New Survivor will be LGBT



  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    I mean base game had :

    • 1 white male
    • 1 white male with asian roots
    • 1 black female
    • 1 white female
    • 1 white female from Sweden ( i consider her base game since she came like 2 months after )

    People could say : yeah that's only one black woman for 4 white people. NO : the game "offers" such a diversity that is beyond the color of the skin, diversity in country, diversity in lore, diversity in age (even tho i still would love to be able to play a female survivor having the age of Bill :))

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    Every form of media has a political message. It's not something you can avoid, you can't write a story or design a game in some apolitical bubble. Everyone has a political agenda, even if that agenda is just something as simple or seemingly undeniable as "human life matters", it's political because it enforces or suggests certain political ideas. i.e. if human life matters, then premeditated murder should be a crime.

    You can't design media in a political void - anything you create is created through the lens of your worldview. You can dislike the message of media, or dislike the way it is presented, but every form of media is shaped by the ideas and values of the person making it. This message doesn't make something inherently terrible, or worthless, just as it doesn't make something inherently good or valuable - it just makes it the product of the environment it was created in.


    That aside, you didn't answer my question; what political message are you concerned about being added to Dead by Daylight?

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    Well, thankyou for actually continuing maturely, it's not something that can be expected out of a lot of members of community.

    I actually live in England on EU servers, I think there's much more racism here than on NA servers.

    I honestly agree with a lot of what you are saying, one thing I will say though is that a large amount of people (not the majority, but still) who are outwardly showing annoyance towards the matter is because they don't want forced inclusion, or inclusion at all (depending on the persons world view). I personally also want a game health update but I'm definitely the first to advocate for inclusion if the option is there.

    I certainly understand your pain in the colour-blind situation, being red blind myself I've found a lot of annoyances with that but I'm just glad a colour-blind support option is coming even if it was born out of a pr crisis.

    While I don't doubt that if they are making this character explicitly LGBT+ it is an attempt at a cash grab as long as it is down well I do actually think it will go down well with a large amount of people, but if it's not god knows the repercussions BHVR is gonna feel lmao.

    Balance wise though I think as much as it's important all these situations needed to be separated because it isn't the same people working on these things. That's definitely meaning though they should be doing more work and releasing fixes and balance updates because the whole team isn't working on making new cosmetics and character lore. That though is a debate for a whole other post.

    I think in the end people are so hyped for this character's possible step towards ACTIVE inclusion because we don't get much with this game (as we all know) so if we get a ball we take it and we run with it because it's the best we're gonna get. It's also hype like this that might make BHVR realise this could be a good step to take in the near future if they aren't doing it now.

  • stargazer9
    stargazer9 Member Posts: 649

    Do you guys seriously care about a fictional character's sexual orientation? I'm sorry but I find this extremely silly.

  • stargazer9
    stargazer9 Member Posts: 649

    I want to know why people care about this stuff? Especially in a video game and in a game like DbD.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    oh i understand ^^ sorry i didn't mean to be rude in any way ^^ I mean i know that i don't even fit in any of the LGBT categories so yeah i feel ya ;)

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    You are on the forums as well, so that statement seems accurate. But I digress.

    "Yes whilst the quality of the game is important so is social progression and inclusion"

    This "Social Progression" you speak of, (which I'm genuinely inclined to ask if you just learnt of), is laughable. You mean to tell me that the wellbeing and livelihood of people in the real world is influenced by their most shallow and inconsequence traits, (their race and gender), being put onto fictional characters and is linked to their acceptance in society? Shall we solve the problem of homelessness, domestic abuse, harassment, and every other man-made problem by making dozens of ham-fisted games based on each subject?

    You do not need a virtual avatar to be seen and respected. You only need confidence in yourself and the will to improve. I sure as hell don't need a collection of pixels to feel justified in my existence. And if you feel otherwise then I highly recommend you work on fixing that.

    "Also it doesn't need to make interesting gameplay. DBD actually has tons and tons of story shown by the tome and lore sheets and all the cutscenes"

    If a game is not interesting or fun people will not play it.

    DBD has an admittedly interesting story but piss weak lore. The archives, the lore sheets and cutscenes are lore. Not part of the overall story of the game. They are backstory for the characters. And very poorly written at that. The only reason why people still play it today is because of the unique gameplay, even despite all of the terrible balance decisions. The percentage of people who stay exclusively for the story and not the gameplay are considerably smaller than those who keep playing for the gameplay. If you feel this point needs evidence, consider which action would make the game lose more players:

    • A - Removing all characters, perks, and maps.
    • B - Removing all lore, flavour text and cutscenes.

    "If you have balance issues or bug issues take that to the balancing team and the bug fixers, not the character design team"

    Funny. This implies that anyone on either team, (if DBD even has a dedicated team for fixing bugs), cares about player concerns. And is competent at their job. But that's besides the point.

    I wasn't intending to get anything in the game changed with my initial comment. I was remarking how people very much like yourself don't seem to care about the core issues with the game, (that are guaranteed to be only made worse in the next patch), and instead focus on superficial aspects of the characters.

