New Survivor will be LGBT



  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    It's not. Look up survival bias and what happens when QA finds a bug in any normal development team. It doesn't work like you seem to believe.

  • Buckoben
    Buckoben Member Posts: 351

    my original comment was not meant to be rude but the fact that you took offence to me questioning the existence of the team should show you the quality of said team.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited February 2021

    I didn't take offense, I shared information I felt was relevant based on your questions. However, even if I had taken offense, that would reflect nothing on the team, just my opinion of you.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    yeah, and while we are at this red/Ginger hair people make up less than 1 % of people.

    so Meg and Sally should be deleted from the game, there is really no reason for them to be in DbD!

    also the Entity doesn’t pick randomly but he picks people that fit into what he wants, they need to be strong willed, hopeful, caring for other (if it’s survivor), emotional, having gone through struggles in life etc. LGBT people often do fit those criteria very well.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    also the Entity doesn’t pick randomly but he picks people that fit into what he wants, they need to be strong willed, hopeful, caring for other (if it’s survivor), emotional, having gone through struggles in life etc. LGBT people often do fit those criteria very well.

    This, so much. Believing that DbD's survivors are random samples of society just shows one simple fact: he doesn't read the lore. And if he doesn't read the lore, then having an LGBT character won't affect him.

  • Buckoben
    Buckoben Member Posts: 351

    Why aren't they getting MORE resources, workers, whatever when the output of the cosmetic teams are miles above whatever the other teams are doing in both quality and quantity.

    Either the other teams are neglected as the output has been less then stunning. (we all know how bad 4.5.0 and chapter 18 were/are).

    Or the cosmetic team has a lot more passion then the other groups.

    I am asking why the quality of output is not the same across the board, as either way it doesn't paint a good picture.

    If you think this is to off topic sorry, but getting some genuine answers is refreshing for a change.

  • GrimmReaper
    GrimmReaper Member Posts: 159

    What a time to be alive where we don't care if the upcoming killer is going to be creepy or have interesting powers or if the new survivor has interesting perks but rather we care about what these fictional characters get up to in the bedroom!

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    noone just becomes homophobic just because LGBT is represented ‚too much‘ in the media. They were homophobic before but because they were never confronted with it you didn’t notice.

    the best way to fight homophobia is to make it seem normal, and that includes showing LGBT people in all media. That way you can fight bad stereotypes, because you can represent LGBT people with all kind of different personalities. You cannot accomplish that by only including one token gay in some niche Videogame that no one hears about.

    and everything the devs have stated about being inclusive indicates they will do it how i said it, this char is only speculated to be trans by the community. And even if that turns out to be true, it’s not bad, because it very probably won’t be the only LGBT char they will introduce. They have mentioned before one char in the existing cast was created to be LGBT. And you know what? No one knows or can easily guess who that is!

    also i know enough LGBT people that welcome the representation they get, because it just shows that they are normal. To explicitly exclude everything LGBT while still including heterosexuality (legions lore is shoving that down our throats btw) is not the right way.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    I care more about the power of the killer btw.

    it’s pretty much the people against LGBT inclusion that care so much about this topic.


    being LGBT doesn’t only have to be about sex. It’s about self-identity, experiences and struggles in life, relationships etc. all those things are already a big part in DbDs lore.

  • GrimmReaper
    GrimmReaper Member Posts: 159

    To be fair I've seen more posts get riled up for it than against it. At the end of the day it doesn't matter if we do get a LGBTQ+ character or if we don't. And people shouldn't get all riled up whatever the outcome is for these new characters. We all spend more time playing matches than looking at the lore page anyway. At least that's my take on it.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    I guess people see what they want to see...

    in the end we will eventually get at least one confirmed LGBT chat. That’s a fact and the devs already said they want to be inclusive.

  • GrimmReaper
    GrimmReaper Member Posts: 159

    Glad to hear that is the case. There are many qualities that define us and who we are attracted to is not as significant as the rest of what makes us, us. In my opinion that is.

  • GrimmReaper
    GrimmReaper Member Posts: 159

    And let's hope that it is done right for the people that do care and want it.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited February 2021

    Depends on where you live, I suppose, since other people also shape us to some extent. If you're LGBT in a heavily homophobic country, your orientation is going to be the main thing other people will focus on, which in turn will be the main thing you will focus on. If homophobes stopped making such a big deal out of who other people like or what they do in their bedroom, we'd see fewer people like the ones you referred to.

  • Satelit
    Satelit Member Posts: 1,377

    Y'know the great thing with this is that the homophobes are coming out

  • GrimmReaper
    GrimmReaper Member Posts: 159
    edited February 2021

    And those ignorant people are the ones you must distance yourself from if possible. As the old saying goes "sticks and stones may break my bones...blah, blah, blah" never let other people break you with their words. For they only have as much power as you enable them to have. There are people out there who care not for the sexual attractions you have but the qualities that truly matter like empathy, kindness, politeness etc. Those are the people you must find. And keep close to you. They will bring the true person out in people.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    "if possible". In some countries, or some regions of some countries, it's not possible. That's just the way homophobes are, they can't live and let live.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Just leave race religion and sexuality out of gaming. Nobody wins nobody loses, if you don't like it, uninstall.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    That's impossible if your characters are humanoid and also restricts a lot of artistic freedom.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710
    edited February 2021

    So what about the already established chars? Rewrite the lore of Nurse, Legion, David, Felix and Ace? And how would you even leave out race?

