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[PC] The Emblem System and Pips are broken

- All the Emblems are at another place.
- I got golden Unbroken, when I died.
- I depipped at a black pip.
Just play a match and black pip. I don't know what happens if I pip or if it's the same while playing killer. I'll inform you.
Edit: It seems to be completely chaotic. Unbroken was always either gold or black.
Edit after [4.5.2]: For all of you who still experience this, please add to your screenshot if you died or not, since there could be a difference. If you are on PC please remember to add you logs as well! There is a guide how to do it here in the Bugs section. Thanks!
Yeah the same thing happened to me. I also got a black pip, while the game said I should get a pip
9 -
After this great update the killer who we got Randomly lagged around the map + when i dropped the pallet on him he just passed across the pallet without issue -.-.....
Then after the game end okay this maybe a latency issue i got it nvm then this happened:
(Before the game i already lost a rank because the game think before the upload +1 is count as a -1.......)
Please fix this and the random teleporting Killers too + the Pallets.... WHO CAN A KILLER PASS THE PALLET WHEN IT IS ALREADY DROPPED ON HIM!?!?!??!
Thank you in advance....
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If you die in the match you also get no points toward Unbroken regardless of survival time
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I died and got gold.
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I got one of these pallet drops too.
Nurse prepares blink, I trop the pallet and after the pallet is down the Nurs appears and hits me over the pallet with spaghetti arms.
I had 35ms ping btw.
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Same for me. I can't pip anymore. When I got a +1, it doesn't count. But I depip when I got a blackpip. So, I can only depip (when I don't even deserve it) and there is no way for me to progress now. I'm on Steam, I don't know if it happens on other platforms.
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Same here. I got two games with a safety pip. Still got demoted. Please fix that quickly.
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same here, pc player.
I can't get any unbroken emblem point at all, no matter how long I can survive in the trial
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I have a screenshot of what happened. I clearly got a blackpip (0) but was rewarded with a depip instead (-1). I already lost three pips this way. I guess for piping, I need a +2.
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Can confirm, happened the same thing while playing killer, I killed everyone (with more than 9 hook actions) but the Devout emblem was silver
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Match Error, cancelled - same issue -1 pip, gg i guess
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Could it be that we see other people's Emblems or get their pips?
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I find that unlikely if we look at Mr. Bubba above us. Looking at those scores, I find it highly unlikely any of those survivors 2 pipped. I think the emblem system is just borked entirely.
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I think the ranking system is shifted, like you got -1 instead of 0, 0 instead of +1, and probably +1 instead of +2.
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I just didn't get any points on that one
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Same issue here, but other way around. Got facecamped hook 1, died on that hooked but safetypipped, although I definitely should've depipped. It's fully messed up.
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I only saw black and gold on this one.
Well, I depip as Tombstone Myers at least as I should.
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I'm on ps4 and steam, my ps4 account has been fking that but my steam is fine, i dont know if its random or rank wise because my ps4 is red rank and my steam is purple
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Having the same issues on Xbox, not getting any points on the Unbroken Emblem.
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same on PC.
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I’ve also experienced this and I’m on a pc as well. I wonder if it’s pc specific?
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It isn't, PS and Switch both have the same issues as PC
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this is so annoying, trying to get to rank 1 and deranked back to 4 even though i black pipped
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I'm on Switch and have the same issue with Unbroken
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Same issue as the others regarding Unbroken. I've lost pips twice due to not getting any emblem despite being the last survivor alive in both games.
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both games were more than 9 mins long, in both games I died.
Every single game I die in, I get no Unbroken points at all. Rank 3 goodbye
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Same issue
Post edited by maxkang on3 -
Same 2 games in a row
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I have had the same issue. It happened multiple times. And there were lots of instances where I survived for quite a bit during the trial, and yet, didn't get any points for doing so.
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Depipped from rank 1 and yet black pipped according to my Rank Progress and yet pipped according to the UI.
