SWF needs to be shown to killer



  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462

    Sorry, but this is very unhealthy idea. Not all SWFs are those toxic bitches. I mean this happen to me from time to time when I get matched with sweaty toxic SWF who is preparing for next DBD tournament in North Korea, but on average SWFs are manageable without any extra buffs.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    If you're going to put in penalties for the Survivors due to SWF, then don't buff the Killer.

    Easiest way:

    2-man SWF, no changes. This isn't much of a game changer tbh.

    3-man or 2 2-man SWF, +10% gen repair time/exit gate opening time. A solo queue'er getting stuck with a 3-man would feel the pinch a bit, but it wouldn't be too overpowering. If you start messing with Perk slots or buffing the Killer though, you can push the balance too far the other way.

    4-man SWF, -1 Perk slot for all Survivors.

    Killer should get bonus BP based on SWF number as well. Maybe like 5%, 10%, 20% or something similar.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Your ideas are simply too radical, and punish survivors for playing with their friends. Remember that not every SWF is a Swat Team ready to stomp killers into oblivion. Some are just friends who play casually together. Sometimes without comms, even. Heck, I've played in SWFs where I've never even spoken to the other players.

    • SWF Groups shown in Lobby
    • Problem: Killers would lobby dodge, making lobby times longer for survivors who want to play with their friends.

    • 10% movement speed increase
    • Problem: Killers would be almost as fast as Legion in Frenzy. And with one stack of PWYF they'd be just as fast. With three stacks, they'd be as fast as a cloaked Wraith with Yellow Windstorm Addon. It's simply too fast.

    • 25% boost to recovery speed
    • Problem: This is instantly 5 stacks of Save the Best for Last. Combine with STBFL and you'd get 65% boost to recovery speed. So basically 13 stacks of STBFL. Combine this with the 10% movement speed increase, and survivors would go down almost instantly after taking a hit.

    • 25% boost to BP
    • This isn't a bad idea, actually. It doesn't punish anyone, just rewards the killer.

    Instead of how to punish players for playing with their friends, we should be focusing on closing the gap between SWF and Solo, then buffing Killers as necessary. This means more information for Survivors in the HUD. Information that SWF typically have if they're on comms. Including what perks your fellow survivors have.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    We're talking about high ranks here, so I'm assuming someone who's playing solo knows what they're doing. His teammates may not, but 1 or 2 good survivors can carry solos. And it is a team game, so bad teammates should result in a bad game, naturally.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    Those gameplay buff ideas are a bit ridiculous, though the bloodpoint bonuses less so. I do agree people should be able to see SWF. Heck, at minimum allow the 4th wheel survivor to see he's being queued with a 3-man team.

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    There needs to be something in the post game lobby that let's you see if the people you go against were SWF, so people can stop blaming their loses on SWF against solo's.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    lmfao, it would probably lead to the opposite and they'd lose even more killers so theyw on't do it

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I don't mind a nerf to swf at all but they need to be careful how they do it. I'm just trying to say that the ideas suggested were just really badly though out.

    The point about Nurse is that a really good Nurse beats basically every team she faces, like a really good swf team. I don't think Nurse needs a nerf but what I'm saying is that a good Nurse and Spirit beats basically every solo team they face. So if they were to nerf swf in some way then they should maybe look into this also.

    I'm confused about the bit quoted at the bottom. I didn't say that so I'm a little confused lol

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    If swf is shown to the killer, especially if they could chat, every lobby would look like this lol:

    but that would show just how little most want to put up with them

  • Crewszpoo
    Crewszpoo Member Posts: 28

    Been playing a lil over a yr im dev 8 and have never seen a single swf match not one

  • Baxe
    Baxe Member Posts: 23

    if you are so bad against SWF just open up their profiles and check who each survivor is friend with

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited March 2021

    now that is utter horseskid and you know it. I'm not even gonna bother responding to you since the bait is obvious. I'm just pointing it out to others that may not know it.

  • PurgeTheHeretic
    PurgeTheHeretic Member Posts: 20

    Survivors already dont seewho the killer is or add-ons. So you want a system that allows killers to dodge games until they see one they like? This game requires both roles to function. There are plenty of PvE games out there if you don't like to play against other people.