    "Irdk what you mean in relation to anything else you've said with the last sentence (especially since you become about ten times more intellectual in that last sentence alone)...

    I'm really not sure where you're getting anything intellectual from. I was just repeating my point again. Allow me to break it down.

    To care more about the pre-written traits that your interchangeable collection of polygons possesses...

    (Caring more about your characters identity...)

    - rather than the quality of the gameplay they're presented in...

    (Compared to how good the game you're playing is...)

     is a reductive mindset.

    (Is pointless.)

    "but (assuming you are a straight cisgender person because that's certainly what you put across)...

    Excuse me? Did I have a seizure mid-sentence and forget the part where I mention anything about my own sexuality? Who are you to assume anything about me when you claim to want acceptance? Your hypocrisy is palpable.

    you have never understood the need or want for representation in the respect of your identity but i think not wanting people not to care about what is being put across to a large community (which is that whilst up to speculation everyone is straight until explained otherwise) is a rather reductive mindset on your part.

    I don't play video games to fill some shallow, ego-driven hole in my heart that can only be filled by having my least valuable attributes displayed by an imaginary character. I play them to have fun. To explore ideas and scenarios that are impossible to do in real life. I'm sorry, but your mindset is just disgusting to me.

    You would ignore every single fantastic aspect about every single video game, the stories, set pieces, mechanics, the music, in favour of having less straight people portrayed in them?

    I genuinely don't know what to say.

  • GayDwight
    GayDwight Member Posts: 85

    I am sure it will be so. We'll get something like this. I'm looking forward to!

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    And we have nothing in the world to disprove that, so I believe so too.

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    Chill out, plenty of people loved that game, including me (and I wasn't much a fan of Tlou1) and I'm not a lesbian white girl or a humong transgender child. Cut it out, most people were mad about Abby killing Joel, don't bastardize that and make it about identity politics exclusively

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I know people loved the game but you’d be lying if you said there wasn’t a chunk of people who hated it solely for the representation

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    That's bullshit, how could anyone be mad that Ellie was gay when that was already made clear in the first game (which the vast majority loved)

    They hate muscly armed Abby because she KILLED JOEL, the fact that she was so muscular was just something to be mocked in the light of letting some unknown character kill off their games ICON. Now I didn't had, I didn't even like the first one that much, there was too much TND ######### going on in all media for me to care. But I enjoyed TLOU 2 more than most games I played that year.

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    No I wouldn't, because those people who hate it based on LGBTQ only hate it because of how it was presented. We'd already obviously come to terms with the fact Ellie was gay, that scene with the bigoted old man was hella pander.

    That sex scene with Abby was also awkward, and that was a straight sex scene.

    The only people who say they hate it because of representation - surprise surprise - were trolls, who didn't even aknowledge the first game. I don't remember a single review saying they hated the gay scenes... Not to mention if we're being honest, lesbian relationships are, like, the easiest pass for gay representation in the first place. Most straight homophobes aren't even that pressed about lesbian women. They usually hate trans or gay men if anything.

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    You are very incorrect in assuming I wrote everything I did just to demean someone else. And your summary is grossly oversimplified.

    But since this whole thing as clearly stressed you out I'm just going to write what I mean in the barest possible way:

    I have 0 zero problem with LGBTQ characters being put into the game.
    I have a massive problem with the game's bloated and buggy content, and people's attitude that because the new character might not be straight their addition should be welcome despite the further instability they will add to the game.
    I'm sorry my arguments distressed you. My intent was to convince. Not belittle.
  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    It can still be important to the character’s story though.

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685
  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409
  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    I think we both agree that being bullied and harassed based on factors completely out of your control is bad.

    But how is an update to DBD that involves a (possibly) non-straight character going to help in any way? This seems like an issue well outside the bounds of video games.

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    Now they could potentially be harassed in-game based on it, too!

  • Jyn_Mojito
    Jyn_Mojito Member Posts: 515

    I think you have this wrong...I'm not advocating for me but for others. I'm a straight female and DbD gives me plenty of representation. I'm advocating for others, and some of them are friends, who aren't so lucky. I want them to have the opportunity to feel included, too.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,725

    Glad we can at least agree on the first point.

    It's less so just DBD, moreso wide-spread representation. Having LGBT+ characters in media that everyone consumes (like, for example She-Ra was incredibly popular among children and featured LGBT+ characters, as did Steven Universe) normalises it for everyone. If it's completely normalised then said bullying won't be an issue, because everyone will view it as normal, rather than incredibly abnormal (which is, unfortunately, still the case in many places in the world today). It's not exclusively DBD will change the world, but it's a step.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,725

    And there's an in-game report system for people who do this which gets them banned. I'm well aware because I've gotten people banned for telling me to, in less polite words, go commit the die, and who've dropped the f- and n- slur to me 😘

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    Sure but I mean harassed as in tunneled or camped etc, or just BM'd more than usual. Would be difficult to report someone for that as there is no evidence they did so based on the LGBT character.