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Same issue here on xbox. I was the last person to die with 4 gens done and yet I didn't get an emblem so i depipped
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Yesterday i lost like 8 pips because of this bug then today I’ve pipped twice and it hasn’t added my pips back on my rank but it sure love taking them away. y’all need to fix your game cuz no one wanted these changes and then we gotta derank on top of these ugly animations and scattered hud? And when we do pip we don’t get those put back on our rank but it’s gonna take pips away when we restart app for no reason? i had to dc yesterday because of a hacker and i lost 3 pips and got a 30 minute penalty when i haven’t dced in over 24 hours. Fix your game or I’m done after almost 5 years of playing but your taking away everything i stay for so i bet you’ll lose a lot of players anyway.
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I have had the same problems. The Unbroken Emblem is either black or gold, nothing in between or over as far as I have seen. Also, when the game clearly shows I should have gotten at least a safety pip, it still says -1 and de-pips (screenshots below, you see the pip actually does get removed).
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I hope it'll be fixed very soon. I was rank 4 before the update and as I always got a missed emblem (which is often the Unbroken one), I depip each time, even when I do a good match...
Edition: I add a new screenshot, but seeing "Acknowledged" is great! Thank you, I hope to see a fix soon. :)
So, here, I got a +1, it's written 0, and as you can see at the top, I got a -1. It's confusing!
Post edited by TheMadCat on4 -
I was rank 2 and now I'm almost rank 5 again.
I will most likely play killer now till rank reset.
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This is also happening on PS4.
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Y’all this is their way of putting us all slowly back to rank 20 🙄
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I GOT IT TODAY 8 TIMES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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LOL. The shadow rank reset?
I should have known!
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Custom games are like free derank lobby, I was R1, testing smth with friends and now I'm R3 2pips Online.
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This is also happening on xbox! The unbroken emblem is ironically broken. I either escape and get the emblem or die when the gens are finished or I'm the last one but get nothing.
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Why is it that every time there is an update, it keeps ######### up the game !!!!
I had several games tonight where i got double pip and i got a black pip instead ???
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This is not in any way related to custom games. I am a solo-survivor, who in over 2000 hours has never played a single custom game, and currently my rank has been in free-fall because of this.
It seemingly doesn't matter what I do as far as the currently broken Unbroken emblem: if I happen to die inside of the trial it blanks out regardless of how long I lasted for. Today, I also encountered two others bugs: the wrong Unbroken even when I escaped, as well as receiving the gold emblem when I in fact died on a hook. However, in the end it did not matter one bit what color emblem I received because even though I got past black pip I still depiped.
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I really hope they fix this issue soon. almost impossible to pip up at red ranks now
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I mean it's broken in Custom games, same as Online, but one more bug is, when you lose your rank progress at Custom game it'll be used to Online games.
And for me, it was easier to keep my R1 Online, I can't depip somehow.
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Also broken on ps4. Was left to die on first hook in one match and then tunneled the next match. While it says +2 on both I did actually lose a pip each time.
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Got ya! I also wonder if this has any effect on killers and their match points.
Aside from putting in 2000 hours into DBD in 2020, I am not much of a gamer. In fact, there are only 3 different tiles I have played in the last 3-4 months. Unfortunately, and in the last 24 hours, I have encountered some type of catastrophic issue with each one of them:
- World War Z does not seem to be able to properly display textures in online matches for me, as well as final maps of all episodes not starting me,
- Stadia seemingly screwed me out of Hitman 2, which happened to be one of the free pro games in January I was 100% sure I already claimed, but which has seemingly disappeared from my library; a fact I only found out about after finishing Hitman 1 earlier yesterday, and getting presented with the Buy Now for $59.99 dialog when trying to move on to Hitman 2 campaign.
- And now the multiple bugs related to the 4.5.0 update in DBD
All that remains is minesweeper.....
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Don't forget Snake. Snake is great.
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I lost a pip today even if i got a black one. And also I lost a pip because a survivor left the loby while loading. My addons where gone too ...
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The same thing is happening to me. I have deranked 2 levels today. If I black pip it takes away a pip if I pip up it just says 0 pips gained.