by holding down m1 for hours and hours. Please I beg you, much like there are options to toggle sprint in other games, please add an option to toggle gen repair. I and everyone else would dramatically love this. #savethecarpaltunnel
3 -
Most important thing is survivor ui(hp and injured status) should be horizontal not vertical.
Nowadays, Human got used to read information horizontal like letters. Status info is the most important info in games.
I can understand other ui design but not vertical status ui.
Also, status change effect time is so short. In Old ui, It showed up about more than 3sec. But now it just blink and disappear. So make it longer please.
2 -
This fan made HUD design here is rather perfect in my opinion. The characters could even be colored just at they are in the current hud and everything is easy to keep track of. As for the hud right now, I find it really hard to keep track of everything. While doing a generator it’s hard to keep an eye on which survivor has been injured or if let’s say spine chill is going off just because of the fact I have to move from one side of the screen to the other, whilst also worrying about skill checks. The original hud was much easier to grasp and simple. The progress bars when hooked or gashed are also very difficult for me to see even with turning the scale up. Same goes for the generator count at the top middle. Don’t even get me started with how complicated the killer hud is. It makes me not even want to try and play killer.
10 -
The interface design is disastrously thought out.
1. Icons scattered all over the screen on any platform cannot be convenient for the consumer, since it is difficult to focus on something. (Generators on the top in the center (and then the inscription: find a way out, am I playing training?), Survivors on the top left. Points for the game on the right. Large power icon or item at the bottom left with an action button (training again?) This is not an MMORPG, where the display of the party on the top left is convenient to check debuffs).
2. Stylistic disharmony. In what year did it become normal to combine sketchiness and detail? Where is the logic behind this decision?
If you draw in detail the character's profile for display, then draw everything already. (And the perk icons are detailed, and the hook, lying survivor, wounded, dead).
It is not beautiful, practical or convenient. Pure violation of basic design rules.
It feels like they wanted to do it cool. Come up with cool. But they did not make it, simply because it became lazy and probably a deadline. Many players who played on PTB wrote negative reviews and were right, but you still released an update. The only question is why then do it. Ever wanted to hear from console players? Enjoy.
4 -
My id: 影子小姐
DBD Game time:1960 Hours
The most unsatisfactory part of this update is the survivor animation and ui, not only me, there are a large group of loyal players complaining about this, please DBD makers listen to the voice from China, thank you very much!
The link to the DBD forum in China is here:
6 -
I play on PC and have a large monitor, and the new UI feels jarring to have every separate piece of information I need spread out across the screen. The original UI was great in the placements of its information. The entire bottom left corner now is dedicated to the usage of your item? Blood point pop-ups briefly appear at the top right? It just feels so strange uncomfortable.
It would be great if we had the option to choose between the two UIs, or the ability to modify the placements of specific HUD modules.
7 -
Hate the new UI. It's supposed to be better because "it's easier to find things as everything is spread out" (heard that was the logic behind the change) and it's totally the opposite.
I like very much the visual changes on the HUD, but not the positioning. It feels weird how survivor info is layout, and I'm not talking about not being used to look to another place. It's actually hard to read.
Hard to read? Well.. yeah.. If I want to see how many hooks my team has, HUD scale will be at max and I'll have the **** names taking space from my screen. What if someone goes with a "WWWWWW" name?
Now, sure, I want names to take less space on my screen, so I should go lower the scale. Guess what? Now I can't see properly the survivor hooks. Sure, that doesn't affect me that much because I kinda got used to remember it while playing, because we didn't have that information before. But what is the purpose of bringing it up now if I have to give away my space in the screen to watch the map? And if I don't like the big user names on my screen, I have to lower the scale and stop being able to benefit from the new changes? What's the point of it on the first place then?
And why is the survivor item so huge? Having it alone all by itself is so weird and makes me wanna lower the scale. But again guess what, if I lower it I have another negative effect: Skillchecks are smaller!
Guys, please. It affects the damn game. I think people who want a custom UI are asking too much, but if we have a UI scale slider , skillchecks should have their own. Having it all together as if they were the same is BAD.
I have a hard time looking up to read survivor information. I can't imagine the struggle of people with big monitors.
The (I believe it is the) first comment on this thread has an image that perfectly portraits how old HUD could've been better. Please consider this.
I don't know how many people are actually really pissed for the UI (it seems a lot, but there is also a weird effect when people get angry about things on the internet). I almost never participate in the forums, yet I logged in with the hope community will be heard... this time.
I tried to be as objective as I could. I'm still sorry for whoever has to read and analyse all this feedback.