Survivor - Shift+W Nerf when?

I've seen this complaint before "Oh they're just your typical W gamer".
Like what does this even mean?
Survivors can't do gens too quick because gen rush.
Survivors can't unhook too fast because toxic.
Survivors can't bring items because toxic.
Survivors can't hide from the killer because it's holding the game hostage.
Survivors can't use meta perks because too OP. (Nerf DS, Nerf Object, Nerf DH)
Survivors can't bring friends because comms are too OP
And now survivors can't even hold W without getting criticized? "Its too hard to catch them!" Theyaren't even looping you now and you're complaining.
Do you want them to just stand still when you spot them so you can get free hooks? or do you want the Devs to make it like hide and seek?
Killer: 3.. 2..1.. Ready or not here I come!
Survivor: Aww man. I guess i'm out now. Oh well, better luck next round.
It got nerfed when some maps got smaller.
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Selective hearing is a problem.
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There's videos showcasing how freaking long it takes to catch up to a survivor if they just keep running in a straight line. Even longer if they drop godpallets. There is no "skill" or "juking" involved, they just can waste a lot of time by pressing those two buttons because most killers are only 15% faster than survivors.
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Tbh there's a serious problem when survivor starts running away when you're ~20 meters away and you can't really do anything about it as long as you're playing M1 killer because closing the gap takes a lot of time and that's not even the chase itself.
Never had this problem myself, since I either play survivor or Blight, but seeing how stupidly long it takes for killer to close distance between them and survivor running straight forward makes me glad I don't play M1 killers.
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this post is ridiculous lmao hes just running hes not even mind gaming you can easily catch him
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I don't mind. It is a good opportunity for a sweet, sweet Dream Projection mindgame.
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I think shift+W is only a problem on certain maps.
Good example is midwich with OoO.
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Lets be real here.. It took him 47 seconds to down a survivor while just doing a W chase. He would have wasted even more time against someone at the Killer shack or a T/L wall. Literally every killer with the exception of Trapper, Doctor & Bubba have a way to counter "W gamers".
Wraith - Has high mobility
Billy - Has high mobility
Myers - Has small TR and high mobility in Tier 3
Hag - Traps
Huntress - Ranged Attack
Freddy - Gen teleport to cut survivors off
Pig - Sneak attack
Clown - Slowdown Bottles
Spirit - High mobility
Legion - High Mobility
Plague - Ranged attack
Ghostface - Sneak attack
Demo - Lunge attack
Oni - High mobility
Deathslinger - Small TR & Ranged attack
Blight - High mobility
Twins - High mobility
Ji-Woon - Ranged attack
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Solution? Find a new target since they obviously aren't doing their objective now or play a killer that isnt Trapper, Doctor or Bubba.
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Seriously, players complain about survivors who run?
So bottom line, we can not do anything to survive.
This is completely ridiculous.
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3 gens left
Survivor sits on gen
The moment you head in their direction, they start performing shift+w strat
Once you choose another target they return to gen
3 other survivors do the exact same thing
What exactly is M1 killer supposed to do here?
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Survivors are allowed to complain, why aren't killers?
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Yep, just because someone had a negative opinion about a playstyle, that now means that it's illegal to continue using that playstyle because it's not fun to play against.
Please refer to the killer rulebook so we can avoid situations like this in the future. Thank you.
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It's the survivors version of camping/tunneling: doing your job with the least amount of effort. And like camping/tunneling, it's often the right play. But unlike camping/tunneling its always effective.
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No one said they can’t lol.
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People that complain about this are the same players that approach the gen from the same direction every time with the same predictable plays.
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Doesnt matter where you approach depending on the maps because the killer needs to cut the survivor off. Maps like coldwind,Haddonfield,Midwich,Red forest. The survivor can just run in any direction opposite of the killer giving the killer no cut off. (And if they use sprint burst that makes the chase take basically 60 seconds)
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Great another person that thinks that pointing something out equals calling something toxic.
On a serious note it's not that big of a problem. Just don't chase after the survivor that just got an injure speed boost while you stood still wiping your weapon and it's not that big a problem anymore.
I still stand that killers need to get rid of the mindset they need to chase a survivor from healthy to downed.
After a hit go back to finding another survivor and finish the one who ran away later
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That pretty much exclusively applies to gens in the middle of a field. 90% of gens in this game are in a tile on the border of a map or in buildings. Sprint Burst also means no Dead Hard, which is significantly stronger at extending chases.
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Definitely an issue but I don't think there's any solution if you don't have high mobility or traps.
