What's the one thing...



  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Tunneling is valid. It's on the survivors to stop you from doing it by playing smarter or bringing the right perks.

  • HelterSeltzer
    HelterSeltzer Member Posts: 68

    After 500 hrs, i did not realise you can counter BBQ and Chillinby going into a locker

  • Ruby_Valerie
    Ruby_Valerie Member Posts: 6

    When the Halloween chapter came out with Michael Myers, I played him in every round on Dia1 for 4 months ...

    I was always confused about how people could increase diabolism and thought his ability would be slow running without a terror radius xD

  • ScottRozzy
    ScottRozzy Member Posts: 53

    I wish i knew that i was going to have a rough time until i unlocked DS, DeadHard, Self-Care and Unbroken

  • SplixBrisk
    SplixBrisk Member Posts: 1

    How to hit a skill check

  • NickChinchill
    NickChinchill Member Posts: 68

    As Killer: You gain the most points by harrassing survivors equally. You will do better bothering all the survivors a little and having them escape, over camping one survivor and watching them on the hook. Also, camping doesn't help you practice your Killer skills and improve.

    As Survivor: Don't be afraid to die. Because you will die! Sometimes it's not your fault. Being bold helps you figure out what works and what doesn't, and means you'll find yourself in situations that will teach you how to act in future games.

    Just overall? Play as if you're the star of a horror movie. A win isn't escaping or killing everyone in the scene. It's living in the moment and doing your best to pull through.

  • zeplore
    zeplore Member Posts: 95

    Wish i would have known you would have killed this game 2.5 years after i started playing with silly decisionsa

  • ShErMaDeRmA
    ShErMaDeRmA Member Posts: 338

    I wish someone would've gotten me to stop playing so it doesn't make me miserable 4 years later

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449

    Honestly, I just wish I knew how much of a grind it could've been. I don't mind it but I def feel like it's a big turn off for newer players having to go against killers or survivors with superior perks.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    That stealth and escaping chase are just as viable as looping. So many just offer the looping advice that even today new survivors don't even know it's an option.

  • DerpyPlayz
    DerpyPlayz Member Posts: 583

    How terrible managed the Devs are with the game, and how terrible managed the Mods are with the community by far. There is universal infamy between the two.

  • Azael
    Azael Member Posts: 15

    I wish I had known that being immersed with Urban Evasion was not the best way to play.

  • ashes2asses
    ashes2asses Member Posts: 23

    I played against pig, and they walked right up to my and ran away. For awhile I also thought they were a player! lol

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,048
  • Jukantos
    Jukantos Member Posts: 114

    I wish wish wish wish i had known how much value the Prestige options had - my Claudette was level 50 way before the Legacy cutoff and i pumped enough points into her to have her P3, but i never bothered. God damn would i like to have those skins today.

  • BlankAyr
    BlankAyr Member Posts: 1

    When i was for The first Time killer i thought i need to help survivor escape lmao.

  • Nancy911
    Nancy911 Member Posts: 7

    Tell me more about this. I haven't prestiged any character because I see only negatives in that. You lose all the items, right? What do you gain in addition to a bloody outfit?

  • Slaymore
    Slaymore Member Posts: 499

    Revert the UI back to what is was... the new UI is horrible. You shouldn't have to look at 4 points of the screen. You should have improved the old UI instead of scrapping it for the garbage that is today.

  • Jukantos
    Jukantos Member Posts: 114

    The quality of the items in your bloodweb increases - so every level 50 bloodweb i fill out on my P3 50 characters with all perks unlocked gives me guaranteed 1 red item (often 2), guaranteed 3 purples (up to 6) and at least 6-8 green items. The overall quality is just vastly increased.

    Plus, back in the day, if you prestiged before a certain date you got a legacy skin (those orange glowing ones) that i would LOVE to have, but now can never legitimately acquire.

  • killz4fun
    killz4fun Member Posts: 165

    Wait.. what?? Survivors can see your red stain?? OMG..

  • killz4fun
    killz4fun Member Posts: 165

    To never mind salty players 🤣🤣🤣

  • Dingo88
    Dingo88 Member Posts: 219

    That playing killer helps with being a survivour and when that awsome perk spinechill lights up start looking for killer not let go of gen and run a marathon

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426

    How the ######### whispers and spine chill work. I Tried them so many times to conclude they were 100% percent useless until I looked up actual video explanations that explain the part I'm suppose to be learning from.

