Feedback for UI & Animation

Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,978

I'm making this thread to try to put things in one place, I appreciate players frustrations right now - I'm a player too don't forget. But keeping your feedback constructive is imperative.

Please try to keep your points as clear as possible, comments such as "this is trash" is completely unhelpful and will just get comments ignored.

Thank you




  • jcl_z
    jcl_z Member Posts: 35

    What he said, which is what everyone has said since the PTB came out. Its not like you don't already have this feedback from hundreds of other posts.

  • Samwise444
    Samwise444 Member Posts: 195

    First off, who over does your map design and art work needs to be commended. The new environments and tiles look really cool and pristine. I definitely feel like I am immersed in the actual environment. I can imagine a lot of work went into these different pieces and it shows. I am excited to see what you do in redesigning the other maps.

    Second, I do really like the new changes to the Killers and Survivors. I think they make sense for the most part and will help improve game play.

    Third, I am extremely grateful that you added a hook counter next to each character. I think this will help both sides a lot. Killers will know who they can take out of the game fast or who they need to hook for barbecue and chili stacks. It will also show them who not to hook for Devour or Pig Traps. Likewise, survivors will know who they need to start protecting more and what their status in the game truly is. In all a really good change.

    Fourth, linking the portrait of the player to the number of downs they receive also utilizes the logic from point three. It is a good change.

    Now there are some things that I am not a fan off.

    First thing is the HUD. I am going to focus on the key aspect though that truly affects both sides. The changing of how the HUD is implemented is my huge concern. I am not sure if it is indeed, but it is actually harder to know certain aspects of the game we are used to. For instance, I can no longer really judge how long a survivor has on the hook until they reach struggle mode. The odd coloring and size of the bar is not good indicator of how long you have left. This could severely damage a survivors ability to determine when the need to go for a save which could lead to the death of their team. It can also hurt the killer who utilizes that to determine whether someone might be going back for a hook save due to dwindling time.

    Second thing with the HUD is the lack of ability to know if someone is being picked up/slash healed. Both survivors and killers utilize this to know what plays to do at a certain time. Previously the bar was highlighted when an action was being performed on a downed survivor. Now there is no way of knowing what is going on with them. It does affect both sides as they go through the course of the game.

    Third thing with the HUD. There are times on certain maps and in certain settings when the map melds with the bar for counting hooks and the timer bar. This could confuse people and cause them to not know what to do in certain situations. I would look into that to ensure that it can be fixed.

    I feel like all of these things could be fixed if you went back to the original HUD setting with only adding the hook counter next to each character. If that is not a route you want to go, I would suggest addressing the points above so you make it obvious and visible to ensure everyone knows the state of the game. It will affect both sides equally.

    Another thing that can affect game play is the music survivors hear when on hooks. The normal music starts and then suddenly stops and puts in new music and then switches back. This is quite jarring and I actually let go of the hook my first time playing because I thought it meant I had already died. Can it just go back to the regular music? If not, can you at least make it one continuous music set so it doesn't cut in and out.

    Some random things that are weird, but don't affect overall game play.

    The running is kind of odd looking.

    When I get downed and also hooked, the camera pans down and it is quite odd looking like a bug. Is this supposed to happen, and if so, can it not?

    I don't mind the other parts of the new HUD. It will take getting used too, but not horrible.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    The picture quoted here looks like a great way to do the UI I whole heartedly second it.

  • gfed
    gfed Member Posts: 22

    The new seems a bit off. The points earned isn’t much to notice. The same with the mending and dying state bar being too small, please enlarge. The icons are small to even stand out, examples are hex icons, emblems, and status effects. Enlarge this also. Running both healthy and injured needs fixing along with crouching. They are both wonky!

  • MaxStrategy
    MaxStrategy Member Posts: 2

    Hit boxes were ok before, now they're terrible, stuff that shouldn't be hitting is hitting, the new HUD throws you off regular patterns of where you look, putting perks and players on opposite sides of the screen doesn't help any making it harder to focus on the actually game itsself. Animations are ok, but the hitboxes that come with them aren't worth it at all.