I've had cases where I'm stood at the only gen the survivors are interested in. Three of them are stood around me, just waiting for me to leave. They're all in different directions, at just the right distance that should I start to chase one of them, the other two can be back on the gen by the time I've made it to where that survivor WAS, let alone actually managed to gain any ground on them. If I change tack and return to the gen, they can be off it and back at their safe distance before I even reach the gen, and the survivor I originally went to chase is back too. If I actually commit to the chase, that gen is guaranteed to be repaired before I hook that survivor, IF I get to hook that survivor. It's an unwinnable scenario.
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Eh not only those midwich has gens in the middle of the halls. Haddonfield has a gen in the middle of the road and one beside a building which the survivor can just run along the buildings side. forest kinda the same just see which way the killers coming from and run. And yeah dead hard if it can get you to a loop does extend very much but sprint burst gives a bunch of distance on the killer. Really any map that gives the survivor straightways from a gen which is kinda a lot i can think of 3 on temple of purgation. Any real big map. The most balanced map in a w meta is dead dawg because you cant just hold w you eventually have to turn way sooner than other maps. Which gives ample cutoffs. Just my thoughts as a rank 1 survivor and rank 10 killer.
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Those videos have no merit because the killer tells them what to do and tries to commit to chase them from half the map distance away, any killer who will commit to the scenarios they created deserves to lose because no one with a brainstem ignores all the gens being done and chases a survivor who's got like a 40-50m lead on them at the beginning of the chase that's some true bot ######### right there if there ever was
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Midwich and Haddonfield are special cases, I don't think anyone likes those maps. Especially Midwich, that map is truly awful for everyone but Blight and maybe Slinger. I think the problem here is you're realising that any killer that lacks mobility is almost always mid tier at best. That's just a problem with DBD as a whole.
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As people pointed out, the W gamer strategy is really only "unacceptable" (/s) on midwich + OoO. Like seriously, if you have no high mobility, they are basically invincible, ranged killers like plague and huntress can just not line up a good shot unless they're very close, because huntress is even slower than an average killer and plague just does not have the range and still needs her actual power to down you.
I'd say killers like blight, billy, twins and perhaps deathslinger can only really effectively get the OoO, and that's not counting the other OoO's that are maybe in the game! (Also OoO sees indetectable killers when they are on your screen, the perk lights up, for some dumb reason)
But in the end, what are your flipping chances to get this matchup? Once in a purple moon, it's that rare! So W gaming is not a problem, just a serious distraction :).
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*shrug* i do main michael on the killer side and michael brings really not much to the table. No map pressure,no anti loop, no slowdown. And even hit and run isnt as good on him as say ghostface. Unfortunate. On the survivor side ive played the game for probably like 3k hours have all the perks pretty much know maps layouts. Im one of them lol. I do try to speak from a 50/50 side and hold w doesn't feel fun as a 50/50 player imo.
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Or just don't chase a survivor who's got half the map length on you in distance while ignoring all the other survivors and gens along the way because that's pretty much what you would have to do for it to work
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Oof, I know that feel. Micheal was my OG main years back but it just feels like he's been left behind. No real pallet counters, no mobility, mediocre at best stealth (that experienced survivors can detect) and a timed one shot to make up for all of that.
He's long overdue for some QoL changes. Just removing EW1 would do wonders for his early game. Makes me sad that if I want to play Micheal I know I'm shooting myself in the foot by not just playing Ghostface or Pig.
high kill rate due to bad survivors so hes top tier I guess.
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I may be a bit behind here, but when did this whole idea of "running" become as big a concern as this?
It hasn't stopped me getting 4ks. Certainly didn't stop the 3 man torch brigade I had yesterday! The survivor has to survive somehow. Even if they run away from a gen as some of the above samples are stating in those situations, either guard the gen until it reduces enough so you can leave it, force a mistake, or just hit them once ... really, it's what people do to survive! If a killer is in that situation, then they may need to consider that they either made mistakes of their own, or they've been simply outplayed. It happens! Everyone gets outplayed! Often, I can look back on those matches and figure out how I can improve my game. Certainly, I won't start looking for excuses as odd as this.
I'm really confused as to why this is a thing.
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It’s effective most the time but certain killers like oni nurse and blight make it pretty useless
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Of all of those, the only ones that come into play as actual, consistent hard-counters to holding W are Blight and Spirit. Trust me, I've tried them all, I've been going against hold W gamers for more than a year now, they are half the reason I stopped maining Plague back in the day, and the entire reason I main Blight right now.
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Wouldnt billy and new wraith catch up pretty quickly?
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No ones asking for a nerf, they're just saying it's effective. I wish more of my teammates held W then they wouldn't go down 5 seconds after being hit.
