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[PC] The Emblem System and Pips are broken



  • peachblade
    peachblade Member Posts: 68

    On death, I will still sometimes receive a golden Unbroken emblem, although it's only happened once so far.

  • LastBreath
    LastBreath Member Posts: 34
    edited February 2021

    Delete, please.

  • DieGräfin
    DieGräfin Member Posts: 227
    edited February 2021

    I played now several games. Somehow it's fine and unbroken shows me always the right emblem. Pips are also ok.

    I survived and kissed one time the floor.

    2nd picture I died.

    Did I miss something?

  • Nevrion
    Nevrion Member Posts: 15

    I think it's better now, at least with me. Results were okay. Still, I hope they extend the rift season, because this game was unplayable for about two weeks.

  • cyniChris
    cyniChris Member Posts: 207

    The Devout emblem is broken:

    I got a 4K in this match, which should usually result in a gold Devout emblem, if I'm understanding how the emblems work properly. For the record, there were 6 hooks in this match as the survivors basically threw the game after the first couple of hooks.

    Not sure why Gatekeeper was silver, either - only 2 generators were finished. I can kind of understand the rest being silver due to there not being many chases. I know Gatekeeper is time-based, so did the match just not go on long enough for Gatekeeper to be higher, or is Gatekeeper also broken?

    I have never de-pipped from a 4K, and I've safety-pipped from 4 hooks before.

    Patch 4.5.2, by the way. Match ended about 20 minutes ago (around 5PM GMT on Feb 25th).

  • Moromasa
    Moromasa Member Posts: 1

    Same for me

    Really annoying trying to push for my first ever rank 1 and I have literally lost about 10 pips due to this bug either getting a -1 when I safepipped or just not getting any at all.

  • stargazer9
    stargazer9 Member Posts: 649
    edited February 2021

    -1 pip ... Benevolent emblem is bugged! I’m not getting any points from it and there’s no emblem, it’s just black.

  • NikkiDarlin
    NikkiDarlin Member Posts: 3

    Yup. Same problem here. I have safety pipped and it shows as if I depipped. Also, have broken "Unbroken" where there was nothing there. This either caused me to depip or kept me from pipping up. This had been happening to me from February 12 until the most recent update. I lost at least 20 pips or potential pips. I lost count in my rage.

  • tomtomrc89
    tomtomrc89 Member Posts: 6

    Hey all -

    Some examples of this in action. First two games, both played this afternoon... both get two golds and a bronze (7 points, which I understand is a safety at my rank?). Yet in the first game I de-pip and in the later game played about 40 minutes later and get a safety...

    Third one, played back on Thursday... would love to know what is going on there!!!


  • DieGräfin
    DieGräfin Member Posts: 227

    I had also this bug in 4.5.1

    But double pip is in 4.5.2. not possible. Shows me 2+ but I god a 1+.

    And this annoying loading DC - 1 pip is still there...

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,266

    Just had a match with AFK killer where you don't get any scoring events from running in front of them. Could whatever the change was they made to AFK killers be what has messed up the emblem/pips?

  • ShimmerBiscuits
    ShimmerBiscuits Member Posts: 23
    edited February 2021

    There is still an issue. Should of double pipped. it only gave me 1

    and then another one

    and again on the 28th it took a pip when i black pipped

    Post edited by ShimmerBiscuits on
  • abd00bie
    abd00bie Member Posts: 13

    I am still losing pips from canceled matches!

  • wig
    wig Member Posts: 18

    I’ve had issues with benevolent emblem too, or the lack of it. I had one unsafe unhook which seemed to completely cancel out all of the safe unhooks, healing I did and protection hits I took.

  • stvnhthr
    stvnhthr Member Posts: 777

    I'm not the best at math, but I think if I pip up I should not lose two pips. I started with three pips, earned one more and now I have only one pip. This new math is hard to understand.

  • Emby
    Emby Member Posts: 10

    It seemed to be fixed at first and I was able to get out of purple pretty quickly but now it looks like every pip I get is either a safety or -pip.

  • stvnhthr
    stvnhthr Member Posts: 777
    edited March 2021

    This game is so hard. 36000 points. Three iridescents and a gold equals -1. I will never rank up.

    IsoSTARDUST Member Posts: 79

    Game clearly shows that I should have pipped, yet I only safety pipped. No idea how to reproduce; was playing as Adam Francis, and escaped.

    IsoSTARDUST Member Posts: 79

    Game clearly shows that I should have pipped, yet I only safety pipped. No idea how to reproduce; was playing as Adam Francis, and escaped.

  • Godlibear
    Godlibear Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2021

    Where my safety at? 2 games in a row ...

  • slayer925
    slayer925 Member Posts: 26

    Did you escape? If dead, max unbroken emblem is silver, so this could be the thing

  • Godlibear
    Godlibear Member Posts: 3

    Explain this then

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,218

    So.... I played a lot of matches lately and looked at the emblems every time to get what is happening.

    It is really weird. If I escape everything seems fine. Unbroken is gold and if it said "you pip" I pipped. This was also true for the close cases where with one point more or less I would have gotten another outcome.