  • ts a lot of visual noise spread around the screen, the updated skill check wheel and button prompts look fantastic. but yeah the overall in game hub is too spread out. my item doesn't need its own quadrant on the bottom left, i need the info in one place that's readable and doesn't pull me out of the game when i'm looking for game info. it really feels like a tech demo. also did they add breast phys.? i got ravaged buy him along with two others and i noticed janes and kates bust bounce while running in the post game lobby.

    They fixed my Girls boobs yeeeeeeeee

  • Merky
    Merky Member Posts: 50

    If we are absolutely stuck with this UI (which I hope not) why does as a spectator we have a giant ass bar at the top? And not only that but when we click an arrow we have to click back on the center to hear the game audio again? Just use the old spectator view! Sure move it to the top if it's blocking some ######### but remove the bar please.

  • youngjun
    youngjun Member Posts: 269

    For new UI, I point wrong Korean translation as well

    If you want show how many gens left,

    You have to use "남음" not "남은".

    In korea, we don't use adjective only like '남은'.

    So it should be changed to '남음' or '남은 발전기'.

  • a2jr27
    a2jr27 Member Posts: 4

    And also the new running animation is wack when in a foot race the runner leans forward and why is there less hand movement it looks like my character constipated and trying to find the closes restroom and its harder to spin if you really wanna keep this add more pallet or something I can counter with sense I can't 360 anymore also can you stop with the breakable doors either that or have it to where survivors can break them too to many dead ends

  • Chrona
    Chrona Member Posts: 245

    Honestly, I didn't even notice the new animations, because I was so frustrated with the new UI. It seems to take the same amount of information, and make it take up twice as much space, while being just difficult enough that you only read about half of what is actually present.

    A huge part of the problem, and the reason why most people dislike it, is because it's so spread out. Before, you looked in one place to get an understanding of the state of the game. But now, in order to get the same level of understanding, you have to look in 3 different spots. I was playing my first (and only) match with the new UI as doctor, and I ended up part way through match just saying "not worth it" and completely ignoring the UI, just focussing on chases and nothing else. For most of the match, I had no idea how many gens were left, who was wounded/dead/healthy, how many hooks had been done (which honestly, is so useless I would say to just remove it for killers. Full info, or none. Hell, just a simple number would be more useful. I spent so long just looking and counting the numbers on the dial to actually learn how many hooks had been done.), etc.

    The more information that can be condensed into a tight area, the better. The more spread out that information is, the worse off the UI is. FPS games don't put your ammo count in the top right, your health in the top left, etc, all that information is condensed into one corner, sometimes with other information placed in a couple other spots, but usually that information is the ones that you would focus on less. And notably, FPS games, there's a natural ebb and flow to the gameplay, specifically when pulling from an engagement, or respawning, where you can take a moment to glance at that less-needed information. This game, there is no ebb and flow, it is constant, especially for killers, who never have a second to stand still. For survivors, there's somewhat of an ebb and flow, but regardless, the UI should be designed for the most intense portions of the game, and it should be consistent to boot. Also, it's very jarring to have color portraits suddenly go to black and white images. Why not make silhouettes for each survivor?

    I love this game, and I'm not saying this as a threat, but a simple sad truth: I'm done playing, at the very least until the UI has been changed to a more acceptable state. I would take the old version any day of the week, though I would prefer it with the enhancements that have been made.

    I've seen others post their info, so I may as well also:

    1566 hours, red ranks for both killer and survivor, with no particular mains. Damn, I've put a lot of time into this game, it's dawning on me. 65 full days, more than 2 nonstop months of playing this game. Well then.

  • j871225
    j871225 Member Posts: 1

    Yes,this ui makes the game look like a cheap mobile app,and the new character moves are very inflexible,The worst thing is that the killer can cut the survivor at a long distance,this is really the worst experience I have played DBD in so many years,I think The game designer seems to be designing this update with his feet,If you don't want to let DBD go bankrupt, please modify it as soon as possible, and I won't play it before then.

