Nerf the Spirit



  • Eareland
    Eareland Member Posts: 242

    Spine Chill

  • Bellatrix88_666
    Bellatrix88_666 Member Posts: 1

    And thats the very reason why DBD is losing players because some people,survivor mains complain a killer is too strong,they are already needed PH and now you want to go after The Spirit...if you read her bio then you would understand her mechanics as to her style of killing...

    Its even in the name "DEAD BY DAYLIGHT",I'm a killer main but it's safe to say that maybe killer mains like myself and others feel like we are becoming toxic because survivors cry about a killer...might as well be "alive by daylight" and no I don't use perks for my killers

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    It’s still a pretty good Ninja build because of how damn quiet it makes you.

    It also allows slipping away from a hook without a trace if the killer returns.

    The only killer it’s a real detriment against is Oni.

  • awsome_predator
    awsome_predator Member Posts: 35

    By what ur saying pain sounds should be removed from her in phase? If that's the case then ur right won't need iron will however how did u manage to get hit off her in the first place as she doesn't hear ur grunts of pain so if she can hit u with no pain sounds likely hood they will get u anyway just like the killer see's the grass move in phase u can also track the killer by grass movements and counter also she had massive nerf by running into ppl being removed as it was so unfair let's nerf spirit more as all we want is killers who we can read and loop for days like ppl who played any killer pre nerf they adapt and get kills so maybe rather than need things nerfed all the time ppl should do less complaining of op things in game be it killer or survivor perks and adapt improve and will make the game higher skilled based

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    True might try it later but no mither is pretty painful at times

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Just be extra cautious. Not useless. Still do objectives. Just be more prepared to slink away at a moments notice. Fixated is also interchangeable with Lightweight, which was what I used before the change to Fixated

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    lightweight Is okay but I’d prefer quick and quiet or dance with me for stealthiness

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    It’s more for about if needing to run from the hook after being saved.

    Provided the killer isn’t face camping, already not leaving any blood is a huge boon when leaving the hook. So if the killer is immediately returning to the hook, and it’s necessary to run, at least there’s the possibility Lightweight throws them off at least a little bit.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    That’s very true and that’s why I love off the record for that reason

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    Too easy, and immense reward?? I really wonder how you've derived your measuring standard.

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    Spirit isn't overpowered. And I wish people knew the definition of it before shouting that something is OP. She has counterplay youre either too low leveled or not a great looper if you haven't figured it out how to counter her. I play solo and most of the times I end escaping against spirit. You have to mind game more than other killers. She isn't meant to be looped like a regular m1 killer. Theres a reason why she's 110%. The only time I would consider spirit even close to OP would be old Spirit beads. Shes better now. Either adapt or continue to give up on hook and never learn.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Why does everyone keep saying that?

    I like Off The Record, but it doesn’t affect scratch marks or blood.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Ask any spirit player and they’ll tell you she’s on the easier side and everyone knows her immense power

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    I am a Spirit player. Which is also why I know her weaknesses too. It's not like she doesn't have any. Survivor mains need to stop this fallacious thinking that just because they can't juke a good Spirit, it means Spirit has no counter. She absolutely does, because I've been on the receiving end of it many times.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I’m just saying it’s a nice perk to have to make a quick escape after an unhook especially against killers with nurses

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    She has very little especially with stridor.

    Spirit’s counterplay boils down to taking a guess about where she is. Unlike similar mind games (huntress at a pallet) the chances here are not equal.

    Survivors have 3 ways to track spirit not including perks: Crows, shards glowing and footsteps.

    Crows are unlikely to help since you’ve probably already alerted them yourself

    shards do glow but only on her base skin and in a really small radius so that’s unreliable

    Footsteps are quiet and over chase music are very hard to hear but if you do at that point you’re dead because that means she’s close to you

    Now how can spirit track you?

    Scratch marks: most common way but doesn’t work while walking and can be used to trick her. Still very useful though

    pain grunts: only when injured but are loud and directional leaving pretty much no outplay from the survivor side

    grass: map dependent but very useful since even crouch walking will move it. Counts for corn and reeds too

    Crows: Pretty useful not only on spirit but can be inconsistent since you alert them too.

    Other survivor sounds: Vaulting a pallet slowly, falling and breathing are also decent ways to track a healthy survivor.

    Now does that seem like a fair 50/50 mind game to you?

  • judge_fist
    judge_fist Member Posts: 114
    edited February 2021

    Iron will is a solid counter against spirit. I almost always use IW in my builds so I can loop killer use a little misdirection and boom by the time you've caught on I'm at the next loop. It takes a good bit of practice to properly track survivors with her its not as easy as you might think although Stridor certainly helps.

