So Clown is... still Sucks?
Not even remotely.
There's no point in this conversation because we fundamentally don't agree on basic points. I find all all those statements you just made completely out of touch with the game. We can agree to disagree.
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i mean, I still end up 3-4k more than 6/10 of my games with clown like the previous version of him. Its just that every game that i play with clown is knife edge of losing, like 1 gen left, often 20-80% complete on final generator complete. 2 of the games are often 2 man escapes and on rare occasions, you'll get 3 or 4 man escape vs the hard teams. Its just that I do not feel like killers that master/decent at a killer are suppose to be at at brink of defeat every game, most of the perceived strong killers when a lot of time is put into them are will decimate vs the majority. I feel like there so many cases if you could control your speed boosts more precisely, you could end chases far more quickly and efficienciently with proper bottle usage. Its too bad that developers decided to add a painful activation delay that you cannot out skill like you can with other killers powers.
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Still bad. The yellow bottles are useless in chase and doesn't at all change the way Survivors play against and counter Clown. Using yellow bottles out of chase is often to your detriment and leaves you with less for a chase.
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"The exhaustion perk bit is honestly trivial - it's was a single rare (iirc) add-on, so it already wasn't present in most patches."
That's just flat out wrong. It was a yellow addon and able to played in every single match. It's effect on the match was not trivial either whatsoever. Every single survivor runs an exhaustion perk on every match.
"Clown (old and new) is also one of the best killers for countering exhaustion perks in the first place once they're in bottle range."
Also not true.
"Meanwhile he's gotten a bunch of decent useful new add-ons (e.g. Cigar Box) and he kept his old best add-ons (Bleach, Redhead's Pinky Finger). I think his add-ons are better top to bottom than they used to be."
His addons were overall better before.
"I wouldn't call the antidotes situational either. It just requires more creativity than tonics alone."
More creativity to achieve something that in 99% of cases could've been achieved by just throwing a second slow down bottle.
"You can throw one to one side of a loop to make survivors think you're coming from there, then enter the other side of the loop for a free hit"
This is normal Clown play 101. This isn't a highly innovative idea, it's what every Clown does. It's also not a free hit whatsoever. Are we playing against rank 20's here?
"You can run VHS Porn and try the same maneuver and guarantee either a free hit or a lengthy slow that will likely also turn into a free hit (at least for the first chase)."
You overuse the phrase "free hit" a lot. Those are not free hits unless the survivors are bad. We don't care about scenarios against bad players.
"You can put an antidote in front of a tonic to slow down the survivor while getting a speed boost yourself."
No, because the only way that's happening is a near max distance throw. IE the survivor is literally just holding W across the map. That is almost never happening at a loop in the way you're foreseeing.
"You can use the antidote just to traverse the map, which comes in handy, especially when running Clown's own perk PGTW."
Have you actually watched the videos breaking down the distance/time gained with the antidote walking in a straight line vs not using it? I know it may feel like more to you, but the distance gained is actually laughably minuscule. It's more of a placebo effect than it is worth wasting a bottle.
"I'm not 100% sure about this, but I'd also expect Clown's lunge to bit a bit longer while affected by an antidote, just like Wraith's and Spirits are when they're moving at higher-than-normal speeds when leaving their power."
No, his lunge is not further.
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Would have to see that in action. Dontk now how you're gonna stop then. I mean u gotta throw it pretty far ahead of you to not be past it when it finally activates. Tested that theory
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I thinks he's still pretty bad. Against bad teams you'll do fine against decent/good teams you're gonna have a hard time. The new bottles do nothing to him he's just slightly faster. I barely find myself using the yellow bottles mostly because a smart survivor won't stay if they see you place it down and will run to a safer pallet. Pink bottles are still his best and better at loops. Yellow bottles are too situational and these clown mains will eat you alive if you say his new bottle is bad. They will tell you how to use his bottles but thats in an ideal world were the survivors will do exactly as they say. In all I rarely use yellow bottles except for mobility an sometimes at a loop which I could get them anyway with just the pink bottles unless they dead hard.
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His reload buff was the only good thing about his update. Yellow bottles are not useful enough to justify using them over a pink bottle. You're going to get some people claiming that yellow bottles are good for map traversal. Don't, this is a waste of a bottle for negligible speed buff. You'll also have people claiming to use them at loops. Don't, because again, the speed buff is not worth it assuming the survivor even stays at the loop and doesn't throw the pallet early like they should.
Clown is still the same, and suffers from the exact same problems as before, just a little better due to his reload speed.