BBQ should be a HEX perk or nerfed

It doesn't take long to notice the elephant of all perks on either side: BBQ. A pay-to-win perk on a licensed DLC. Used on every killer for the tremendous advantage and value. This perk is literally spammed in every game. It should be a HEX perk or nerfed to lose the aura reading.
BBQ was released when survivors were much stronger along with maps. Maps were also easier to hide. Survivor perks are always nerfed only when considered being used on a good SWF. The same logic and fair balancing should apply to killers. To beat a good killer you must work on gens for every second possible. You cannot spend your entire match looking and hiding in lockers because the killer will have a huge upper hand as this is the only counterplay provided to stop the aura. He most likely has Ruin so the gen is losing progress when you leave it. Too much advantage for a perk.
There is another reason why being a HEX would be an excellent change to BBQ. A killer that camps can still be awarded BBQ stacks if he uses NOED or when saves occur. He is awarded for the thing the perk was originally designed to prevent in the first place! If the perk is a HEX perk the killer will be in a race to hook as many different survivors as possible before the totem is destroyed. This will create pressure on the killer to guard totems, gens, and hook survivors in the process instead of camping and being awarded for it with a perk.
If it is not a HEX perk it needs to lose the aura reading because it gives too much value for one perk alone. This perk has been overpowered and abused by high mobility killers way too long.
Sluzzy, are you serious? A hex perk?
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Easily countered by being near the killer or hiding in the locker. Killers use this perk for the bonus BPs most of the time than anything else. NEXT.
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To answer that question, you only need to check the comment history.
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@Sluzzy can you just give up already and play a few games of Killer before you continue posting here? Also please play above rank 15, thanks.
"This will create pressure on the killer to guard totems, gens, and hook survivors"
The Killer already has pressure to do ALL of these things to win against a half decent team.
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Yeah,OP is a troll and most people already know his/her posts
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I saw some of his posts. But i think BBQ as a hex perk is a new high. I see such a idea the first time and i have seen many questionable posts.
Do you know whether he is a troll or serious?
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Why do y’all want everything nerfed to the ground. BBQ has so many counters and you still find things to complain about it.
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I'm very serious. HEX would be a really good change
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If I could have double BP every game permanently then I wouldn't run it
And neither would 70% of the killer playerbase
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I think BBQ is probably one of the most fair and balanced perks in the game. It doesn't reveal you within 40m, which is an area of about 50% of the map or around 5024m^2. There are also a few different ways to play against it.
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see this cow?
this cow is ashamed of such a thought.
Post edited by GoodBoyKaru on46 -
pay-to-win perk
All it does is show auras of far away survivors after you've successfully hooked a survivor
Used on every killer for the tremendous advantage and value
Mostly because it gives a big boost in bloodpoints, which is really useful with the amount of perks in this game
It should be a HEX perk or nerfed to lose aura reading
I don't need to read anymore. If the aura reading bothers you that much you can: Be closer than 40 meters from the killer, hide in a locker, run Distortion, go one direction during the aura read then fake back the other direction.
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"A pay-to-win perk on a licensed DLC"
Not exactly. as we have the Shrine of Secrets for a reason.
"BBQ was released when survivors were much stronger along with maps. Maps were also easier to hide."
That is correct, but doesn't change a thing. Survivors are still stronger than killers, especially SWF groups. And you can still hide pretty well on most maps, if you want to.
"Too much advantage for a perk"
The thing is, most killers use BBQ for the bonus BPs, because the grind can be a nightmare sometimes. Besides, you can easily counter BBQ by hiding in a locker for a few seconds. Or you can be near the killer, it is up to you. BBQ isn't broken and definitely doesn't need a nerf.
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Here are all the counters to bbq
- Get in a locker
- Distortion or off the record
- Getting behind gens
These all work very effectively and barbecues effect is only good on higher mobility killers otherwise there are better options
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Don't be ridiculous.
