General Discussions

General Discussions

What's the one thing...



  • Member Posts: 9


  • Member Posts: 25
    edited March 2021

    That you can still catch the survivor if they got the Hatch while you're close enough and they're wounded. I gave up so many cuz I thought "well, even if I hit them- they're on the Hatch and I'll still be doing an animation.... GG".

  • Member Posts: 130

    i really wish i knew about teachable perks and how you can use other killers perks. it took me almost 2 months to realise that you can do that after i started playing😂

  • Member Posts: 118

    Killer: didn't know I could drop survivors for a while

    Survivor: to not be so afraid of the killer

  • Member Posts: 70

    As killer, that holding M1 made the basic attack reach a longer distance.

    As survivor, that jumping vaults while running revealed my location to the killer :).

  • Member Posts: 420

    Don't buy dlc's unless you really want the characters, and especially don't unlock their perks if they aren't something you'd use. It makes it less likely the daily will be on a character you want it to be and especially increases the grind on the blood web when you're consistently getting perks you'd never use.

  • Member Posts: 24

    To have levelled up Meg first and learned to pallet loop. The only reason I played long enough to eventually learn this lesson is that my mates peer pressured me into continuing to play.

  • Member Posts: 461

    to be fair, Spine Chill is a pretty good perk overall.

  • Member Posts: 461

    I wish someone told me that Thanatophobia and NoED werent the same perk.

  • Member Posts: 1,221

    Yeah, that's the problem. It's like Dead Hard, you rely on it so much.

  • Member Posts: 545

    What I wish I knew when I was a new survivor was when I messed up a skill check on healing my teammate, it alerts the killer to my position. I thought it was just for generators or rushed actions. I thought messing up the skill checks for healing someone just slowed down the healing process and the killer could hear the survivor scream if they were nearby. I didn't figure this out until about a year into playing!

  • Member Posts: 2

    Before I started playing I watched the streamers run the same, meta perks and I thought those were the best perks in the game. I wish someone told me from the start that other non-meta perks are also very strong so I didn't spend hours grinding for DC, unbreakable, and dead hard.

  • Member Posts: 2

    I had the exact same issue when I started playing, it took me a couple of games to realize how to play better.

  • Member Posts: 20

    I'm new here and a pretty new player, been playing for less than a month but already addicted to the game lol. I play both survivor and killer but I just wanted to say thank you for making this thread! Everyone's comments are helping me learn so much more about the game! 😊

  • Member Posts: 20

    How do you drop survivors? I'm still pretty new to this game and have been wondering this!

  • Member Posts: 1

    Wish I would have known the hatch doesn't spawn right away. Even by the time I figured out how the rift works and would try to complete challenges like escaping through the hatch, would bring a key or map (and waste it) running around the entire time just trying to find the hatch. Little did I know, I was looking for something that wasn't even there. My poor teammates were probably so confused. Feels bad man.

  • Member Posts: 383

    That the game is plainly not balanced around solo queue anymore and is a complete joke of a gaming experience. To add onto this, SWF is busted and unbalanced as well due to voice. It's almost as if the developers refuse to balance around either and is trying to find some middle ground that pleases nobody.

    Rather than bringing solo players up to the level of SWF and balancing around that with information perks being basekit so SWF is not so overpowered, we end up seeing changes that never effect the balance of the game at a rate that is healthy.

  • Member Posts: 3,278

    Survivor wise: You will finish generators faster if you split up and work on a generator individually, that means on average 3-4 generators are being worked on, more for the Killer to work with.

    Killer wise: follow the marks on the floor, those are scratch marks, those show where a Survivor is if you lose chase with them.

  • Member Posts: 118
  • Member Posts: 1

    Welp is that by being a killer that seeing and following the tracks of a survivor

  • Member Posts: 488

    I wish someone had told me how to deal with people in general

    we got so many amazing and nice people in the community but the vocal majority have been utterly cruel and it makes me sad even now

  • Member Posts: 1,019

    i wish i knew no mither was the worst perk in the game (i was a david main) and i wish i knew self care wasnt worth a perk slot

  • Member Posts: 56

    If there was a single piece of advice I could give new survivors: Don't leave team mates on hook. Yes, you might die, but your teammates are the only thing that can help you get out. Leaving your first teammate to die at 4 gens essentially dooms you to a hatch game. It's better to risk going down yourself to make it to the end of the game.