    Against spirit to misdirect her use IW run in a direction leaving tracks. Then crouch walk the opposite direction when your certain she's chasing in the previous direction. Then after several seconds sprint to the next loop. Its actually fairly easy when you get the strat down. Wastes a ton of the killers time. Also putting pallets down then crawling over slowly and running the direction the killer just came from works well against spirit.

    Its all about misdirection with spirit. I actually find it exciting to go against spirit I mained her for a while so I know what works against me when I play her. Play a ton of mindgames and switch them up as you condition the killer to your strategy be unpredictable. Practice makes perfect as cliche as that sounds also playing both killer and survivor at high level helps you learn the strats giving you a broader understanding of the playstyle.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Problem is without iron will she’s a chore to go against. She’s okay to fight with it on though

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    I disagree. Although nurse can be OP in the right hands, there are a lot more ways to counter her than there are for Spirit.

    Nurse takes a hefty amount of skill to beat, if you are a good nurse, you practically could run her without ANY perks whatsoever.

    Spirit without add-ons and perks is a challenging but possible task, but takes no skill to learn. A person at rank 1 who has never played spirit can pick her up and play her almost instantaneously, if they understand how her power works, unlike nurse who's power is quick to learn but incredibly difficult to master without a lot of practice.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    I don't think nurse needs a nerf personally, and a lot of people share the same opinion, mainly because her entire character is the hardest to learn and master in the entire game.

    A rank 20 can pick up spirit and use her with no problems and will probably be able to grasp her power very quickly, whereas nurse has an easy power to understand but incredibly difficult to master.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    Freddy isn't overpowered and a lot of people just get wound up because it seems like his lunge is longer than it actually is.

    Freddy is an incredibly easy killer to counter, as long as you're decent at running the killer. He does have 70% win rate at red ranks, but his entire power relies on you being asleep, so keeping you and your teammates awake is the easiest way to counter his ability.

    Doctor also is easy to counter, depending on the type of player you're playing against. Sometimes you can just run in a different direction before he shoots his blast to quickly outrun it, therefore not having it affect you.

    Spirit however has a power that's quite hard to track, if not at all. It does again depend on the player, but there needs to be something that gives away her position. Maybe a mix of Wraiths cloak and how you can see it, mixed with Freddy's in/out of the dream world phasing (where he randomly goes invisible) I think this would be the only tweak they'd have to do to spirit to make her just have a tad more counterplay.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    I don't think this really is a valid argument either, as there are/were other op killers that got nerfed that you could win against easily. You could win games before PH's nerf, you could win games before any character was nerfed, but at the end of the day they still were needed because they're not balanced.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    I disagree with this point as well. As a nurse main, the one counter I always see and the best way to counter ANY nurse is to lose line of sight. When you've done that, it's a complete guessing game.

    Sure a nurse can get add-ons to stop the fatigue, have extra blinks or recover faster, but at the end of the day a survivor can still make a few seconds worth of distance and make you lose sight again, therefore restarting the cycle.

    Problem with spirit is, she literally doesn't need her sight.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    The change I would make would just be a visual one for players, I wouldn't change anything about her actual game mechanics and no changes that would make survivors need perks/spirit need perks in order for either side to win.

    The best nerf wouldn't be a nerf at all, but a tweak to the visuals. Just making her have a combination of Wraiths cloaking ability and Freddy's real/dream world phasing could balance her perfectly. It wouldn't be all the time of course, but at least when wraith is invisible you can see him, that's literally the counter to his power and it's built into the game, and you can still win as wraith.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144
    edited February 2021

    I also don't think anyone should factor in perks when trying to consider what does and doesn't need a nerf.

    Think of any killer against four survivors, none of them using any perks.

    Most killers that are "haha machete go slash" are usually quite easy to loop. This includes trapper, hag, wraith, ghostface, Michael, etc. Their powers are good and can stop loops, or give them a small speed boost, or provide an instant kill, but are the easiest to counter.

    Then we have ranged killers, like huntress, the twins, plague, ph and Deathslinger. Easy to counter if you look behind you and watch how and where they aim, and learning early game how that specific player plays.

    Next are the killers the slow you down, ie Clown, Freddy (dream pallets r useless lmao), doctor. They can usually get a free hit and are usually countered by throwing down pallets straight away, which usually throws them off. A downed pallet provides a better loop for these killers than others, and if you can run it correctly you can easily make them bash the pallets giving you distance.

    And then there are the teleport/fast killers, like legion, spirit, blight and nurse. Legion, blight and Billy are pretty easily manageable, and can be countered with some good pallets and mind games. Nurse also has the disadvantage of sight and walls.

    Now understanding how all of these killers work, and comparing them to spirit, you can see why she is an outlier. She moves fast, is invisible with no indication of where she is, gets a speed boost when she comes out of her phase, can track and hear better then any other killer, and her speed boost practically gives her longer range (all without perks).

