Maps have too many breakable walls

It has been repeated for years that killers don't have time to do their objective, so you add breakable walls everywhere?
Midwich is a great example. You can't get around to look for survivors until you break walls. You then chase, get them down, now you need to break a wall to reach a hook, want to pop a nearby gen? go break another wall. All the while you hear the gens 99% near you and you're rushing before they're done.
It's just one breakable wall after another, one bad map after another when killers dont have time?
Midwich itself is an abomination. I just facecamp on there now. Fun for everybody? I don't see the point in even playing it.
I haven't had that much of an issue with the walls on Midwich. There's what, 8 or 9 total? And none really have to be broken until a survivor loops around one or unless you need a shortcut to staircases.
I find Midwich to be an example of breakable walls done right.
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why done right? all I see is you are meant to say "KNOCK KNOCK" to the survivor and give them a big knock before you come in. By that point they've sprint burst half way across the map.
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The new meat plant map is worse. I never got why they added breakable doors because nobody asked for them and it just ######### players up. One of the worst things ever added. Cant believe some people in the team thought that was a better idea than fixing bugs.
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Breakable walls were never a good idea making killers spend precious time to save them from a survivor just abusing infinites which some breakable walls still don't fix I have been playing wraith and the survivor just finds an infinite and I am done for no way I can get them without blood lusting 3 to get to them. Breakable walls are not the solution for infinite loops. They are just a detriment to killers might as well just have added a palette there instead of a breakable wall it would be the same but they would never add a palette where they add breakable walls so why do they add breakable walls instead.
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The original breakable walls fixed infinites.
The new ones don’t. There is a window on blood lodge that you can loop until the entity blocks it and you can see through the walls so there’s no mindgame, for some reason the breakable wall is about 10m to the right of the window and when testing this in KYF it was actually faster to vault the window as killer rather than break the wall. I dont get it. Between some of the autohaven reworks, meat plant and chapel we’re seeing DBD return to its early days of map design and windows which nobody liked