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Survivors can vault and Wraith needs to decloak first, which makes him even slower than survivors.
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Yeah im definitely gonna be using the uncloak addons a lot more when hes buffed.
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Yeah, exactly, no solution. You just have to accept that you lose a gen in that situation.
Now project that situation on 2, 3, 4&5 gens left.
I've seen a huge amount of 1k+ hours survivors who exploited W+Shift thing (gap between you closes basically at rate of 0.6/second which means it'll take 10 seconds to close gap of 10 meters, while they often start running at ~24+ meters distance between them and you) and I really couldn't do anything about it except trying to ambush them or catch them offguard pretending I'm going after somebody else, but it's pretty clear how rarely this would work.
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Renaming running as "shift+w strat" has got to be one of the cringiest things I've ever seen in this community.
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So they exploited running. Christ that’s cringe af. Not everything is a “tech” or an exploit. Maybe it’s an intended function for survivors to be able to run.
These forums are pepega
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Yeah, it's not an 'exploit' or a 'tech', it's just a function of the game. But it doesn't mean there aren't certain scenarios in which it becomes a dick move. Just like camping and tunnelling. You have to admit, anything that becomes impossible for the killer to work around, and puts them in a stalemate, is poor sportsmanship, just like face camping.
All are viable 'strategies' players can employ, but they're not fun to play against.
If you're gonna throw a fit and ######### at killers for camping and not throwing the game in order to make it fun for you... well it's a two-way street.
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I don’t think we’ll see a change given how hard “fixing” it would be. Unfortunate but I’ve never had issues with W gamers
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We definitely won't, and people looking at this as an issue to 'solve' are wasting their breath, but that doesn't mean it's not a fair 'issue' to point out.
The scenario I mentioned, that I've encountered several times, nearly always happens with rank 1 body blocking clicky flashlight lynch mobs. They stand right in your face teabagging at the minimum safe distance, healing each other, working on gens, knowing they're untouchable because you're not playing Nurse or Spirit. And then people wonder why people play Spirit with Stridor....
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So you're saying there's nothing wrong in a situation where survivor can run in a straight line for ~30-40 seconds before killer finally catches up? Not even mentioning the situations where survivor just runs around a huge object where chase doesn't trigger and wins enormous amount of time without wasting any resources?
Just saying, the rate at which killer (usually 115%, 4,6 speed, the ones that suffer from W+shift thing) closes the gap between them and survivor is 0.6 meters per second. My math might be off, so I'll be glad if you prove me otherwise, but as far as I know that means it'll take 10 seconds for the killer to close the gap of 6 meters between them and survivor. You can do the rest of the math yourself. Oh, don't forget not to count bloodlust, because W+shift gamers are running outside of chase trigger range which is the main problem here, since bloodlust doesn't activate and doesn't prevent that kind of action.
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There's also Blight, but I guess he'll just be next on chopping block, once people finally realise how strong he is and he'll be used as much as Nurse or Spirit
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After 3 gens if there 4 survs alive you already lost man. So deal with it lmao.
You need to kill min 1 2 surv before end game
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When the devs literally say "dont expect to have 5 gens when you get first hook"? And the killer can only chase one person allowing the other 3 to be on gens? Kinda hard to kill someone before 3 gens pop.
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No it is not hard. I am using gen def perk and also haunting for def my ruin. Maybe it is hard when you play as Trapper, Clown and other weak killers. But i am playing as Freddy, Pyramid Head, Myers, Ghostface. And no game is not to hard. Sometimes survs doing well and escaping but most of games i have 3 or 4K. And before you ask i am playing red
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You're absolutely right! Years ago survivors would joke before all the nerfs that killers wouldn't stop complaining and there would always be something to complain about, they would joke that they just want them to run in straight lines and have no safety and now we're at a point where even that isn't enough and they want that gone as well, ive got over 5,000 hours in the killer side because that's where I started on this game and what brought me here in the first place, I can agree there are some things that need to be addressed and changed but BHVR really needs to stop catering to bad players on both sides of the spectrum to make them feel like they're better than they are.
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just play blight smh i want them to hold shift w
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At 3 gens I usually have either ended game when it doesn't matter or 3 survivors left (when this problem usually occurs) or I have 4 survivors left and in that case W+######### gamers is not my main problem.
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Legions high mobility comes at the cost of lethality. Also, in larger maps where shift w is a valid tactic, Legion gets far less use out of his power. Simply put, Legion doesn't really benefit in a notable way in any chase from his power. What few gains he gets, he loses during fatigue.
Most Legion mains will tell you not to use his ability for mobility. It is for keeping pressure up and slowing the game down, or for easy downs if the Survivors refuse to heal.