
Please do something about these challenges to
Unhook x amount of people
heal x amount of people.
These challenges require far too many randomized varialbles
YOu have to be on a team with people who aren't on the same challenge or you will just fight with eachother over it
You have to have people on your team who want to be healed/unhooked and don't just instantly sacrfice themselves or dc iimmediately upon being downed
You have to be playing against a high level killer who is actually playing the game and not afk or otherwise acting bonkers
I have been putting just under 1 hour into this game every day on average since this rift launched. Guess how many of the game's I've played have fullfilled all these qualifications..
hint : i've been stuck on the challenge to "unhook 8 people or take a protection hit 8 times" alongside the daily "unhook 3 survivors as ace visconti" for about a week now..
i'm not sure any one is taking this seriously. You probably all think it's a joke.
Well you know what, this is no laughing matter anymore. I've had it up to here with trying to complete these dang challenges to unhook and heal people in a game where everyone just gen rushes and killers just fool around. THERE IS NO ONE TO UNHOOK OR UNHEAL.
Like ffs. I CANNOT "GIT GUD" . I cannot unhook and heal people who are not in need of unhooking and healing..
ugh. stale boring game play.
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Don’t hold back man, tell us how you really feel.
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can it with the f'n sarcasm. Who cares if you are not experiencing every game you play being gen rush nonsense that prevents you from completing what should be an easy challenge despite playing the game 2 hours per day. Not me.
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just going to start walking up to every generator my team mates are repairing and purposefully failing skill chekcs than running as fast as possible to the killer then kiting them to my team mates so I can unhook them.
That's the kind of gameplay this system is promoting.
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I will just record 5 hours of gameplay tomorrow so you can all see what it is I'm talking about. Hopefully then , this will garner the attention it deserves from the devs instead of just being ignored.
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That’s it man, release the beast!
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....right so what will you do when you have to pick two people off the ground using empathy, just to be clear unhook and heal survivors not situational or difficult, either you're unlucky or maybe your build isn't suited to the task, empathy plus we'll make it, should be simple, should be able to do it a few games
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You think people will take five hours out of their day to watch your video?
I don’t know. I’ll admit that getting the challenges done can be antithetical to escape. But maybe the point is more to have fun than always escaping. It is kind of funny how the healing challenge took considerably longer than I thought it would, but I still got it done through regular gameplay. I haven’t devoted even half the time that I did last rift but I’m already up to tier 22.