    Plus it's super frustrating.

  • Member Posts: 12

    Newer survivors usually play newer killers who like to camp hooks. You usually cant save them. Instead of standing there waiting for them to leave, (they won't), go do a gen and get the rest of the team out. Maybe try to save them after you open the exit. Nothing more annoying than a camper getting a 4k.

  • Member Posts: 727

    That you don't have to run away from (I always ended up running towards, though. Lol.) the killer the second you hear the heartbeat/terror radius.

  • Member Posts: 58

    On both sides, a clearer understanding of aura reading/info perks. For example, as Survivor, learning about BBQ & Chili was game-changing and I stopped wondering how they always found me so quickly. As Killer, I never understood how Survivors always knew I was coming until I figured out they were all running Spine Chill.

  • Member Posts: 30

    As a Survivor:

    That when you first start, Technician can go a long way in helping you as you get familiar with Skill Checks.

    Don't try to escape from the hook. 99% of the time, you'll die because of this. Just wait and hope a teammate will save you. Only try to escape if you're about to enter Stage 2 and no one is coming for you.

    Not to rush to the first gen you see, and possibly 3-gen yourself constantly, making it more likely for you to screw yourself and your team over by having the last gens close together.

    Looping is a thing. Yeah, I thought you just ran willy nilly away. And looking behind you? Never crossed my mind.

    Self Caring in a corner hurts everyone.

    Don't be afraid to be found by the killer, even if you suck at looping (like I do). If you never get chases, you'll never get better.

    Don't be afraid to play as the killer. Doing so will get you familiar with where survivors usually spawn, where gens are typically located on maps, etc...overall playing as killer makes you a better survivor and vise versa.

    Don't teabag at the gate. I used to do it when I first started because I always saw others doing it, only to learn later that's it's really rude to do this.

    As a Killer:

    Don't expect to just instantly find people right away all the time. It's not as easy as it looks when you first start out.

    Camping and tunnelling are frowned on. While it may be a valid playstyle, you'll get a lot of hate for it and it makes the game unfun. I didn't even know what tunneling was until I started reading the forums.

    Some teams have a designated looper. If someone comes up to you, or is clicking flashlights, may not be the wisest idea to spend the game chasing them because you're pretty much wasting your time.

    In General:

    Don't be afraid to try different perk combinations. If you always stick with the same perks, you never know what you could be missing.

    Never let toxic players get to you. They want a raise out of you. Don't give them the satisfaction. People you don't even know should not have the power to ruin your day.

  • Member Posts: 85

    I wish I knew scratch marks were left by survivors for you to track-

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    I wish I had known you could drop pallets on killers, lol I would drop one randomly and not know the purpose of them.

  • Member Posts: 24

    A bit of a guide to looping. In fact, the tutorial for this game honestly doesn't reflect well enough the actual happenings of your average DBD game. Asking some content creators and veteran players to put together a checklist for a new DBD tutorial would do wonders for the noob friendliness of this game, and I use the word noob with no ill-intent. Some things to talk about could be:

    • The process of looping / mind-gaming / juking
    • Important pallets (killer shack, etc.)
    • Common perks (DS, Adrenaline, Unbreakable, BBQ, Hex: Ruin, etc.)

    Those are just a few. And creating a team that studies the meta and common traits of most matches (unless one exists already) and allocating some of their resources to keeping an updated tutorial would be great, and would give older players a reason to actually play it more than once. The meta doesn't always change chapter to chapter, but when it does, it's worth knowing for new and old players alike!

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    Knowing not to have hope in the developers

  • Member Posts: 6

    That the difficulty rating that is shown on the character is not always accurate. There are some that say they are difficult to play but you will find easy to play.

  • Member Posts: 13

    As a killer it's ok to leave a survivor who is giving you a hard time. Chances are there's a weak link in the group and hooking them could be the pressure you need to apply to get the strong looper later.

  • Member Posts: 12

    i wish I knew to run towards a nurse when she is blinking rather than running to a window or pallet. I didn’t fight her a lot but when you find a good nurse...ouch

  • Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2021

    Holy, I had NO idea. THANK YOU. killer mains hate you probably

    Post edited by Googol on
  • Member Posts: 28
    edited March 2021

    Got killed quick and 6 pipped??!!?? Anybody seen this before cause i havent

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