    I have beaten spirit, as have many others, and I don't think she needs a nerf, but a tweak. Something to just show players or give them a rough idea of where she is. I mentioned in a previous comment about a mix of wraith and Freddy's real/dream world invisibility, could really make the balance her out a lot.

    Making the point that you can see her disturb crows or sway grass isn't good enough, as some maps have dead areas with no grass, or are indoor maps, and crows don't spawn every few meters, making that argument pretty pointless.

    There really is no argument against it, and it could honestly only benefit the game. It is such a small tweak that it wouldn't ruin spirits power, but just enough of a tweak that it would essentially give spirit more counterplay. If they did something like this, there is literally no argument you could make to prove this wouldn't be a good tweak.

    I'm obviously open to hear people's opinions, but I think this idea is just to good to not acknowledge, and I feel like you'd have to be pretty cynical to just not like this idea. If you could explain in detail why this idea wouldn't work, I'll happily listen and make a counter-point, but from where I'm sitting right now, I can't really think of a valid argument against it lmao.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    But then I can just repackage that argument back up and say that because I've beaten and know how to counter a spirit well, I can still sit here and say she needs some sort of tweak, definitely not a nerf, but you can see by saying just because you play spirit and know how to counter her and have been countered many times doesn't make the issues she does have go away.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144
    edited February 2021

    I do quickly want to add one more comment for anyone that read all my previous comments too, but I appreciate most people in this thread being respectful and sharing their opinions. I think a lot of people share the same opinions on both sides.

    I'm perfectly in the middle, I don't think spirit is overpowered and I've beaten her more than I've beaten say, cannibal or nurse (Nurse doesn't need a nerf either btw).

    But a change (not a nerf) would definitely not hurt for spirit. I think there are a lot of ways to balance her even more and make counterplay towards her easier while still keeping her power and playstyle consistent. (For reference, read my above comments if you haven't already).

    But I'm glad there are people willing to defend a character that most people enjoy either because she's on the difficult side of dbd killers, unlike say Twins where it's a two way street (you either suck with the twins or are a god with them) or because they find her easy and can counter her better than most players.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    I also wanted to share this twitter post from Peanits from October of last year (The last official report showing statistics for kill/pick rates for killers that I could find).

    Although it was nearly four months ago, it honestly probably hasn't changed much since then, you can clearly see that Spirit has a 60.19% win rate, making her one of the best killers in the game.

    If she were a completely balanced and fair killer, the win rate would be at 50%, therefore making it 50/50, but it's not, because she is unbalanced.

    Take a look for yourself, I've provided the link below!

    (If anyone can find a updated statistical or screenshot, please link it below).

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    Err, no, you're literally wrong about that. Just because killer-players who dump 100's or 1000's of hours into getting good with a single killer doesn't mean the game is overly balanced in that killer's favour. That's a ridiculously poor argument to make.

    An oft-repeated complaint about Spirit is that "ShE hAs No CoUnTeR!!" She absolutely does!

    And another "StAnDiNg StIlL iS nOt A mInDgAmE", it absolutely is. See, the Spirit player has to take the chance whether to start phasing and hope you're dumb enough to stay at the loop, so she'll catch you, or whether you'll just run away in which case she won't see you. If you run and she didn't phase, you just gain distance. It absolutely is a mind-game, just not necessarily the game the survivors think it is... which is half the mindgame itself!

  • MaviKus
    MaviKus Member Posts: 38

    nerf her or not, any killer "rework" should not make it so their abilities become so d*mbed down and you HAVE to rely on rare add-ons if you want to play semi-competently. if anything, "rework" add-ons. just my 2 cents

  • phyphrus
    phyphrus Member Posts: 67

    If I'm not mistaken, can't you hear her? I thought there was a visual or auditory tip off.

  • This is why this game is in the gutter. I kind of hope they do nerf her because I think that will be the final straw for a lot of killer players, myself included.

    At high level gameplay Spirit and Nurse are the only killers seen as viable, and even then Spirit isn't overpowered, hell she barely hangs on.

    Nerfing Spirit just makes the experienced swf groups the most powerful thing in the game that are literally unbeatable unless you've put hundreds of hours into Nurse. This has been proven time and time again by some of the best players in the world.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    let survs see her every 5secs when she is 5m from you. Numbers can be changed

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    I saw some saying Iron Will actually counters Stridor, it's incredible to read that, like, actually there is more than one person thinking that ?

    I read some of the comments, but I think everyone is going everywhere on the subject.

    Concerning the Spirit, there was a bug when the Twins were added if I'm not wrong, that makes survivors able to hear the Spirit while Phasing. And I thought that was intended, and that was a crazy thing, you have a feedback, and your decision was based on the sound, like the Spirit is during phasing. Maybe hearing her 100% of the time is too powerful, but I think that's the way to change her, and she should have add-ons reducing her breathing sound, or anything like that.

    What do you think about that ?