    ...which basically is just a subset of the the total mystery presented by the user interface and what information you even have

    ...which also goes to something I only found like 6 months ago anyhow: the ######### in-game tutorials for killer/survivor aren't the *only* information available and the "tutorial" prompt under them is actually a totally different thing with like 17 pages of information

    ...which actually does have a glossary explaining all jargon like "exposed" and "deep wounds" with their circular references but never outright defining those terms in the perks/whatever so even at 100 hours you gotta pull up the wiki to remember what "managed" actually means again

    ....which all wraps back to include all the obtuse UI symbols and the battle to understand, like, squiggly eye pyramid hippo or whatever

  • Sand
    Sand Member Posts: 179

    Nothing because I wish it was back to the days when I didn't know anything because that was the most fun

  • WraithBaby
    WraithBaby Member Posts: 15

    As a new survivor I wish I had known to not just stare at a generator while repairing it... I don't know why I did that, but I did. For a while. SMH.

    As a new killer, I played trapper and I wish I had known not to set traps in the middle of pallets.

  • Dipper
    Dipper Member Posts: 153

    There are some things. First, I didn't know that the Wraith is in fact not invisible (Well now he is, but I started end 2016). I also didn't know that Insidious doesn't make me invisible (This one just happened to be a translation error, when I didn't play the game in english. It said that I have no terror radius and become invisible)

  • Arkslippyjr
    Arkslippyjr Member Posts: 5

    I'm still relatively new but I wish people would have told me survivors can disarm my traps

    I would set up three or four traps near a hooked survivor or gen and think there is no way they can deal with this

    About five seconds later they would magically be across all my traps without hitting one

  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 338

    That you should interact with the killer. Not in a "hey im over here come get me" but if you want to improve at looping you need to actually get chased.

  • TruthInflux
    TruthInflux Member Posts: 3

    I wish I knew it was okay to go a different Killer and not need to just stick to one.

    I wish I knew it was okay to leave bloodpoints unused in a session and they would still be there next session.

  • Amy095
    Amy095 Member Posts: 96

    I wish I realised sooner there is no such thing as the survivor rulebook. Now I have way more fun!

  • giaworm
    giaworm Member Posts: 5

    don’t unhook in the middle of a chase, ######### move imo :p

  • scottyj555
    scottyj555 Member Posts: 24

    Gen control is everything

  • The_Nightmare69
    The_Nightmare69 Member Posts: 55
    1. I wish I knew that a huge terror radius IS NOT HELPFUL. I used to run around with perks making my terror radius as big as possible... smh
    2. That exposed DOES NOT mean the survivors' auras are exposed... which imo to a new player made sense because well 'exposed' I wish I knew how powerful this status effect actually is.
  • MaviKus
    MaviKus Member Posts: 38

    as a survivor I wish a former twitter mutual of mine didn't tell me to play as blendette when I was just starting out. all it did to me was making me dependent on self care and it took me a few months to learn not to be dependent on it (not saying SC is a "bad" perk)

    as a killer I wish I knew when to "give up" and break off a chase. and the match making can be messy and don't let it get to me

  • Xornedge
    Xornedge Member Posts: 30

    I wanted to know that i could trick them using my red stain

  • lady_potato
    lady_potato Member Posts: 35

    oh lol at me was opposite. i didn't know how to lunge and i always got pallets in my head bcz of this :'( but now when i see how i was at the begging makes me laugh, even tho i was about to kill myself(it's a joke) bcz of the game😂

  • lady_potato
    lady_potato Member Posts: 35

    lmao me too, i was calling everyone a hacker bcz of my ping, which i didn't know about these days and i was like omg u hacker u make my game block and u teleport, but actually i was teleporting😂

  • lady_potato
    lady_potato Member Posts: 35

    well, u waste time for ur team cuz self care duration time is double than normal, if the killer has sloppy u heal 4 times slower, if he has coulrophobia also u heal 8 times slower, which means about 2 mins. A better option would be empathy or bond or aftercare(but I recommend the first two, cuz aftercare has a stupid situation when u get hooked). Like that, u and ur teammate/s will get more points being together and working on a gen after the heal action