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I agree that it should be looked at because it's one of the few perks that have gone under the radar in terms of balance changes over the years. As you also eluded to in your post, it's been a long time since it's gotten any changes, and much has happened since its last buff. The only two changes I can think of off the top of my head were buffs that changed the range and bonus BP to a flat rate.
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To all those posting, I wouldn't try.
The OP is infamous for being either a troll or just wanting everything they slightly don't like to be nerfed.
Because they are incredibly entitled, biased, and don't care about anyone but themselves and their fun.
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This... This better be bait.. .
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He hides his face in shame.
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Why should it be looked at? The aura reading is very easy to counter. The bonus bloodpoints at the end of the match also doesn't do anything to help during the game.
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I'd still run it as that's double of the double amount, that's triple the bp.
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Every killer perk should be a hex and Decisive Strike, Unbreakable, Sprint Burst, Dead Hard, and Iron Will should be base kit
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"Finally, the game is balanced"
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just read past posts of sluzzy to understand why he would make this post and for luls
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Survivors should learn to use the window before it's activation to counter it. Or use the time after the hook to move away from the aura reveal.
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Nice joke big man
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And just like that OP goes silent and doesn't make any counterarguments.
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I must concede to this point.
(I totally would as well though)
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Oh my gods, I don't normally say this but everyone complaining about BBQ, THINK!!!!
BBQ is one of the weakest of the tracking perks because it has so much counterplay and isn't even that valuable when you do see an aura except in very specific killers! It's just there for bloodpoints and an occasionally useful effect! What would you rather, everyone running Whispers? Thrilling Tremors? Infectious Fright? Discordance? Tinkerer? With Ruin being meta, even Surveillance is stronger than BBQ! They can't be tricked! They have no counters!
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Come on, we're better than this.
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You know, out of every perk I've heard survivor mains [BAD WORD] about, bbq is the first. That's ironic as I am a survivor main. BBQ is a perk just like kindred is a perk, or does that need nerfed as well 😂
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Counterplay to surveillance: let the gen reach 0.
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A+ for effort. Your last thread was a bust, but this one is much more entertaining.
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No, they would be no killers 😂
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It's not something that really bothers me but in my mind, it's one of the few remaining strong perks (along with Adrenaline) that have been around since v1.x.x and not had much done to it. There are a few perks I'd say the same for. Not necessarily asking for a change, but just taking a look at it and seeing how it is performing in the state of today's game vs. the initial release with the changes like the reworks, smaller map sizes.
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Nice joke OP. What's next? nerf whispers?
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The perfect scenario for survivors, is it not? After all, you can't get killed if there are no killers.
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True, they also wouldn't be no game. Goodbye developers
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At this point let’s just delete the killers and make this game a gen sim with spooky atomosphere
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making BBQ a hex would be the worst thing they could do, the perk itself is fantastic, gives the killer information and also promotes the killer to not camp you
plus there is counter play to the perk hiding in lockers, the perk distortion hides your aura, your aura is only shown if you are outside of a certain radius of the hook and you can counter it by running one direction and then running in the opposite direction
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This ain't it, chief
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Those are not fair counters. As it seems very easy to hook survivors, leaving gens and running towards the hook every time or looking for a locker every time means objective is not getting done. If killer has Ruin then progress is actually lost. The double bp is an excuse for it.
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As usual Sluzzy, literally no one agrees with you.
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BBQ is very easily defeated. If your team does gens and you can stay alive in a chase for at least a minute it is not an issue.
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Hex: Sluzzy
The constant pandering towards these overpowered killer mains fills you with rage
all totems spawn inside the killer's rectum at the beginning of the match, instantly exploding and causing them to suffer from the status effect 'haemorrhoids' for 2/3/4 months
"Ow my fkin ass" - Caleb Quinn
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The only BS part about BBQ is that it's locked behind Cannibal or shrine of BS oh I mean secrets
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As always the survivor equivalent (WGLF) is even stronger. Yet it's the killer version which isn't even that good which gets complained about.
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No. It has counters. Use them and quit whining.
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Also be sure to check out the OP's playstyle from this video (it's the Meg) it'll make a lot of this make sense