Proposal: Increase Penalty for Disconnecting

As we know, there are players out there who will intentionally disconnect from a match to prevent a loss. This comes from both Survivors and Killers. I, for one, am sick of it. Losing a match because my teammate decided they didn't want to play and it became a 3 v 1 or doing really well as a killer only to have the last person disconnect and render your entire match moot is unfair, plain and simple. I understand there is a glaring problem with this and that is that sometimes peoples' internet drops. This happens to me too, I even have a cable plugged in. My idea is this: give people a limited number of disconnects per month and once they surpass that number, they're banned until the next 13th from gameplay. This kind of poor sportsmanship is a huge and noticeably increasing problem in the game. I'm tired of getting 3 or 4 kills per game as a Killer using Pudding only to have it torn away because the last person messed up the whole match. Their teammates suffer for this too. I'm tired of starting a match against either a Spirit or a Nurse when I use Cake just to have someone else randomly disconnect and leave the rest of us with 5 gens to do. The Killer gets less points for this as well.
Maybe my idea is a bit too strong, especially since I'm typing this from a place of anger. I'm trying not to let my anger show too much here because I really do think this is a consistent and serious problem. But something needs to be done about this. Punishment needs to be increased or everybody will have to play with these upsettingly infrequent occurrences.
I'm open to discussion about this to see if it gains any traction.
Dude that's harsh
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That's the idea. Discourage disconnects and make people play their matches.
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Personally, people dc'ing has never bothered me, but I'd say keep the current dc penalty system but add a bonus or something for the survivors. Killer already gets a dc bonus. Maybe no one can de pip if someone DC's? Maybe that's too generous, I don't know
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The type of DC I'm talking about is not the regular kind. When the person DCs, it crashes the game and take you back to the starting screen, not just continuing the match sans 1 person. This could be part of the new update since it seemed to bug the game to a very large degree. In which case, if it IS the update, the devs have a lot of work to do.
I should have pointed out I noticed this phenomenon a lot more after the new update. It happened in 4 of my games yesterday and 3 today so far.
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I did mention that maybe my idea was a bit harsh. Having said that and taken the time to cool off, I don't actually want to retract my thoughts. This is just my personal gripe, though. I think the other issues brought up by this patch need to be addressed first such as the poor hit validation and odd visuals. Fixing these and then taking a look at the disconnects should be the order things go in, but I feel it's still a problem important enough to be brought up.
I dunno, maybe I just had a string of bad matches lately that have resulted in what adds up to hours of wasted time. But I can't be the only one. This may be related to the update too, I'm not sure yet. I need to observe more matches.