    Edit: just include every race religion and sexuality like it is completely normal. Nobody wins, nobody loses. If you don’t like it: uninstall.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I also find it ironically amusing because homophobes, racists, etc., are what drive people to be more vocal about sexuality, race, etc., which they supposedly hate.

  • GrimmReaper
    GrimmReaper Member Posts: 159

    The classic never ending cycle you'll see it everywhere. All shapes and sizes. Even in this game though obviously nowhere near as significant as the one you mention. The whole toxic survivors creates toxic killers creates toxic survivors etc. Homophobes and racists, cause more vocal about sexuality and race creates more homophobes and racists etc.

  • Satelit
    Satelit Member Posts: 1,377

    Sexuality is already a part of DBD,and sexuality as a whole is prevalent within the horror genre.

    Also how in the world can you exclude race when your characters are human?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    This is not a chicken and egg situation. If you study history, you can see which came first. Why do you think we went from Romans and Greeks, who were accepting of all orientations, and some older cultures that even had a third gender, to now? Because I assure you, nobody made a big deal out of these things back then.

  • GrimmReaper
    GrimmReaper Member Posts: 159
    edited February 2021

    History wasn't as kind as you believe. Sure there were some cultures that were more accepting than others but there were also cultures that were very unforgiving when it came to these matters. But of course it didn't start that way. That's not what I'm saying. What I am saying is that it has grown into a cycle recently. The cycle creates new homophobes and racists etc and it also exposes those who already were more than it does create.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    It doesn’t create new homophobes/racists.

    no one starts to hate LGBT+ people just because they are featured heavily in some kind of media. The hate had to be there before. Maybe because of the representation you see more people speaking out against it, but that’s just because they didn’t have a reason to speak about it before.

    don’t make the LGBT community the bad guys here. They just should be treated the same way as straight people. Nothing more. And nothing less.

  • Dracxryz
    Dracxryz Member Posts: 9

    It's not that deep, most of you don't even care about lore so why should you be so concerned about the backstory of a character. It should only concern people who are part of the LGBT community, so we should be the ones to judge if it's good rep or not.

  • Dracxryz
    Dracxryz Member Posts: 9

    i think it's physically impossible to leave race but alright

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    No, because people keep spouting that they want more X race males or whatever. Just pick a character and play the game. Pallets and hooks don't care about backgrounds, so neither should the players using them tbh.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Who are you to dictate how other players should feel about it though?

    inclusion literally wouldn’t hurt anyone, so just let the people that are happy/involved with it be happy

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,657

    "but he picks people that fit into what he wants, they need to be strong willed, hopeful, caring for other (if it’s survivor), emotional, having gone through struggles in life etc"

    Not exactly. According to the wiki, "Prey for The Entity comes in the form of the Survivors, regular people who stumbled into the corrupted areas and were pulled through by The Entity, with no memory of how it had happened. Once they awaken by The Campfire, there is no escape for them anymore."

    Which means, it doesn't chooses them. It takes whoever stumbled into these corrupted areas, such as the Crotus Prenn Asylum.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    And according to lore, many people land in the void instead of being part of the trials because they are not emotionally fit for the entity to feast upon.

    also judging by every bit of lore, all of the chars have something that make them stand out about their personality and experiences.

  • GrimmReaper
    GrimmReaper Member Posts: 159
    edited February 2021

    Thank you for twisting my words and taking what I said the completely wrong way. I never said they were the bad guys. Stop looking at everything as if it's black and white. Bad or good. Life is more nuanced than that. When I mentioned the cycle I never said it was bad and I never said it was good nor did I imply that LGBTQ are bad guys here. That's all from you. But anyway things have gotten a little off topic so let me go back to my original point.

    Don't get butthurt if they don't add an LGBTQ character. And don't get butthurt if they do. Because at the end of the day it really doesn't matter what a set of pixels has attractions to in a game where it plays 0 part in.

  • Victor_hensley
    Victor_hensley Member Posts: 800

    Imagine being represented as either as a serial killer that cannot be stopped, or a weak and feeble survivor that can't do anything for themselves. I feel like no matter what will happen, people will be pissed anyways. (I'm not against an LGBT+ character being added in, i'm just showing that nobody can be properly represented in ANY media.)

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Yeah it doesn’t matter.

    and we already know that they will add LGBT chars. So everybody has to find a way to cope with it.

    maybe I mixed up your notion of that cycle with someone else’s comments of inclusion will bring out more homophobia. My bad, sorry.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,657

    Yes, they do. But that is not what makes the Entity choose them.

    P.S: Just wanna help with the lore :)

  • cannonballB
    cannonballB Member Posts: 387

    LOL None of the second paragraph is true. None. I'm not going to sit here and question whether you're gay or not. I will say you're full of shhhh though.