  • itsamemario
    itsamemario Member Posts: 4

    Also, I am really upset the glitch where you can hit escape and let go of m1, and keep repairing, is gone. As someone with carpal tunnel from gaming too much, I would love an option to toggle gen repairs, so I don’t have to kill my hand by holding down m1 for hours and hours. Please I beg you, much like there are options to toggle sprint in other games, please add an option to toggle gen repair. I and everyone else would dramatically love this. #savethecarpaltunnel

  • youngjun
    youngjun Member Posts: 269

    In UI

    Most important thing is survivor ui(hp and injured status) should be horizontal not vertical.

    Nowadays, Human got used to read information horizontal like letters. Status info is the most important info in games.

    I can understand other ui design but not vertical status ui.

    Also, status change effect time is so short. In Old ui, It showed up about more than 3sec. But now it just blink and disappear. So make it longer please.

  • VSLl
    VSLl Member Posts: 315
    edited February 2021

    The interface design is disastrously thought out.

    1. Icons scattered all over the screen on any platform cannot be convenient for the consumer, since it is difficult to focus on something. (Generators on the top in the center (and then the inscription: find a way out, am I playing training?), Survivors on the top left. Points for the game on the right. Large power icon or item at the bottom left with an action button (training again?) This is not an MMORPG, where the display of the party on the top left is convenient to check debuffs).

    2. Stylistic disharmony. In what year did it become normal to combine sketchiness and detail? Where is the logic behind this decision?

    If you draw in detail the character's profile for display, then draw everything already. (And the perk icons are detailed, and the hook, lying survivor, wounded, dead).

    It is not beautiful, practical or convenient. Pure violation of basic design rules.

    It feels like they wanted to do it cool. Come up with cool. But they did not make it, simply because it became lazy and probably a deadline. Many players who played on PTB wrote negative reviews and were right, but you still released an update. The only question is why then do it. Ever wanted to hear from console players? Enjoy.

  • erbara
    erbara Member Posts: 3

    Hate the new UI. It's supposed to be better because "it's easier to find things as everything is spread out" (heard that was the logic behind the change) and it's totally the opposite.

    I like very much the visual changes on the HUD, but not the positioning. It feels weird how survivor info is layout, and I'm not talking about not being used to look to another place. It's actually hard to read.

    Hard to read? Well.. yeah.. If I want to see how many hooks my team has, HUD scale will be at max and I'll have the **** names taking space from my screen. What if someone goes with a "WWWWWW" name?

    Now, sure, I want names to take less space on my screen, so I should go lower the scale. Guess what? Now I can't see properly the survivor hooks. Sure, that doesn't affect me that much because I kinda got used to remember it while playing, because we didn't have that information before. But what is the purpose of bringing it up now if I have to give away my space in the screen to watch the map? And if I don't like the big user names on my screen, I have to lower the scale and stop being able to benefit from the new changes? What's the point of it on the first place then?

    And why is the survivor item so huge? Having it alone all by itself is so weird and makes me wanna lower the scale. But again guess what, if I lower it I have another negative effect: Skillchecks are smaller!

    Guys, please. It affects the damn game. I think people who want a custom UI are asking too much, but if we have a UI scale slider , skillchecks should have their own. Having it all together as if they were the same is BAD.

    I have a hard time looking up to read survivor information. I can't imagine the struggle of people with big monitors.

    The (I believe it is the) first comment on this thread has an image that perfectly portraits how old HUD could've been better. Please consider this.

    I don't know how many people are actually really pissed for the UI (it seems a lot, but there is also a weird effect when people get angry about things on the internet). I almost never participate in the forums, yet I logged in with the hope community will be heard... this time.

    I tried to be as objective as I could. I'm still sorry for whoever has to read and analyse all this feedback.

This discussion has been closed.