    Based on the amount of slurs I see in chat on this game I wouldn't be surprised

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,725

    I can deal with getting tunneled/camped/BM'd. I'm used to it; it's practically every match I play solo, after all. That doesn't get under my skin; if they want to be a prick because of a character I'm playing they can go right ahead. It's like tbagging, doesn't make a difference to me, and just makes it more satisfying when I outplay them.

    IMHO, an increase in BM is worth getting LGBT+ rep.

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    Since the first point was the only one I have made I'll respond to just that.

    The devs will never have enough time to properly patch the game if no one complains and sales do not drop. For all of their faults the devs have been shown to respond if enough backlash is received. Giving them any lenience for any reason will just be used as an excuse to continue on their currently schedule. I will continue to state how flawed it is until they change it and begin properly fixing the game.

    It's not like there's much else I can do anyway.

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    Would showing LGBT characters for the sake of showing them, rather than because they add to the media they are apart of, not make them seem irregular and work against normalising them?

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,725

    Correct, which is why people have been asking for proper representation, not the TokenGay#46. It's why people have wanted BHVR to put it into a tome as something discreet instead of it being their entire personality. I think this tweet says it best:

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    People have complained and complained and complained about the lack of health patches. DbD desperately needs a health chapter, that I can agree with. I just don't think it's ever going to happen.

    I think the mistake a lot of people make is they assume the Dev's make all the decisions when they more than likely don't. All the creative decisions, sure, but somebody higher up, likely an investor or some kind of financial director, just makes them push out content. This is a job. The devs are employees, with schedules and bosses. Part of me hopes the devs actually want to put out a health patch but simply can't because of whoever tells them what to do. Complaining is the only thing we can do. Maybe I'm being a cynic, and enough complaining will change things. I doubt it. Fixing the HUD is a much simpler thing to fix, as is adding stuff like colorblind modes then devoting a whole major patch to health.

    Then again, I could be wrong.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442
    edited February 2021

    I only wonder who will voice the new survivor and if they are going to be full LGBT and hire a real trans to voice the character or a woman for the voice acting.. it will be very funny an interesting to hit her and hear a feminine boy voice 😜. Will be additional points to Behaviour for adding immersion 😅

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    What made this hilarious to me was as someone with a sexuality toward muscular women Abby didn't even blink on my radar.

    When Kristen Nun gets put in a video game, then we can talk about muscular women.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I was coming at it from the players view point. Obviously BHVR will be focused on the financial end. Nothing wrong with that, they are a business after all. That doesn't mean they can't also be trying to do something nice.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,296
    edited February 2021

    All I ask for is a sweet thang like Lala Escargot to tell my woes to.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    How is it laughable

    I'll reply two a few of your paragraphs in one and just say that although a set of pixels that represent something doesn't give validation (if it does to someone I agree that should be fixed), but the fact that it presents that idea as something that isn't alien or wrong.

    When I said it doesnt need to make interesting gameplay you seem to have misunderstood my wording.

    I'm saying backstory or gender/sexuality shouldn't need to create interesting gameplay to be of importance.

    I personally care very much about the game's core issues but I know they aren't solved by the people who do character design and their backgrounds. Just because the game has other issues doesn't mean I want all the teams that don't balance/bug fix to slack and put out nothing or terrible content.

    I say you become more intellectual in that last sentence because you managed to more perfectly summarise your point with clearer intent than the rest of the essay you wrote.

    Perhaps I was wrong to assume you were whatever for the sake of my point but you certainly don't come across with the mindset of someone who wants social progression and inclusion (which involves video games).

    I don't think anyone plays video games to "fill some shallow ego driven hole in (their) heart". As I have mentioned above the process of inclusivity within video games is not primarily to validate but rather present the whole thing to a larger audience/community than people who are that.

    I can't find the part where I said I play video games to see myself in the characters and you basically imply I'm egotistical for wanting representation which i think is completely absurd. At no point either did I say what you have layed out as "disgusting" as my mindset...

    I play video games for the experience of playing the video games, the fantasy situations, the blood rush the exciting gameplay, same as you.

    So as if you your last question wasn't rhetorical. No I wouldn't.

    And neither do I, know what to say. You berate me for assumptions and then continue on to make several yourself (though partially less rude ones I do apologise.)

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    While I personally may not care it is nice to see that they are getting some representation "if" they are at all

    Il probably stick to David like normal

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    Yup, I can't remember the origin of it but basically it gained prominence in film and music videos by lighting scenes or characters that could be perceived as queer with Purple, Pink, and Blue lighting. Due to the correlation to the colors in the bi pride flag it became known as Bisexual Lighting. It's a relatively new term but evidence of it and it's specific use in queer coding can be seen back in the early 2010s and possibly earlier than that.

  • jadedcaffeinated
    jadedcaffeinated Member Posts: 38

    i'm down for LGBT rep in this game, pretty much agree with this statement wholeheartedly

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    It was more of a general "you" than at one person directly. And thats good! You were fine. Although I disagree with your statement about women only existing in games to be Damsels in Distress. There were always games featuring strong women leads.

This discussion has been closed.