Looks like Trickster will be at the bottom of the pile

Yeah, pretty sure he's about to be the weakest killer in the game now. Time to wait another 3 months to see if the killer after Trickster is worth playing
It's because we have a bunch of yes men over there in Twitter. Look at all the comments on the official tweet about the changes. Everybody is praising them like what the heck
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I don't understand why they didnt make ricochet base kit, or at least make the number of knives required to down less, or IDK maybe not make it so that the laceration meter decreases over time. I mean honestly why even bother to make changes at this point
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Imagine being worse then clown lol
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People grossly underrate Clown. He has great 1v1 but not 1v4, which many killers have one or either and only a extreme minority have both.
He shuts down looping and your only chance to survive him is to pre drop pallets. I don't see how that's bad at all. Also the fact that he has built-in haste now makes him even more lethal
Clown is at least B tier imo, of course in the right hands.
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Don't mean to be that guy, but I said it on PTB day and I'll say it again. This still isn't enough.
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I feel like Trapper is worse than Clown just on the fact he's dependent on the bag addons and requires setup.
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He has a great anti loop tool until you get to a pallet and drop it lol
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OK but you can't seriously be suggesting that we just have to learn to play the trickster right and suddenly hes going to be viable
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There are 3 Trickster camps
- Those that love his design/kpop (mostly females) they're entitled to like the aesthetic even though comments like he's hot I find really cringey.
- Those that don't like his aesthetic or Kpop and wont play him. Again, they're entitled to there opinions on him.
- Those that just want to play him for his ability/power
Not many winners in the trickster population if he's going to be the worst killer in the game. Only group 1 will be happy as it stands
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OK but look at some of the best streamers out there. Watch trutalent and then your gonna tell me your not gonna listen to him? These aren't just P TB people this is some of the best killers out there. Not listening to them is the equivalent of burying your head in the sand
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Spirit was terrible lol she got major buffs that's why she's do good now
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Spirit also got changed from PTB. So she was terrible on the PTB.
But BHVR lead with "here's a preview of notable changes" so this isn't the full list so who knows what bhvr didn't consider notable.
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I would hope if they changed the number of knives needed that that would be considered notable
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I think this will officially be the first killer design intended only for Survivors. They didn't address any of the issues that made his power wasteful or easily countered to a point of almost abuse.
Main event power activates as Survivors are going down/after and not retainable
Laceration decrease fast enough to restart in chase and no lingering effects for target switching
Small objects hard counter his ability forcing you to now cancel
For a 110 killer there is little to benefit from and a lot for Survivors to utilize
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Really seems like he should either get buffed to 115% speed or have a single ricochet baseline. As it stands now, he's looking like he'll unfortunately be like Trapper where you need an addon just to make him feel playable (trick blades). And since it's purple, I'm expecting almost nobody to have it because getting purples you want is harder than getting iridescent addons.
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All the changes they could have done to make him feel stronger and unique...and they did things that don't fix anything. Still can't hold onto main event for the right moment. Still no changes to degrading laceration during chases. No mention of Ricochet being basekit. Anything that would make him feel unique to play over Huntress or Deathslinger not found.
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So he'll be the new whipping boy in samination I guess. Every killer will forever be weak peasant role, people like to cry about queue times but refuse to play killer knowing it is gimped role full of jobber killers.
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yes, addons are almost impossible to obtain. I barely see killers with them
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I don't think he'll be worse than Clown, but he is quite weak. I think it would be really cool if they made the add-on that makes his knives ricochet base-kit, as it would make him much better and give him a niche separate from Huntress and Plague.
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Good. He's basically a wasted killer slot, so we can just pretend he never happened. At least the twins came with definitely-not-a-child and the memes that followed.
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You can just spam bottles until you get them, or spam bottles around many pallets if said pallet creates a loop to catch survivors
I literally said nothing about trickster
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He will EASILY be worse than Clown.
Clown is 115% movement speed and has pretty good anti-loop
Trickster is 110% movement speed and only has a power that is ok on open loops.
I like him and his power but he's just increadibly weak in comparison to all the other killers.
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His design (how he looks) and laughs are so good, I'm genuinly disappointed that he's so weak.
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She also had her directional phasing sound removed as well as her loud breathing while phasing. That was pretty significant.
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Oh, yeah. I get that. Trickster is probably better in lower ranks, though, since his power might as well be an instadown if a Survivor is caught in a dead zone.
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You can literally just play Billy or Leatherface and it would be waaay easier lol
Trickster just has nothing going for him strength wise.
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Trick Blades got nerfed. They get an extra ricochet, but they no longer do double damage, and instead give a BP bonus. They literally turned his best add-on into the meme add-on.
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How many people are going to mention the opinions toward PTB Spirit while also omitting that Spirit was buffed after that?
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Love how this got moved to Feedback & Suggestions when I just opening up a GENERAL DISCUSSION.
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She was buffed during her respective mid-chapter update:
The Spirit's phasing audio has been adjusted: Survivors within the Spirit Husk's terror radius will not hear the phasing sound. Survivors outside the Spirit Husk's terror radius can hear the Spirit's phasing sound, but will not be able to determine its direction. Survivors will no longer be able to hear the Spirit's breathing while she is phasing.
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There's no point in his power theres nothing unique about it lol. They just wanted all the k pop stans to come and try dbd. If I wanted to play a 110% ranged killer I'd play gunslinger or huntress both are more efficient. With trickster its more efficient to m1 them than using your power. It just shows that their getting lazy with the new powers their pushing out.
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This man knowns how underrated Clown is
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Survivors within the Spirit Husk's terror radius will not hear the phasing sound.
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She also didn't have the lunge in the PTB.
And yes, it was enough to make her top tier. In the PTB, her phasing sound was loud, always played when she was phasing and was directional. There was no mindgame potential with her. She had a short lunge to top it off
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That is easily the most impactful change in that post. It means that Survivors in the Spirit's TR will not be aware that she is phasing at all if they don't have LOS.
So no, I don't agree with you. At all.
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She is strong because she can switch targets on the fly, because she can get the jump on you to start with without even being sure that she's headed in your direction, and because she can mindgame you at point blank. All of these things were changed from her initial PTB (both with the 8 m change and the outside of TR change to her phasing sound, as well as the loss of directional phasing).
I still do not agree with you at all.