    If i die things get chaotic. I get Unbroken in every color possible or impossible, but at least it's not black (except when it should be). I got silver/bronze when it was legit but also got gold when i died or even iri when I got tombstoned without going down before that. Pips are all over the place but, thank the gods, it isn't as bad as before. At least for me.

    I can't even tell what the problem is, because it seems so random.

  • slayer925
    slayer925 Member Posts: 26

    Just saying it can be the visual bug they were referring that is fixed in 4.5.2 (but still isnt). If you escape you can get gold or iris unbrokem emblem. If you die, you can get silver max. If you died in that match, your progress is one block less (counting silver instead of gold), so you zero pipped. That would be just a visual bug. BUT if you escaped and the gold emblem is ok, then is not just a visual bug

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    After the Update its kinda still broken. It was a double depip, because someone disconnected.

  • Laife
    Laife Member Posts: 6

    I still have the same issue - I should have pipped up, but didn't :-/

  • Rybe
    Rybe Member Posts: 44

    Got this one when some survivor DCed during the load screen. Obviously didn't get that many pips, pretty sure I properly 0 pipped but I'm not positive, haha

  • Paul0121
    Paul0121 Member Posts: 26
    edited March 2021

    Still losing my precious pips, bad match so maybe I deserve it? Haha

    I also double pipped earlier and only got 1 pip back

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,218

    Did you die? Unbroken can be still bugged when dying and show you a higher rarity and therefore points you actually don't have.

    So if you died, that Unbroken should be bronze or silver and that would be 1 or 2 points less which is a depip.

  • Paul0121
    Paul0121 Member Posts: 26

    Ah I can't remember sorry haha, also double pipped earlier and only got 1, but maybe like you're saying the Emblem scores are reporting wrong but the pips were getting are right?

    Only just noticed this is PC thread I'm on PS4 sorry!

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Escaping from a afk killer.

  • Golab
    Golab Member Posts: 2

    It seemed that the unbroken emblem was fixed because I would get silver even if I survived most game and then died (how it should be) but one game I got unbroken Gold even though I died right at the end and ofc it said I double pipped when I shouldve gotten silver unbroken but didnt get anything for it.

    So you've half fixed the issue but still random gold unbrokens

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203
    edited March 2021

    When I die, I still often got -1 instead of 0, and 0 instead of +1. I'm not sure I noticed it when I escape.

  • slayer925
    slayer925 Member Posts: 26

    You got it: when you die you shouldn't get gold unbroken emblem. The progress is good, but they mess up with the visuals

  • Arpheros
    Arpheros Member Posts: 11

    Yes! I wrote a discussion saying about this. Howerver some players escaped from the killer and got depiped. I think this could be related with hook times the survivor got. Maybe a hook bug. I don't know, but we got clues here.

  • ShimmerBiscuits
    ShimmerBiscuits Member Posts: 23

    so this happened was funny, pretty sure its a visual one though cause i went through every page then went back and it was normal again.

  • TheJumbodian
    TheJumbodian Member Posts: 1

    yep same happens to me all the time.

    im on xbox

  • Zapothek
    Zapothek Member Posts: 2

    How long can it take a Devcrew to fix that friggin Pipsystem? Get your stuff together and do your work. It is really anoying and frustrating to constantly loose pips/ranks for nothing. This issue was reported almost a month ago (February 9th) and the only thing you managed to fix, is that people cant take their pips from custom to live game. GG WP i guess. As long as there is no further action on that i will not play that game anymore.

  • tan_yi_sheng
    tan_yi_sheng Member Posts: 1

    As you can see

  • slayer925
    slayer925 Member Posts: 26

    You died and you got gold unbrokem emblem. Thats why. Progress is ok as you should depip.

  • JulienJohnson
    JulienJohnson Member Posts: 28
    edited March 2021

    3 weeks that we play to lose points for free, the moderators put known problem and delete our post, but they do nothing, it's nonsense! keep it up, the drama will smell great on twitter!

    Post edited by JulienJohnson on
  • JulienJohnson
    JulienJohnson Member Posts: 28

    still -1 point lost for free in dbd! 3 weeks and the problem is still not solved!

  • slayer925
    slayer925 Member Posts: 26

    Guys, If you die, unbroken emblem (the one on the right) can't be gold. So those points even if they are showing in the red bar, they aren't counting towards pipping

  • JulienJohnson
    JulienJohnson Member Posts: 28

    and there I am entitled to 0 point! Nice game !!!!! 3 week bug

  • JulienJohnson
    JulienJohnson Member Posts: 28

    still 0 point is so good!

  • ClearedtoLand28
    ClearedtoLand28 Member Posts: 1

    I died but this is as egregious as I’ve seen. How can this not be fixed yet?

  • JulienJohnson
    JulienJohnson Member Posts: 28

    3 weeks, still not patched yet lose free points, so good dbd!

  • JulienJohnson
    JulienJohnson Member Posts: 28

    and one more point of loss for free thank you dbd!