Isn't Overcharge outshined by other perks?

GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,955
edited March 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Overcharge, a Doctor perk.

As far as I understand, Overcharge can be used for 2 reasons. Those being information and regression. I feel like other perks do either of these things better, some tremendously so, if you will.

For information, it's largely knowing when a generator you've kicked is being repaired again. Surveillance does this better, and is also far more detailed in what it tells you. Surveillance tells you whether a generator is still regressing, has completely regressed, and tells you when regression has ceased.

To an extent, Trail of Torment also tells you when a generator has been touched or has regressed completely, but only works for 1 generator and generally isn't the focus of the perk anyway. This perk is not used for the information aspect of it, and yet it's more reliable for telling when a particular gen has been touched than Overcharge.

There's also Dragon's Grip, which tells you when a generator has been touched 30 seconds after you've kicked it. Although unreliable for information, since it only lasts for 30 seconds, when it DOES proc, it does the same as Overcharge in regards to the information given AND it tells you which survivor has touched it, allowing for a follow-up.

And there's Discordance, although this is perk is information only and doesn't tell the same thing Overcharge does. I only mentioned this perk for the sake of comprehension.

There's also Bitter Murmur, but this only procs after a generator has been completed, which is a different scenario altogether.

In re-reading this, I completely forgot about Gearhead, which after you've hit a survivor two times essentially tells you when a generator is being repaired for some time, regardless of the number of survivors doing so. Not exactly reliable either, as this perk is tied to skillchecks as well, which may not even happen at all. I'd argue that this perk could be on the same level as Overcharge regarding power and reliability, but once again, mentioning it for comprehension.

For regression itself, I define regression as: 'Undoing a generator's progress.' Not preventing it from happening in the first place.

For this we have Pop Goes the Weasel, which does this FAR better and more reliably so. With a guaranteed 25% regression upon kicking a generator, with the (only) requirement of having to hook a survivor.

There's also Surge and Hex: Ruin, which starts the regression of generators in one way or another.

Surge only starts regressing nearby generators when you down a survivor, applying an instant 8% regression when it procs. This is already more than Overcharge.

I think the vast majority of us know what Hex: Ruin does, so I'll leave the description alone. This perk is passive, meaning that the killer doesn't need to do anything to proc it beyond what they'd do normally. Ruin on its own already does FAR more regression than Overcharge ever could, BUT Ruin can be taken out of the game. Although by then Ruin has already slowed the game down more than Overcharge could, since survivors have to spend time looking for it. (Provided it doesn't get taken out straight away, which is the only thing Overcharge has over Ruin)

There's also perks that block generators entirely, being Corrupt Intervention and Dead Man's Switch. These perks prevent anything from happening to the generators affected entirely. Information, AND slowdown, but as I said, this is not undoing progress, rather preventing it from happening.

And then there's Oppression, which, in my opinion, does the same thing as Overcharge, but applies it to 3 other generators instead of the one being kicked. It forces an Overcharge-esque skillcheck for the survivors repairing other generators, which they most likely won't see coming. This results in information for the Killer, as well as slight regression. But even so, it's a skillcheck and is therefore unreliable.

The problem with Overcharge is that it depends entirely on the survivor missing the skillcheck. If they miss it, great, you got information about the general position of 1 survivor and a whopping 5% additional regression. If they hit it, Overcharge didn't do jack.

So, for whatever purpose you could run Overcharge, there's a better alternative. Want regression? Run Pop Goes the Weasel or Ruin, maybe even Surge if you're feeling fancy.

Want information on the gen you just kicked? Surveillance is infinitely more reliable. Want to defend this generator and this generator alone? Dragon's Grip will scare them off. Yes, Overcharge has no cooldown, but neither does Surveillance.

The only thing I can MAYBE see Overcharge do that other perks can't is in situations that have the killer go "I need this gen regressed right now", Ruin is unavailable and there's more than 1 survivor around to tap the gen. But even so, it might not even do anything if the survivors hit the skillchecks.

EDIT: I meant for this to go in General Discussion, but I suppose it can live here as well.


  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    I think you're missing the fact that it does both.

    Of course its a worse info perk than Surveillance, Discordance, Gearhead, and Bitter Murmer. Info is all those perks do. If a combo perk was better at info than a strictly info perk, that would mean something is wrong.

    Likewise, of course it is a worse regression perk than Pop and Ruin. If a combo Info/Regression perk was better at regression than a perk that only does regression, something would be wrong.

    Overcharge and Oppression are probably the most similar of the perks you're looking at, since they're both Info and Regression perks. Oppression is more powerful but it also has a pretty gnarly cooldown on it that Overcharge doesn't.

    Now, Overcharge may very well need a buff, but the perk does have a niche that no other perk quite fits.

  • Gaala
    Gaala Member Posts: 51

    I think the only thing Overcharge needs is a combo with Oppression (with all the gen not worked on gain Overcharge) and Surge (all gen affected by it gain Overcharge). After all, on the score list, when Oppression and Surge are used, it listed as "damage generator", and Overcharge state, in his description "Overcharge a Generator by performing the Damage Generator action".

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,955

    I get what you're saying, but I still think Overcharge is far too weak and unreliable to warrant running it over any exclusively regression or exclusively information perks.

    I agree with you that it absolutely shouldn't outshine such perks, but in its current state, Overcharge does too little in either department AND relies on the survivor not being able to hit a skillcheck that they'll see coming the second time it triggers.

    I think my frustration with this perk comes down to its unreliability. It MIGHT tip the killer off to a single survivor's location. It MIGHT regress a generator somewhat further. Once the survivors catch on to you using it, it's essentially random whether you get any value out of the perk at all anymore. You can't just Overcharge a generator and leave it until you hear a kaboom, because the effect may not even have done anything. I suppose it's not the only perk that has this issue but Overcharge grants too little benefit to warrant such a chance.

    As for proposed buffs, at the moment I can only think of making the explosion guaranteed, and as a drawback capping the amount of generators that can be "charged" at a time to, say, 3. I'm sure there are other ways we could think of, though.

  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    I once made this idea in a thread regarding giving a cooldown to Overcharge

    After kicking a generator, great skill checks during repairs on that generator do not grant any progression bonus. This effect lasts for 30 seconds or until a survivor fails a skill check on that generator. Failing a skill check on that generator grants an increased 3%/4%/5% extra regression penalty.

    Overcharge can only be triggered once every 30 seconds

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    The one thing Overcharge does is hurt survivors who try to gen tap mid chase. Since they can't vault or drop pallet til the skill check is finished.

    It's also a perk with no CD, so you can keep applying it as much as you like too.