Need to put in a option that shows us if we are playing against swfs, like highlight their names in a certain color so that we can decide if we want to go against them or not. Most toxic group of people in the game and it's also not fair to any killer that these people are in constant mic communication. If these people wanna play the game they can play by themselves.
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Some people have these things called 'friends'.
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I dont like this because then swfs wont be able to go in any games. I dont mind if its highlighted in the end game lobby but not at the start.
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You just have to accept there no way they will stop people playing with friends in a team-based game. also maybe like 1/12 4man swf group are sweaty one.
It just that we killers always get the short stick when it comes to survivor fun vs killer fun. but for once can we agree that letting friends play together is a good trade-off? If anything they should just realize their mistake and make communication baseline for survivors while they buff the killer to compensate.
It not the best solution, but that the only one that can make both sides happy.