    How about we go back to the 70s/80s where any mention of being gay was met with "oh you have gay cancer. Get away from me." And worse. It was the time of ######### Anita Bryant for ######### sake, an orange juice lady who went on a public campaign to tell people how TERRIBLE homosexuality was. When someone takes a damn trip across the country to tell everyone how evil we are, yes, we absolutely need to be more visible.

    This isn't "LGBTQ" propaganda. This is making sure the Anita Bryants' and Marjorie Taylor Greenes' of the world don't force us back into the closet.

    Is it hard to come out? Of course it is - no matter what time period. It sucks to feel different. I've talked about it on my twitter - I wish I could know what it felt like to be straight. How it would be to at least feel like all my friends and family did - wanting a family with the opposite gender. But I can't. Neither can you. We ARE different, whether we like it or not. This is our lot in life.

    Learn your gay history, gayboy. Learn it good - see where we've been and then you'll understand why we are where we are and why we need to continue to have representation so we aren't forced back into the closet.

  • cannonballB
    cannonballB Member Posts: 387

    What's funny is mine was and I have no idea what was changed. It looks the same to me XD

  • cannonballB
    cannonballB Member Posts: 387
    edited February 2021

    Despite your sarcasm, you're actually spot on. But whereas you see it bad, I see it as a damn good thing.

    All of this. All of it.

    How about no Scott?

    We want to be treated the same? What?! HOW!?! HOW CAN WE ASK FOR THAT! /sarcasm

    Seriously - this idea that everyone needs to be straight is ridiculous. I will be happy for a time when it isn't even announced. That's how this should have been. DBD/BHVR, I don't think (someone correct me if I'm wrong), has even implied this character is LGBT. There was NOTHING in the "hints" to suggest it was. Hell, the pic of the outfit reminds me of someone who's going for a mermaid vibe LOL

    I wonder what a mermaid killer would be like in this game. Maybe a Siren could be cool. I will stop tangenting right now. LOL

    ETA - sorry about the triple posting. Mods, if you can combine these, please do?

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395
    edited February 2021
  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    At this point I'm expecting a Drag Queen killer who specializes in Kpop, lol. Quite the different loop were running here but I'm not mad at it. Will just have to see what happens.

    I do hope it's at least scary thematically. DBD stopped being scary long ago but DBD has it's own aesthetic I hope it adheres to.

  • cannonballB
    cannonballB Member Posts: 387

    This. You can't argue with ignorance or ignorant people. What other response to this kind of drivel can you have?

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Hi. Older gay here who campaigned for gay rights in the late 90s/early 00s and I'm very aware of my history. What Zach is saying is absolutely, without a doubt, correct. Its getting harder to be openly gay due to forced representation. In the 70s/80s being gay was absolutely awful. You're not wrong on that at all. Coming out was basically sentencing yourself to a life of unnecessary difficulty that straight people just didn't have to contend with. But through education and campaigning with a message of tolerance we got to a point in the 90s and 00s where gay people could exist, albeit with some difficulty which is to be expected when you're different, and it honestly wasn't that bad. I could hold my partner's hand in public without fear of persecution (Other than perhaps some stares. Big whoop).There were still some problematic areas of course, but over time the same message would have carried us through. As long as we didn't make a big deal out of it, neither did straight people. And if they were problematic or homophobic you could sit down and have a conversation with them and they'd usually be pretty receptive to it. But something went wrong some time after I entered the scene and it's made me take a permanent back seat from the gay community.

    The message was no longer about tolerance and was instead replaced with a message of mandatory acceptance. People wanting to express their right to freedom of religion were met with attacks from the gay community. People being even remotely hesitant about a homosexual lifestyle were met with hostility. Instead of respecting mutual freedom gay people decided to become militant. And the worst part about that is that it worked. People actually let the community get away with it. And now we're another decade ahead and things have not gotten better. We have a seemingly militant wing of the LGBT community that goes around demanding acceptance/inclusion/representation and if a company doesn't abide they're met with hostility. People's lives are ruined constantly for something as innocent as ignorance. Accidentally say the wrong thing on Twitter? Don't worry! The LGBT militia is gonna be all over that and make sure you lose your job. Don't have your pronouns listed in your bio? BIGOT! A family member of mine owns a salon and someone who entered the establishment identified as non-binary. My relative did not know anything about that and when they misgendered the person the police were called and a small and thankfully ineffective protest started outside. It's crazy. I am embarrassed to be part of something like this.

    And how do you think the majority population is supposed to react when they see stuff like that? Complacent? Happy? Enthused? No. They instead start to dislike the community. I've been called the F word more times in the last decade than I ever was in the 90s or the 00s. It's honestly crazy and the youth of today have no idea what they're doing as all the progress that my generation, yours, and those before of us have fought for is unraveled. I'm just glad that people like Zach and the many other LGBT people that share a similar stance to me have commented and participated in the thread as well. This isn't just the ramblings of one person. We're waking up as a community and I'm so glad to see that.

This discussion has been closed.