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Gen speeds are perfectly balanced



  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    Yeah I’ll admit you don’t normally see 4 bnp and 4 commodius, its usually a rainbow of toolboxes and 1-2 bnp and an instaheal.

    However instead of taking perks like built to last and ace in the hole as Marth did, it will be dead hard, DS, unbreakable, sprint burst, adrenaline etc which can be even worse. The gens take a tiny bit longer but survivors can waste more of the killers time via perks instead. A DH for distance to a strong pallet or window is arguably more powerful than half a toolbox from built to last.

    In terms of everyone just trying to hammer out the objective asap though, thats standard gameplay at high rank sometimes. Past 2 days have calmed down but the day before it was everygame, swf all bringing toolboxes and trying to multi-bnp gens or split across 4 gens and get them done asap. Once you have 3000+ hours in the game survivors stop wasting time and focus soley on the objective.

    My second point is that what can killers theoretically do if they come across a team that wants to play like this? You can’t change killers anymore in lobby so you can’t switch to Nurse (probably the only killer that has any chance of beating this). Moris are nerfed now (which was fair) and ultra rare add ons have been junk ever since Demogorgan. So if I want to play Trapper, or Pig, or Wraith, or Legion.....what exactly can I bring that could combat it? I can’t think think of anything. I know people will say “git gud” but we see the same things in tournaments those killers cant really do anything other than camp and focus on a single kill. It shouldnt be possible to go into a game and not have a chance to win.

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    Its also the builds. Solo survivors rarely ever bring anything with them because they know they’ll likely get potato teams and their items will go to waste.

    When 3-4 man swf get together thats when they bring all the fun stuff. I regularly see teams with 3-4 toolboxes and I wonder why on Earth they feel the need to bring those. Recently it has been a combo of toolboxes, purple items, instaheals and bnps. All pretty powerful stuff when stacked especially in a swf team full of meta perks.

    Basically SWF stack and co-ordinate their BS, solo survivors do not.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Exactly that they coordinate their perks to help each other out and even there items like the dreaded key and map combo. Like they need anymore help lol.

  • Boogiekingmyers
    Boogiekingmyers Member Posts: 44
    edited March 2021

    "I hate blight, his lunge is disgusting" - Entitled survivor main on a SWF with 4 man BNP.

  • reeves7
    reeves7 Member Posts: 306

    You can have ruin corrupt tinkerer etc against high caliber survivors,solos or swf you will lose 9/10 times

  • TwinnedHawks8772
    TwinnedHawks8772 Member Posts: 50
    edited March 2021

    Sorry, I forgot how toxic this community is, I'm sorry for trying to make something in this game more balanced. Seriously though, bnp should not give 25% almost instantly, but instead 25% as an additional increase over the entire toolbox, so that a brown toolbox could do 25 just from bnp in 16 charges, plus whatever increase other addons have. Iri head huntress and other op addons should also be changed to be more balanced.

    The sad part is of this community is that a lot of people are so toxic for no reason, we get you've been playing since, uh, June 2020? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you've been playing longer since I played the game since late 2018, but you gotta understand that something being better now does not make it good, it can still not be perfectly balanced.

    I'd also like to mention, when the game was released in 2016 and killer shack was a door and 3 windows with no entity blockers or bloodlust, survivors thought the game was balanced. Every time that something was changed for the betterment of killers, they would complain that the devs are biased, and that they don't want survivors to win. The game near launch was considered "balanced" by a lot of players, but that doesn't mean that it was, and it doesn't mean that things are balanced now. Most players want the game to be as balanced as possible, and even more want it to be balanced but are still biased without realizing it, which we need to fix as a community.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,778
    edited March 2021

    "If survivors play flawlessly with the best items and add-ons they do well"

    Matchmaking is by far a bigger issue than gen times imo. Matches like this are extremely rare and, once MMR is live, should only be an issue for the strongest killers, who should also be able to win these with good play.

    This Blight landed three hits all game. If you're not pressuring gens they are going to fly, and this isn't too different from what would happen if any killer couldn't get a down for the first few minutes of the match. These guys actually did the killer a favor by stacking up on gens instead of splitting up. If three people are doing gens for the whole match and they split up, especially with that perk and item setup, you could easily finish all of the gens in three minutes. That should never happen, though, unless the killer is hopelessly outclassed, and killers should not be hopelessly outclassed once MMR goes live. So, matchmaking is the fundamental issue here.

    The first hook is insanely important to the outcome of the match. At the start of the match, all four survivors are doing gens. Once you find a survivor and start to chase, three survivors are doing gens. Once you hook the first survivor and start pursuing another survivor, you drop that number to one. One survivor is on the hook, one is in a chase, one is rotating for the save, and one is doing gens. Provided you're chasing well and have no opportunity to snowball into multiple downs, this pattern continues until one survivor is removed from the game, at which point you can slow gen progress to a crawl just by chasing well, especially with a few pops in there for good measure. If you never get a hook, you have three survivors doing gens all game and you are absolutely screwed as killer. It's not a gen time issue; it's a complete failure to build pressure from a killer set up to fail by matchmaking.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,778

    I only watched the first one, but the killer didn't get a single down in four an a half minutes. If you don't get a down in four and a half minutes, you are losing pretty much any match badly. Gen times were not the reason they lost.

