Killer hook counter

The hook counter should not tally up all "potential" hooks as a survivor enters new hook states that a killer did not execute.
If the hook counter was to be semi-important to anyone besides new players, it should only show the hooks counted in relation to the killer actually putting a survivor on a hook. Also, it would be nice for this widget to be optional.
Actually, it is unnecessary information. They should remove or move to right upper side.
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That's what I pretty much said. It should be an optional widget. Or at the VERY least...
It should ONLY show hooks you actually hooked. And not count hook states you didn't actively do.
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I'd rather they just give killers the Survivor hook widget.
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The killer knowing how many times a specific survivor has been hooked obviously makes more sense and would be useful but the arguments I’ve seen against that version is that it could potentially encourage killers to tunnel that survivor. If a killer wasn’t paying attention or forgot who they’ve hooked then they’re less likely to target a specific survivor. Free info like that for a killer with their head in the clouds can heavily favour them.
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A separated hook counter for killers wouldn't encourage tunneling because if a killer is going to tunnel they'll still do exactly what they do now and go back to the hook as soon as the survivor is unhooked and only chase them with no need for the counter.
And the point about killers that would normally forget gaining an advantage could just as easily be flipped for survivors. now Survivors have free info on when it might be necessary to take a hit for someone on death hook or not waste time hanging around to try save someone if they're about to immediately die without needing to pay attention.
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It would indeed encourage tunneling.
Killers just need to either be able to turn this new one OFF or be able to see actual hooks, and not counting ALL hook stages
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Care to explain your reasoning why you think it would encourage tunneling?
so far I've seen a lot of people calming it would without any good explanations.
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Yes please, we need an option to toggle this hook counter off. It's just useless info that's taking up more screen space.
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Okay sure. Any information given to the killer to promote them to finish someone off, should not be given to the killer. Knowing a survivor is about to be on their third hook can often times create an objective to specifically play a different way, or out of the way, to remove a survivor from the game. The guess work of the killer to prioritized out of position survivors would get challenged. When a killer is pressured, it's going to take some skill to remember who was hooked, how many times, and what needs to be done. Seeing "oh Jane is on her third hook" just places targets unnecessarily. Also in a sense... grooms decisions.
This game already encourages killing versus hooking through the lack of "punishment"... Which I think the hook counter was created to try and influence more hooking. (failed attempt in execution) If the hook counter would simply reflect each hook you actually do, it would be much better for the overall health of the game.
Hopefully I explained myself well enough to defend my point. I am in the waiting screen to begin a game.
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Have to disagree with your reasoning here, as a killer your told a survivor is on they're third hook as soon as you hook them and they immediately go into the struggle phase.
any killer inclined to tunnel will still do exactly what they do now and go back to the hook as soon as the survivor is unhooked and only chase them with no need for the counter.
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It's not that a killer who tunnels will tunnel, we can't have balance or QOL changes based on that.
What people are asking for is to KNOW with certainty what hook a survivor is on. That is another part of this game that will groom players to tunnel.
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We can already have a psuedo individual hook counter by cross referencing the information with the number of bbq stacks. And mind you, BBQ is probably the most common killer perk in the entire game
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i'm really not sure if your point just makes no sense or if your definition of tunneling is wrong,
Being solely focused off of hook like that is tunneling.
The killer hooking you, then hooking someone else, then choosing to chase you over someone that hasn't been hooked isn't tunneling, its just good prioritization.
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There isn't really a reason why Killers should have the individual Survivor hook counters. I think the team said they only gave it Survivors because A: they wanna make solo survivor easier and B: it might encourage tunneling on the Killer side.
But the thing is, if Survivors don't pay enough attention and need help to see who was hooked how many times, why not the Killer? I my opinion, it's much more common for the Killer to forget which Survivor was hooked how many times because they have so many other things to pay attention to and a much more hectic gameplay.
And also. If Killers wanna tunnel, they tunnel. If they don't, they don't. I don't think a hook counter would change much. And even if they do, Survivors not running after Survivors about to be hooked on death hook anymore is already a Survivor buff. The little bit of tunneling there's gonna be more would just balance that out.
In my opinion, there shouldn't be a hook counter at all. The less information the better. And that on BOTH sides. Makes the game more interesting and actually rewards people for remembering who has been hooked how many times.
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Yes but that's what I think is healthier. Having some cerebral play as killer as to hooking
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I am not understanding your response to my response. I didn't define tunneling at all or attempt to speak on what tunneling is/isn't. Why are you quoting what I said like I was explaining it?