  • lady_potato
    lady_potato Member Posts: 35

    lol i play for about 5 months and I still learn looping, i only know to loop on maps like autoheaven or macmillan, where there are the loops made of garbage and barrels and stuff, or at macmillan where are small rocks loops. The problem at the higher loops is that u can get mind gamed, but it's fun cuz u can also make the killer mindgame himself by just leaving quietly the area

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815
    edited February 2021

    It's double the duration for half the people, though, so in terms of man hours you're not losing any time. This is true even against Sloppy or Coulrophobia (not that I'd recommend healing through them more than you have to). The main benefit of Self Care is its flexibility because you can do it solo, while its main drawback is the greater potential of wasting time if your heal gets interrupted. If your heal doesn't get interrupted you're not wasting any time for your team. You can also actually save some time for your team if you run perks like Botany or Desperate Measures along with Self Care - 24 seconds for one person (Botany III + Self Care) saves your team eight seconds versus the standard 16 seconds for two people, plus whatever time you would have needed to spend finding a teammate to heal you. So, especially if you're not comfortable playing injured, this can be a pretty solid combination.

    I do like using aura reading perks as well and will happily team up on gens for the extra BPs, but if you're trying to play the meta you would split up from other survivors whenever possible and heal only when necessary (e.g. you're on death hook and the rest of your team is not). In that case Self Care isn't bad, because you're not constantly wasting time healing and in the situations where it's a good idea to heal you're always able to. You could always bring a medkit too, but it just depends what you're trying to do with your build - maybe you're planning to bring a BNP and still want to be able to heal in a pinch, for example.

  • Idontknowtbh
    Idontknowtbh Member Posts: 467

    They are better and they are faster but you don't always have access to them (bloodweb or die more times than med kits lol) so it is useful to have still.

    I've seen lots of people play without self care but they are the ones than can loop a killer while bleeding.

    If you're not good at it (like me), take self care and hide to heal

  • Idontknowtbh
    Idontknowtbh Member Posts: 467

    That has its own counter by running iron maid with bbq lol.

    Always check a locker and a gen at the beginning of the game to check for iron maid and ruin

  • Idontknowtbh
    Idontknowtbh Member Posts: 467

    I wish I knew that the hatch makes a sound as well as emanating black smoke.

    So many times I ran past it and/or didn't approach it thinking it was a bad thing.

    I wish I played as a killer a lot earlier in the game too as I would run for my life everytime I heard the terror radius and most times I was just exposing myself when I hadn't been seen.

    Also, urban evasion is underrated imo. There are so many killers that are too focused on scratch marks when breaking a gen that don't see you if you crouch and move around a stone.

    Don't start on the first gen you spawn next to, chances are the killer is going to look there first.

    Always check for iron maiden, ruin at the beginning.

    If a hex totem was easy to find, it's most likely the one that gives you vulnerability (if unsure, take it off at the beginning too).

  • Potatogamer345
    Potatogamer345 Member Posts: 8

    That skill checks made sounds, that would have helped so much at the beginning of my time playing this game.

  • FostahBoss
    FostahBoss Member Posts: 41

    This is kind of difficult, because I started playing back when windows didn't get blocked by the Entity, so things are a lot different now.

    I'd have to say that I wish I knew that you could crouch to stop the Hag's traps from popping. I figured it out pretty quickly, but it was annoying at first.

  • wuddupisreal
    wuddupisreal Member Posts: 1

    perks exist and you should look into which ones are good and not just go with your gut

  • SeaSkimmer
    SeaSkimmer Member Posts: 4

    That the killers had different abilities, lmao. Got the game as a gift as I said it looks fun. Didn't really ask about it more than the basics. (Fix generators, hide/ run from killer, escape.)

  • SamuraiDragon27
    SamuraiDragon27 Member Posts: 105
    edited March 2021

    I wish I knew how useful some of the perks I use now were. I used to think tenacity was tapps best perk. now look at me. a p3 bill running fun perk builds...god why tenacity???

  • SamuraiDragon27
    SamuraiDragon27 Member Posts: 105

    It really all depends on how I'm feeling. I'll say I definitely run some non meta perks just because it's fun to see them work. stake out, after care, better together, any means, empathy, Quick and Quiet, and underrated perks like that are fun. also, no. I don't run DS cause it's getting nerfed to high hell, and you can only really use it once. I'd rather have perks that prevent me from being downed than a perk that'll save me last minute and just make the killer angry