  • Sm0othi3
    Sm0othi3 Member Posts: 4

    Not every swf is trolling or bullying. I play with my 2 friends all the time and if it would just be more difficult to do that then we wouldn't play that much. Like somebody said before, it wouldn't be fair to the solo guy either cuz he would just have a way less fun time and the only way that would change is if he found another lobby that hopefully didn't have any friends. You can't just say "oh he could just stealth" cuz what if they're not good at it or they need to use different perks for a challenge or something. And I understand if the swf are really good together or trolling/bullying then the killer wouldn't have fun but buffing the killer like how you described would break a lot of the balance and again, be unfair for the solo guy. And also, once you get high enough rank as killer, that buff would almost guarantee a victory each time you're up against swf. Yeah, the killer should have some kind of buff but what you said is too much. I shouldn't get punished for having friends that's just stupid

  • Sm0othi3
    Sm0othi3 Member Posts: 4

    The extra blood points and seeing that it's swf would be fine tho

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,307

    What bothers me is that many of them are not okay with getting a penalty for being in a coordinated group on comms (which the game isn't designed around), but are okay with the killer playing at a disadvantage. Then you have the solo players who are demanding to be buffed to swf levels, only to let killers suffer even longer by waiting for the devs to get around to buffing them.

    Many like to claim they just want to play with their friends, which is fine, but the majority of them abuse it by using comms and just tell the killer to git gud while refusing to do so themselves.

  • albarty123
    albarty123 Member Posts: 36

    Even though im not bothered with SWF i think your suggestion is really good. In almost each game where i played players can pick an option to not be matched vs full premade (Dota2, Overwatch, etc). Why do not we have it here?

  • edgardot02
    edgardot02 Member Posts: 149

    communication isn't a benefit is cheating

    I'm not against SWF, I'm against communication outside the game.

  • Pinual
    Pinual Member Posts: 6

    I agree that killer needs some kind of buff for SWF groups. The game is designed that players cannot communicate except for some primitive gestures you can do visibly. Groups on Discord strongly unbalanced this as they can track the killers location, discuss who will do rescues, etc. It's like having free perks, such as kindred, by playing with friends.

  • Khyill
    Khyill Member Posts: 10

    10% is more extreme than you realize.

    Why are you receiving more blood points?

    I thought this was a joke lol.

  • edgardot02
    edgardot02 Member Posts: 149

    playing against swf is more challenging than a solo team so the extra bps are justified.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I disagree, if killers could see that the survivors are SWF, then they would lobby dodge for those ez lobbies much more frequently.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I think your really missing the point about what I was trying to say lad lol

    First off yes the Nurse takes a long time to learn, let alone become good. Then it takes even longer to master her. If you do master her then you'll win pretty much every matches which you deserve for all the time you put in to learn her. That's why some people have over a 200 win streak with her, which includes facing some really good swf teams.

    Secondly I didn't reference killers being OP at lower ranks. What I said was that a bunch of new players, even if they're playing swf, shouldn't be getting the same massive debuff an experienced swf gets (I.e killer being 10% faster). This was the only time I referenced lower ranks. I also said that punishing a solo survivor just because they got unlucky and got a 3 man swf as teammates was also unfair.

    Lastly I never stated that I wanted the game balanced around a certain rank of player. I only mentioned that if the OP thought that all swf groups should get a debuff (I.e implying they are too strong, even at low ranks) then shouldn't some killers who are extremely strong vs solo teams be looked at also. I don't want Nurse and Spirit to get nerfed for any reason but I feel like against solo teams these killers can be a bit too strong.

    The OP was basing his debuff ideas off of a good swf let's be honest. I just used his thought process and applied it somewhere else.

    I think you really misunderstood a lot of what I was trying to say and made bad assumptions based off it lad. I hope this finally clears that up lol

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    It's ok lad. I was getting very confused for a minute lol hopefully they do find a decent change for swf one day

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    There isn't a possible way to stop outside communication if you have a way to play with your friends.

    Everyone should be brought up to SWF instead of SWF being brought down. Or only some people being brought up.

  • KueenKara
    KueenKara Member Posts: 1

    Lmao this post is so funny this is the survivor equivalent to saying they should punish tunneling

  • e_j2007
    e_j2007 Member Posts: 130

    i agree with everything except for the speed boosts. that would kinda break the game if you have the tright perks to compliment the boost. i would love to see if they are a SWF so i can know to bring sweaty and toxic perks against them

  • Caleegi
    Caleegi Member Posts: 410

    So, you're idea is to basically make it unbearable for SWF so that they play solo or just quit playing the game? yeah totally noothing wroooong with thaaaaaat.