    If this Blight had gotten a down in the first 30-40 seconds and continued to chase well, which is totally doable for a good Blight, this match would have gone very differently. These survivors spent most of the match clumped up on the same gen, which would normally be a good thing for the killer because it allows them pressure multiple survivors at once and slows down repair speed, but the killer never once interrupted them. A strong killer could very well have won this and in theory MMR will result in players like this facing more strong killers.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,778

    You still can use trap and stealth killers. Hag is fine regardless, but Trapper just can't place a bear trap in someone's face without expecting players to know about it. This is already good practice for Trappers most of the time because even one survivor knowing about a trap is usually enough for it to be disarmed (the one exception being aggressive traps that help in a chase). Wraith is actually invisible at a distance now and Ghost Face and Myers are still going to be stealthy enough to get in close, especially if you use their comms against them (e.g. by faking like you're Chili-ing a gen and then circling back to the hook). Heal speeds are 16 seconds base or 20 seconds with Sloppy and healing requires a medkit or a teammate (and therefore double the time wasted). That is plenty long enough for killers like Wraith to get value and that's exactly how I like to play him.

    This game would probably be dead without SWF. You can paint it as greed, but it's clearly the right decision for the game to survive long term. Many people like being able to play with their friends and would probably find another game if that were taken away.

    Queue times are not directly dictated by balance. At the end of the day it's all going to come back to fun. Some players enjoy earning extra BP, chasing, and feeling powerful. Some players enjoy playing with their friends, better performance and escaping from something powerful. Some players are going to be more turned off the stress of playing killer or mean people in the chat, while other people are going to be more turned off by the boredom factor of holding M1. There is no reason to expect that a perfectly balanced game would have a perfectly proportional amount of killers and survivors. One side might just be disproportionately more fun to the whole player base. In that case, the answer isn't necessarily to swing balance back the other way; that could just be counterproductive, especially if the game actually is reasonably balanced already. A better answer is probably to figure out what isn't fun about playing killer and to address that. For example, if the toxic post-game chat is scaring people away, just remove it. If people are incentivized by BP, add a BP bonus for playing the side with the shorter queue times. If people actually do like playing killer but are just frustrated with how bad the performance is on that side, prioritize improving performance. If people get turned off of killer after getting stomped too many times by stronger players, prioritize improving matchmaking.

    Balance is a factor, because it does relate to how much fun people are having, but killers are not underperforming on the aggregate compared to where they were historically. If so queue times would have been absolutely unbearable back in the first year or two of the game's life cycle and should actually be better now, and if so it would be very surprising for kill rate to be 12 points higher at red rank; in theory that's where those OP SWFs should be, so all signs point to god-tier SWFs either being rare relative to the red rank player base as a whole or not as strong as they're made out to be. The "SWF is OP so queue times are bad" argument just doesn't hold water.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Thanks to the surprising upsurge in matchmaking quality killer is getting less fun by the day thanks to players being ignored for so long about this games balance

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Its not being ignored. The devs are aware, that survivors have increasingly longer queues. (Means, the queues worry them more, then the actual cause).

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    alright if you hate genrushing try discordance, really strong perk that makes it virtually impossible for multiple survivors to work on a generator

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,432

    These arguments are stupid, i'm sorry but i'm tired of hearing it.

    Camping and tunneling are both terrible and need to be fixed too. This game is a ######### mess.

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598

    Which part?

    I just proof read everything and I can't flaunt anything.

    Sorry you're tired of hearing it but it's true. You even said camping is terrible and needs to be fixed. Gen time increase will definitely indirectly make it a more viable tactic you can't deny that. What does that do to the health/integrity of the game?

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598

    You're right and it's much harder to accept you're bad because you're playing a different role unlike symmetrical pvp games. It would be interesting to see the gameplay of these 'SWF is op so queue times are bad' debaters.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,432
    edited March 2021

    The argument of "not that many people are that good" or "its rare" its a terrible way to balance a game.

    Let's imagine for a second there is a killer offering that exists. This offering does the following:

    • All survivors are permanently exposed
    • The killer automatically gets 32k bloodpoints maxed at the start of the match
    • All survivors auras are permanently revealed.
    • The killer's movement speed is increased to 200%.
    • Survivors now have to repair every generator instead of just 5.

    Now let's imagine that the offering had a rarity that only made it appear with a 1% chance in the bloodweb. This means it can only be used in ~1 out of every 100 games for a killer.

    Would that offering be balanced?

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598

    I think you're off track here. I'm not an advocate for scarce items/offerings/add-ons that are overpowered.

    I don't see how my comment relates to this. You haven't quoted me at all in your response.

    I said increasing gen time makes camping more viable. Which it does. If you cannot complete gens in the time it takes to camp someone out, why should the killer not camp?

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,432

    I might have quoted the wrong person, i was replying to someone who said that "tournament squads are rare so its fine".

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,432

    Hey mods why is this hiding in feedback? There is no feedback here, it is discussion on marth and what they are able to do. There is no feedback here.

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598

    Twice?? aha all good brother. I've done that today myself.