    I don't mind killers being able to see SWF groups, but no way in hell should they be given extra boost speeds and bloodpoints at all. Like no. If it is a 3 man SWF then the solo player is gonna get punished which will make them even more of a nightmare than they already are. Instead of this, they should give solo players a way to communicate so that they are brought up to SWF instead of bringing SWF down to punish solo survivors even more. I hate this idea so much and if it happens i am quitting.

  • Ni7rogen
    Ni7rogen Member Posts: 80

    When I talk about the first part I'm talking about "SWF groups greater than 2 needs to be shown to killer in the lobby.".

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Okay? I still stand with what I said and I think its unnecessary and not balanced.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    What's with people making those kind of stupid suggestions all the time?

    But anyway, to answer your post... It's one thing to know if people are grouped together or not, and another to give the killer bonus stats because in your mind, grouped survivors are better than solo ones. I play with friends sometimes and sometimes by myself.. And let me tell you that just because we're a group of friends definitely doesn't make us any better at surviving.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Most of the people who play dead by daylight players play survivor more than killer. Survivors already have long queue times because no one wants to play killer. If a killer who could see a lobby with a SWF group, they would dodge lobbies even more than they already do. That would increase the already very long queue times for most of the player base and it would also shrink. I was just being logical about this.

  • Zarr0ch
    Zarr0ch Member Posts: 589

    Feedback is fine :)

    not referencing your feedback on this one, but the butt hurt this post made is awesome

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598

    POV Bubba starts the match with T2 bloodlust and is running the Nemesis + PWYF build.


  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,774

    The one part of this I cannot agree with is calling SWF on comms a cheat. The devs themselves set up an official Discord for the purpose of survs meeting up and forming a team. This act sanctions SWF in my mind, removing it from the list of cheats, hacks, exploits and the like.

    Is it unbalanced and open to abuse? Absolutely, as are several aspects of this game. And I see them very slowly making small changes to correct the situation in what I believe is the only doable way: trying to give solos more info and coordination to approach SWF-like capabilities.

  • canakavian
    canakavian Member Posts: 25

    I think SWF should be shown to Killers in lobby, but only 3 or 4 man SWF groups, 2 players premade groups are fine.

    There should be no bonus to killers for playing against SWF, except maybe bonus BP like 3 player SWF you get +25% BP and against 4 player SWF you get +50% BP, that would actually motivate people to play against SWF in case this would be implemented.

  • SamuraiDragon27
    SamuraiDragon27 Member Posts: 105

    Yk I'm getting real sick and tired of the whole swf debate. Yes the survivors get an advantage. Yes, the survivors get a advantage being able to communicate. However, if you are a good killer, swf shouldn't matter too much. They get a bit of extra info. So? doesn't help if you know how to play the game and can get fast downs. Oh but they can be toxic. so can a solo que. And even after all that if they manage to beat you? Move. On. It's one game. just load into another and put it behind you. yes it's frustrating if you brought something good just to be bullied but I don't see how they can nerf having friends play the game with you. In the words of Cote, If you don't like it play something else.

  • canakavian
    canakavian Member Posts: 25

    Exactly. I also think that having that information will make the queue healthier. What do I mean with that?

    Sometimes I had a really rough game and want a more chill games. If the next game I get into is against 3 players having matching names (and being an SWF) I will dodge. How makes that the queue healthier in the long run? If I get several rough games in a row, I will either switch to survivor to take of pressure and basically adding another survivor in the queue and taking out a killer, making queue times worse. It is just me, but I am sure I am not the only one who does that.

    Killer is more tiring and draining than survivor and rough games in row will make me switch to survivor or even stop to play. Both reduces the number of killers in the queue. I am also self aware enough to know when I need a more chill game. Statistically speaking games against SWF have a much higher chance to be rough. So giving me the info that there is a SWF and let me dodge improves the chances of me staying in the queue as killer.

    And yet I see so many posts that complain about killer... do you use that logic of yours as well in those discussions? Someone complaining about slugging and tunneling... well do you tell them as well to be either good or get over it? Also you literally say that survivors have an advantage... but yet you refuse any suggestion here that would counteract that advantage a bit? Feels very biased to me. And saying just be a good killer is basically saying nothing when running into SWF that have 10k+ hours. Ran into SWFs that had 15k+ hours combined. Even very good killers would struggle against that group of 15k+ hours that used object and communicated about my position at all time.